Pictured (left to right) is Mirco Patarini, Harley Jones, Lauro Valério
- President and Carlos Gallizia - Vice President of the AAB just finishing
the translation of the speech and everyone shaking hands.
Felipe Granemann de Lima - the youngest competitor,
only 11 years old, who achieved 7th place with an excellent performance
for his age.
Alejandro Brittes of Argentina
Oswaldo Josè Fioravante Filho - 5th Place
Joao Roberto de Santana Alves - 4th Place
Mirco Patarini took the stage and showed why
he is very popular in Brazil. Mirco played a difficult but entertaining
program with lots of expression and real fire which the audience
loved with long applause.
Mirco enjoying all the applause at the end of
the first half of the concert.
Mayor João Sanzovo of Jaú City
welcomed all the audience and overseas guests to the second half
of the concert.
Francisco Chagas - 3rd Place
Ignácio Hernández Maturana of
Chile - 2nd Place
Bruno Moritz Neto - 1st Place
Paolo Gandolfi (Italy) has made 11 concert tours
to Brazil and the audience enjoyed his program very much.
Here Paolo is enjoying the long applause.
All the jury were given very nice polished metal
placques and the winning competitors all received nice awards
commemorating their success too. Here, Harley Jones is presented his jury placque.
The winner, Bruno Moritz Neto, was presented
his first prize being a Scandalli accordion from the Scandalli
Accordion Factory and the Brazil distributors.