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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Sep-2011
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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневные репортажи о событиях на Кубке Мира на английском и китайском языках. Из Китая с 30го сентября
Результаты 36го международного конкурса Аккордеонистов в Кастельфидардо доступны онлайн
Мастер класс Александра Селиванова, Кетраро- Италия
Аккордеон Guinguettes DVD Париж - Франция

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Accordion Workshop, Canterbury - New Zealand
Celebration of World Tourism Day 2011 - Malta
‏‘14 Years Ago’ – News from China in 1997

Будущие события

International Accordion Festival, Texas – USA
CT Tango Ensemble Concert, Leipzig – Germany
Alphen Opus 2 Concert, The Hague – Netherlands
Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival 2011, Scotland – UK
‘Jock Walton’s Accordion Crimes’, Dunedin - New Zealand
Ian Watson Concert Performances – Macedonia, UK
CJ Chenier Tour Dates – USA
Deirdre Adamson @ Soar Valley AC, Leicestershire – UK
‘Fish Fry and Dance’, Michigan – USA
Roman Pechmann Concert, Essex – UK
Womex 2011, Copenhagen – Denmark

Новые и обновленные сайты

October Accordion USA News Online 1st October
October 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st October
October 2011 Accordion Russia News Online 1st October
Charnwood Publishing New Website

CD Отзывы

Petrus B. Spaghetti Sauce CD by BUBE SAPRÀVIE

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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневные репортажи о событиях на Кубке Мира на английском и китайском языках. Из Китая с 30го сентября

2011 Coupe Mondiale Concert posters
Raymond BodellProf. Li Cong64й Кубок Мира уже готов начаться в Шанхае, (1-6 октября 2011) Ежедневные новости будут выходить на английском и китайском языках.

Президент Всемирной Ассоциации Аккордеона (CIA) Раймонд Боделл предлагает « с особым почтением поприветствовать каждого из 170ти участников,каждый из которых несомненно несет с собой новый рекорд». Главными организаторами Кубка Мира является Всемирная Ассоциация Аккордеона (CIA), Федерация Грамотности и Искусств Шанхая (SFLAC), а так же Ассоциация Аккордеона в Китае (CAA).

Президент Ассоциации Аккордеона в Китае Ли Конг сказал: «Более 170 участников из 25 стран мира покажут нам великолепное выступление и ожесточенную борьбу в конкурсных испытаниях. Девять потрясающих концертов с участием известных музыкантов (в алфавитном порядке) : Ришар Гальяно, Грейсон Мансфилд, Современный Популярный Аккордеон, Александр Поелуев, Александр Селиванов, Ренцо Руджиери и Сергей Войтенко из дуэта «Баян Микс», покажут нам превосходное шоу акордеонной музыки со всего мира.

Более 1300 исполнителей из 29 команд аккордеонистов, появляющихся на площадях и улицах, в парках и бизнес-центрах Шанхая зажгут факел настоящего карнавала аккордеонной музыки.»

Другие новости с Кубка Мира 2011 в Шанхае:

Огромной поддержкой является то, что мер Шанхая Хан Зенг, который является аккордеонистом, отлучается от дел по управлению 12милионным городом, что бы присутствовать на церемонии открытия Кубка Мира на одной из сцен Шанхая.
Гвоздём программы открытия будет являться Мировая премьера «Концерта для Аккордеона», написанного композитором You Feng Lai Yi, специально для церемонии открытия.

Видео архив Кубка Мира в рамках образовательного проекта,предоставит право бесплатной загрузки видео лауреатов 1й, 2й и 3й премий в каждой из номинаций. Планируется, что все видео будут доступны онлайн на следующий день после закрытия Кубка Мира (7го Октября).

Перевод: Елизавета Седлова
2011 Coupe Mondiale Concert posters


Результаты 36го международного конкурса Аккордеонистов в Кастельфидардо доступны онлайн

Castelfidardo Daily Reports and Results
Результаты36го международного конкурса в Кастельфидардо доступны в онлайн на 2011 Concorso.

Категория Н, «Легкая Музыка» не имела ограничений по возрасту, это была отличная музыка для всех слушателей, однако мнения жюри и зрителей несколько разошлись. Первое место- Sarah Vonau (Франция), Второе- Pietro Adragna (Италия), и третье место Виталий Пугачев - (Россия ).

