11 Maggio 2007
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Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Fisitalia blue

Fatti ed avvenimenti da tutto il mondo
2° Concorso-Festival "AccoHoliday" - Ucraina
Tony Lovello Concerto e Seminario, New Hampshire - USA
Steirisch Harmonika Produttore Jamnik in visita da Voci Armoniche – Italia
NAO GB Campionato 2007 - GB
Informazion su Concerti, Masterclasse, Festival, Concorsi etc
Second National Accordion Competition, Kozani – Greece
Semionov  Holds Seminar in Croatia
Accordions Rule at New Orleans Jazz Festival - USA
Jean-Louis Noton’s Special Concert, Cluny – France
Prossimi Appuntamenti
Sir Jimmy Shand Tribute Day, Fife - Scotland
Claudio Jacomucci’s Premieres – Switzerland, France
Kulturlaub Imst Workshop, Tyrol - Austria
Accordion Final Recitals, London - UK
Arizona Accordion Festival, Phoenix - USA
Klavitonikerkonzerte Performances – Germany
Fisitalia black
CD Review
Nuovi ed aggiornati Siti

la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
2° Concorso-Festival "AccoHoliday" - Ucraina
Contributo di Tania Lukic-Marx

Il secondo Concorso-Festival internazionale d’Ucraina, conosciuto come ‘Accoholiday’, si è svolto a Kiev, capitale dell’Ucraina dal 27 aprile al 1 maggio ed è stato organizzato da Yan Tabachnik, famoso fisarmonicista e politico dell’ Ucraina (membro del senato) ed il suo team ‘World High League of Accordionists’ - International Accordion Association.

Per le due categorie - classica e musica leggera erano ammessi un massimo di 25 concorrenti per ogni categoria. Per tutti i concorrenti provenienti dalla Cina, Ucraina, Russia, Bielorussia, Serbia e Kazakistan l’iscrizione era gratuita e l’alloggio è stato offerto dall’organizzazione.

I vincitori della categoria classica:
1° - Vladislav Pligovka ( Bielorussia)
2° - Votaliy Kozickij (Ucraine) and Sergey Kotkov (Russia)
3° - Ildar Salahov (Russia) e Viktor Semenkin (Russia) e Andrey Girkij (Ucraina) e Sapar  Kumiskaliev ( Kazakistan)

Premio speciale 'Prize of Hope' per il giovane Eldar Abduraimov (Russia)

I vincitori della categoria musica leggera:
1° - Andrey Stecenko (Russia)
2° - Denis Zuev  (Russia) e Andrey Akulov (Ucraina)
3° - Dragisha Milanovich ( Serbia) e Yury Kalashnikov (Ucraina)

Membri della giuria (foto sinistra): Yan Tabachnik (Ucraina), Vladimir Besfamilnov (Ucraina), Radomir Tomich (Serbia), Eduardas Gabnys (Lituania), Mirco Patarini (Italia), Jury Shishkin (Russia), Tania Lukic-Marx (Australia), Valerij Kovtun (Russia), Viktor Vlasov (Ucraina), Damir Sultanov (Kazakistan), Nikolai Severukov (Bielorussia), Miljan Beletich (Serbia), Anataolij Semeshko (Ucraina), Juri Jastrebov (Russia) ed altri.
Angel Luis Castano
Tony Lovello Concerto e Seminario, New Hampshire - USA
Contributo di Donna Maria Regis, New Hampshire Accordion Association

"waooo” esclamava un giovane ascoltatore quando Tony Lovello il ` Liberace della fisarmonica ', ha fatto entusiasmare il pubblico in un concerto tenutosi il 15 aprile a Gilmanton, New Hampshire facendo il tutto esaurito.. Lovello, 74 anni, ha dimostrato con tutta la sua energia sicuramente la metà dei suoi anni ed è stato applaudito con 3 “standing ovations” per la sua impressionante performance.

