25 Aprile 2008
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia Blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Orgogliosi di Presentare: la 4a generazione della famiglia Ballone-Burini – Italia
Concorso Internazionale della Fisarmonica, Klingenthal – Germania
THE JAZZ ACCORDION Frank Marocco, la fisarmonica di Hollywood
“Pluri_Art” organizza master classes estive
Mika Väyrynen alla Royal Accademy of London - UK
Musical Migration Promotion DHV/Hohner/Ernst Pfister - Germany
Ludovic Beier Peforms at Falcetti Music Center in Springfield, MA
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
31st ‘Days of Macedonian Music’, Skopje – Macedonia
Cavagnolo Artistes’ CD and DVDs – France
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Quartetto Gelato Concert, New York – USA
Veronika Todorova Band live in Frankfurt - Germany
Soirée Hommage à Denis Cacheux, Lille – France
John Kirkpatrick Performances, England – UK
Wazemmes Accordion Festival, Lille – France
2nd ‘Olimpo Musicale’ International Competition, Prienai - Lithuania
Martin Lubenov Concert – Austria
Fisitalia Black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

Orgogliosi di Presentare: la 4a generazione della famiglia Ballone-Burini – Italia
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Dal 1922 la Ballone Burini Lido & C. srl www.balloneburini.com produce a Castelfidardo le fisarmoniche Ballone-Burini. Alessandro, nato il 19 Febbraio dall mamma Guendalina, si trova già a suo agio tra tasti e bottoni tra le braccia del nonno Massimo, dello zio Fabio e del papà Andrea Ballone-Burini.

Benvenuto nel mondo della musica e congratulazione da AWW!

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: info@balloneburini.com
Gary Dahl esheet
Concorso Internazionale della Fisarmonica, Klingenthal – Germania
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Il Concorso Internazionale della Fisarmonica annuale di Klingenthal si terrà dal 3 all’8 Maggio. Possono partecipare fisarmonicisti e banoneonisti solisti e gruppi strumentali con fisarmonica o bandoneon. I generi musicali vanno dal classico al moderno, virtuoso e leggero. L’evento include diversi concerti serali con stelle nazionali ed internazionali della fisarmonica e del bandoneon.

Programma dei concerti serali:

3 Maggio, 19.30 - concerto di apertura al King Albert theatre, Bad Elster, (fisarmonica solista e Vogtland Philharmonic Greiz, Greiz/Reichenbach)
4 Maggio, 19:00 – concerto nella Roman Catholic church, Klingenthal (ensemble di clarinetti del Conservatorio Robert Schumann di Zwickau)
5 Maggio, 19.30 – concerto-studio, Aula, Amtsberg (Bandoneonista solista Victor Villena, Argentina)
6 Maggio, 19.30 – Orchestra di Fisarmoniche di Klingenthal e un fisarmonicista solista del concorso
7 Maggio, 19.30 – concerto - Aula, Amtsberg (un gruppo dalla Germania e Tobias Morgenstern, fisarmonicista solista dall’ Uruguay)
8 Maggio, 19.30 – conerto - Aula, Amtsberg (con la Vogtland Philharmonic Greiz, Greiz/Reichenbach)
Accordion Jazz Chords
THE JAZZ ACCORDION Frank Marocco, la fisarmonica di Hollywood
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Una novità nell'ambito dei seminari estivi di Veneto Jazz, il corso "La Fisarmonica nel Jazz" condotto dal prestigioso fisarmonicista Frank Marocco in collaborazione con Victoria Accordions. L'appuntamento è a Bassano del Grappa dal 21 al 25 luglio e le lezioni prevedono: approccio generale dell'uso della fisarmonica nei vari stili jazz; spiegazione di utilizzo dei vari modi di combinare mano destra e sinistra, armonico/ritmico; tecniche avanzate per la formazione di accordi jazz con la fisarmonica a bassi standard; tecniche di accompagnamento per altri strumentisti jazz e soluzioni per varie formazioni jazz. Al seminario saranno presenti anche i musicisti Massimo Tagliata in qualità di insegnante e assistente e Andrea Dessì in qualità di assistente didattico.

Frank Marocco è uno dei più importanti fisarmonicisti al mondo, la cui musica compare in numerosi film hollywoodiani e in serie televisive. Ha collaborato con Frank Sinatra, Pink Floyd, Prince, Madonna, Luciano Pavarotti, Liza Mannelli e tanti altri.

