14 Settembre 2007
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
Festival ‘Nuits de Nacre’ a Tulle - Francia
Mika Väyrynen insegnerà al Seminario Internazionale di Plouay - Francia
Festeggiamenti per il 150° Anniversario di Hohner- Germania
Cambia la data del CMA in Russia
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
IMAC Music Camp, Dolomites – Italy
Music of Nihad Hrustanbegovic in New Heineken TV Commercial - Netherlands
Harry Hussey Concert, Stockport – UK
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Courses for Diatonic Accordion, Águeda – Portugal
Guy Klucevsek Presents His Compositions, New York – USA
MUSICÁLIA 2007, Lisbon – Portugal
Massimo Signorini Master Class e Publicazioni - Italia
‘Pennies From Heaven’, London – UK
Big National Ceilidh – UK
Stolen Accordion
Fisitalia black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

Gary Dahl esheet
Server Changing
The main Accordions Worldwide websites are changing to a larger more powerful server to better service the large increase of website visitors. The site will be offline for about 8 hours as listed below. We apologise for this inconvenience.
Western USA 9 pm Thursday 20 September to 5 am Friday 21 September
Eastern USA 12 midnight Friday 21 September to 8 am Friday 21 September
UK 5 am Friday 21 September to 1 pm Friday 21 September
EU 6 am Friday 21 September to 2 pm Friday 21 September
Moscow 8 am Friday 21 September to 4 pm Friday 21 September
China 12 midday Friday 21 September to 8 pm Friday 21 September
Japan 1 pm Friday 21 September to 9 pm Friday 21 September
Australia East 2 pm Friday 21 September to 10 pm Friday 21 September

Festival ‘Nuits de Nacre’ a Tulle - Francia
Contributo di Anna BodellCharnwood Music

Dal 13 al 16 Settembre si terrà a Tulle, in Francia, la 19a edizione del festival “Nuits de Nacre” (“L’ultima notte di Madreperla”).

Sin dalla sua invenzione, la fisarmonica è stata integrata nella musica dei salotti del diciannovesimo secolo, adattandosi ai repertori dei cantanti popolari e ai vari folklori regionali. Tulle, in Auvergne, è un luogo importante per la fisarmonica in Francia, ed i fisarmonicisti porteranno diversi stili musicali al festival.

Con numerosi palchi e più di 40 tra artisti e gruppi, compresi la star internazionale Marcel Azzola, Jerome Richard e la sua Orchestra, The National Orchestra of Jazz and Cooperation dalla Finlandia, il festival è in grado di offrire varietà e diversità per tutti i gusti.

Molti dei circa 70 concerti si terranno la sera nei padiglioni, su uno palcoscenico all’aperto, nel teatro municipale e in vari ristoranti, brasserie e bar del centro di Tulle.

Ci saranno anche le solite numerose band “non ufficiali” che si esibiranno. Il festival si svolgerà nelle vicinanze della fabbrica di fisarmoniche Maugein.

Tra gli artisti presenti citiamo: AGGHIR, Amachao, Bad Blues Band, Blankass, Chantier chorégraphique, Christian Pierron, Christiane Courvoisier, Coopération Finlande, Délinquante, Duo Tras, Gérard Blanchard, Hugues Aufray, Jaal, Jean Corti, Kimmo Pohjonen, La belle vie, La Mainada, Le Band de Seilhac, Le Rancho, Les Becs Bien Zen, Les Maux de la Rue, Lés Revéilles, Manif des lames diatoniques, Mardigrâve, Michel Jonasz, Nino and Ninette, Orchestre Jerome Richard, Orchestre National de Jazz, Pusse, Saperlipopette, Scott Taylor, Targhi Nuschma, Tournée Générale, Trio Jacky Stéphane, Trio Vuelvo and Weepers Circus.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
Mika Väyrynen insegnerà al Seminario Internazionale di Plouay - Francia
Contributo di Kevin Friedrich

Il fisarmonicista Mika Väyrynen sarà il Professore ospite al nono Seminario Internazionale della Fisarmonica a Plouay, Morbihan in France, che si terrà dal 29 al 31 Ottobre.

Fisarmonicisti di tutte le età, livelli e stili di musica che dimostrino particolare interesse e insegnanti che desiderano aggiornare le proprie competenze, sono invitati a partecipare. Saranno messi a disposizione alloggi presso famiglie ospitanti, i quali saranno gratuiti per i minori di anni 20 e anche per gli adulti, finchè ci sarà spazio disponibile. E’ comunque possibile alloggiare presso alcuni hotel. Il costo per il seminario è di € 170,00.

Il concerto di debutto di Mika si è tenuto a Tampere, Finlandia, nel 1985. Da allora si è esibito in centinaia di recital in tutto il modo, in Austria, Belgio, Ucraina, Cina, Croazia, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Islanda, Giappone, Olanda, Norvegia, Polonia, Russia, Slovacchia, Svezia e Stati Uniti e attualmente insegna presso l’Accademia Sibelius di Helsinki.

