11 Aprile 2008
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Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia Blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
“Vivant!” Lanciano un nuovo CD con un Concerto, Kansas City - USA
Master Class di Vladislav Pligovka (Bielorussia) – Australia
Mika Väyrynen presenta la Prima Mondiale dell’ultima composizione di Kusjakov, Londra – UK
ATG Annuncia gli Artisti Ospiti, Nashville – USA
Concert from a para glider – France
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Marching Accordion Band Celebrates 50years, Belfast - UK
Accordion Festival, Samara - Russia
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Tom Alexander’s English Tour
Paris-Moscow Duo’s Ten Years, Auvergne – France
TRIO P.S.P. tours Austria
Pearl Fawcett-Adriano Concert, Guildford - UK
Ferran Martinez Concerts, Barcelona – Spain
Cafe Accordion Orchestra Events, Minneapolis - USA
Lithuanian Duo Tour Poland
Marko Hatlak Concert, Jena – Germany
The Craven Accordion Orchestra in Concert
Fisitalia Black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

“Vivant!” Lanciano un nuovo CD con un Concerto, Kansas City - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Il gruppo “Vivant!” di Kansas City ha dato un concerto ed una festa canora per il lancio di un nuovo CD. Ensemble di vari musicisti di talento, ha avuto una formazione musicale prevalentememte incentrata sulla fisarmonica, appoggiata poi da altri strumenti a tastiera ed altri strumenti acustici e percussivi.

Il punto focale del gruppo è condividere la versatilità unica della fisarmonica ed i vari stili musicali che ben si adattano allo strumento, come è evidenziato dal grande assortimento di materiale prodotto, incluse diverse originali composizioni di Karen Fremar e tante trascrizioni.

I musicisti del gruppo sono Janne Silfverberg - trombone, Gail Overly, Erica VandeVoort, Karen Fremar, Julie Silfverberg, Dee Siglar e Sarrah Cantrell - percussioni.

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: vivant@vivantsound.com
Gary Dahl esheet
Master Class di Vladislav Pligovka (Bielorussia) – Australia
Contributed by Tania Lukic-Marx, AATA President

Vladisalv Pligovka, Bielorussia, sarà impegnato in diverse Master Class di fisarmonica a Sydney, Australia, il 9 e 10 Giugno.

Vladislav è un noto fisarmonicista concertista internazionale, vincitore nel 2007 di due prestigiosi concorsi: Il festival della Fisarmonica di Kiev ed il Festival di Klingenthal.

Le Master Class di Vladisalv Pligovka sono aperte alla partecipazione di ogni interessato. Per maggiori informazioni ed iscrizioni, scrivere a Tania Lukic-Marx prima del 1 Maggio: tanialm@optusnet.com.au
Accordion Jazz Chords
Mika Väyrynen presenta la Prima Mondiale dell’ultima composizione di Kusjakov, Londra – UK
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

il fisarmonicista finlandese Mika Väyrynen suonerà la tanto attesa Prima Mondiale della Sonata n° 7 ‘Misterium’ di Anatoli Kusiakov in un concerto alla Royal Academy of Music di Londra il 14 Aprile.

La Sonata n°7 è l’ultima composizione di Kusiakov prima della sua morte avvenuta l’11 Luglio 2007, ed è dedicata a Mika. Durante la sua permanenza a Londra, Mika condurrà una Master Class per gli studenti della Royal Academy of Music.

Da Londra, Mika si sposterà in Francia per condurre una due giorni di Master Class al “Le Conservatoire de Paris” (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique) il 16 e 17 Aprile, chiamato dal Direttore Artistico, il noto fisarmonicista Max Bonnay.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
ATG Annuncia gli Artisti Ospiti, Nashville – USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Il 68° Concorso e Festival Internazionale annuale Annual Accordionists and Teachers Guild (ATG) si terrà a Nashville, Tennessee, dal 12 al 15 Giugno, presso l’ Hotel Preston, 733 Briley Parkway, Nashville.

Quest’anno il festival include un eccezionale cast di fisarmonicisti da USA, Russia e Nuova Zelanda, tra cui lo straordinario russo Alexander Shirunov, già campione ATG, l’artista Jeff Lisenby il musicista jazz di Seattle Murl Allen Sanders.

Oltre a questi magnifici artisti, il festival presenta molte attività come workshops, concerti, il popolare Festival per Orchestre, vari eventi sociali, e molte altre attività fisarmonicistiche che interesseranno chiunque ami lo strumento.

