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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Jan-2009
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CIA organise le Congrès d'hiver de Bratislava, Slovaquie
La France en Russie!
2008 - une année exceptionnelle pour l'École de musique de Renzo Ruggieri - Italie
Reykjavik Accordion Festival - Islande

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Further Successes for Royal Academy of Music Accordion Students - UK
NAO Midlands Area Festival - UK
“A Revolution in the Way People Communicate” – USA
New CD ‘Spektrum Lab’, Saskatchewan – Canada
Accordion Premier of Michael Easton's Music - USA

Future events

2009, la saison FLONFLONS s'ouvre avec le 1er Bal le 31 janvier, dès 20h
Mika Väyrynen in Norwegian ‘Piazzolla: Tango!’ Project
Klaus Paier and Asja Valcic on Tour – Germany, Austria
Gary Blair’s 10th ‘Tour Down South’, England – UK
Massimo Signorini‏ Concert, Milan – Italy
AAMS Festival and Symposium, Pennsylvania – USA
Seeking Bandoneon Teacher‏, Florida - USA

New and Updated Sites

Accordion USA News, February Edition online
H S Production New Music Releases
Yehuda Oppenheimer Updates 1 composition and 2 arrangements for acccordion
Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions
Finland Recordings selling a new CD
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
H S Production New Music Releases
Yehuda Oppenheimer Updates 1 composition for Accordion.

CD Reviews

"Sai-Ko" CD by Trio Miyazaki

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CIA organise le Congrès d'hiver de Bratislava, Slovaquie

CIA logoTop: CIA logo Lower: Tibor Racz - CIA Vice PresidentLa Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) tiendra sa 121eme Assemblée Générale des Délégués au Congrès d'hiver, à Bratislava, en Slovaquie du 30 au Janvier 1er Février 2009, organisé par la CIA, membre du Centre méthodique Accordion 'Marta Szokeová' (MCA), dans le cadre de la direction du Vice President CIA Tibor Racz.

Les délégués des pays membres de la CIA se réuniront pour la conduite des affaires de la CIA, telles que les activités à venir, y compris les nouvelles sur la Journée Mondiale de l’ Accordéon le 6 Mai ainsi que la 62ème Coupe Mondiale World Championships d’Accordéon, qui aura la toute première catégorie pour l'accordéon numérique, ainsi que le spectaculaire Accordion Orchestra III.

Pour plus d'informations sur la CIA ainsi que d'un rapport sur le Congrès d'hiver, s'il vous plaît visitez www.accordions.com / CIA


La France en Russie!

Félicien Brut and Pierre Laval performing in Siberia
Presentation to Roman Jbanov, Professor of CNIMA J.Mornet.Du 8 au 17 Janvier derniers, deux jeunes accordéonistes français, Félicien Brut et Pierre Laval, se sont rendus en Russie, plus précisément en Sibérie, accompagnés de Roman Jbanov, professeur du CNIMA J.Mornet.

La première partie de leur séjour s’est déroulée dans la ville de Novossibirsk, capitale de la Sibérie. Du 10 au 15 Janvier s’y tenait la … édition du festival Malanine consacré à l’accordéon sous toutes ses formes, surtout traditionnelle.

Pierre et Félicien ont donné un concert dans le cadre de ce festival le dimanche 11 Janvier au soir réunissant plus de 700 auditeurs. Ils ont fait découvrir l’accordéon de variété français en solo et en duo ainsi que les caractéristiques de la culture française au public russe particulièrement enthousiaste.

Le 12 janvier c’est dans un club de jazz de Novossibirsk « Trouba » que nos jeunes amis se sont produits et le 13 devant les élèves d’un lycée français.

Parallèlement au festival était organisé un concours réunissant plus de 1200 candidats venus de toute la Russie et répartis dans de différentes catégories.

Pierre Laval et Félicien Brut, en plus de leurs concerts, ont été candidats lors de ce concours. Ils ont obtenu chacun la première place dans leurs catégories respectives.

Le 16 Janvier, Roman et ses deux élèves sont partis pour la ville de Kemerovo, à 400km au sud-est de Novossibirsk. Ils ont débuté leur journée en étant reçus par différentes personnalités du monde culturel et politique : Mme la ministre de la culture de la région de Kouzbas, Mr le maire de Kemerovo, Mme Kholkina Irina présidente de la fondation jeunes prodiges de Kouzbas, Mme Inna Koudriachova directrice de l’école de musique n°1 de Kemerovo comptant 750 élèves dont 250 accordéonistes.

