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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 31-Mar-2023
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第五届上海之春国际手风琴文化艺术节 - 中国
Agora 2023年国际夏季学院 - 瑞士
海蒂-卢苏亚尔维教授的就职音乐会 Heidi Luosujärvi - 奥地利
Drostdy剧院世界手风琴日音乐会 - 南非
CNIMA 美国新奥尔良的手风琴讲习班
Claudio Jacomucci 四月大师班 - 意大利


Duo Vildá Joint Concert Series with Sointi Jazz Orchestra - Finland
Australian Accordion Teachers Association Inc. Competitions & Festival - Australia
Diatonic Accordion Course for Beginners with Valérie Aubart – France
13th International Music Festival - Montenegro
Video: Gorka Hermosa Performs for Basque President - Spain
Online: 2023 Accordion Star Video Competition – USA
你为世界手风琴日做了什么 World Accordion Day? 5月6日 - 国际


New England Music Festival Celebrates 61st Anniversary - USA
Fisorchestra Aquilana Performance: Musica in Tour 2023 - Italy
Piaf - A Tribute: Concert at Paris Cat Jazz Club – Australia
"Fortunato & Valentina" Easter Concert – Italy
Accordion Variety Concert Celebrates 150th Anniversary - Scotland
Accordionists Entertain at Bal des Narcissus Event - France
“Airboxes” April Concerts - Belgium
Ville Hiltula April Concerts – Japan
2023 Chamberlain and Haywood Concert Tour - Scotland
Concertina Spring Meeting at Kapfenburg Castle - Germany

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List of Links


世界手风琴日(World Accordion Day - WAD)节在 手风琴世界博物馆 (A World of Accordions Museum) - 美国

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Accordion week
accordion week poster, concert hall1998年,Giuseppe Panini 著名的摩德纳小雕像 "国王 "和伟大的手风琴爱好者朱塞佩-帕尼决定将他个人收藏的大约80个模型捐给我们的卡斯泰尔菲达多国际博物馆。25年后,由于最近几天在摩德纳Vecchi-Tonelli音乐学院举办的 "手风琴周 "活动,一些模型完成了反向旅行。

卡斯特尔菲达多博物馆馆长、同时也是Vecchi-Tonelli音乐学院教师的 Alessandro Mugnoz 大师的想法,得到了各市政当局的支持,为卡斯特尔菲达多打开了一个重要的文化和宣传窗口。


"在摩德纳,就像在整个艾米利亚-罗马涅,一直有一个重要的传统,由Commendator Panini、舞厅舞蹈和流行音乐培育出来的:通过这项活动,我们打算恢复和重新启动这种感觉,让现代手风琴360度为人所知。在摩德纳和卡斯特尔菲达多之间架起了一座桥梁,在簧片的音符上建立了联系,引起了学生、教师和爱好者的兴趣,他们饶有兴趣地参与了由Soprani公民音乐学校教师提出的音乐、说教和形成的时刻,应邀参加这一特殊场合," Alessandro Mugnoz 大师解释说。

表演的是两位手风琴大使 Roberto Lucanero 和 Antonino de Luca。导师 Luigino Pallotta 将与学生 Elena Merli、Michele Alessandrini、Cristian和Nicolas Chiaraluce(Fisitalia 家族)、Emma Burini和Alessia Catena一起,为筹备这场音乐会付出了大量的努力。

accordion week


第五届上海之春国际手风琴文化艺术节 - 中国

Tekla Klebetnica
Tekla KlebetnicaMirco PatariniTekla Klebetnica(波兰)包括手风琴演奏家Zygmunt Czupryn(图上和左)本周在第五届中国上海2023年春季国际手风琴文化艺术节上演出。

他们很荣幸 "在舞台上出现在Mirco Patarini(上图右)和Alexander Selivanov,以及Gustavo Almeida、Rodrigo Erbs和Dragoslav Vasiljevic等杰出人物身边"。

第二天,Tekla Klebetnica举行了一系列的户外音乐会(下图),旨在向上海居民推广手风琴。在他们演出的每一个地方,"都有非常好的气氛,中国人对我们的音乐有热烈的欢迎"。
Tekla Klebetnica


Agora 2023年国际夏季学院 - 瑞士

Agora logoAgora 2023年国际夏季学院将于2023年7月16日至22日在瑞士的阿德尔博登举行。


- Klaudiusz Baran(波兰华沙肖邦音乐大学)
- Marie-Andrée Joerger(法国斯特拉斯堡音乐学院,音乐学院)
- Vincent Lhermet(法国巴黎音乐学院CNSMDP)
- Philippe Thuriot (比利时甘德皇家音乐学院)
- Sylvain Tissot(瑞士弗里堡音乐学院、洛桑HEMU)。

