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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Oct-2009
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Nuevo CD: “EcLipse”, Moscú-Rusia
Concurso “Terem Corossover”, San Petersburgo- Rusia
Órgano Vs Acordeón, Khanty-Mansysk-Rusia
Concurso de Música de Lanciano-Italia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

RMAC Committee Meeting, Montana – USA
‘ClubTango’ Quintet’s Recent Tour - Russia
Celebrity Interview of Steve Bach in Italian - Macau
Air Raid Shelters 70th Anniversary, Stockport – UK

Future events

NAO Southern Area Festival, Dorset – UK
2010 National Accordion Convention, Texas – USA
CIA Winter Congress in Arrasate – Spain
Barefoot Becky and the Ivanhoe Dutchmen, Nebraska – USA
Beltrami Accordion Festival 2009, Aberdeen – UK
Rafal Luc Concert, Bristol - UK
Jiddiesj Festival 2009, Tilburg – Netherlands

New and Updated Sites

November Diatonic News Online 1st November
November USA News on 1st November
Steve Bach Celebrity Interview in French, Italian and English
Grayson Masefield Website Updated
CIA Website Updated With Winter Congress Information
Available 2009 Coupe Mondiale Video Download

CD Reviews

“Musica Ricercata”

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Nuevo CD: “EcLipse”, Moscú-Rusia

ecLipse CDEl ultimo trabajo discográfico del virtuoso Friedrich Lips llamado “eclipse” Catálogo de CD021, es un CD compuesto primordialmente por obras escritas para bayanl durante el siglo 21 por algunos de los más renombrados compositores Rusos de la actualidad. La excepción cronológica la marca la “Sonata No 1” de Bantchikov, la cual data del año 1977.
El CD incluye G.Bantshikov (1943) – ‘Sonata N° 1’ para bayan en 3 movimientos (1977); A.Cholminov (1925) – ‘Autumn Melody’ (2005); R.Ledenjow (1930) – ‘Evening love ditties’ (2003); E.Podgaits (1949) – ‘Sonata para bayan en 3 movimientos’ (2004); M.Bronner (1952) – ‘Eclipse’ (2008) para bayan y sintetizador.

Lips (1948) es uno de los más renombrados profesores y concertistas de acordeón de todo el mundo. Asentado en Moscú, Lips enseña en numerosas academias tanto en Rusia como en gran cantidad de países de todo el planeta. Sus seminarios internacionales, cursos y master clases son valorados altamente por donde quiera que vaya. Además de esto, Lips forma parte como jurado de los más importantes concursos internacionales. En 1989 Lips fundó el festival internacional “Bayan y Bayanistas” en Moscú, siendo el director artístico del mismo hasta la actualidad y el percusor del famoso premio de Moscú para solistas de Bayan.
Para más información: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at

Compra en línea en el Catálogo CD021.


Concurso “Terem Corossover”, San Petersburgo- Rusia

Terem Crossover logoTodas las personas que deseen participar en el concurso de cámara Terem Crossover deben darse prisa en inscribirse ya que el plazo admisión de competidores está a punto de finalizar.

Este certamen se celebrará del 22 al 28 de Marzo del próximo año en la Academia Estatal Capella de San Petersgurgo y en la sala principal de Academia Shostakovich de la misma ciudad. El evento es patrocinado por el ayuntamiento de San Petersburgo y el Ministerio de Cultura Ruso. El concurso está abierto para grupos de entre dos y 7 personas con instrumentos acústicos. Las bases de la competición no tienen ningún tipo de restricción referente a la edad de sus participantes ni al estilo de la música ejecutada.

Los ganadores del concurso se repartirán una cantidad superior al millón de rublos en concepto de premios. Uno de los ensembles tendrá la oportunidad de realizar una gira alrededor de Rusia dentro de las más ilustres salas de conciertos del país.
La fecha límite para inscripciones de concursantes es el próximo 30 de Noviembre.
Para más información: terem.competition@gmail.com