En fin d’après midi Roman Jbanov a animé une master classe de quelques heures devant une centaine de professeurs venus de toute la Sibérie, en présence de la presse locale et nationale. Le soir, Pierre et Félicien ont donné le dernier concert de leur tournée à la Philharmonie de Kemerovo en présence de 600 spectateurs. Le succès fût de nouveau au rendez-vous pour clore leur « expédition » en Sibérie.

Suite à ce voyage, un projet de collaboration culturelle étroite est à l’étude entre la ville de Kemerovo et la ville de Saint Sauves d’Auvergne. Un double festival franco-russe pourrait d’ailleurs voir le jour dans ces deux villes dès l’année 2010.

Information: duopm@orange.fr


2008 - une année exceptionnelle pour l'École de musique de Renzo Ruggieri - Italie

Top left: Veronika Todorova Top right: Mario D'Amario Lower Left: Renzo Ruggieri conducting Lower Right: Antonio Spaccarotella
Le 5 Janvier 2009 Mario D'Amario a remporté le 3ème prix international «Ceroni Léo» dans la catégorie Variété, qui est une compétition pour l'accordéon avec l'orchestre. Cette dernière victoire a marqué une année exceptionnelle pour l'école de Renzo Ruggieri, qui a vu ses élèves avec succès dans presque tous les grands concours d'accordéon.

Pour ne citer que les compétitions internationales:
1er Prix au Leo Ceroni (Riolo, Italie) pour la catégorie Variété - Veronika Todorova
1er Prix au Leo Ceroni (Riolo, Italie), la catégorie en vogue - Antonio Spaccarotella
1er prix au concours international de Atri, Italie, Antonio Spaccarotella
1er prix Primus Ikaalinen, Sata-Häme Soi, la Finlande, Mario D'Amario
1er Prix Trophée CMA catégorie Junior Variété à Sarajevo, en Bosnie, par Mario D'Amario
1er prix dans la catégorie Variété, Castelfidardo, Italie, Antonio Spaccarotella

En outre, il existe de nombreux premiers prix remportés dans des concours nationaux par d'autres étudiants. Renzo Ruggieri est directeur et fondateur de l'ART CLUB "CLUB D'ARTE VOGLIA '- une organisation d'écoles privées qui utilisent un moyen moderne et original de l'enseignement.

Pour de plus amples informations email: info@renzoruggieri.it


Reykjavik Accordion Festival - Islande

Le Reykjavik Accordion Festival 2009 aura lieu à l'Árbæjarsafn, Musée de la ville de Reykjavík, le week-end 18 et 19 Juillet.

Les invités d'honneur cette année sont Ottar Johansen, l’ accordéoniste norvégien bien connu, une fois un étudiant de la fin du Toralf Tollefsen, avec Ivar Th. Dagenborg, un guitariste et l'éditeur de "Nygammmalt ', le magazine norvégien d’accordéon - le plus grand magazine de son genre en Scandinavie. Ils se produiront à Reykjavík Le Musée, de même que certains meilleurs joueurs d'accordéon d'Islande, l'après-midi du dimanche 16 Juillet. Plus tard dans la soirée, á 20h, ils donneront un concert à la Maison nordique de Reykjavik.

Pour de plus amples informations email: jonatank@internet.is


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Further Successes for Royal Academy of Music Accordion Students - UK

Top: Rafal Luc Lower: Ksenija SiderovaRoyal Academy of Music logoRafal Luc received a very positive review in 'The Times' newspaper for his Royal Festival Hall, Purcell Room, recital in the Park Lane Group contemporary music series on January 6th. His performance of Gubaidulina's 'De Profundis' Ligeti', ‘Musica Ricercata', Giles Swayne' Squeezy' and Hans Abrahamsen’s 'Air' was described as: "It was Rafal Luc's deep engagement with the expressive potential of his instrument that distinguished his recital. He showed maturity beyond his 21 years”.

Ksenija Siderova will be a finalist in the prestigious 'Royal Academy of Music Wigmore Award' on February 5th at the Wigmore Hall, London, at 1pm. Other finalists are basoon and piano, violin and piano; oboe and piano; soprano and piano and solo piano. It is the third time an RAM accordionist has been in the final of this competition in consecutive years, Milos Milivojevic and Borut Zagoranski also reached the final.

The success of young accordionists in competitions involving instruments other than the accordion is tremendously positive and integrates the accordion into the classical music world. It is also worth noting that the standard of adjudication is highly qualified and professional. The adjudicator on this occasion was the distinguished pianist and teacher, Gordon Back. He will be joined in the final by the celebrated conductor Jan Pascal Tortelier.