由Marie-Andrée Joerger、Vincent Lhermet和Sylvain Tissot创建的Agora协会,旨在推广手风琴并参与其在国际上的传播。



报名于2023年5月31日截止。在此下载活动和导师信息及报名表: 2023Agora.pdf


海蒂-卢苏亚尔维教授的就职音乐会 Heidi Luosujärvi - 奥地利

Heidi Luosujärvi
Bruckner logo在奥地利林茨布鲁克纳私立音乐大学的小礼堂举行的首场音乐会上,海蒂-洛苏亚尔维教授不仅以完美的曲目选择给人留下深刻印象,而且还以其细致入微的音调给人留下深刻印象 Heidi Luosujärvi不仅在曲目选择上给人留下了深刻印象,而且她细致入微的演奏和堪称典范的音准也给人留下了深刻印象。

Heidi Luosujärvi在赫尔辛基的西贝柳斯学院跟随Matti Rantanen学习手风琴,并在埃森的Folkwang艺术大学跟随Mie Miki学习。她曾在德国、意大利、西班牙、卢森堡和日本的国际音乐比赛中获得多个奖项。

她首演了许多作品,并与许多作曲家合作。她是E-MEX-Ensemble、Oh Ton-Ensemble和Notabu Ensemble新音乐等当代音乐团体的常客。

她繁忙的音乐会生涯,包括许多广播和电视录音,以及独奏会和室内乐演奏,使她的足迹遍布欧洲、亚洲、中东和美国。作为独奏家,她曾与泰国爱乐乐团、曼海姆Kurpfälzisches Kammerorchester和拉普兰室内乐团合作演出。


她与手风琴演奏家Petteri Waris一起,展示了一个来自巴洛克、浪漫主义和当代时代的高难度节目,名为 "黑鸟","Black Birds" 其中包括以下作品 Domenico Scarlatti, Edvard Grieg, Kalevi Aho, José María Sánchez-Verdú和John Zorn的作品。


Drostdy剧院世界手风琴日音乐会 - 南非

Stanislav AngelovLouis Verwey手风琴家Stanislav Angelov(图左)和Louis Verwey(图右)已于2023年5月7日在南非斯泰伦博斯的Drostdy剧院组织了一场世界手风琴日(WAD)音乐会。

与会者将 "通过由学生和专业手风琴演奏家演奏的各种流派的迷人音乐,体验手风琴的多面性和美丽。准备好被他们的技能和对音乐的热情所震撼吧"。




CNIMA 美国新奥尔良的手风琴讲习班

CNIMA Accordion Workshops in New Orleans
Nathalie Boucheix 指导的CNIMA将于今年5月在美国路易斯安那州新奥尔良的Maison St Charles酒店举办两期手风琴培训班,面向所有级别、年龄和风格的手风琴爱好者(纽扣和钢琴手风琴)。


CNIMA (Centre National et International de Musique et d'Accordéon)是一所国际知名的法国手风琴学校,由受人尊敬的 Jacques Mornet 教授和获奖的手风琴演奏家Nathalie Boucheix共同创建,并担任校长。

学校已经培养了几代著名的法国手风琴演奏家: Alain Musichini, Domi Emorine, Félicien Brut, Vincent Lhermet, Christine Rossi...等等。CNIMA 的学生取得了多方面的成功,包括在国际比赛中获得了创纪录的123个奖项。

Jacques Mornet 曾在俄罗斯、中国、意大利、英国、丹麦、保加利亚、西班牙、塞尔维亚、比利时、加拿大和捷克斯洛伐克等国教授讲习班。他是格斯-维瑟尔奖和俄罗斯格尼辛学院银盘奖的获得者。(见下面的图片)。

Nathalie Boucheix 是国际手风琴比赛的冠军,如Trophée Mondial和 Klingenthal。




Claudio Jacomucci 四月大师班 - 意大利

Claudio Jacomucci April Masterclass
Claudio Jacomucci 将于2023年4月26日至29日在意大利Castelfidardo的Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani(保罗-索普拉尼公民学校)举办大师班。

详情请致电: 391 1882600



Duo Vildá Joint Concert Series with Sointi Jazz Orchestra - Finland

Duo Vildá Joint Concerts
Viivi Maria SaarenkyläDuo Vildá which includes accordionist Viivi Maria Saarenkylä (picture right) and indigenous Samí singer Hildá Länsman (Finland) have just completed at joint jazz concert series with the Sointi Jazz Orchestra (artistic director, Rasmus Soini) in Finland.