La Fisarmonica nel Jazz
Bassano del Grappa (VI)
21-25 luglio 2008
Iscrizioni entro il 10 maggio 2008
Numero Limitato: max 15 allievi effettivi
Quota d'iscrizione: effettivi 450,00 euro, auditori 150,00 euro

Quinto Potere Comunicazione
tel. 0424 382727 - email: ufficiostampa@venetojazz.com
Mara Bisinella - cell. 339 6783954

Tel. 0423 452069 - Cel.Uff. 348 3297915 - fax 0423 451327
email jazz@venetojazz.com
- web www.venetojazz.com
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
“Pluri_Art” organizza master classes estive
Contributed by Harley Jones

Dal 10fino al 20 giugno il festival dall’arte “Pluri_Art” e l’Assessorato alla cultura e allo sport della città di Istra organizzano una scuola Master classes straordinaria per le specializzazioni di violino, pianoforte, bajan. Durante 10 giorni del corso i partecipanti potranno soggiornare e ammirare le bellezze in un angolo di natura incontaminata nella provincia di Mosca. Questa città sorge sulla pittoresca riva del fiume Istra caratterizzata dalla tipica natura russa, da un ‘aria pulita e fresca che crea un’atmosfera di calma e tranquillità per l’anima sempre più necessaria nel nostro tempo pieno di eventi frenetici.

Per i partecipanti ai corsi della scuola saranno organizzate, oltre alle lezioni con i professori, escursioni a Mosca e visite ad eventi culturali nel giorni della festa della città di Istra. Verrà effettuata anche una visita presso il Monastero di Nuova Gerusalemme dove i visitatori avranno la sensazione di trovarsi in Palestina antica a pochi passi da Mosca. Il concerto finale avrà luogo nella “Camera Solenne” del Monastero di Nuova Gerusalemme dove si esibiranno i migliori partecipanti della scuola.

“Pluri_Art” è il primo festival che vuole dopo il periodo post-unione sovietica far rinascere l’interesse dei giovani per la musica classica in Russia e contemporaneamente dare la possibilità a giovani musicisti di esibirsi su palcoscenici internazionali. Uno degli scopi principali di questo progetto e in particolare di
queste master classes è quello di attirare l’attenzione di giovani esecutori in grado di suonare anche una musica che esca dal solco della sola musica classica.
Il programma “Pluri_Art”, infatti, non si riduce solo nella cornice dell’accademismo ma sperimenta nella musica classica, folk, etno e altri stili musicali.
Gli insegnanti che terranno Master classes a Istra sono: Serghej GHIRSHENKO — violino, Aleksandr KOBRIN — pianoforte, Viacheslav Semionov — bajan.

I contatti
Per partecipare alle Master-class è necessario inviare la domanda in forma libera all’indirizzo art@pluriart.com indicando le modalità di partecipazione scelte
prima del 31.05.2008, per avere la conferma della ricezione della domanda è possibile contattare telefonicamente seguenti numeri:
+7 (495) 778–60–71, +7 (926) 204–83–66.
“Pluri_Art” è disponibile per le rishieste di invito per i cittadini stranieri.
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
Mika Väyrynen alla Royal Accademy of London - UK
Contributed by Romano Viazzani

Che incredibile dono ha quest’uomo. Constringe a chiedersi se si sta ascoltando un robot, tale è la perfezione della sua esecuzione; ma poi l’aspetto tecnico viene superato da un’interpretazione umana ed intelligente che ci convince che Mika Väyrynen è un mortale, dopo tutto. Sono soltanto dispiaciuto per essere stato impossibilitato ad assistere alle sue master classes, che ha tenuto alla RAM nei giorni precedenti il suo concerto del 14 Aprile. È inutile dire che gli studenti della London’s Royal Academy of Music hanno ottenuto molto dal Maestro, che ha solo 40 anni egli stesso.

Il concerto di Mika Väyrynen alla David Josefowitz Hall – il suo debutto in UK – è stato preceduto nella prima parte da quattro studenti di fisarmonica della RAM. Il primo è stato Rafal Luc, al suo primo anno alla RAM, con un molto maturo ‘Preludio e Fuga in Si minore BWV 893’ dal ‘Clavicembalo Ben Temperato’ di J.S. Bach, seguito da una scintillante interpretazione di ‘Interieur’, di Franck Angelis. Il vincitore del premio ‘Derek Butler’ Milos Milivojevic è seguito con una ottima interpretazione del ‘Chorale and Variations’, dalla Sonata in Re minore per Organo op 65 di Mendelssohn.