Per maggiori informazioni, scrivere alla Presidente ATG President Joan C. Sommers: Sommersj@umkc.edu or www.accordions.com/atg
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
Concert from a para glider – France
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Jean-Louis Noton and Nono Venturini will give a concert on a para glider at the ski-resort La Plagne in France on Friday the 18th of April. They are going to fly above mountain resort "Plagne 2000" and will play with an HF audio system for "l'apérot ski".....

For further information email: jl.noton@wanadoo.fr
Charnwood Graded Music

eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
Marching Accordion Band Celebrates 50years, Belfast - UK
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The Albertbridge Accordion Band was formed on August 9th 1957, and it’s first members were seven members of the Boys Brigade who had reached 18 years of age, the leaving age, and who did not want to lose touch with each other. This group formed an accordion band, and one of them, Billy Cummings, has been the Treasurer since the very beginning. Eventually the band admitted female accordionists.

In Northern Ireland there is a long established tradition of bands that march through the streets on parades, and some of these are accordion bands. These bands wear uniforms, and include drummers in their ranks. The Albertbridge Accordion Band takes part in the annual Orange Day Parade on July 12th, and other parades and festivals linked to the Ulster Loyalist tradition.

The Albertbridge Accordion Band has high standards of performance and dress, but also enjoys playing to the crowds, and its members have a sense of humour.

The band’s website notes: “We have had many laughs with the funny things that happened to us, such as marching into the wrong street as the band went on up the road, getting flags caught in trees, competing with the Duke of York Pipe Band who were practising in the room upstairs, and we even had a mouse eat the Canadian flag”.

For further information email: rab1957@albertbridge.org
CD - Percursos by Paulo Jorge Ferreira
Accordion Festival, Samara - Russia
Contributed by Claude Cavagnolo

The Accordion Festival in Samara, a large city of European Russia, situated 2,600 km to the south of Moscow, took place from March 26th to 30th.

Amongst the Russian classical players were some French guest performers, including Alain Musichini with his jazz quartet and Joao Frade from Portugal, who were greeted very enthusiastically.

Last year Eric Bouvelle was a guest artist in this big festival organized by Sergueï Voitenko, the leader of the group BAYAN MIX, that popularises the classical music manner disco with dancers, video on screens plasma, light games being delirious etc.

The Russians are becoming much more interested in French music, players and instruments, such as those made by Cavagnolo, and the different styles of music they are performing.
Aww Recordings

Fisitalia Black
Tom Alexander’s English Tour
Contributed by Rob Howard

Leading Scottish accordionist Tom Alexander, from Glasgow, goes on a short tour of English accordion clubs in mid-April. Tom Alexander is best known as half of Scottish show business legends The Alexander Brothers. The tour dates include:

April 11th – Club Accord, Birmingham
12th – Soar Valley Accordion Club, Leicester
15th – North Staffs AC
16th, 8pm – Stockport Accordion Club

For further information email: tom@alexanderbrothers.com
Peter Piccini music
Paris-Moscow Duo’s Ten Years, Auvergne – France
Contributed by Rob Howard

Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov have each won numerous accordion competitions, including world championships. In 1997 they began to perform together, and their styles complemented each other so well they formed the Paris-Moscow Duo, and have visited Canada, China, Denmark, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland and the UK. They often lead master classes in addition to concert performances, and in 2007 celebrate ten years together.

The Duo’s future dates include:

April 19th and 20th – concerts in the Salle du Foyer, Marcigny, Saône-et-Loire; email: ot.marcigny-semur@wanadoo.fr
May 9th to 13th – concerts and master classes at ‘Accordions International 2008’, Blackpool, UK. Also appearing Giancarlo Caporilli (Italy), Gary Blair, Romano Viazzani, Harry Hussey, Bert Santilly and Stefan Andrusyschyn, (UK); email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk
May 23rd and 24th – festival, Drancy, France
July 11th – festival, St Jeannet, France
July 18th to 20th – festival, Alcobaca, Portugal
August 9th to 14th – festival, La Bourboule, France

For further information email: duopm@orange.fr
Finland Recordings
TRIO P.S.P. tours Austria

After its successful tour in 2007 TRIO P.S.P. (Perez-Sabatier-Pedreira) will be coming to Austria again. Ciro Perez performed with the big names of the ‘Tango’ Music during many years in Buenos Aires. Norberto Pedreira is a key ‘avant-garde’ Latin musician in the mix of the rhythms of the Latin-American continent. William Sabatier has an amazing knowledge and passion for the ‘Tanguera’ Culture. Since his teens, he has been spending his time with the best European Tango musicians.

Each of them has a very strong personality but once they put all their energy together, they become as ‘one’. They are on the same page, speak the same language called ‘Tango’ and above all, they have the same concept on how they should visualize, read, approach it. The magic and the deep connexion between Ciro, William and Norberto allows them to share intense and spontaneous moments of music. We can call them ‘Real Tangueros’.

