CD Review

Red Guelder Rose
Viacheslav Semionov
Viacheslav Semionov
5th March 1999
Sonata No1
Lithuanian Rhapsody
Estonian Rhapsody
Ukrainian Rhapsody
Belorussian Rhapsody
Don-river Rhapsody No 2, 2nd movement
Red Guelder Rose

The name of Viacheslav Semionov is very well known in international accordion circles. He is equally famous for his artistry as a performer, lecturer of the highest caliber as well as talented composer whose contribution towards the repertoire of the accordion is enormous.

This CD "Red Guelder Rose" is named after the famous song by Frenkel and is dedicated to the memory of the very popular Russian writer Shukshin. Red Guelder Rose is one of my favourite Semionov compositions because of its subtle emotions and touching beauty. This work composed in the 1980's has also become one of Semionov's most popular works.

Other compositions by Semionov on this CD are 4 Rhapsodies based on the folk themes, Sonata No 1, and Don Rhapsody No 2. Semionov's composing style is characteristic picturesque folklore, with subtle as well as deeply dramatic melodies. Semionov is also an exceptional performer and I have had the chance of hearing him live many times. In addition to his absolute technical freedom, he is profoundly involved in the music he performs and is an artist of the highest level.

Music Books composed by Viatcheslav Semionov
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