30 March Report

29 March | 30 March | 30 March Opening | 01 April | 02 April | 03 April | 04 April | 05 April

Members of the Executive of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes - IMC - UNESCO had a very enjoyable visit to the Shanghai Broadcasting Art Center to hear the Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert on 30 March and to talk with teachers and students at this very enjoyable event featuring young accordionists.

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, at Shanghai Broadcasting Art Center, 30 March:
01. Autumn Fantasy accordion duo, both 9 years of age, Feng Manlu, Liu Yiyun
02. Children around the lucky dip accordion
03. Autumn Fantasy
04. Compere

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
05. Little Warriors 8 person ensemble.
06. Zhang Yi
07. Wu Zhengbao
08. Shi Yixiao

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
09. Accordion Trio of Wu Letong, Wang Chenxi, Song Chennan
10. Xue Hanzhang
11. Pan Zhiyue
12. Trio: Shu Changhao, Kong Yueran Lei Fuyao (violin)

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
13. Accordion Quintet of Qu Zitong, Zhang Chenyu, Wang Yifan, Zhou Jiahe, Chen Yingche.
14. Prof. Li Cong talked to audience, parents and players.
15. Kimmo Mattila spoke to the auidence, parents and players
16. Zorica Karakutovska spoke to the auidence, parents and players.
All the speakers said how much they enjoyed the performances and thanked the parents and the teachers for their important support and the players for the fine musical levels.

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
17. left to right: Zorica Karakutovska, Kimmo Mattila, Li Cong, Kevin Friedrich, Harley Jones.
18. Presentation of performance certificates
19. Presentation of performance certificates
20. Kevin Friedrich and Harley Jones enjoying the music.

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
21. left to right: Harley Jones, Li Cong, Zorica Karakutovska, Kevin Friedrich, Kimmo Mattila
22. Picture with teacher Young and some students, all carefully dressed and presented.
23. Pictures with some players: Harley Jones, Kevin Friedrich, Li Cong, Kimmo Mattila.
24. We were joined on stage by Nova Wan, a very valued accordion teacher of Shanghai.

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
25. Presentation
26. Photos
27. Photos with teachers and students
28. Lucky accordion

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
29. Executive of Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes
30. Executive of Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes
31. Zorica Karakutovska and Kevin Friedrich
32. Beautiful art work and graphic for the concert. Exceptional.

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
33. Comperes
34. Compere and Young
35. Compere and Young
36. Compere and Young showing the accordion to the audience

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
37. Compere and Young showing the accordion to the audience
38. text
39. text
40. text

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
41. text
42. text
43. text
44. Prof. Li Cong

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Shanghai Teenager Accordion Exchange Concert, 30 March:
45. Kimmo Mattila
46. Zorica Karakutovska
47. Presentations to the recording groups
48. Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes Executive members with the excellent graphic for the concert.

Event Adviser: Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)
Event Organizers:
Shanghai Musicians Association
Propaganda Department of Shanghai Changning District Committee of the Communist Party of China
Shanghai Changning District Culture and Tourism Bureau
Shanghai Changning District Federation of Literary and Art Circles
Shanghai Changning District Culture and Tourism Management Affairs Center
Accordion Professional Committee of Shanghai Musicians Association
Shanghai Changning Culture and Art Center
Event Co-organiser: Shangsheng·Xinsuo

29 March : 30 March | 30 March Opening | 01 April | 02 April | 03 April | 04 April | 05 April

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