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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Jul-2021
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2021 PIF Castelfidardo, calendario, reglas e información de entrada actualizada - Italia
Programa de conciertos de agosto de Martynas Levickis - Lituania
XII Concurso Interregional "Espíritus Terengul", Región de Ulyanovsk - Rusia
Friedrich Lips 2021 Entrevista de Herbert Scheibenreif, Moscú - Rusia
22o Seminario de Otoño en la Academia de Música de Baviera - Alemania

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Achilleas Panagoulis Performs at Narkissos Music Hall - Greece
New Governor General is an Accordionist - Canada
Cancelled: 2021 Bretelles Festival - France
Online 2021 Australian International Accordion Championships – Australia
Bachtopus Releases Seventh Commission - USA
Zydeco Playboys Entertain in “Die Halle”, Reichenbach – Germany
Video: Sergio Zampolli Entertains – South Africa

Future events

Lemon Bucket Orkestra Live Shows – Canada
Mario Tacca Entertains at Winery - USA
Summer Accordion Exhibition - Sweden
Folk Trio Entertain in Molėtai - Lithuania
Renzo Ruggieri Group Perform at Filignano Festival - Italy
“Poor Man’s Gambit” Performs at Musikfest 2021 - USA
Two’s Company Duo Concerts - UK
Marc Pircher Entertains at 2021 Donauinselfest, Vienna - Austria
2021 Stowe Tango Music Festival - USA

Childrens Corner

Video: Célio performs from Portugal

New and Updated Sites

Sitio actualizado: arreglos musicales escoceses de Julia Gordon - Escocia

CD Reviews

Revisión del CD: Double Mirror CD por Friedrich Lips

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2021 PIF Castelfidardo, calendario, reglas e información de entrada actualizada - Italia

PIF Castelfidardo header
Antonio SpaccarotellaLas fechas del PIF Castelfidardo 2021 son del 28 de septiembre al 02 de octubre. El gran cambio para 2021 es que los resultados, la entrega de premios y la ronda de premios III se llevarán a cabo el sábado 02 de octubre cambiando la tradición del horario del domingo a las 4 pm. El director artístico es Antonio Spaccarotella de Calabria.

El cronograma revisado está en línea: cronograma 2021PIF-schedule
La última actualización de las reglas y la información de participación está en línea en:
2021PIF-en y 2021PIF-it

La fecha límite para las inscripciones es el 31 de agosto de 2021.


Programa de conciertos de agosto de Martynas Levickis - Lituania

Martynas Levickis and Mikroorkéstra
Martynas LevickisMartynas Levickis y Mikroorkéstra realizarán nueve conciertos en Lituania durante agosto de 2021.

Mikroorkéstra fue fundada en 2015 por Martynas Levickis y esta orquesta de cámara única está compuesta por destacados músicos de Lituania. Todos los músicos de la orquesta son seleccionados por Martynas.

Los conciertos son:
Concerts are:
• August 1st: Blue Dinner, Theatre Square, Klaipeda. Concert with the Mikroorkéstra chamber ensemble.
• August 5th: Palanga Kurhaus, Palanga. Solo concert
• August 7th: Paliesius Manor, Ignalina District (sold out solo concert)
• August 8th: Paliesius Manor, Ignalina District. Solo concert
• August 13th: Church of Holy Trinity, Troskunai. Concert with Mikroorkéstra chamber ensemble, program includes Antonio Vivaldi “The Four Seasons”
• August 15th: Taujenai Manor, Taujenai. Solo concert
• August 25th: Siauliai Culture Centre, Siauliai. Solo concert
• August 27th: Gelgaudiskis Manor, Gelgaudiskis. Solo concert
• August 28th: Church of St Catherine, Vilnius. (Sold out solo concert)

Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: vadimas@accoakademija.lt


XII Concurso Interregional "Espíritus Terengul", Región de Ulyanovsk - Rusia

Fest pic
El XII Concurso Interregional "Espíritus Terengul" para Armonistas, Bayanistas y Acordeonistas que lleva el nombre de Alexander Danilov se llevará a cabo en la Sala de Conciertos del Centro Cultural y de Ocio del pueblo Terenga, Región de Ulyanovsk, Rusia el 31 de julio de 2021.