Their first concert was held at the Vuotalo Cultural Centre in Helsinki on March 16th.

On March 17th, they performed at the Kangasala-talo in Kangasala with a final concert at the Porvoo Taidetehdas Konstfabriken (Art Factory) in Porvoo on March 18th.

The concert program was described as “Hildá Länsman's impressive vocals, Viivi Maria Saarenkylä's expressive accordion and Sointi Jazz Orchestra's airy and grandiose expression create a dialogue that takes the listener on a journey to the northern fells, to the whispering of the Sami winds.”

This year 2023, celebrates the Sointi Jazz Orchestra's 10th anniversary.
Vilda and Jazz band


Australian Accordion Teachers Association Inc. Competitions & Festival - Australia

AATA logo
Tatjana MarxThe Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA), will hold their 2023 Australian National Accordion Championships and Gala Concert on May 28th, 2023 in Sydney, Australia, led by President Tatjana Marx (picture right).

After several years of holding very successful online events, the AATA is pleased to recommence face to face competition for 2023.

This year’s event is focused on giving our local Australian accordionists the opportunity to gain valuable performance experience. Because of this, and the ongoing challenges of international travel costs and schedules, the competition will be open to Australian residents only for this year.

International Artists are still invited to attend as guest performers for our Gala Concert to be held in association with friends from the ASA.

For entry information and further details: AATA


Diatonic Accordion Course for Beginners with Valérie Aubart – France

Valérie AubartValérie Aubart (picture left) will run a Diatonic Accordion Course at the Hamlet of Chalap in Senechas, France from July 9th to 15th, 2023, organised by Balagan Company.

The course is for beginners and will cover:
- holding and understanding of the instrument
- basic scales and chords
- accompaniment and rhythms
- air column
- valve technique
- keyboard learning
- coordination of both hands
- ensemble playing

Valérie “will approach this technical work from a varied repertoire of world music. No need for prior musical knowledge, we will work by ear but scores and tablatures will be made available. We will also discuss a fanfare repertoire that will allow everyone to work on collective play and share the pleasure of playing together!”

For details email: compagniebalagan@gmail.com


13th International Music Festival - Montenegro

13th International Music Festival
The 13th International Accordion Music Festival "Harmonica Fest" will be held in Tivat, Montenegro from May 25th to 27th, 2023.

The event will include a competition, concerts, a masterclass and lectures.

For details email: harmonikafest.mne@gmail.com
13th International Music Festival


Video: Gorka Hermosa Performs for Basque President - Spain

Gorka HermosaVideo: Gorka Hermosa (picture left) performed a traditional Aurresku with Garikoitz Mendizabal (whistle) and Kukai (dancers) video released March 14th, 2023.

The event was held in the presence of the lehendakari (Basque President), members of the Basque Government and businessmen during the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Basque employers' association ADEGI.


Online: 2023 Accordion Star Video Competition – USA

2023 Accordion Star
Applications for the online 2023 Accordion Star Video Competition will open in early April, 2023, organised by Sergei Teleshev.

The 2023 competition will take place from June 23rd to 30th. This year, entries will be judged online by an international jury and also by YouTube and Facebook audiences with an additional "Public Favorite" prize.

A new category this year will be the Best Music Video nomination, which is open to soloists and ensembles of all ages. No restrictions, just make sure the accordion is present. Both acoustic and digital accordions are welcome in this category. The music selection is a popular piece of music in any style up to 5 minutes.

Other categories include:
Nomination for “The Best Performance”
Category 18+ Professionals (no age limit)
Category 18+ Amateurs (no age limit)
Category Ensembles (any size, any combination, no age limit, must include at least one accordion of any kind)
Youth Category 15-17
Youth Category 12-14
Youth Category 11 and under

For further details email: accostarfest@gmail.com


你为世界手风琴日做了什么 World Accordion Day? 5月6日 - 国际

World Accordion Day header
World Accordion Day logo你为世界手风琴日(World Accordion Day - WAD)做了什么,以促进手风琴在贵国的发展?世界手风琴日(WAD)是在5月6日,也就是手风琴在1829年获得专利的日子。

世界手风琴日是由国际手风琴联合会(Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes - CIA)在2009年发起的,并且非常成功,为手风琴带来了大量的正面宣传。这个活动的一个关键部分是世界手风琴日网站 (WAD)。


每个人都可以在 WAD 网站上注册他们的 WAD 活动,并在活动结束后向该网站发送一份活动报告。




New England Music Festival Celebrates 61st Anniversary - USA

ATAM header
Peggy FalcettiThe Accordion Teachers Association of Massachusetts (ATAM) will sponsor one of their biggest events in years with over 1,500 entries. This 3 day festival will take place from March 31st to April 2nd, 2023 at the “Boston Newton Marriott” in Newton, Massachusetts, USA.

