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Weekly News from Around the World - 31-Jul-2020
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VII ième compétition Russe “la perle du Kouban”, Krasnodar - Russie
Tournée de concerts de Félicien Brut au mois d’août - France
Concert d’automnne 2020 de Wiener Melange - Autriche
Excelsus joue au “Festival Rezeknei 735! City & Balloon” 2020 – Latvie

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Norbert Seidel New Book, "Tango Waltz Jazz" - Germany
Interview with Winners of International Pure Sound Award – Russia
Archival Articles by Joan Grauman Added to the AAA Website - USA
Ladom Ensemble - Toronta Summer Music Online Concerts - Canada
Alexander Poeluev New Video - Russia
New Accordion Gift Website Launched – USA
CNIMA Accordion Workshops – France
Update to Come for 2020 Maclagan Squeezebox Festival - Australia
Pierre Eriksson Waltz Video – Sweden
Video: Moses Concas Harmonica, America's Got Talent - USA

Future events

Marco Lo Russo Concert at Celebration - Italy
Brooklyn Accordion Club Upcoming Zoom Meetings – USA
“Honky Tonk Jump” at Zephyr Breeze Summer Series, Minnesota – USA
Black Pencil Concert in Almere - Netherlands
PIF 2020 Online Seminars, Castelfidardo - Italy
Volker Rausenberger Accordion Workshop at Hohner Conservatory – Germany

New and Updated Sites

Le système d’inscription pour la Coupe Mondiale 2020, prochainement en ligne - Portugal
Online 2020 Australian International Championships and Festival - Australia

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VII ième compétition Russe “la perle du Kouban”, Krasnodar - Russie

Pearl logo
PearlLa 7ième compétition russe de joueurs de musique folklorique “la perle de Kouban” aura lieu, à Krasnodar, du 10 au 12 novembre 2020.

La compétition se déroulera ainsi :

Première étape : Les participants doivent envoyer une vidéo de leur prestation musicale ainsi que leur fiche d’inscription avant le 9 octobre 2020. Cette étape est obligatoire et gratuite.

Le jury choisira les meilleurs prestations. Les participants sélectionnés seront invités à participer à des auditions en présentiel.

Deuxième étape : La compétition en présentiel aura lieu du 10 au 12 novembre à l’institut d’état de la culture de Krasnodar.

Les inscriptions pour l’étape en présentiel seront closes le 10 novembre 2020.

Pour plus de détails, email `: zhemchuzhinakubani@mail.ru

Télécharger le règlement pour la compétition en russe : 2020PearlRules.pdf


Tournée de concerts de Félicien Brut au mois d’août - France

Félicien BrutLes dates de concert de l’accordéoniste Félicien Brut, au mois d’août, sont les suivantes :

Le 2 août à 18h : concert avec Julien Martineau (mandoline) à la Chapelle Saint-Quenin de Vaison-la-Romaine

Le 7 août à 17h30 : concert avec Édouard Macarez (contrebasse) au Parc du Mazeau à Saint-Priest-Taurion

Le 8 août à 16h : concert avec Renaud Guy-Rousseau (clarinette) au Parc du Mazeau à Saint-Priest-Taurion

Le 14 août : concert avec Sextet “NEUF, Beethoven rencontre l’accordéon”, Le quartet Hermès et Édouard Macarez (contrebasse) à Bourges

Le 18 août 20H30 : concert avec Thibaut Garcia (guitare) à Chassignolles

Félicien Brut joue une variété de morceaux allant de la musique populaire à la musique savante, de la musique écrite à l’improvisation, à la musique originale à la retranscription d’oeuvres inattendues.

Pour plus de details email : cledoux@lagence-management


Concert d’automnne 2020 de Wiener Melange - Autriche

Wiener Melange poster
Le concert d’automne 2020 de Wiener Melange se tiendra à la salle des fêtes de Bisamberg, à Bisamberg, en Autriche, le 11 octobre 2020 à 16h, avec le club d’accordéon « La Tastiera Magica ».