Lo showman internazionale ha incantato con la sua musicalità, umore e flair ma soprattutto con il suo programma musicale, potente e di grande prestigio nel quale erano compresi i brani ` Cumana ', 'Malaguena 'e molti altri suoi successi. La serata è stata sponsorizzata dall'associazione di fisarmonica di New Hampshire, insieme con il LLC Connection.

Dopo il concerto si è svolto un seminario educativo nel quale Tony Lovello ha impartito generosamente le sue tecniche speciali - fra le quali l’uso di multi dita glissanti, tre-note bassi e naturalmente, la sua vibrazione del mantice per la quale il grande maestro Galla-Rini l’ha nominato "re del mantice a vibrazione." Dopo aver dimostrato ogni trucco sulla fisarmonica Lovello li ha uniti tutti in una fantastica performance dell’opera “Il fantasma dell’opera” con il quale ha concluso questo pomeriggio in un finale accolto da un caloroso pubblico in piedi.
Gary Dahl esheet
Steirisch Harmonika Produttore Jamnik in visita da Voci Armoniche – Italia
Contributo di Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Il costruttore di Steirische Harmonika  Hermann Jamnik ed il suo gruppo “amici della musica popolare” dall’Austria e Germania sono stati in visita alla ditta Voci Armoniche dal 19-22.4.2007. to learn more about the soul of the accordion, the reeds.

Foto 1: Visita alle VOCI ARMONICHE,  Concerto improvvisato: da destra a sinistra: Hans Schröpfer, virtuoso della Steirische Harmonika, suo ultimo CD SOLO FUER HOLZ
Simon Hummelberger, qui alla chitarra, musicista versatile e professionista della Sterische Harmonika e  Marie Therese Stickler (19 anni)  giovane e promettente talento della Steirische Harmonika

Foto 2: Hermann Jamnik, Harmonmikabau, con grembiule mentre si prepara per visitare la Cantina Conte Leopardi a Marcelli di  Numana.  Molta musica e ballo accompagnati dal buon Rosso Conero!
Accordion Repairs Made Easy - John Reuther
NAO GB Campionato 2007 - GB
Contributo di Raymond Bodell, NAO Presidente

Grande weekend – grande atmosfera , amichevole, stupenda musica di tutti gli ospiti e 437 partecipanti nella 62° edizione NAO.

Successo per Grayson Masefield (Nuova Zelanda – foto sinistra) 1° premio della categoria New International Solo - Julie Langton (Junior Recital, Virtuoso Entertainment, fino a 17 & e Advanced Solo) - Alexander Bodell (fino a 9 anni & Musette Solo e fino a 10 anni Polka) e Andrew Mortimer (fino a 15 anni solo, fino a 14 anni Polka e Scottish 13 - 15 anni). Molteplici riconoscimenti per l’ Orchestre di Colchester (MD Elaine Beecham), Paisley (MD Graham Laurie) e Jenny’s Accordionists (MD Jenny Neal).

Durante tutto il weekend concerti e performance di Renzo Ruggieri (Italia), Julian “Speedy” Gonzales (Francia), Mario D’Amario (Italia) e Grayson Masefield (Nuova Zelanda).

Jack and Flo Brannigan sono stati insigniti con il premio speciale NAO Associate Award per il loro lungo servizio dedicato alla fisarmonica (67 anni!).

Nella giuria internazionale: Kevin Friedrich (CIA Presidente), Lars Arnevig (Norvegia) e Harley Jones. Tutti I membri della giuria hanno messo in palio il loro cachet per sponsorizzare la prossima CIA Coupe Mondiale in Glasgow / Scozzia in Ottobre 2008.
National Button Accordion Festival

Accordion Jazz Chords - Norbert Seidel
Second National Accordion Competition, Kozani – Greece
Contributed by Alexander Tchuev

The Second National Accordion Competition was held in Kozani, on April 28th and 29th, and was deemed to be a great success by all concerned. The Competition Jury consisted of Evgenia Tcherkazova (President), Alexander Tchuev, Giorgos Tzoukas, Spiros Melissanidis, Ilias Pilitzidis and Nikos Agaoglou.