President Frankie Coelho, is happy to announce that the ATAM will recognize Joseph Natoli from Ohio, “Internationally Famous Accordionist”, Concert Artist, Educator, and Adjudicator. The award as “Honorary Lifetime Member” will be presented at the Saturday evening annual Awards Banquet. ATAM President Frankie Coelho shares, “This is a well-deserved honor!”

The Contest Co-Chairmen Michael Falcetti and President Frankie Coelho (Miguel School of Music), will be taking over for Chairman Peggy Falcetti after her 43 years tenure. The 3 day event includes music students from all of the New England states participating in accordion, bass guitar, drums, guitar, piano, violin, and voice categories. Students may compete in solo, duet, ensemble, battle of the bands, and orchestra categories.

There are over 800 entries in solo, duet, and band categories, which span all age groups and skill levels. Adult categories were introduced in 2019, and the 2020 pandemic was the catalyst for its new virtual competition, which is open to anyone, including those outside the New England area.

Over $5,000.00 in cash awards and scholarships will be given out. All events are free and open to the public. Both live and virtual categories will take place during the weekend.

The Battle of the Bands can always be counted on to showcase exceptional talent, and Sam Falcetti's New England Digital Accordion Orchestra, which usually closes the event, is sure to be quite entertaining. There also will be workshops, a vendor station, and a Saturday night banquet, where all New England Cup categories will be awarded. 2023's Festival co-chairs are Michael Falcetti and Frankie Coelho (Miguel School of Music).

For more information email: atamnemusicfestival@gmail.com


Fisorchestra Aquilana Performance: Musica in Tour 2023 - Italy

Fisorchestra Aquilana poster
The Fisorchestra Aquilana (picture below) directed by Sergio Petronio will perform a concert as part of the Musica in Tour 2023 on April 2nd, 2023 at 5pm, in Navelli, Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy.

Their program will include works by Gershwin, Morricone, Piazzolla, Caccini, Cocciante, Galliano, Webber, Mancini, Foppe and Helmuth.

For details email: fisorchestra.aquilana@gmail.com
Fisorchestra Aquilana


Piaf - A Tribute: Concert at Paris Cat Jazz Club – Australia

Noria LettsDave EvansIn a tribute to Piaf, acclaimed French chanteuse Noria Letts (picture left), brings back the songs of Piaf to the stage and takes her audience on a journey from Belleville’s gritty trottoirs to the nightclubs of the Champs-Elysées and Broadway.

The concert will be held at the Paris Cat Jazz Club in Melbourne, Australia on April 8th, 2023.

Noria will be accompanied by Dave Evans (accordion – picture above right), Steve Sedergreen (piano), Mark Elton (double bass and Phil Collings (drums). Their program will include Non, Je ne Regrette Rien, La vie en Rose, Hymne a l’amour, Sous le ciel de Paris and a host of other beloved chansons from the Piaf songbook.

For details email: info@pariscat.com.au


"Fortunato & Valentina" Easter Concert – Italy

Fortunato & Valentina poster
The Fortunato & Valentina duo, which features accordionist Valentina Donato and Fortunato Stillittano, will perform an Easter Concert at the Ristorante L'europa in San Marco Argentano, Calabria, Italy on April 10th, 2023.

The evening will include guest performers, “lots of fun, good food and especially lots of tarantella!"

See poster for details.


Accordion Variety Concert Celebrates 150th Anniversary - Scotland

Cowden concert
The Cowdenbeath Baptist Church in West Fife, Scotland, will celebrate their 150th anniversary with an Accordion Variety Concert on April 11th, 2023 at 7.30pm.

All proceeds will go to the Cowdenbeath Food Bank.

See poster for details.


Accordionists Entertain at Bal des Narcissus Event - France

Bal des Narcissus EventAccordionists Claude Caron and Rudi Beauprez will entertain at the Bal des Narcissus music event held at the Winnezeele Oasiswinnezeele Restaurant in Dunkirk, France on April 13th, 2023, from midday to 7.30pm.