For further information email: murray@mail.dk


NAO Midlands Area Festival - UK

Photo Left: Stephen and Simon Gardner with teacher Ingrid Gould Photo right: youngest children
Peter Ziemelis receiving the Don Arnott Challenge award from principle adjudicator Raymond Bodell  Lower: Alexander BodellThe NAO Midlands Area Festival, a qualifier for the NAO UK Championships in Blackpool (24th - 26th April) was held on 25th January in Countesthorpe Leicestershire. The contest saw significant increase in contestants attracting all ages from 3 year old upwards and proved a great outing for many players tackling new repertoire and bodes well for the future.

The highest solo mark was awarded by the principle adjudicator Raymond Bodell to Peter Ziemelis who is pictured receiving the Don Arnott Challenge award. Other outstanding performances were given by Alexander Bodell in the Virtuoso Entertainment and Simon Gardner, a pupil of Ingrid Gould from Birmingham.

In the Mixed Instrumental Category the audience were entertained by a whole variety of Instruments including a harp, trumpet, violin, mandolin, recorders, bassoon and many others!

The next NAO Area Festivals will be held on February 7th, the North Central Area in Saltaire West Yorkshire and the Northern Ireland Area in Larne.

Full details of the NAO UK Championships and Results from this festival may be found on the NAO website.


“A Revolution in the Way People Communicate” – USA

USA citizens are choosing in their masses to use internet instead of the postal service, causing massive deficits, that could force the post office to cut out one day of mail delivery.

Faced with dwindling mail volume and rising costs, the post office was $2.8 billion in the red last year. "If current trends continue, we could experience a net loss of $6 billion or more this fiscal year," Postmaster General John E. Potter said.

The post office's problem is twofold, Potter explained.
"A revolution in the way people communicate has structurally changed the way America uses the mail," with a shift from first-class letters to the internet for personal communications, photos and sound files, billings, payments, statements and business correspondence.

Potter noted that the agency has cut costs by $1 billion per year since 2002, reduced its work force by 120,000, halted construction of new facilities, frozen executive salaries, reducing its headquarters work force by 15 percent, but the flood of people using internet instead of post, means even greater cuts are necessary.


New CD ‘Spektrum Lab’, Saskatchewan – Canada

New CD, ‘Spektrum Lab’, by Canadian accordionist Len ImberyA new CD, ‘Spektrum Lab’, by Canadian accordionist Len Imbery has just been released. The CD’s publicity states: “This is not your Grandfather's accordion album! In fact you might not even notice an accordion in some of the tracks.

‘Spektrum Lab’ creates atmospheric sound scapes with a varied array of influences including Latin, Trance, World, and Electronica such that it's impossible to assign any particular genre to this collection of groove tunes.

OK, It might be a bit over-the-top to meld traditional Irish Folk music to Bollywood in ‘A Guinness In Mumbai’, but you’re sure to find this collection of musical ‘curiosities’ refreshing and have you too thinking ‘Outside The Box’.

The only musical input used in creating this collection was from samples, loops, and midi-equipped accordions. Produced, mastered, and engineered by Leonard Imbery”.

For further information email: limbery@accesscomm.ca


Accordion Premier of Michael Easton's Music - USA

BernadetteMembers of the Rockford, Illinois Mendelssohn Society were treated on Thursday night to a concert which included the American premier of Australian composer Michael Easton's "An Australian in Paris", a work originally written for orchestra for a Naxos CD of Easton's work, which also included his accordion concerto. The work was commissioned and performed by Australian accordionist Bernadette. The accordion transcription from the piano score, was made by Bernadette, who is now living in the USA.

Bernadette's recent concerts have included a great range of music, from classical to light pop and have included her singing. From classical soirees to church concerts, retirement villages, charity concerts etc., Bernadette aims to introduce her mid-Western audience to the accordion as a serious musical instrument, capable of classical and original works as well as ethnic music.


Future events

2009, la saison FLONFLONS s'ouvre avec le 1er Bal le 31 janvier, dès 20h

Pour bien démarrer cette année 2009, Culture et Flonflons Flandres vous propose de venir danser avec le groupe maison du festival Wazemmes l'Accordéon, WAZLAX, lors du 1er BAL qui aura lieu le samedi 31 janvier à la maison Folie Wazemmes à partir de 20h.

« Le 1er bal » est une rencontre bien ancrée dans les esprits des amateurs de fameux rendez-vous festifs à Lille et en particulier à Wazemmes. C' est en effet l'événement qui lance et donne le ton dela saison Flonflons. Pour la première fois, ce 1er bal est assuré par WAZLAX, must du swing baloche wazemmois.