Категория D солисты, не имела ограничений по возрасту. Эта номинация была очень популярна, первое место принадлежит Аleksander Kolovski (Македония), Второе - Giuseppe Grosso и третье Mladen Vukmir (Сербия). Продолжая успехи Сербии Nenad Ivanovic выиграл в категории Премио, Xu Xiaonan (Китай) занял второе место, а Ivan Sverko (Хораватия) -третье.

Полная информация о результатах во всех категориях и ежедневные отчеты и фотографии доступны в онлайн режиме 2011 Concorso.

Перевод: Елизавета Седлова


Мастер класс Александра Селиванова, Кетраро- Италия

Alexander Selivanov seminar, Italy
Мастер класс маэстро из России Александра Селиванова проходил в прекрасном месте Троно ди Кетраро, Калабриа. Участникам, ученикам Antonio Spaccarotella, Александр рассказал о разных сторонах исполнительства, о подготовке к международным конкурсам, а так же о правильном выборе программы выступления.

Студенты с энтузиазмом слушали, и старались усердно выполнять все задания касающиеся индивидуальных и групповых занятий. В конце дня прошла пресс-конференция, с участием нескольких газет и каналов телевидения.

Для дополнительной информации email: antonio.accordion@alice.it

Перевод: Елизавета Седлова


Аккордеон Guinguettes DVD Париж - Франция

Аккордеон Guinguettes — это DVD диск включающий в себя превосходные выступления некоторых известных Французских аккордеонистов, играющих в стиле Мюзетт.

Так же, прочитав название диска вы могли догадаться, что он включает в себя музыку записанную на танцах ( Guinguettes), все треки записаны на представлениях особым образом, что гарантирует вам отличный звук и качество изображения.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Accordion Workshop, Canterbury - New Zealand

Heather MasefieldThe Canterbury Accordion Association of New Zealand hosted a one day workshop in Christchurch on Saturday September 17th. Tutor Heather Masefield flew down from Auckland to take the informative workshop.  

Christchurch has been in the international news because of the number of large earthquakes that have crippled the city so the Canterbury Accordion Association was delighted that four teenagers and 14 adults plus their accordions attended. A great turn out.


Celebration of World Tourism Day 2011 - Malta

Joseph P. Grima (accordion)World Tourism Day is organised on September 27th every year around the world by the United Nations. This year’s WTD was organised in Malta's capital city of Valletta, in this city's historic Palace Main Guard square, and many activities were held.

One of the performers was Joseph P. Grima, a Maltese accordionist who played popular music from around the world to the many spectators, including many tourists from all over the world on holiday in Malta. Joseph, for this event used his versatile MIDI equipped accordion.

Joseph was invited to perform to the public by the Malta Tourist Authority as accordion soloist with other instruments.  

For further information email: josephpgrima@gmail.com


‏‘14 Years Ago’ – News from China in 1997

Prof. Li Wei MingThe Accordions Worldwide news for September 26th 1997 reported that Professor Li Wei Ming had been officially honoured in China for his outstanding work as an accordion teacher. It is very interesting, and an amazing co-incidence, that 14 years later, this very weekend, Li Wei Ming is receiving another award. 

Li Wei Ming is one of 14 Chinese teachers receiving the Chinese Accordion Life  Achievement Award, which will be presented at the Opening Ceremony of the 2011 Coupe Mondiale, to be opened by the Mayor of Shanghai, Han Zheng. 

Contributed by Shein Joe

China recently celebrated an annual holiday honoring its teachers. On this day some teachers with significant contributions were specially honored. In the city of Fuzhou (where there are 6 million residents), ten teachers from just under 3000 candidates were selected to receive this special award.

Professor Li Wei Ming was one of these teachers. He is one of the foremost accordion teachers in the province of Fujian, and has recently triumphantly led five of his students who competed in the South Pacific Championships and Australian Championships held in Auckland and Sydney respectively.

In the world of music, we are indeed privileged to have such a dedicated and talented teacher like Professor Li Wei Ming who is a great ambassador for the accordion


Будущие события

International Accordion Festival, Texas – USA

2011 International Accordion Festival, TexasHeld every year at La Villita, along downtown San Antonio's Riverwalk, the International Accordion Festival takes place on October 7th to 9th, at La Villita, 736 South St Marys, San Antonio, Texas.