Ce concert était à l’origine programmé en mars dernier, mais a été repoussé à octobre du fait du Covid-19. Les tickets achetés ou réservés pour le concert de mars sont valides pour le concert d’octobre.

L’orchestre d’accordéon "La Tastiera Magica" (photo ci-dessous) dirigé par Gabriele Mittermüller-Hofbauer, jouera un repertoire varié de mélodies populaires viennoises.

Pour plus de details, email : tickets@latastieramagica.at
Tastiera Magica


Excelsus joue au “Festival Rezeknei 735! City & Balloon” 2020 – Latvie

Excelsus poster
“Excelsus” donnera un concert en plein air à l’académie de technologie de Rezekne, dans le cadre du festival 2020 « Rezeknei 735! City & Balloon” en Latvie, le 1er août.

Ce festival aura lieu au centre culturel et touristique de Rezekne, du 29 juillet au 2 août 2020.

Le groupe Excelsus est constitué de Zane Vancane (accordéon), Arna Rogalevic (accordéon), Evgeny Skritnik (accordéon), Sanita Aizupiete (accordéon), Kristaps Vish (guitare basse) and Eduard Geikin-Tolstow (percussion). Leur répertoire comprend du Vivaldi, Bach, Grieg, Liszt, Piazzolla, Khachaturian, Webber, Bazhilin, Ivanovs, ABBA, Metallica etc …

Voir poster pour les détails.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Norbert Seidel New Book, "Tango Waltz Jazz" - Germany

Tango Waltz JazzAccordion Jazz ChordsNorbert Seidel new music book and tutorial "Tango Waltz Jazz" for only Euro 19.50 or US$ equivalent. Catalog: 1066 This is the supplementary book to the author’s bestseller instruction book "Accordion Jazz Chords" Catalog: seidel

Tango Waltz Jazz features new compositions in modern rhythms and with stylish accompanying harmonies.
- 12 imaginative compositions – tangos, waltzes and jazz pieces – for accordion solo
for beginners as well as advanced players, button and piano keyboard players.
- With detailed text descriptions and instructive explanations for playing the compositions musically and realizing them technically.

Catalog: 1066 "Tango Waltz Jazz" 56 Pages · Format: 23 x 30.5 cm · ISBN 978-3-925572-18-0 ·


Interview with Winners of International Pure Sound Award – Russia

Efrem PodgaitsLipsVideo: Winners of the International Pure Sound Award for the best audio recording of Russian academic music 2019 - Viktor Osadchev (sound engineer), Friedrich Lips (bayan) and Ephraim Podgaits (composer) talk about the creation and recording of the concert "Double Mirror" by Ephraim Podgaits in Russian language.

The Pure Sound International Award is the first ever award for the best audio recording of Russian academic music. The award was established by the Russian Music Union with the aim of promoting the Russian composer's school, supporting the recording industry of academic music and the development of music culture in general.

The work “Double Mirror” was performed at a concert for bayan, cello and symphony orchestra in Moscow’s House of Composers on November 29th, 2019 as part of the Moscow Autumn festival and to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the composer, Efrem Podgaits (picture above left).

Performers were the Radio Orpheus Symphony Orchestra under its conductor Sergey Kondrashev with soloists Friedrich Lips (bayan - picture above right) and Alexander Buzlov (cello).

Picture below: Pure Sound certificate
Pure sound certificate


Archival Articles by Joan Grauman Added to the AAA Website - USA

AAA header
Joan GraumanJoan Grauman has been AAA Historian for many years. You can read her varied articles on well known AAA accordion personalities on the AAA website at: AAA Archival Information

Each month, more of AAA Historian Joan Grauman's articles are carefully placed on the AAA website.  On a wide variety of topics, these articles provide a glimpse into AAA's wondrous past, as well as on the happenings in the accordion community in the US today.