Per maggiori informazioni, scrivere a: romanoviazzani@btconnect.com
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Musical Walking Promotion DHV/Hohner/Ernst Pfister - Germany
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

A major musical promotion by the DHV in co-operation with Matth. Hohner AG to promote the accordion and music education to young people is taking place, starting on the 26th April with the honorary President of the DHV Ernst Pfister, walking from Trossingen to Stuttgart in five stages.

An extensive brochure of this major musical publicity event is linked, written in German. We hope to have a full report of the event in English for next week.
Charnwood Graded Music
Ludovic Beier Peforms at Falcetti Music Center in Springfield, MA - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Roland accordion artist Ludovic Beier performed a magnificent concert in Springfield, Massachusetts at the Facletti Music Center headquarters, which was packed with attendees eager to learn more about the family of digital technology accordions.

Performing a diverse selection of classics, pop music, jazz and French Musette, French accordionist Ludovic Beier incorporated traditional accordion sounds as well as a variety of instrumental sounds and effects while highlighting many of the Roland features.

Utilizing Physical Behavior Modeling, the instrument technology uses complex algorithms to accurately recreate an acoustic accordion's sound characteristics and expressive nuances.
In attendance was the newly appointed point person for accordion at Roland, Los Angeles based Ron Lankford.

Picture left of Ludovic Beier and Sam Falcetti.
To conclude the concert, Ludovic was joined by local musician and former Falcetti Music student Don McMahon in some dazzling duet work (picture below).
For more information on the members of the Roland digital accordion family, please visit www.rolandus.com

eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
31st ‘Days of Macedonian Music’, Skopje – Macedonia
Contributed by Anica Karakutovska

The annual ‘Days of Macedonian Music 2008’, organised by the Composers Association of Macedonia – SOCOM, patron: President of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Branko Crvenkovski and Ministry of Culture, was held from March 25th to April 2nd in Skopje.

At the concert of Young Macedonian Composers, students of the composition classes at the Faculty of Music in Skopje, held on April 1st in the City Museum of Skopje, Macedonian composer Elizabeta Ilievska presented her new work ‘MaKEDONIKuM’ for chamber ensemble.

The quartet consisted of: Vanco Arevski - flute, Nadica Ristic - oboe, Petrus Petrusevski - double bass, and Bojan Volcevski - accordion, was prepared by Professor Zorica Karakutovska.

The composition ‘MaKEDONIKuM’ is inspired by Macedonian rhythm, folklore and life of Macedonian people pictured through contemporary techniques for composing, which was very well received by the large audience, and music critics wrote that this was an excellent new work.

For further information email: anica2206@yahoo.com
CD - Percursos by Paulo Jorge Ferreira
Cavagnolo Artistes’ CD and DVDs – France
Contributed by Rob Howard

French accordionists Eric Bouvelle and Jean Marc Torchy, who both play Cavagnolo instruments have new recordings available.

Eric Bouvelle, backed by pianist Laurent Desmurs, has released a CD containing 12 new titles.

Jean Marc Torchy has just released two new DVDs – ‘Le Tango à Carro’ and ‘Nos Régions au son de l’accordéon’. The former has 18 tracks, and the latter has 48 tracks, involves an orchestra, and lasts for two and half hours. Email: jean-marc.torchy@wanadoo.fr

For further information email: contact@cavagnolo-accordeon.com
Aww Recordings

Fisitalia Black
Quartetto Gelato Concert, New York – USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Quarteto Gelato perform in concert at Binghamton Philharmonic, 31 Front Street, Binghamton, New York on Saturday April 26th, 8pm.

Formed in 1994, the quartet's unique blend of fine technique, musical variety and wit has won over audiences from New York to Los Angeles and from London to Tokyo. Classical, but with other influences, Quartetto Gelato programs are filled with an intriguing mix of traditional masterworks, operatic arias, tangos and folk songs from around the world. The quartet's lineup includes: Shalom Bard – clarinet, Peter DeSotto - tenor, violin and mandolin; Carina Reeves – cello, and 2007 Coupe Mondiale champion Alexander Sevastian - accordion and piano.