The times are Friday - 6pm to 11pm, Saturday - 12pm to10pm, and Sunday - 12pm to10pm. This Zydeco event presents concerts, dances, workshops by accordionists, dance instructors and accordion makers, Open-mike sessions, food booths, and plenty of dancing space.

The guest list includes Alamo Angels Accordion Orchestra (variety), Albert Zamora (Tex-Mex), Bluesqueezebox (cabaret), Bohemian Dutchmen (German/Czech/Polka), Buille (Celtic/Folk/Jazz), Cedric Watson & Bijou Creole (Zydeco), Dwight Lamb (Old Time), Lammam Group (Arabic/Lebanon), Hector del Curto Tango Quartet, Ivan Milev Band (Bulgarian Wedding Music), Joao Cerilo (Cape Verdean Funana), La Santa Cecilia (Latin Fusion), Pine Leaf Boys (Cajun), Retono (Norteno), Riyaaz Qawwali (Qawwali), and Socalled Klezmer Hip Hop (from Montreal, Canada).

For further information email: staff@internationalaccordionfestival.org


CT Tango Ensemble Concert, Leipzig – Germany

The CT Tango Ensemble, from South Africa, perform their first Milonga dance in Germany on Sunday October 2nd, 9pm, at Alma en vuelo, Holbeinstr, 29 04229 Leipzig.

The CT Tango Ensemble for this gig are Stanislav Angelov (bandoneon and accordion), Albert Combrink (piano) and Simon Klingner (double bass).

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Alphen Opus 2 Concert, The Hague – Netherlands

The classical accordion ensemble Alphen Opus 2 will perform in concert in the Paleiskerk, Paleisstraat 8, 2514 JA Den Haag, The Hague, Netherlands, on October 2nd, 3.30pm.

For further information email: alphen_opus2@yahoo.com


Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival 2011, Scotland – UK

The Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival 2011 takes place from October 6th to 10th at 13 venues on Shetland.

The festival features accordionists and bands such as the Alan Gardiner Trio, Craig Paton, Graeme Mackay, George Balfour, Iain Cathcart Scottish Dance Band, Martin Tourish, Neil Galloway, Neil Hardie SDB, Paul Capaldi, Pentland Ceilidh Band, Robert Whitehead and the Danelaw Dance Band, Alan Nicolson Band, Da Fustra, Colin Dewar, James Leask Dance Band, Jimmy Burgess Dance Band, Jim and David Halcrow, Graeme Garrick, Ness Accordion and Fiddle Club, Northmavine Fiddle and Accordion Club, Peter Wood, Rachel Anne Williamson, Sandy Legget, Westside Fiddle and Accordion Club, Wis Twartree, and many more.

For further information email: info@shetlandaccordionandfiddle.com


‘Jock Walton’s Accordion Crimes’, Dunedin - New Zealand

Jock Walton group‘Jock Walton’s Accordion Crimes’ is a variety show of musicians, singers, etc, hosted by Dunedin accordionist and Scottish personality, Jock Walton. This annual concert takes place on October 2nd, 7.30pm, at The Church, 50 Dundas St, Dunedin, NZ.

This concert is an event that is part of the Dunedin Celtic Art Festival.

For further information email: info@nefc.org.nz


Ian Watson Concert Performances – Macedonia, UK

Ian WatsonUK accordionist Ian Watson’s schedule for October and November includes:

October 7th to 9th - performances and workshops, Skopje Conservatory, Macedonia, with CHROMA  

October 16th - premiere of new work by Joe Cutler, Little Missenden Festival, Buckinghamshire, England, with CHROMA

October 26th – with the Aurora Orchestra, Cardiff, Wales, playing Ian Watson’s arrangements of tangos by Piazzolla and Gardel with Orchestra 

October 28th - with the Aurora Orchestra, Savoy Hotel, London, playing Ian Watson’s arrangements of tangos by Piazzolla and Gardel with Orchestra

October 28th - St Cyprian Church, London, solo and trio performances of works performed in Macedonia

November 2nd to 14th – recording sessions for all the pieces that Ian Watson has premiered in the last 15 years, Angel Studios, London

November 19th - Ripley, Surrey - conductor of massed Accordion Orchestra Day and performance by Morley Accordion Orchestra.