The articles added this past month are:

9. Spotlight on Frank Busso -- Musician, Educator, Conductor and Ambassador of the Accordion (2017)

10. Joe Cerrito:  Consummate Musician and Extraordinary Educator (2016)

14. Guy Klucevsek and Cody McSherry -- A Heartwarming Story of Coincidences (2017)

27. Gabe Hall-Rodrigues and Jamie Maschler:  Catching Up with "Creosote" (2020)

28. JoAnn Pankow and Art Piel:  And All Because of a Bumper Sticker (2019)

These articles now join eleven others that have been uploaded previously.  "By July 2021, I hope to have all 28 of my already published articles on the AAA website along with 4 more on my 'to do' list," says Joan. 

You will greatly increase your accordion knowledge. Stay tuned! AAA Archival Information


Ladom Ensemble - Toronta Summer Music Online Concerts - Canada

TSM banner
Ladon EnsembleThe Ladom Ensemble (picture left) played everything from Radiohead to Prokofiev, from Piazzolla to originals at the Toronta Summer Music (TSM) Online Festival this week.

The quartet includes Michael Bridge (accordion), Pouya Hamidi (piano), Beth Silver (cello) and Adam Campbell (percussion). Michael was online chatting in real time and answering questions.

The concerts were free to all thanks to a generous sponsorship.

Their “Main stage concert” was held on July 28th, followed by a “Kids Concert” on July 29th.

Their program included Dance of the Knights (Prokofiev), Noor (Hamidi), Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (Radiohead), East Coast Medley and Libertango (Piazzolla) among others.


Alexander Poeluev New Video - Russia

Alexander PoeluevA new video by Alexander Poeluev entitled “The Road Home” by A. Arhipovsky and recorded while travelling on a train throughout Russia

For more details email: adm_a_poeluev@mail.ru


New Accordion Gift Website Launched – USA

Accordion Gifts
Dan GraumanDan Grauman (picture left) proudly announces the new website, AccordionGifts at www.accordiongifts.com has been launched.

Accordion-themed items, including clothing, jewelry, stationery, and novelties have traditionally been much more difficult to find than similar items with images of other instruments, such as violins, clarinets, drums, etc. AccordionGifts hopes to change that.  Some gift items on this website include original art by accordionist and artist, Joan Geller Grauman. Many thanks go to accordionist and artist Cody McSherry for creating our beautiful logo.

A new item in limited stock is the beautiful accordion-shaped purse with zippered compartment inside as well as on the backside. The purse includes a shoulder strap.


CNIMA Accordion Workshops – France

CNIMA logo
Frank AngelisClaude ThomainThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix is an international accordion school that organizes accordion workshops and different types of courses throughout the year.

The video above shows a young trainee, Alienor, playing a piece at the beginning (for 28 seconds) and the rest of the video is from the end of the workshop. The video demonstrates the improvements of a 5 day workshop.

Correctly holding of the accordion, a good handling of the air column and bellows, good hand position, and the study of various playing touches are among the factors too often forgotten, that enable students to maximise potential and reach a confident musical grace.

Workshops are open to all, adults and children, experienced players and beginners. Students can take part on location, in the quiet and friendly Auvergne countryside or via skype.

Next accordion workshops are:

Acccordion technique with Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix
August 3rd - 8th, 2020

Accordion repertoire:
August 3rd – 7th, 2020 - Music of Franck Angélis, with Franck Angelis (picture above left)
August 3rd – 7th, 2020 - Music of Claude Thomain, with Claude Thomain (picture above right)

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


Update to Come for 2020 Maclagan Squeezebox Festival - Australia

2020 MaglanThe Maclagan Squeezebox Festival will be celebrating its 18th birthday this year if it goes ahead on October 10th, 2020. Each year in October, the small Queensland country town of Maclagan puts on the only accordion festival in Australia.

Unfortunately this year, with the uncertainty of Covid-19, the final decision as to whether the 2020 festival will go ahead, will be made within the next few weeks.

