CD Review

Tania Lukic-Marx now gives the CD reviews a rating system. This system includes a number of stars at the completion of the review, for example 5 stars (*****) means the CD was "brilliant" or "excellent", 4 stars = impressive, 3 stars = good, 2 stars = satisfactory and 1 star = didn't impress.

Plays Vladimir Besfamilnov
Vladimir Besfamilnov
Vladimir Besfamilnov
September 12th 2003
1. J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor
2. Mendhelsson - Rondo - Capriccioso
3. E. Grieg - The Wanderer
4. Daquin - The Cuckoo
5. Chopin - Nocturne in F sharp minor
6. Kreisler " Joy of Love", waltz trans. by Pamitsky
7. Vogrich - Capriccio - staccato
8. J. S. Bach - Prelude in D minor
9. Handel/Thomson - Passacaglia, transcription by N.Rizol
10. J. Strauss - "Voices of spring"
11. Barton - Tokkata and Fugue in D minor
12. Kreisler/Yashkevich - "Beautiful Rosemary"
13. Paganini/Liszt - Caprice "The Haunt"
14. P. Tchaikovsky - "In the Country"
15. Tchaikovsky - "May"
16. Tchaikovsky - "August"
17. to 19. Tchaikovsky - Three Dances from " The Nutcracker"
- Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
- Arabic Dance
- Dance of the Merlitons
20. M. Mussorgsky - " Ballet of the unhatched chicks"
21. S. Rachamninov/Yashkevich - Italian Polka

The name and artistry of Vladimir Besfamilnov is well known in the international accordion community. Full information on his biography could be found on his site as well as review of his previous recording dated November 30th 2001

Besfamilnov's career as an accordion concert artist and pedagogue has been extremely fruitful and rich. His artistry in many ways impacted on the development of the accordion in terms of its repertoire, use with another instruments, orchestras, ensembles, etc. Besfamilnov always has been a great innovator, ready to implement original, new and good, keeping up with the times, composing and performing trends. This set of 12 CD's represents some of the archive recordings made for Ukrainian National Radio throughout many years of Besfamilnov's performing career, in particular from 1953-1989. Recordings represent different stages of Besfamilnov's artistry: from the beginnings of his career and performances on the stradella accordion, to performances with the Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Ensembles, Pipe Organ, Piano, Solo, using the most advanced free bass accordion.

This particular recording Volume 5 contains a variety of recordings - some early ones as well as later ones, using solo accordion, and performing one of his favorite genres - miniatures.

Listening to the set of the 12 Besfamilnov recordings is an extraordinary musical journey. Early years are characterised by the passion while in later years, the quality of extrovert wildness in his youthful interpretation was replaced by a magical poetry and intense inner feeling.

Besfamilnov's interpretations are masterful. He plays with a gorgeous tone and an open-hearted response to every phrase. Through particular attention to the voicing, Besfamilnov has at his command, a rich palette of tone colour. In the lyrical moments, particularly in the slow movements, he spins out the sound with a spaciousness that makes you wait on every note with baited breath. In this recording, one certainly hears music-making of the first order, with Besfamilnov giving a full-blooded account of these well-loved romantic pieces. It is a performance with deeply emotional and outgoing spirit.

As he was my teacher, mentor and friend, I do not wish to grade this recording, as I stand humble in front of his artistry. He remains for me a phenomenon who stands out not only for the radiance of his playing, but for his personal radiance as well.

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