For further information email: i.watson99@googlemail.com


CJ Chenier Tour Dates – USA

Zydeco accordionist CJ Chenier’s forthcoming appearances include:

October 8th – Rawa Blues Festival, Spodek, Katowice, Poland
November 16th – Montrose Room, Rosemont, Illinois, USA
17th – plus the Red Hot Louisiana Band, Redstone Room, Davenport, Iowa
18th - plus the Red Hot Louisiana Band, Dakota Jazz Club and Restaurant, Minneapolis, MN
19th and 20th - CJ Chenier Band, Dakota Jazz Club and Restaurant, Minneapolis


Deirdre Adamson @ Soar Valley AC, Leicestershire – UK

Scottish accordionist Deirdre Adamson performs in concert at the Soar Valley Accordion Club on Saturday October 8th, 8pm. The Leicester Accordion Orchestra (MD Karolyn Broadhead) will perform a supporting spot.

The venue is the Rothley Centre Main Hall, 12, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley, Leicestershire LE7 7PR, and the organizer is David Price.
For further information email: dpmusic@hotmail.co.uk This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


‘Fish Fry and Dance’, Michigan – USA

Richard Krizan and Ron Budzyn
Accordionists Richard Krizan and Ron Budzyn, who both play the Roland FR7 digital accordion, perform at a ‘Fish Fry and Dance’ evening at Benton Harbor, Michigan, on Friday October 7th, 7pm.

The following two days, October 8th and 9th, 2pm, Richard Krizan and Ron Budzyn perform at the ‘Pulaski Days Polka Celebration!’, St. Stanislaus Little Hall, 823 Michigan NE, Grand Rapids, MI.


Roman Pechmann Concert, Essex – UK

Roman PechmannSlovakian classical accordionist is in concert, ‘Music for an Autumn Evening’, on October 9th, 7pm, at St John's Arts & Recreation Centre, St John's Walk, Market Street, Old Harlow Essex CM17 0AJ. Also performing are the Sawbridgeworth Accordion Band.

After graduating in accordion and drums playing at the Slovakian Music conservatory in his hometown of Bratislava, Roman Pechmann moved to Austria and took up further studies with James Crabb and Gier Draugsvoll at the University of Graz, and later the Carinthian Music Conservatory.

He won prizes at national and international music competitions, including 1st place in Pula, Croatia, 1st place in Fürstenfeld, Austria, and 2nd place in Zilina, Slovakia. He has performed many successful solo concerts and appeared with other instrumentalists at festivals in many European countries such as Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Germany, England, Norway and Denmark.

He is currently accordion teacher at the Carinthian Music Conservatory in Klagenfurt, Austria.

For further information email: stella.hughes@classicfm.net


Womex 2011, Copenhagen – Denmark

Copenhagen will be hosting Womex, with artists coming from Finland, Spain, Russia, France, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Japan, amongst others.

As usual, the activities in store include, as well as concerts, meetings between music labels, a fair with products and brands, conferences and round tables, musical ‘clinics’ and the World Music Film Market.

The extensive guest list includes Irish diatonic button accordionist Máirtín O'Connor, Mexican accordion player Celso Piña, and Argentina’s tango specialists Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro.

Womex takes place at the Koncerthuset Forum, Copenhagen, October 26th to 30th.


Новые и обновленные сайты

October Accordion USA News Online 1st October

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October Accordion USA News Online 1st October


October 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st October

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October 2011 Diatonic News Online 1st October


October 2011 Accordion Russia News Online 1st October

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October 2011 Accordion Russia News Online 1st October


Charnwood Publishing New Website

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Charnwood Publishing New Website is now online with updated shopping basket system and multi currency online credit card capture through secure server international Worldpay system.


CD Отзывы

Petrus B. Spaghetti Sauce CD by BUBE SAPRÀVIE

Petrus B. Spaghetti Sauce CD by BUBE SAPRÀVIECD Reviews Index for the Review of “Petrus B. Spaghetti Sauce" CD, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers. BUBE SAPRÀVIE.


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