Festival organisers are hopeful they can still hold their event, which is for those who play free-reed instruments such as accordions, concertinas, harmonicas, harmoniums and bandoneons as well as players of the violin, banjo, mandolin or lagerphone to provide variety and artistic colour to the compositions being played by the free-reed enthusiasts.

For details email: maclagansqueezeboxfest@gmail.com


Pierre Eriksson Waltz Video – Sweden

Video: Pierre Eriksson (Sweden) performing his own composition “The Little Castle Bird” waltz.

Pierre has been entertaining live on his social media page “Pierre Eriksson Accordion Show”.
Pierre Eriksson poster


Video: Moses Concas Harmonica, America's Got Talent - USA

Moses Concas surprises the America's Got Talent judges With Harmonica Beat-Boxing!

Moses Concas was the winner of the 7th season of Italys Got Talent in 2016 and has since made concerts all over the world.


Future events

Marco Lo Russo Concert at Celebration - Italy

Marco concert poster
Marco lo RussoAccordionist Marco Lo Russo will perform at the 19th festival dedicated to San Giovanni Paolo II (Pope John Paul II) organised by the San Pietro della Ienca Cultural Association on August 2nd at San Pietro della Ienca in L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy.

The event will include a variety of performances by other artists.

See poster for details.


Brooklyn Accordion Club Upcoming Zoom Meetings – USA

BAC logoRob CurtoThe Brooklyn Accordion Club has two exciting meetings coming up in August. Both meetings will be held online via Zoom.

The first will be held on August 16th at 2pm (NYC time) and will feature a Brazilian Music Workshop with Rob Curto (picture above right).

The second will be held on August 30th at 2pm (NYC time) and feature Improvisation with Vitor Goncalves.

Admission to both is free.

For details email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


“Honky Tonk Jump” at Zephyr Breeze Summer Series, Minnesota – USA

Honky Tonk Jump
The Zephyr Breeze Summer Series features a variety of musicians and musical styles throughout the summer in Minnesota. On August 9th, Honky Tonk Jump (which includes accordionist Dan Newton) will entertain on The Zephyr Theatre Outdoor Stage, 601 Main Street North, Stillwater, Minnesota at 6pm.

The band plays “swingin’ Texas dance hall music in the tradition of Bob Wills, Milton Brown, Ernest Tubb and Spade Cooley with a sprinkling of Hank Williams and other early honky-tonk legends”.

For details email: daddysqueeze@daddysqueeze.com


Black Pencil Concert in Almere - Netherlands

Black Pencil
“Black Pencil” will perform two concerts in Almere, Netherlands on September 25th at 4pm and 8pm organised by Goede Rede Concerts.

The group consists of Marko Kassl (accordion), Jorge Isaac (blockflute), Matthijs Koene (panflute), Esra Pehlivanli (viola) and Enric Monfort (percussion). They play a mix of old and contemporary music by Dowland, Vivaldi, Bach and Kate Moore, among others.

For details email: info@goederedeconcerten.nl


PIF 2020 Online Seminars, Castelfidardo - Italy

PIF header
The PIF 2020 "Citta di Castelfidardo" International Competition, taking place from September 16th to 20th, 2020 in Castelfidardo, Ancona, Italy has organised three online seminars (classical, jazz and world) this year.

September 18th: Gil Goldstein (USA) Jazz seminar entitled “The World Accordion to Gil”
Gil will do a seminar on his experience as an accordionist from a different perspective (than pianist), starting from his beginnings, addressing issues such as solo development, accompaniment, transcriptions and other tips on using the accordion in Jazz.

September 19th: Fabio Turchetti (Italy) World seminar entitled “Un’Ancia a Santiago de Compostela” (“The Way of Santiago de Compostela”). Fabio traces the last km of "The Way of Santiago de Compostela", a special and unique path in history, filming the places where millions of pilgrims have passed through the centuries to tell the path through the his music.