Per ulteriori informazioni su questa eccezionale opportunità di studiare con uno dei fisarmonicisti più grandi del mondo, mandate un’ e-mail a Yves Martin: bayanenmorbihan@netcourrier.com
Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Festeggiamenti per il 150° Anniversario di Hohner- Germania
Contributo di Harley Jones

I festeggiamenti per il 150° anniversario di Hohner, a Trossingen, sono stati un enorme successo per l’azienda, grazie anche alla partecipazione di numerose personalità del mondo politico che hanno parlato nelle cerimonie ufficiale.

Inoltre, c’è stato anche un supporto importante da parte del pubblico per le varie attività, in particolare il tentativo di battere il record mondiale di armonica, dove migliaia di persone si sono cimentate tutte insieme. Hanno partecipato oltre 3.300 armoniche. On-line potete trovare il rapporto quotidiano di questo evento.

Cambia la data del CMA in Russia
Contributo di Harley Jones

Le date del Trofeo Mondiale del CMA sono state modificate di un giorno, dal 4 - 8 Novembre al 5-9 Novembre. L’evento si terrà nella grande città di Samara, circa 800 Km a est di Mosca.
James P O'Brien music catalog

Charnwood Graded Music
IMAC Music Camp, Dolomites – Italy
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The 8th International Music Accordion Camp took place in a hotel near the town of Sauris di Sotto, in the Dolomites mountain range. This was a small paradise where vacation and music combined themselves wonderfully.

In this atmosphere, learning and practising the accordion under the guidance of Jean-Louis Noton, Mady and Peter Soave was not work, but a real pleasure. The facilities available included massages, sauna, tennis, hiking and IMAC week included concerts given Mady, Peter and Jean-Louis in the cities of Pordenone, Piancavallo and Sauris.

Also available to the teachers and students were Jean-Pierre Andréani (Professor in the region of Chambéry), Ralf Bethke (Professor in Germany), and of Denis Tini, Director of the Department of Music (Professor of Jazz, Harmony, orchestra directio) at the university of Detroit. The 90 students came from France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Croatia, USA, and Canada. Those present enjoyed themselves so much they are already planning to return next year!

Music of Nihad Hrustanbegovic in New Heineken TV Commercial - Netherlands
Contributed by Francesca Pigini

The première of the new commercial for Heineken Extra Cold took place on Monday 23rd. Music for this advertisement is played and composed by concert accordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic and is called 'World Promenade'.

The clip is now to be seen on all Dutch public and commercial television. Nihad wrote the ‘World Promenade’ in February 2007 and it is the first part (also the introduction) of the ‘Stork Suite’. This Suite is recorded on his first solo CD: ‘The best of Concert Accordion’.

Nihad performed on March 28th as a soloist in the Dutch TV program, 'De wereld draait door' of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. This performance is the number 1 of the show's Top 11 since the end of May as the best artiste of last season. Nihad Hrustanbegovic will be performing from upcoming September on several Dutch music concert stages.

For information: info@nihad-accordeon.com
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
Harry Hussey Concert, Stockport – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Leading jazz accordionist Harry Hussey was the guest at Stockport Accordion Club in the North west of England on September 12th, enthralling and amazing his audience with his improvisational skills. As is his custom, Harry had no prepared programme and took audience requests for the whole of his one and half hours spot.

His numbers included ‘Glenn Miller Medley’, ‘Tea for Two’, ‘Siboney’, ‘Autumn Leaves’, ‘Sway’, ‘Wave’, ‘Jealousy’, ‘Take Five’, Begin the Beguine’, and many more. He also did some unrehearsed duets with concertina player John Nixon, and these included ‘Fascinating Rhythm’, ‘As Time Goes By’, ‘Don’t Get Around Much Anymore’ and ‘How High the Moon’. Also performing were Rob Howard, Ann Parker, Ray Peacock, Martina Hall and John Higham. The evening also saw the book launch of ‘An A to Z of the Accordion, Volume 3’, which sold lots of copies on the night.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
Fisitalia black

Finland Recordings
Courses for Diatonic Accordion, Águeda – Portugal
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

During September a series of courses for various folk music instruments take place in Águeda. On September 15th (2pm until 5pm) and 16th (9.30am until 12.30pm) Artur Fernandes (picture left) will teach diatonic accordion. On Sunday September 23rd (9.30am until 12.30pm) Dulce Cruz will teach harmonica.

For further information email: dorfeu@dorfeu.com
Titano Accordion Company
Guy Klucevsek Presents His Compositions, New York – USA
Contributed by Rob Howard

Guy Klucevsek will present an evening of his chamber music compositions at The Stone, New York City, on Sunday, September 16th, at 8pm.

  The Stone is at the corner of Ave. C and 2nd Street, NYC. Featured performers will be Theo Bleckmann - voice, Steve Elson - clarinet/sax, Nurit Tilles - piano, and Klucevsek - accordion. Included will be the premiere of a suite called ‘Angels and Accordions’, for clarinet/sax and accordion.