Al concurso asistirán talentosos músicos de los municipios de la región de Ulyanovsk, así como invitados de las regiones de Rusia: las Repúblicas de Chuvashia, Mordovia, Tartaristán, Bashkortostán, Penza, Samara, regiones de Saratov, la ciudad de Moscú y otras. .

Además de la competencia, los invitados y participantes del evento festivo verán exhibiciones ubicadas junto a la Casa de la Cultura del Distrito que incluyen:
- una exposición de maestros de artes decorativas y aplicadas "Rusia es famosa por sus maestros"
- una exposición de artesanías del estudio de desarrollo creativo y espacio creativo "Tercer lugar", "Bereginya"
- una exposición - presentación de la ruta turística "Bajo la sombra de los siglos"
- una exposición del museo regional de tradición local, una zona de fotografía luminosa "Matryoshka y acordeones"
- También se organizará una zona de entretenimiento para niños con atracciones.

El evento está dedicado al trabajo de A.S. Danilov, originario de la aldea de Goryushka, distrito de Sengileevsky, provincia de Simbirsk, actualmente la aldea de Gavrilovka, distrito de Terengulsky, región de Ulyanovsk.

Descargue el reglamento del festival aquí: 2021DanilovRules.pdf
Fest pic


Friedrich Lips 2021 Entrevista de Herbert Scheibenreif, Moscú - Rusia

30 Lips CD covers
Prof. Friedrich LipsDr Herbert ScheibenreifLa asombrosa carrera estelar del Prof. Friedrich Lips como intérprete, profesor, autor y arreglista es bien conocida en todo el mundo. Fue entrevistado originalmente en 1999 y ahora 22 años después, con motivo de la publicación de Lips CD030 Double Mirror, Moderador: El Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif lo entrevista nuevamente.

La cooperación entre el Prof. Friedrich Lips y el Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif ha producido ahora 30 CD increíbles para el mundo del acordeón.

Vea la entrevista de 2021 en: Lips2021

Entrevista original de 1999 en: Lips1999

La primera pregunta de 2021 fue:
P. ¡Prof. Labios! Se acaba de publicar el trigésimo CD de su propia serie de CD. ¿Qué significado especial tiene esto para ti en el trabajo de tu vida? ¿También ha recibido premios internacionales por sus CD?
Lea la entrevista completa en: Lips2021


22o Seminario de Otoño en la Academia de Música de Baviera - Alemania

DHV logovenueYa están abiertas las inscripciones para el 22º Seminario de Otoño en la Academia de Música de Baviera Schloss Alteglofsheim cerca de Regensburg organizado por la Rama de Baviera de la Asociación Alemana de Armónica (DHV).

El evento tendrá lugar del 29 de octubre al 1 de noviembre de 2021. La oferta formativa incluye cursos sobre diversos temas y está dirigida a acordeonistas aficionados de todas las edades.

Tras la cancelación del seminario de 2020 debido a la pandemia, las esperanzas de un "reinicio" en octubre de 2021 son muy altas para que el 22º seminario de otoño pueda llevar al mundo del acordeón a una "normalidad" musical.

Se ofrecen los siguientes cursos:
• Curso de dirección para principiantes y avanzados - "Todo permitido" (Stefan Hippe)
• El sonido del silencio - Prueba - Juego - Interpretación (Hans-Günther Kölz)
• Armónica de Estiria (Irmi Schuhbauer)
• Oportunidades de desarrollo (Sabine Kölz)
• Reparación de acordeón: saber cómo (Oliver Baum)

La fecha límite de inscripción es el 15 de septiembre de 2021.

Descargue el formulario de registro aquí: 2021Herbstseminar.pdf

Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: karin.renner-kiese@gmx.de


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Achilleas Panagoulis Performs at Narkissos Music Hall - Greece

Video: Accordionist Achilleas Panagoulis performed at the Narkissos Music Hall in Amaroúsion, Greece this month. His program also included songs with vocalist Pepi Theochari.