Órgano Vs Acordeón, Khanty-Mansysk-Rusia

Yuri Shishkin and Vladislav Murtazin
El pasado 25 de Octubre en la sala de conciertos de órgano del Teatro Central de Khanty-Mansyisk, se llevó acabo uno de los más especiales concursos existentes en la actualidad: acordeón compitiendo contra órgano. En el certamen participaban dos grandes artistas: Yuri Shishkiin (artista honorario de Rusia, ganador de competiciones internacionales y solista del la Filarmónica del estado de Rostov) y Vladislav Murtazin (artista honorario de la República de Bashkortostan, ganador de reconocidos certámenes internacionales y profesor del Ufa State Institute of Arts).
Anteriormente, un concurso similar fue llevado acabo en el año 1995 en una iglesia en Alkmaar (Holanda). Los percusores en esta ocasión fueron un organista Holandés y Yuri Shishkin, quien en aquella época solía actuar a menudo en Holanda.
De acuerdo con Yuri Shishkin la idea no fue “solamente una simple proposición”.
Competir contra el volumen sonoro de un órgano en técnicamente imposible. La iglesia tiene 30 metros de altura y el sonido proviene desde esas paredes donde el órgano está instalado. Por el contrario, el acordeonista no es situado en esa posición que ayuda a comunicar el sonido pero tiene la ventaja de que el público tiene una mejor visibilidad sobre la actuación.

El concurso se desarrolló de la siguiente manera: Yuri tocó primeramente el Preludio y Fuga en Si menor de J.S. Bach, seguidamente, el organista hizo lo propio con la misma pieza. Esta situación expuso inmediatamente una comparativa entre los dos instrumentos. Yuri interpretó además trabajos de Listz, Mendelsssohn mientras que el organista tocó obras de Reger y Mendelssohn.

En aquella contienda, el veredicto fue a favor de Yuri Shishkin, siendo ambos instrumentos elogiados por el público asistente.

Ahora, 14 años después esta idea ha sido retomada por el organizor de conciertos X-Mansiysk. El concierto fue retransmitido por televisión e internet.
Varias piezas fueron interpretadas a duo: “cuadros de una exposición” de Mussorgsky y el “concierto en La menor” de Vivaldi-Bach. Este Duo ha llegado a tener una gran aceptación plasmada en la cantidad de conciertos realizados hasta la fecha.
Vladislav Murtazin, excelente y experimentado organista, interpretó con maestría la “Tocata y Fuga en Re menor” y un “Preludio Coral en Fa menor” escritos por J.S. Bach. El repertorio de Yuri incluyó obras de Rodrigo, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev y Semionov.
En esta ocasión el 70% del público volvió a dar su voto al acordeón. De acuerdo con los comentarios, el acordeón fue un gran contraste, más expresivo y con más temperamento. En general, Yuri Shishkin pudo comunicar más conceptos musicales que el órgano de Murtazina.


Concurso de Música de Lanciano-Italia

Lanciano posterEl certamen internacional “Cittá di Lanciano” se llevó acabo durante el pasado mes de Octubre incorporando dos diferentes competiciones: La 19ª edición del citado concurso y la tercera edición del certamen dedicado a Astor Piazzolla llamado “Libertango”. Laura Piazzola fue la invitada de honor dentro de los miembros del jurado.

Lanciano 2009


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

RMAC Committee Meeting, Montana – USA

RMAC logoThe Rocky Mountain Acordion Celebration Committee met on October 20th. It was an enthusiastic and optimistic meeting. Many thoughts and ideas were “aired and shared”. The general feeling was that all of the feedback from attendees and participants of RMAC 2009 was informative and positive.

We are planning our 2010 RMAC festival with the same format. The hub of the event will again be at the school gymnasium with vendors, workshops, open stage, and headline performances. Expanding our musical experience, we are hoping to include a Fiddler’s jamboree as part of the event. We are encouraging all musicians and groups to participate.

The ‘Jammin and Dancin’ that has always been well attended and very much enjoyed, will again be held at the Sunshine Station. We are very happy to note that Jean Roberts and Don Filcher will head up this very popular portion of the weekend’s fun.

Time constraints derailed our parade this year. We would like to give it a try again next year, with perhaps a procession from downtown up to the school just prior to the Saturday performance.

Some of our downtown businesses are showing interest in encouraging music and dancing at their establishments, and we are hoping to expand this part of the event.

We truly appreciate all those who have helped us sustain and build this festival. With the economic challenges that we all face, keeping the music and friendships alive can be a difficult task. We are hoping that by simplifying and keeping costs down, we can keep the music alive in Philipsburg.