For further information email: gklucevsek@si.rr.com

MUSICÁLIA 2007, Lisbon – Portugal
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

MUSICÁLIA 2007 takes place in Lisbon from September 20th to 23rd. This exhibition of musical instruments and equipment manufacturers includes the Roland Virtual Accordion. On Saturday 22nd, João Gentil will be demonstrating the various Roland V Accordion models.

For further information email: joaogentil1@gmail.com
Viatcheslav Semionov CD's  for sale
Massimo Signorini Master Class e Publicazioni - Italia
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Massimo Signorini terrà un masterclass nella COMUNE DI CELLAMONTE (Alessandria) il 27/28 settmbre:

 Premio Fiorella Coppo
 Via Barbano Dante, 30 - Cellamonte (AL)

Programma (musica popolare, classico, contemporaneo, jazz, tango)
 Docente: Massimo Signorini

Per le informazioni contattare la Dott.ssa Angela Tudisco Cell. 347-5485522
email: angela.tudisco@libero.it


Autori: Mauro Grossi e Massimo Signorini

Autore: Massimo Signorini

Autore: Massimo Signorini

Autore: Massimo Signorini

Semiografia, Cenni storici, Edizioni, Repertorio cameristico, solista aspetti generali
Autore: Massimo Signorini

"Fisarmonicisti jazz che hanno fatto la storia della fisarmonica, discografia consigliata, biografie, bibliografie, fotografie"
Autore: Massimo Signorini

"La fisarmonica, Lo Sheng, lo Sho, Il Khaen, La concertina inglese, Il bandoneon, L'armonica a bocca, Il regale ecc....."
Autore: Massimo Signorini

For information e-mail: massimosignorini@interfree.it
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion
‘Pennies From Heaven’, London – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The musical show, Pennies From Heaven:  The Life and Songs of Arthur Tracy, 'The Street Singer', returns to London, October 2nd to 7th, starring Internationally-known American cabaret star, Steve Ross, New York singer/writer, Gregory Moore, and London-based accordionist, Romano Viazzani.

America’s Arthur Tracy was one of the most famous singing accordionists of the 1930s, both in the U.S. and the U.K., in film, radio, recordings and live concert appearances.  His hit records of the 1930s included ‘Marta’, (his theme song), ‘The Way You Look Tonight’, and ‘Pennies From Heaven’. Romano Viazzani will be playing these and many original and vintage arrangements of accordion tunes of that era.

The show takes place at the Jermyn Street Theatre, 16b Jermyn St, London SW1Y 6ST. Performances are at 7.30pm on October 2nd to 6th, and there are 2 matinee performances at 4pm October 6th and 7th.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@btconnect.com
Deffner Music catalog
Big National Ceilidh – UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

The Big National Ceilidh, a unique nationwide event staged in aid of charity, takes place on Thursday October 18th. The Big National Ceilidh is a night when, in cities, towns and villages all over the country, thousands of people will simultaneously be dancing to the music of live bands.

Each event will be locally organised and distinctive, but two main elements will bind them together:
1) the proceeds from all the events will be given to a single, hugely worthwhile charity, WaterAid;
2) and  at 10pm all the bands will be playing the same tune (‘Jamie Allen’) and as many people as possible will be dancing ‘The Circassian Circle’.

A website www.bignationalceilidh.co.uk has been set up so that bands can register. Details of your ceilidh will then appear on the site, and you will soon be able to find out about other events taking place near you and across the country.

The website also includes more information about the event as a whole, on how to send your proceeds to WaterAid, and advice for running a successful evening. Further information, including suggestions and images for publicity materials, will be introduced in due course. There's already lots of interest in The Big National Ceilidh right across Britain. Make sure YOUR community is part of this fantastic night!

For further information email: david.oliver@thesagegateshead.org
Karthause Schmuelling Musik and Media
Stolen Titano Accordion - New Zealand

Daisy Huang, upon her return from competing at the Coupe Mondiale in Washington DC, has had her accordion stolen. The details are as follows:-

My piano accordion was stolen in the Bellwood Avenue car park, Mt Eden, Auckland on September1st, 2007. It is a Titano, model Cosmopolitan, serial number 44932.

If someone knows anything or sees my accordion and case somewhere, please contact me as soon as possible. Reward will be given!! Thank you very much for your kind help”.

Contact Daisy: 09- 6290886, 021-2983993, 027-6672588 or Elice: 021-2155762.
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Renato Belardinelli


Lydie Auvray

William Schimmel CD's
William Schimmel has an updated sites with his 8 new arrangements of 'The Chariot Race', ‘Lydia’, 'The Bullfight', 'Serious Blues', 'The Traveler', 'Bumping Cars', 'St. Anthony's Canon', and 'Alien Air'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Gary Dahl has an updated biography.

Fisitalia blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week