For further information email: info@binghamtonphilharmonic.org
Peter Piccini music
Veronika Todorova Band live in Frankfurt - Germany
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

On Saturday April 26th, 9pm, the Veronika Todorova Band will perform in the Café-Garten, Liebighauses, Frankfurt, during the event ‘Night of Museums’. It will be a long night and the band will therefore present the best of their wide-ranging repertoire.

For further information email: detlef.goerke@gmx.de
Finland Recordings
Soirée Hommage à Denis Cacheux, Lille – France
Contributed by Rob Howard

A variety concert titled ‘Soirée Hommage à Denis Cacheux’ – a tribute evening to the French film actor Denis Cacheux - takes place on April 30th, 8.30pm, at the Theatre Sebastopol, Lille. Accordionist Thierry Montagne, and Marcel et son Orchestre are amongst the acts appearing.

For further information email: communication@wazemmeslaccordeon.com
Titano Accordion Company
John Kirkpatrick Performances, England – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Folk singer/accordionist John Kirkpatrick is constantly busy performing in folk clubs and folk festivals in England throughout the year. He often works with other singers, musicians and bands, but also does lots of solo concerts. Kirkpatrick, who plays the 3-row diatonic button accordion, 1 and 2-row melodeons and the Anglo concertina, has recorded about 70 albums, either under his own name or in collaboration with others. His forthcoming appearances include:

April 24th – as a duo with singer/guitarist Roy Bailey at Huntingdon Hall, Crowngate, Worcester, WR1 3LD
April 25th – solo concert: The Goose is Out, The East Dulwich Tavern, 1 Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, London, SE22 8EW
April 26th - duo with Roy Bailey at Bridgwater Arts Centre, Castle Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3DD.
May 2nd - duo with Roy Bailey at The Guildhall, Bore Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire
May 9th - solo concert: Folk at The Grove, The Grove Inn, Back Row, David St, Holbeck, Leeds, L11 5PL

For further information email: mail@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux
Wazemmes Accordion Festival, Lille – France
Contributed by Rob Howard

Lille's Bohemian Wazemmes district parties to the strains of accordion music during the three-week Accordion Festival, May 4th to 24th. Most major concerts take place in and around the Maison Folie de Wazemmes. Accordionists involved include Thierry Montagne, Didier Demarq, Serge Desauney, Richard Galliano, Pascal Contet, Michèle Bernard, and many others.

The festival started as a fairly minor affair in the 1990s, but has become a major local music event, welcoming not only traditional folk musicians, but also rock, punk, jazz, classical and even tango stars. The festival always includes impromptu performances, dancing and revelry in bars across town.

For further information email: communication@wazemmeslaccordeon.com
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
2nd ‘Olimpo Musicale’ International Competition, Prienai - Lithuania
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Organised by the Veiveriai A. Kucingis School of Art, the second ‘Olimpo Musicale’ International Competition takes place in Prienai from June 3rd to 7th.

The Competition is open for all kind of young instrumentalists, including accordionists, who were born on or after the 1st of January 1991. The number of participants will be limited. The Organising Committee will admit the first 200 Application Forms of the candidates, who will be divided into age categories.

The instrumentalists of all categories must perform not less than 2 compositions:
a) Baroque or Classical composition(s);
b) Romantic or 20th or 21st Century composition(s).
Note: The program should consist of pieces reflecting different moods. It is not obligatory to repeat certain movements in the compositions. All pieces must be performed by heart.

The closing ceremony of the Competition will take place at the Cultural Centre concert hall in Prienai on June 8th. The third ‘Olimpo Musicale’ will be held in 2011.

For further information email: rbimbaite@yahoo.com
Music catalog of Ernest Deffner  Publications
Martin Lubenov Concert – Austria
Contributed by Rob Howard

Jazz accordionist Martin Lubenov performs with backing muasicians at the Rote Bar in the Volkstheater, Vienna, on April 26th, 10.30pm.

For further information email: martin.lubenov@chello.at
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

   Critica di Renato Belardinelli

by Joxan Goikoetxea
 Yuri Medianik CD's

Yehuda Oppenheimer

Bernadette Conlon(now Bernadette Zabawa) selling one new CD titled "Accordion Popular Classical Masterpieces Volume 2" with sound samples. Purchase online with credit card.

James P O'Brien music catalog

João Pedro Oliveira - accordionist, composer, performer, release his new work for accordion available for purchase online. 'L'Accordéon du Diable (Devil's Accordion)'. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week