We need to have our program ready for the printers by January 15th 2010.

For further information email: quigleybb@yahoo.com.


‘ClubTango’ Quintet’s Recent Tour - Russia

Club Tango
Alexander MitenevAlexander Mitenev and his ‘ClubTango’ Quintet have just returned from a concert tour. Concerts in Kiev, Vilnius, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad were dedicated to Astor Piazzolla and called ‘Tracing Astor’, covering not only Astor's compositions, but also music by modern and old masters, musicians who worked with Piazzolla and influenced him. Musicians perform popular and chamber tango music, covering all epochs of tango history - from Guardia Vieja till Avant-Garde.

It seems that public interest for Astor Piazzolla's heritage is booming on the east of Europe. It can be explained with the fact that his music became widely known there quite recently. Full concert halls and all tickets sold out - is the evidence of this idea.

During their tour ClubTango visited two competitions for accordion and bandoneon - "Citta di Castelfidardo" and the ‘Libertango’ Competition in Lanciano (Italy), winning first prizes.

It's also worth to mention a brand new music festival in Kiev, which has been held for the first time in October. It's called ‘AstorFest’, and dedicated to the music of Astor Piazzolla, organized by enthusiasts from the ‘Caprice Classic’ Quartet.

In Kaliningrad and Vilnius ‘ClubTango’ featured Miroslav Lelukh (accordion) and played together a few tango compositions by Richard Galliano. The winner of the ‘Musica Legera’ competition in Castelfidardo (2005), Miroslav has just acquired his new Borsini accordion, which sounds great.

For further information email: johnathan@mail.ru


Celebrity Interview of Steve Bach in Italian - Macau

Steve BachThe Celebrity Interviews of Steve Bach by Marco Cinaglia, product manager of Roland Europe, is now published in Italian. English and French is already online.


Air Raid Shelters 70th Anniversary, Stockport – UK

Rob Howard and John JonesThe 70th anniversary of the official opening of the Stockport Air Raid Shelters took place on October 24th. Accordionists Rob Howard and John Jones entertained large numbers of visitors throughout the afternoon, leading sing along sessions of war songs such as ‘Run Rabbit Run’, ‘Lili Marlene’, Wish Me Luck, Lambeth Walk’, and many others. BBC radio and television news and the local press covered the event, which was opened by the Mayor of Stockport, Councillor Colin MacAlister.

The Air Raid Shelters opened in 1939, and during the Blitz in 1940 and 1941 provided cover for thousands each night. Accordionists were welcome entertainers to provide relief from the nightly tedium and tension. In recent years the Shelters were re-opened as a tourist attraction and educational resource. Accordion music forms part of occasional special tours, the next ones taking place on December 7th, 10th and 14th.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Future events

NAO Southern Area Festival, Dorset – UK

NAO logoThe NAO 2009 Southern Area Festival takes place at the Allendale Centre, Wimborne, Dorset, on Saturday October 31st, from 9.30am. The organizer is Bob Downer, and the adjudicators are Douglas Ward and Colin Whitfield.


2010 National Accordion Convention, Texas – USA

NAA banner
Planning for the 2010 National Accordion Convention in Dallas, Texas, is already underway, and the organizers are looking for ideas and suggestions from ‘conventioneers’. The event takes place from March 10th to 14th, and the venue will be Westin Park Central Hotel, 12720 Merit Drive, LBJ 635 @ Highway 1-75 Dallas, TX 75251.

For further information email: NatlAccordion@SBCGlobal.net


CIA Winter Congress in Arrasate – Spain

CIA logoNew CIA President Raymond Bodell, is inviting CIA members to the 123rd Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) General Assembly of Delegates that will be held in Arrasate, Spain from 5 - 6 of December, 2009.

The Winter Congress will coincide with the annual "Arrasateko Akordeoi Lehiaketak" International Accordion Competition being held from the 4 - 8 December, 2009 hosted by our CIA member "Hauspoz" Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea.

Everyone is invited to register online http://www.accordions.com/cia/winter_09_register_spain.htm and on the same page is the meeting schedule and travel information.