Prizewinners of competition categories:

Child (to 12 years): Pavlidou Nantia (Kozani - picture above left), Noutsou Vasiliki (Grevena), Dauka Maria (Ptolemaida), Siginou Theodora (Kozani - picture right)
Student (12 - 15 years): Vavatsika Artemis (Athens), Kalaitzopoulos Hristos (Ptolemaida)
Junior (15-18 years): Bisiris Dimitrios (Kozani picture left)
Senior (from 18 years): Pavlidou Anna (Kozani), Pasopoulos Stamatis (Thessaloniki), Zampaklis Georgios (Stavrupoli)

Ensemble and Orchestra: Children’s Accordion Orchestra (Kozani - picture below right)
GRAND PRIX of the competition - Bisiris Dimitrios (Kozani). The next competition will be held in April 2009.

For further information email: alexandertchuev@yahoo.gr
la fisarmonica da concerto ed il suo repertorio - Paolo Picchio
Semionov Holds Seminar in Croatia
Contributed by Tania Lukic-Marx

An accordion teachers' seminar led by Viatcheslav Semionov of Russia was held in Opatija, Croatia, from April 12th to 14th. Picture: Professor Marjan Krajna (left) with Viatcheslav Semionov (right).

The seminar was organized by the Education and Teacher Training Agency  with Professor Ruzica Ambrus–Kis (higher consultant for the artistic fields), Professor Marjan Krajna (Zagreb, leader of Croatian accordion education council), Damir Buzleta, Professor (Pula, OKUD Istra), and Momèilo Popoviæ  (Pigini Accordions agent for Croatia).
Charnwood Graded Music
Accordions Rule at New Orleans Jazz Festival - USA
Contributed by Harley Jones

Accordions Worldwide has received the following report:-

The mid-afternoon sun was beating down, wisps of steam rose from the soggy ground and Buckwheat Zydeco (picture right) danced his way to the edge of the stage, accordion wailing, moving his shoulders with the music. Forget the heat - this guy was cool. He'd shed the jacket to his black suit, but still wore the vest. His high-collared white shirt was still crisp, his ivory boots matched his accordion.

The accordions cranking out tunes on the stages of the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival are popular, prolific and downright sexy. They were not only a constant on the Fais Do Do stage where Cajun and Zydeco music plays all day, they were showing up this year on the big stages and even in some of the big bands. Calexico, an alternative country band based in Tucson, Arizona, used an accordion in several numbers it played. And The New Orleans Klezmer Allstars could not crank out their funky Jewish music without one.

"I'm surprised how much the accordion has caught on," said Brian Jack (picture left), who had eight of them with him for his gig with the Zydeco Gamblers. "I've even seen them with country-and-western bands." In Cajun and zydeco, the Cajun accordion is the main ingredient, said Bruce Daigrepont, who has been playing Jazz Fest for 27 years, accordion for 30. "In our music it starts and finishes the song," Daigrepont said. "In rock and pop people are adding it for background and texture."

Buckwheat Zydeco, also known as Stanley Dural, plays a piano accordion that he had made in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1982 for $10,000. Originally an organist, Dural never expected to find himself wowing the fans on accordion. "It was not a cool instrument," he said. "My father played an accordion all the time and I hated it. I was into rhythm and blues." That changed when Dural took a job playing backup for Clifton Chenier, the late king of Zydeco. It wasn't easy, though. "Man, the keyboard was OK, but those 120 buttons on the other side really gave me the blues," he said. Not anymore. His brand of Creole Zydeco had them rocking out on Saturday. "It's a lot of fun," he said. "But that thing weighs 45 pounds. When I'm dealing with that instrument, believe me, I'm not thinking about looking sexy."
Friedrich Lips collection of 16 CD's
Jean-Louis Noton’s Special Concert, Cluny – France
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

A group of students of the music schools in the Cluny area of Dijon performed a concert in the Cluny Theater, featuring the compositions of Jean-Louis Noton on May 6th.