See poster for details.


“Airboxes” April Concerts - Belgium

“Airboxes” will perform two concerts in April in Belgium. The duo, which consists of Bert Leemans and Guus Herremans, solely play their own compositions.

Concert dates as follows:
• April 17th, 2023: concert at Trefpunt in Gent, Belgium
• April 21st, 2023: concert at the OC Lange Munte (meeting centre) in Kortrijk, Belgium.

For details email: info@airboxes.be


Ville Hiltula April Concerts – Japan

Ville poster
ville posterVille Hiltula will perform the following concerts in April:

• April 23rd, 2023: “Tango Standards and Beyond” concert by trio of Ville Hiltula (bandoneon), Hanako Tanimoto (violin) and Satoko Tsutsumi (piano) at Guggenheim House in Kobe. Their program will include classical tango to Astor Piazzolla and beyond. See poster above.

• April 28th, 2023: “Classic Meets Tango” concert with the Japan Christian Group (Kazuhiro Takagi – violin, Janne Tateno – violin, Yuko Tanaka – viola and Sari Nakajima – cello) at the Salon de Sasanoha, Shimanouchi Church, Osaka. Their program will include works by Dvorák, Ginastera, Piazzolla, Mosalini, Beytelmann & Schwarz. See poster left.

• April 30th, 2023: “Tango Standards and Beyond” concert with Hanako Tanimoto (violin) and Satoko Tsutsumi (piano) at the Myofukuji Tempelhalle in Kyoto. Their program will include classical tango to Astor Piazzolla and beyond.

See poster below.
Ville poster


2023 Chamberlain and Haywood Concert Tour - Scotland

Chamberlain poster
Video: Chamberlain & Haywood in Concert - Bowden August 2019.

Paul Chamberlain (accordion) & Michael Haywood (clarinet) will begin their 2023 concert tour on April 23rd at the Cowal Music Club in Dunoon.

This will be followed by a performance on June 2nd in Ross Priory on the shores of Loch Lomond. On June 9th, the duo will play in Bowden Village Hall, in the Scottish Borders (where Paul grew up).

The following afternoon on June10th they will perform in Glasgow as part of The Spire Concert Series in St Andrew's West Church.

Their final two concerts will be held in Yorkshire in a beautiful church called St James's in the villa of Baldersby, just outside Thirsk on June 29th and then in Edinburgh at St Andrew's and St George's West Church on George Street on August 11th, where they have played annually for many years as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Their program will take their audience on “an international tour where they will hear the sultry sounds of the tango, the rhythmic drive of the Balkans, along with rip-roaring tunes from Russia and Scotland.”


Concertina Spring Meeting at Kapfenburg Castle - Germany

Kapfenburg Castle
Jochen RiemerThe KonzertinaNetz Spring meeting will be held from May 5th to 7th, 2023 at Kapfenburg Castle (picture above) in Aalen, Germany.

The musical director is the co-founder of the KonzertinaNetz-Treffen, Jochen Riemer (picture right).

The meeting will include 15 to 20 participants, who will focus on making music together.

The event has also developed into a contact point for beginners, so that they can offer start-up help for German concertina and Anglo if necessary. Attendees can see, hear, test and get advice on the different types such as German concertina, Anglos, English and duet which are the most common instruments on display, but Chemnitz, Carlsfeld and bandoneons are also regularly represented.

The meeting will begin with an evening of getting to know each other, followed by free music-making.

During the weekend, the group will play pieces submitted by the participants under the guidance of Jochen Riemer, partake in a guided tour of the castle, have practise sessions and take part in a final "castle concert".


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World Accordion Day Information 2023 World Accordion Day, 6th May each year
2022 Coupe Mondiale Release of 2023 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations
2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article



世界手风琴日(World Accordion Day - WAD)节在 手风琴世界博物馆 (A World of Accordions Museum) - 美国

WAD concert
World Accordion Day logoWorld of Accordions Museum 手风琴世界博物馆 将举行 威拉德-帕尔默博士节 (Dr Willard Palmer Festival) 在美国威斯康星州的哈灵顿艺术中心举行。世界手风琴日(World Accordion Day - WAD)。


WAD 是由国际手风琴联合会组织的 (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes - CIA)组织的,并且非常成功,为手风琴带来了很多正面的宣传。

每个手风琴家都被要求积极支持这一活动,鼓励国家和地方的手风琴活动在5月6日或5月6日WAD之前或之后的周末发生,如果那应该是更方便的话。注册你的世界手风琴日活动:World Accordion Day


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