New Governor General is an Accordionist - Canada

Mary SimonCanadian Press reporters, Emma Tranter and Chris Reynolds presented a news item, recently on Mary Simon (picture left), the first Indigenous leader to be chosen as the new Governor General of Canada.

“Guess what? She is an accordion player! So, not only is she the first Indigenous Governor-General, she is the first accordion player to become one! Not only an accordion player but a fun one!”

According to the Winnipeg Free Press report, “Okalik Eegeesiak, Simon's friend and fellow Inuk leader, remembers once, at an event in Ottawa, Simon picked up her accordion and started to play for the crowd. ‘She’s just that type of person. She'll just get into it and play an accordion at some event,’ Eegeesiak said.


Cancelled: 2021 Bretelles Festival - France

CancelledOrganisers of the 2021 Bretelles Festival, due to be held at the Château de Bertholène in Bertholène, France from August 3rd to 8th, regret to announce that the festival has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The recent worsening of the epidemiological situation and the alarming spread of the virus broadcast by the Public Authorities, the National Public Health Agency and the media unfortunately force us to cancel the third edition of the Bretelles Festival."

People who have purchased one or more tickets for the festival will receive an email from the Festik platform within the next few days concerning the refund procedure.

For details email: bretellesfestival@gmail.com


Online 2021 Australian International Accordion Championships – Australia

AATA logoUnfortunately, due to the current Covid-19 lockdowns in Sydney, the in-person section for Australian residents has been cancelled.

Unaffected is the online competition and closing date for the video 2021 Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA) International Accordion Championships, President Tatjana Marx, is on August 13th, 2021.

Results will be announced on August 30th, 2021.

For further details see the AATA website or email: tats64@gmail.com


Bachtopus Releases Seventh Commission - USA

Bachtopus header
Video: Bachtopus: Six of One (Half Dozen of the Other) by Bob Goldberg. Recorded at their respective homes during quarantine. Audio mixing and video editing by Rob Duncan.

Bachtopus is excited to release the seventh commission from their 2020 Composers Commissioning Fund, which was written for them by composer and accordionist Bob Goldberg.

This piece started as a modal improvisation that was performed at a community garden on June 1st, 2008. The title, referring to the date, was given by the composer rather spontaneously.

Bachtopus includes accordionists Robert Duncan, Peter Flint, Mayumi Miyaoka, and Jeanne Velonis.

The Bachtopus Accordion Ensemble’s 2020 Composer Commissioning Fund is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).


Zydeco Playboys Entertain in “Die Halle”, Reichenbach – Germany

Zydeco poster
The Zydeco Playboys entertained a live concert in the beer garden at “Die Halle” e.V. in Reichenbach, Germany on July 24th, 2021.

The band was excited to be back on stage performing live and enjoyed playing a Louisiana and Down South Party!

Attendees were treated to a mix of “Zydeco, grooving Latin rhythm & blues, alligator-laden Cajun songs, rumbling Tex-Mex polkas and blues with a special feeling.”
Zydeco Playboys


Video: Sergio Zampolli Entertains – South Africa

Video: Sergio Zampolli (South Africa) entertains with Bumble Bee Boogie. Enjoy.


Future events

Lemon Bucket Orkestra Live Shows – Canada

LBO poster
The Lemon Bucket Orkestra are pleased to be performing live shows again this weekend.

The group, which includes accordionist and vocalist Marichka Marczyk (picture right) perform a mix of Balkan, Klezmer, Gypsy and “Party-Punk” music.

Their program this weekend is:

• July 30th - Ottawa Chamberfest concerts at 2pm & 7pm. If you can’t attend in person, there are Live Stream Passes available
• July 31st - Westben Concert on Willow Hill at 7pm.

