04 April Report

29 March | 30 March | 30 March Opening | 01 April | 02 April | 03 April | 04 April | 05 April

Shanghai Changning and Beijing Xicheng Art Exchange, Xu Kegina and To-Melody Ensemble Special Concert

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Changning Cultural Art Center Sino foreign University and Academy Accordion Performance Exchange
01. The excellent graphics, posters and signs were a feature of the festival
02. Large sign in the accordion display area.
03. Accordion displays including new models
04. Teachers and public viewing the new accordions on display including display of inside the accordions.

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Changning Cultural Art Center Sino foreign University and Academy Accordion Performance Exchange
05. There was also demonstrations of new accordions by performers.
06. Accordion promotion plastic accordion
07. New accordions display
08. Video about accordions available

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Changning Cultural Art Center Sino foreign University and Academy Accordion Performance Exchange
09. text
10. text
11. Prof. Li Cong, Grayson Masefield, Kimmo Mattila
12. Ding Peng and family enjoying the afternoon

Changning Cultural Art Center Sino foreign University and Academy Accordion Performance Exchange
Changning Cultural Art Center Sino foreign University and Academy Accordion Performance Exchange
13. Seminars/masterclasses. Prof. Alexander Selivanov and Lang Lang Juvenile Accordion Orchestra Education Open Class
14. Display picture
15. Demonstration of accordions to crowded rooms
16. Talking about music/accordion models.

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Changning Cultural Art Center Sino foreign University and Academy Accordion Performance Exchange and then Xu Kegina and To-Melody Ensemble Special Concert
17. Mirco Patarini with two teachers of Shanghai
18. Quartet from the Lang Lang Music School. These players had success at international competitions in 2023 and were performing on the Closing Ceremony concert tomorrow.
19. The event had teachers from areas outside of Shanghai visiting and participating.
20. A fun afternoon and excellent promotion of the enjoyment of learning accordion.

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Xu Kegina and To-Melody Ensemble Special Concert
21. Masterclass
22. Masterclasses were well attended
23. The evening concert began. Xu Kegina and To-Melody Ensemble Special Concert
24. "Crystal" Congyu Wang, 2024 Shanghai Accordion Art Festival organisation leader introducing the dignatories and guests to the audience.

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Xu Kegina and To-Melody Ensemble Special Concert
25. Crystal Wang
26. Ensemble concert began.
27. Ensemble performance
28. Ensemble performance

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Xu Kegina and To-Melody Ensemble Special Concert
29. Ensemble performance
30. Ensemble performance
31. Ensemble performance
32. Ensemble performance

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Xu Kegina and To-Melody Ensemble Special Concert
33. Ensemble performance
34. Ensemble performance
35. Ensemble performance
36. Ensemble performance, presentation of flowers to much applause.

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Xu Kegina and To-Melody Ensemble Special Concert
37. Ensemble performance and you can see the excellent stage colors and designs that were regularly changing during the concert.
38. Very picturesque stage colors for the end of concert flower presentation.
39. Ensemble performance concluded with lots of applause for a popular concert enjoyed very much by the happy audience.
40. All guests, dignatories and stage production people on the stage with the Ensemble

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Xu Kegina and To-Melody Ensemble Special Concert
41. Alexander Selivanov showing off the special bottle that was shared at the dinner sponsored by the Golden Cup Accordion Factory.
42. Alexander Selivanov at the Golden Cup dinner
43. The evening ended with a birthday cake celebration of the birthday of Alexander Komelkov of the Northern Lights Duo.

29 March | 30 March | 01 April | 02 April | 03 April | 04 April | 05 April

Event Adviser: Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)
Event Organizers:
Shanghai Musicians Association
Propaganda Department of Shanghai Changning District Committee of the Communist Party of China
Shanghai Changning District Culture and Tourism Bureau
Shanghai Changning District Federation of Literary and Art Circles
Shanghai Changning District Culture and Tourism Management Affairs Center
Accordion Professional Committee of Shanghai Musicians Association
Shanghai Changning Culture and Art Center
Event Co-organiser: Shangsheng·Xinsuo

29 March : 30 March | 30 March Opening | 01 April | 02 April | 03 April | 04 April | 05 April

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