September 20th: Viatcheslav Semionov (Russia) Classical seminar entitled “La Vita Attraverso le Composizioni” (Life Through the Compositions). This seminar will focus on the master's best-known compositions with tales, anecdotes and plays that will make us discover something even more about the life of the great Russian master.

For details email: info@pifcastelfidardo.it

Picture below: Left - Fabio Turchetti, Centre - Viatcheslav Semionov, Right - Gil Goldstein


Volker Rausenberger Accordion Workshop at Hohner Conservatory – Germany

Volker RausenbergerVolker Rausenberger, musical director and conductor of the Freiburg Accordion Orchestra, will hold a workshop entitled “Music from Head to Toe with Hand & Heart” on November 7th, 2020 from 10am to 5pm at the Hohner Conservatory Trossingen GmbH in Trossingen, Germany.

The workshop will cover:
"Roots and Wings"
A teaching concept that appeals to the whole person in his individual artistic and artistic individuality, creates & provides spaces in which it is possible for learners to find their own music, to discover their own musical personality, where instrumental skills and abilities as well as cognitive and auditory skills are created and developed, and in which musical worlds are opened with curiosity and creativity, through improvisation and recorded music, listening and playing.

The focus is on the acting, listening and reading understanding of one's own actions, which enables independent and free play. Chording, melodic leadership, coordinatively demanding solo playing and improvisational searching and finding.

"Roots and Wings" stands for a music education that gives space to artistic development and individual development from the very beginning, be it in the early instrumental field, in classical initial lessons, in lessons with adults or with newcomers.

If possible, please bring your instrument with you. The deadline for workshop registrations is October 1st, 2020.

For details email: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


New and Updated Sites

Le système d’inscription pour la Coupe Mondiale 2020, prochainement en ligne - Portugal

Header 2020 Coupe Mondiale
Mirco Patarini, Kimmo MattilaJ PerieraLe secrétaire général du CIA, Kimmo Mattila a annoncé que le système d’inscription pour la Coupe Mondiale 2020 est maintenant ouvert pour la 73ième Coupe Mondiale 2020. Le règlement pour la compétition est ici: 2020CM-Rules

Le secrétaire général, Kimmo Mattila invite tous les membres du CIA (44) à inscrire leurs délégués au 144ième congrès international des délégués qui se réunira deux fois à Castro Marim.

La 73ième Coupe Mondiale aura lieu, du 6 au 10 octobre 2020, sous l’égide du membre de la CIA, Mito Algarvio de l’Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve, elle-même dirigée par son président João Pereira,

Le président du CIA, Mirco Patarini invite tous les compétiteurs de tous les pays, à s’inscrire et remercie les administrateurs de Castro Marim et le président João Pereira de Mito Algarvio pour leur aide précieuse.

The festival comprendra les compétitions suivantes:
• La 73ième Coupe Mondiale
• La Coupe Mondiale Masters
• La Coupe Mondiale Junior
• La compétition Internationale pour Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• La compétition internationale Junior pour Virtuoso Entertainment Music

A cause des régulations liées au covid-19, il n’y aura pas de catégories pour ensemble ou orchestre mondial d’accordéon. En photo ci-dessous, la bibliothèque de Castro Marim, une petite salle avec une acoustique excellente, où se tiendront les compétitions.
La date limite d’inscription est le 5 septembre 2020 et toutes les infos pour les inscriptions et réservations d’hôtel sont en ligne à : Coupe Mondiale
Biblioteca Castro Marim


Online 2020 Australian International Championships and Festival - Australia

AATA logoTania LukicDespite Covid-19 the music continues! Because of the continued impact of Covid-19 around the world, the Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA) will be running this year’s competition categories online by video submission. The competition organiser is AATA President, Tatjana Marx pictured above right.

The competitions will be adjudicated by an international jury and the rules and categories are on the AATA website.

Entry closing date is Friday 13th August 2020.


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