For details email: ian@meta4world.com


Mario Tacca Entertains at Winery - USA

Mario TaccaAccordionist Mario Tacca is the featured performer at the Magnanini Winery & Italian Restaurant in Wallkill, New York on August 1st, 2021 at 1pm.

Attendees can spend “a glorious afternoon enjoying the mesmerizing playing of the maestro himself! Don't forget to bring your dancing shoes!”

For details phone: 845-895-2767


Summer Accordion Exhibition - Sweden

Sweden poster
A summer accordion event will be held at Gudmundrå Hembygdsgård in Kramford, Sweden on August 7th, 2021 from 11am to 6pm, organised by Sundeqvist Musik.

The event will include a large accordion exhibition and lots of accordion music throughout the day.

Organisers also promise “many big and exciting surprises!”

See poster for details.


Folk Trio Entertain in Molėtai - Lithuania

Folk Trio poster
The Folk Trio will entertain at a concert in Moletai, a town in north eastern Lithuania surrounded by lakes, on August 7th, 2021.

Band Members include Nerijus Bakula (accordion), Ineta Meduneckyte (vocals) and Jan Maksimovic (saxophone).

Their program will include meaningful traditional Lithuanian folk songs and delicate improvisations of saxophone and accordion masters.

For details email: ethnoprojects@gmail.com


Renzo Ruggieri Group Perform at Filignano Festival - Italy

Filignano poster
The Renzo Ruggieri Group will perform at the Filignano Festival in Filignano, Isernia, Molise, Italy on August 12th.

The festival, which celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mario Lanza (1921 to 2021) a tenor, actor, and Hollywood film star of the late 1940s and the 1950s, will include a week of celebrations from August 11th to 17th, with evening concerts beginning at 9.30pm.

The Renzo Ruggieri Group includes lead Renzo (accordion), Roberto Desiderio (drums), Massimo Moriconi (double bass) and Toni Pancella (piano).

For details email: info@renzoruggieri.it


“Poor Man’s Gambit” Performs at Musikfest 2021 - USA

Poor Man's Gambit
“Poor Man’s Gambit” will entertain at Musikfest 2021, held at the Americaplatz Stage, Levitt Pavillion Steel Stacks in Bethleham, PA on August 11th, 2021.

The Traditional celtic band will play a free concert from 7pm to 8.30pm. The trio includes Corey Purcell (accordion, cittern, vocals & bodhran), Federico Betti (guitar & fiddle), and Deirdre Lockman (fiddle & vocals).

Building on their roots as traditional Irish musicians, the trio's repertoire is also influenced by traditional music of other cultures including France, Scotland, England, and America.

For details email: poormansgambit@gmail.com


Two’s Company Duo Concerts - UK

John Kirkpatrick (accordion) and Richard Tunnicliffe (cello & mandolin) will entertain with a free lunchtime concert at the Clun Methodist Church in Clun, Shropshire, England, UK on August 22nd, 2021.

This concert is part of the lunchtime concert series organised by the Clun Valley Chamber Music Festival.

For details email: lmtunnicliffe@gmail.com


Marc Pircher Entertains at 2021 Donauinselfest, Vienna - Austria

Festival banner
Marc PircherAccordionist Marc Pircher (picture left) and his band will perform on September 19th, 5pm at the 2021 Donauinselfest held at the Donauinsel, open air area in Vienna. The festival, claimed to be the biggest open-air festival in Europe, will run from August 2nd to September 19th, 2021.

The 2021 event takes place under the motto “Wienievorvor”, out of respect for all the Viennese who have shown once again over the past year (of Covid-19) what it means to stand together in a crisis!

The summer tour part of the festival will take place from August 2nd to September 16th in all 23 districts of Vienna.

This will be followed by the Dif21 festival weekend from September 17th to 19th, with four stages of music on the Danube Island!

Performers are 100% from Austria and from all music genres and for the first time, classical acts are also included! In addition, families and children can look forward to a comprehensive program with their own Dif21 kids tour, the Dif21 tour bike and a special festival on Sunday 19th!