William Sabatier - bandoneon is a Frenchman, Ciro Perez and Norberto Pedreira were born in Argentina, all three of them are living in Paris, France.

The tour dates will be as follows:

April 17th, 7pm - Rehab-Zentrum, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria
18th, 8pm - Cult-beisl-restaurant, Wimpassing
19th, 8pm - Haus am Ring, Bad Leonfelden
21st, 8pm - LGV-Saal, Leibnitz
22nd, 8pm - Sargfabrik, Vienna
24th, 8.30pm - Völkermarkt, Step
25th, 8pm - Jazz-Keller, Schloss Porcia, Spittal / Drau
27th, 8pm - Freie Bühne Mayer, Mödling

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
Titano Accordion Company
Pearl Fawcett-Adriano Concert, Guildford - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Pearl Fawcett-Adriano is the guest artiste at Guildford Accordion Club on Friday April 18th, doors open at 7pm. The concert takes place at The Village Hall, Ripley, near Guildford, Surrey.

For further information email: myrabrooks@blueyonder.co.uk
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux
Ferran Martinez Concerts, Barcelona – Spain
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Spanish accordionist Ferran Martinez, performing a program on the Russian Bayan that includes music by C.Oudrid, A.Piazzolla, J.S.Bach, I.Albéniz and F.Tárrega, as follows:

April 19th – ‘La caixa’, Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
27th - ‘La caixa’, Mataro, Barcelona

For further information email: acordio@ferranmartinez.net
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Cafe Accordion Orchestra Events, Minneapolis - USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Café Accordion Orchestra performs an eclectic mix of vintage Swing, Latin, American, and French Café Music.

The CAO, featuring accordionist Dan Newton, perform as follows:

April 12th, 7pm - St Barnabas Lutheran Church, Plymouth, MN
26th, 9.30pm - The Times Bar and Cafe, 201 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN

For further information email: daddysqueeze@yahoo.com
Music catalog of Ernest Deffner  Publications
Lithuanian Duo Tour Poland

Accordionist Raimondas Sviackevicius and cellist Mindaugas Backus are very active promoters of contemporary Lithuanian music. They often perform together, work as soloists, as a trio with violinist Vytautas Mikeliunas, or with other groups.

The duo will tour Poland in April, promoting new works by Lithuanian composers Bronius Kutavicius, Jurgita Miezelyte, Anatolijus Senderovas, including a world premiere of Juste Janulyte’s work ‘Aria’. The duo’s concert dates include:

April 18th - festival in Sanok, Poland
20th - Miejski Dom Kultury music and poetry festival, Czechowice-Dziedzice
21st - Bielsko-Biala
22nd - ‘Musica moderna’ concert cycle, Academy of Music, Lodz
23rd - W.Lutoslawski's Forum for Contemporary Music, Lublin

For further information email: sviackevicius@gmail.com
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Marko Hatlak Concert, Jena – Germany
Contributed by Rob Howard

Slovenian accordionist Marko Hatlak performs in concert on Monday April 14th, 8pm, at Volksbad Jena, Knebelstraße 10, 07743 Jena, Germany.

Marko Hatlak studied at the Franz List School for Music in Weimar, Germany, and is a master of various styles, including Tango Nuevo.

For further information email: jenakultur@jena.de
Sebastiano Cali
The Craven Accordion Orchestra in Concert

The Craven Accordion Orchestra under the Musical Direction of Harry Hinchcliffe is delighted to be performing for the second year in succession in the Idyllic North Yorkshire town of Settle on 12th April 2008 at 7-30 pm.

The Concert to be held in Settle Parish Church will feature Soloists from local schools from the Settle area. The orchestra will be performing a varied repertoire of music ranging from popular classics such as Granada by Lara, to Theme from Titanic "My Heart Will Go On", swinging along to Little Boogie and no concert would complete without a Traditional Tyrolean Polka/March.

For further information email: cravenschoolofmusic@hotmail.co.uk
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

   Critica di Joan C Sommers
Almost Home

by David Lange (accordion) with assisting artists
 Yuri Medianik CD's

Yehuda Oppenheimer

The United States National Accordion News has been updated to the April edition. The Feature Review in April offers a summary of the recent National Accordion Association Convention held in Texas.

William Schimmel CD's

MusicForAccordion.com (MFA) Celebrates 1,000th eSheet Publication. The e-sheet music publication section is celebrating a major milestone publishing its 1,000th piece of music. MusicForAccordion.com has developed into an extensive and popular online store containing accordion music of all levels and styles available as downloadable .pdf files emailed to the client who pay using the secure bank server credit card payment system.

Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week