CD Review

Tania Lukic-Marx now gives the CD reviews a rating system. This system includes a number of stars at the completion of the review, for example 5 stars (*****) means the CD was "brilliant" or "excellent", 4 stars = impressive, 3 stars = good, 2 stars = satisfactory and 1 star = didn't impress.

Travels with Suzette
Anatoly Trofimov (bayan), Tamara Volskaya (domra, mandolin, balalyka), John W. Helton (violin, tambourine, triangle, woodblocks) and Daniil Guirchovitch (tambourine, triangle)
Anatoly Trofimov
November 16th 2001
1. Autumn in Armenia
2. Springtime
3. Havanaise
4. Bon Jour, Suzette
5. Gypsy Camp
6. Afternoon in Madrid
7. Reminiscence
8. Whirlwind
9. Excursion In The Winter
10. Noche Carib
11. Fantasy in A minor
12. Enchanted Doll House
13. Armenian Dance No 2
14. Zoltan's Return
15. Sunset in Castelfidarco
16. Polonaise
17. The Girl from Paris
18. Plaza Del Barcelona
19. Introduction and Habanera
20. Parisian Street Scene
21. Circus Memories
22. Hungarian Girl
23. Shadows

With this recording you are in for a diverse ensemble, consisting of accordion (as its fundament) and including domra, balalaika, mandolin, violin, tambourine, triangle, woodblocks, all used in different combinations throughout the recording (although the combination of accordion, domra and balalaika is used on most tracks). These are traditional Russian folk instruments and are immediately associated with Russian folk music, in a style of which all the tunes on this recording are composed by John W. Helton.

The accordion in combination with the domra and balalaika is a typical representative and inevitable part of Russian music culture with very long tradition. They are "peoples" instruments and are used for celebrations of all kinds as well as on a high academic level. This combination of instruments creates a beautiful warm tone, which amply expresses the playful as well as melancholic and nostalgic character of the wide Slavic soul.

So, all the tunes on this recording are written in that style - very "Russian like". Light, easy listening, very pleasant, mild and enjoyable. They are performed with a lot of style and natural feeling by Russian artists (obviously residing in the USA). I thought the arrangements were great too. Although John W. Helton composed all the extraordinary and beautiful little tunes on this recording, I didn't quite like his violin playing - it leaves an impression of instability in terms of intonation.

Overall - great entertainment! ***
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