The whole event will include 40 days of events, 80 acts and around 120 pop-up concerts, as well as the Dif21 tour bus, which will again be driving through the whole city with a varied program of performers.

For details email: kontakt@spw.at
crowd at venue


2021 Stowe Tango Music Festival - USA

Stowe logoHector del CurtoThe 2021 Stowe Tango Music Festival will be held in Stowe, Vermont, USA from August 19th to 22nd, organised by Artistic Director, Hector Del Curto (picture right).

This year’s event will feature live in-person events at Palais de Glace on August 21st, as well as online events including the premieres of tango documentaries produced by The Argentine Tango Society on August 19th, 20th and 22nd.

Schedule for August 21st live events as follows:

1:30 to 2:30pm: “Why Does It Sound So Good?" Musicality Workshop by Hector Del Curto

2:30 to 3:30pm: “Sequence in Milonguero style and salon style” Dance Workshop by Aldo & Paula

3:30 to 4:30pm: “Structure of Milonga Traspie Sequences” Dance Workshop by Aldo & Paula

7:30 to 8:15pm Festival Concert by Hector Del Curto Tango Quintet – Hector Del Curto, Gustavo Casenave, Sami Merdinian, Jisoo Ok, Pedro Giraudo, Santiago Del Curto & special guest clarinettist Eric Abramovitz

8:15pm to 12am Festival Milonga with Live Music by the Quintet and guests including the musicians of the Bandoneon Workshop and DJ by John Coppens

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com


Childrens Corner

Video: Célio performs from Portugal

Video: This young beginner player and singer, Célio entertains you from Portugal.


New and Updated Sites

Sitio actualizado: arreglos musicales escoceses de Julia Gordon - Escocia

Julia Gordon accordion sheet music
Julia GordonJulia Gordon, animadora, maestra y arreglista, tiene un libro de tutoría y un gran catálogo de arreglos escoceses que han recibido críticas muy elogiosas. La música está en formato pdf y se le puede enviar por correo electrónico.

Otros 20 títulos más, muchos de ellos famosos trabajos tradicionales escoceses arreglados por Julia Gordon, están ahora en línea. Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para ver una muestra de cada pieza, grado y otra información.

No de catálogo - Nombre de la música
jgordon102 - The Boatman, The (Fear a' Bhàta)
jgordon107 - South Uist Whaling Song
jgordon108 - Cailin Mo Ruin-Sa
jgordon111 - Griogal Cridhe
jgordon115 - Kirkconnel Lea
jgordon117 - Sound The Pibroch
jgordon124 - The Loch Tay Boat Song
jgordon131 - My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose
jgordon132 - Wild Mountain Thyme
jgordon133 - The Rowan Tree
jgordon139 - Tha Mo Ghaol Air Àird A’ Chuain (My Love Is On The High Seas)
jgordon142 - Sine Bhan
jgordon156 - Neil Gow's Lament For His Second Wife
jgordon160 - The Iona Boat Song, The (Caol Muile)
jgordon175 - Westering Home
jgordon177 - Dark Lochnagar
jgordon180 - Morag of Dunvegan
jgordon182 - The Skye Boat Song
jgordon194 - Dream Angus
jgordon197 - Row Me Home To Islay
jgordon209 - Haste Ye Back
jgordon211 - The Mist-Covered Mountains Of Home (Chì Mi Na Mòrbheanna)
jgordon213 - Mingulay Boat Song
jgordon217 - The Massacre Of Gencoe
jgordon224 - Bonnie Galloway
jgordon230 - Mo Ghile Mear
jgordon239 - Loch Lomond
jgordon244 - Hector The Hero
jgordon325 - Mairi's Wedding
jgordon327 - Scotland The Brave


CD Reviews

Revisión del CD: Double Mirror CD por Friedrich Lips

CD Reviews Index Índice de reseñas de CD para la revisión del CD Double Mirror de Friedrich Lips. Índice de reseñas de CD para la revisión del CD Double Mirror de Friedrich Lips. Reseña de Joan Cochran Sommers en inglés y alemán.


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