Barefoot Becky and the Ivanhoe Dutchmen, Nebraska – USA

Becky and Ivanhoe DutchmenBarefoot Becky and the Ivanhoe Dutchmen, from Mount Vernon, Iowa, perform at the Starlite Ballroom, Wahoo, Nebraska, on November 1st, 2pm. Their music is a mix of German and Czech-style polka, country, big band, and party favorites.

The band, featuring Becky Livermore on accordion and vocals, has been performing throughout the USA since 1988. People remember the band best by two things: Becky's bare feet! She started playing barefoot simply because it was more comfortable than playing with shoes on.

On November 17th Becky and her band will perform at the Ponderosa Ballroom, Walford, Iowa.


Beltrami Accordion Festival 2009, Aberdeen – UK

Chico ChagasThe Beltrami Accordion Festival 2009, organised by Norman English from Bruce Millers Music Store, Aberdeen, takes place at the Aberdeen Arts Centre Theatre on Sunday November 1st at 7.30pm. This event is a concert featuring a wealth of local and international musicians.

Teenage star Craig Paton, winner of many competitions in Scotland and at the NAO UK Accordion Championships, will perform. He will also be presented with a beautiful hand made Beltrami accordion, custom crafted and featuring a most unusual design depicting the Scottish Satire and a thistle.

Also appearing are the tenor Salvatori Vaccarino, well known in Aberdeenshire for his rendition of Pavarotti favourites, and young local accordionist Gregor Allan.

Brazilian accordionist Chico Chagas will perform with Jonathan Preiss – guitar, and Adriano Adewale - percussion. The trio, which plays Chico’s own compositions, won the “Best Show” award at the 2009 Kaunas Jazz Festival in Lithuania.

Romano Viazzani, who last year enthralled his audience with his performance, again tops the bill. This year Romano will incorporate his talents with those of singer, Melody Castellari and pianist, Simon Mulligan.

As on previous occasions the Beltrami Accordion Festival 2009 will be compered, by Norman English, who will also perform.

For further information email: normanenglish@fastmail.net


Rafal Luc Concert, Bristol - UK

Rafal LucRafal Luc – accordion, and Jessica Hayes – cello, are in concert together at the Colston Hall, Colston Road, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5AR, on Tuesday November 3rd, 1pm.

Rafal Luc, from Poland, is a student at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

For further information email: o.murray@ram.ac.uk


Jiddiesj Festival 2009, Tilburg – Netherlands

David Krakauer and Kezmer MadnessThe Jiddiesj Festival 2009 takes place in Tilburg, Netherlands, from November 27th to 29th. This klezmer event involves several artistes using accordions, amongst whom are:

November 27th, 8.30pm - David Krakauer & Kezmer Madness in concert at Muziekpodium Paradox. Their line up is David Krakauer – clarinet, William Holshouser – accordion, Sheryl Bailey – guitar, Michael Sarin – drums, and Jerome Harris - bass

November 28th, 8pm - the Geoff Berner Trio, from Canada, perform at Paradox

November 29th, 3pm - Kasha Nasha, featuring accordionist Michiel Ockeloen perform at Paradox. Kasha Nasha plays balkan, gipsy and klezmer music with strong pop and jazz influences.


New and Updated Sites

November Diatonic News Online 1st November

Diatonic banner
The November Diatonic News will be online on the 1st November.


November USA News on 1st November

USA news logoThe USA News for November will be online on the 1st November.


Steve Bach Celebrity Interview in French, Italian and English

Steve BachThe Celebrity Interviews of Steve Bach by Marco Cinaglia, product manager of Roland Europe, is now published in Italian. English and French is already online.


Grayson Masefield Website Updated

Grayson Masefield2009 Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Champion Grayson Masefield has had his website updated with lots of photos of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale and also photos from the 5th Primus Ikaalinen International TV Accordion Competition, part of the 2009 Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival.


CIA Website Updated With Winter Congress Information

CIA logoThe Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Website has been updated with Winter Congress Information including a submit form for attendance.


Available 2009 Coupe Mondiale Video Download

Coupe Mondiale videoThe Coupe Mondiale website has the 7 categories of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale available for video download. The price of 55 Euro includes every performance of every competitor. You download to your computer and you can watch it at your leisure as often as you like.


CD Reviews

“Musica Ricercata”

Ricercata CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Musica Ricercata” by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performer is Luca Piovesan.


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