The preparation for this concert took place on Wednesday April 11th in the music school of Montceau les Mines, involving accordionists, violinists, flautists and cellists in workshops rehearsing the compositions. Jean-Louis Noton and Professors Arnaud Bottazzo and Elodie Aygalenq prepared the students.
Fisitalia black

National Button Accordion Festival
Sir Jimmy Shand Tribute Day, Fife - Scotland
Contributed by Rob Howard

The annual Sir Jimmy Shand Tribute Day takes place on Sunday May 13th, at St Andrew’s Town Hall, organised by Jimmy Shand Junior. This concert, featuring many accordionists and bands, pays tribute to Sir Jimmy Shand (1908-2000), one of the most celebrated figures in Scottish dance music and the first British accordionist to be Knighted.

For further information email: jimmyshand@tiscali.co.uk
eSheet music catalog, over 600 titles
Claudio Jacomucci’s Premieres – Switzerland, France
Contributed by Rob Howard

Claudio Jacomucci will present the premiere of the new piece for accordion solo ‘Bruchstellen II’ by the Swiss composer Daniel Glaus on May 13th at the Amplitudes New Music Festival in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. The festival is dedicated to the well-known Italian composer Salvatore Sciarrino, who also wrote a solo piece in 1998 (‘Vagabonde Blu’) that Claudio will perform during the festival.

At the Synthese Festival of Electro Acoustic Music in Bourges, France, Claudio will present, on June 1st, the premiere of his own new composition, written together with the choreographer Kathleen Delaney. ‘Au-dela de la fin’ - for accordion, dancer, video, text animation, lights and electro acoustic support, is a tribute to the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard who recently disappeared.

For further information email: info@claudiojacomucci.com
Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
Kulturlaub Imst Workshop, Tyrol - Austria
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

‘Try it once with buttons! First steps on the button accordion (C-system)’ – is the title of a workshop for learning the button accordion, from July 9th to 20th in Imst-Gurgltal in the Austrian Tyrol Austria.

For further information email: romanpechmann@hotmail.com
Deffner Music catalog
Accordion Final Recitals, London - UK
Contributed by Rob Howard

Milos Milivojevic – final year undergraduate, and Yuriy Chubarenko – post graduate diploma, present their matriculation level final recitals on Friday May 18th, at 6.30pm. These take place in the David Josefowitz Recital Hall at the Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Road, London. Accordion Tutor at the Royal Academy of Music is Prof. Owen Murray.

Their program includes works by Greig, Bach, Berio and Lindberg. Admission is free, and no tickets are required. For further information email: accordion@ram.ac.uk
Finland Recordings
Arizona Accordion Festival, Phoenix - USA
Contributed by Leigh Dechaine

The Arizona Accordion Festival takes place in Phoenix, Arizona, on October 20th. This year two top jazz accordionists entertain non-stop from noon to 6pm, and 6pm to 10 pm. This event is free, offering family entertainment, food, beverages and a lighted, wooden dance floor. All variety of accordions and styles will be profiled in 15-minute segments.

For further information contact Leigh Dechaine: laneind@aol.com
Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
Klavitonikerkonzerte Performances – Germany
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The accordion ensemble Klaviatoniker is to be seen and heard at the following events:

May 11th, 2pm and 6pm - Treffpunkt Musikschule
12th, 8pm – Salzart Festival
17th , 12.30pm - World Music Festival, Innsbruck

For further Information email: office@klavitoniker.com
An A to Z of the Accordion - Rob Howard

    Critica di
   Joan Cochran Sommers
Under Duress


Eddie Hession, Accordion Chris Grist, Cello and The London Concertante
 The Ins and Outs of the Accordion - Thierry Benetoux

National Button Accordion Festival
Pascal Contet – concert details on: www.accordions.com/contet

FM Manufacturer for Accordion Accessories in Castelfidardo - new email contact details: www.accordions.com/fm

Fisitalia blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week