2014 “Hohner Cup” National Accordion Championships, 18th to 21st July - China
18th July 19th July 20th July 2012 Hohner Cup

Daily Report - 18th July

In order to popularize and raise the level of diversification of teaching and playing the accordion, accordion experts and scholars from around the world will gather for the China Accordion Association 2014 “Hohner Cup” National Accordion Championships, 18th to 21st July in BaoAn, Shenzhen, Guangzhou (near Hong Kong). 

Accordionist enthusiasts from all over China and internationally will enjoy in BaoAn, superb diversified accordion performances, accordion lectures, master classes and seminars as well as concerts and competition performances of the highest level by young Chinese and international contestants.

  为了更好地普及和提高多元化手风琴教学和演奏水平,给广大手风琴师生及爱好者一个展现学习手风琴成果的机会,2014 深圳 宝安 “霍纳杯”全国手风琴锦标赛将于2014年7月18日至21日在深圳举行。届时,来自全国各地以及国际上的手风琴专家学者都将汇聚深圳,全国的年轻的手风琴演奏者、爱好者们能在这里共同交流、学习。通过比赛、手风琴讲座和大师班等活动,推动中国手风琴的多元化发展。

2014 "Hohner Cup" Organizers: Society of Chinese Musicians Association, Accordion Musicians Association, Shenzhen 

Primary Sponsors: 
- Hohner Accordion Company 
- Accordion Musicians Association, Shenzhen. 
- Shenzhen City Xixiang Valley Cultural Development Corporation

Other Sponsors
- Bao'an District, 
- Shenzhen Bao'an District of Shenzhen City Musicians Association 
- Art Gallery of Mass culture, Baoan
- Shenzhen Sports Center 

Media Support: China Central People's Broadcasting Station reported Xinhua People's Music 

主办单位:中国音乐家协会手风琴学会 深圳市音乐家协会
承办单位:深圳市手风琴协会 德国霍纳手风琴公司 深圳市西乡乐谷文化发展公司
协办单位:深圳市宝安区音乐家协会 深圳市宝安区群众文化艺术馆 深圳市宝安区西乡街道文体中心
媒体支持:中央人民广播电台 中国音乐报 新华网 人民网

Rules and information in Chinese language at: 2014Hohner



Huge banner outside the main venue. President of the China Accordion Association Prof. LI Cong spoke: "Over 1,500 contestants have registered and these are the steps at the front of the building where the Guinness World Record attempt will take place."


Ding Peng, Manager of Hohner China reports: "We have arranged more than 1,300 accordionists to play together at 10:30 am, 20th July 2014. The aim is to make a new Guinness World Record for Largest Accordion Ensemble. An official of Guinness Records, Mrs Lisa Hoffman will attend the event and confirm the numbers participating."

德国霍纳手风琴公司中国区经理丁鹏说:“我们会在2014年7月20日上午10:30安排1300多位手风琴演奏者共同创造新的“最大手风琴大合奏”的吉尼斯世界记录。届时会有吉尼斯世界官方认证官Lisa Hoffman女士将出席本次活动,并证实本次参与人数。

The current Guiness World Record "largest accordion ensemble" consisted of 1,137 participants conducted by Martin Tezak at the 2011 Panonika Harmonika Festival in Cerklje ob Krki, in Slovenia on 8 August 2011.


Other large banners advertising the concerts.   另一幅巨大的手风琴音乐会的海报

Accordion teacher Song Yue (Moon) showing the registration bag, English language on one side and Chinese language on the other side.

T shirts being sold in the registration area by Xuebei Ging and Wenyu Li.

Opening Concert

Above: Poster for the Opening Concert.
A picture of the special guests. Left to right: Crystal Wang, Bingbing Leng, Yaodong Huang, Harley Jones, Li Cong, Jiachen Liu, Chai Fengchun,  Jianhua Tong.
特邀嘉宾,从左往右依次为:王从余,冷炳冰,黄耀东,Harly Jones,李聪,刘佳晨,柴凤春,佟建华。

Xiao Chang announcing the Opening Concert. The hall had first class graphics and lighting.

Jianhua Tong, President of the Shenzhen Province Accordion Association makes a speech.

Xiaoping Wang past Vice-President of the China Accordion Association was honored for his contribution to the accordion over many years.

Jun Ma, Publicity Department, Xixiang Street, Bao'An District, Shenzhen spoke at the opening.

Bingbing Leng, Executive Vice-President of the Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

President of the China Accordion Association Prof. Li Cong making an opening speech.

China Accordion Association Teaching Place in Shenzhen. Left is Keyu Hu, Art Conductor of the Xixiang Concert Hall, Prof. Li Cong and Xi Liu, Chief Inspector of the Xixiang Concert Hall.

Xinhua Zhang conducting the First Primary School of Yucai, Shenzhen.
Qinghua Art Troupe of very young people are joined by teachers, Niuxiang, Yang Yi and Liu Zhao.
Passion Tango from the Art School, Shenzhen.  深圳艺校的学生在演奏激情探戈
XinLin Li (accordion) and Fanmo Li (horn)   李歆林(手风琴)刘范莫(唢呐)
Hua'er Expression, Beifang University of Nationalities  花儿印象,北方民族大学
Hua'er Expression  花儿印象
Xiao Douya Accordion Club of Naning
A close up of the Xiao Douya Accordion Club.
Teachers of the Shenzhen Accordion Association. 手风琴演奏者们都是深圳的手风琴教师
Alexander Kolovski (Macedonia)
亚历山大 科勒夫斯基(马其顿)
Cao Ye, now teaching at the Music College of Shenyang Province.
Tan Jia Liang played three arrangements he had made of Chinese folk songs.
Cao Ye and Tan Jia Liang had a great audience attention getter. They put the silk covers on their keyboards and then played La Tempest, fast and very accurately to the delight of the audience.
Shi Xuan student of Prof. Li Cong at the Shanghai Normal University performed Diligence, then Spring Breeze Spring, an arrangement of a famous Chinese folk melody.
Xia Gang, teacher at the Music College of Sichuan.夏罡,四川音乐学院教师
Liu Zhao and dancers from Shenzhen. Liu Zhao performed Gallardo,Tico Tico and Smooth Criminal. The video below has a section where Liu Zhao leaves the stage and because there was only one camera in the middle of the audience, Liu Zhao could not be filmed all the way through the audience. You do hear all the music.
Liu Zhao and dancers from Shenzhen. 刘昭与深圳舞团

18th July 19th July 20th July 2012 Hohner Cup

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