Vivement Demain, version light de la Bande à Paulo, en assurera la première partie. Le rendez-vous est donné : samedi 31 janvier 2009, à partir de 20h


Mika Väyrynen in Norwegian ‘Piazzolla: Tango!’ Project

Mika VäyrynenRenowned Finnish concert artist Mika Väyrynen will tour Norway from February 2nd to 9th, presenting a series of performances called ‘Piazzolla: Tango!’

Performing works by composers such as Piazzolla and Gardel, Mika will perform on bandoneon with well known Norwegian violinist Atle Sponberg, who is respected for his high level performances of Tango, recorded with Juan Jose Mosalini, and is also the Concert Master of the Norwegian Radio Symphony Orchestra. Other instrumentalists include Sveinung Bjelland (piano) and Mats Eilertsen (bass), as well as a vocalist and two dancers.

Tour dates and venues in Norway in February are:

2nd - Modum Bad, Modum
3rd - Elverum Kulturhus, Elverum
4th - Rådhusteateret, Ski
5th - Banken, Lillehammer
6th - Rica Klubben Hotel, Tonsberg
7th - Kongens gate 4, Oslo
7th - Bearum Kulturhus, Sandvika
8th - Cafe Abel, Oslo

For further information visit the Mika Väyrynen website.


Klaus Paier and Asja Valcic on Tour – Germany, Austria

Klaus PaierKlaus Paier (accordion) and Asja Valcic (cello) perform together on a tour in February and March, as follows:

February 6th, 9pm – Unterfahrt, Munich, Germany
February 19th, 10pm - A-Train, Berlin
February 26th, 10pm - Kulturgasthaus Bierstindl, Innsbruck, Austria
February 27th, 10pm - Aula HS Lingenau, Lingenau/Vorarlberg
February 28th, 10pm - Gotische Halle, Schloss Landeck, Tyrol
March 4th, 9pm - Casa del Jazz , Rome, Italy
March 5th, 10pm - Weinhaus Attwenger, Bad Ischl, Austria
March 6th, 7.30pm - Sparkassensaal Musikschule, Neunkirchen
March 7th, 8pm – Wengerwirt, Weng im Gesäuse
March 9th, 7.30pm - Saal der Musikschule, Leibnitz
March 10th, 8.30pm – Stockwerk, Graz
March 11th, 8pm – Ehrbarsaal, Accordion Festival, Vienna
March 12th, 8pm - Kultur Glas-Haus, Baumgartenberg/Perg
March 13th, 8.30pm - Foyer MS Raab, Raab/OÖ
March 14th, 8.30pm – Step, Völkermarkt
March 15th, 7pm - Musik Theatercafe, Lesung, Klagenfurt
March 27th, 8pm – Kino, Gaspoltshofen
March 28th, 8pm – Jegelscheune, Wendelstein, Germany
March 31st - Spring Jazz Festival, Zagreb, Croatia


Gary Blair’s 10th ‘Tour Down South’, England – UK

Gary BlairScottish accordionist Gary Blair makes his 10th annual tour of the South of England, February 8th to 15th. His dates include:

February 8th, 4.30pm – Family Ceilidh, Manor Field School, Junction Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 0PZ
February 9th, doors open 7.30pm - Uxbridge Accordion Club, The Anglers Retreat, Cricketfield Road, West Drayton, Middlesex
February 10th – private function, Dorset
February 11th - Grand Charity Ceilidh Supper, Worthing, W. Sussex
February 12th, doors open 7.30pm – Harlow Accordion Club, The Link Social Club, Parsloe Road, Harlow, Essex CM19 4RT
February 13th - Annual Village Ceilidh, Matching Tye, Essex
February 14th – Annual Ceilidh, Ovingdean Village Hall, Brighton, East Sussex

For further information email: ronwbennett@aol.com


Massimo Signorini‏ Concert, Milan – Italy

Massimo Signorini‏Accordionist Massimo Signorini? performs in concert at the Teatro Edi, Milan, on February 22nd, 4pm. His program includes music by Piazzolla, Gardel, Fancelli, Galliano, and others.

For further information email: massimosignorini@alice.it


AAMS Festival and Symposium, Pennsylvania – USA

Dee LangleyThe 2009 American Accordion Musicological Society (AAMS) Accordion Festival and Symposium takes place on March 6th, 7th and 8th at the Park Ridge Hotel and Conference Center, King of Prussia (Valley Forge), Pennsylvania.

The festival begins with a Polka, Cajun and Zydeco concert on the first evening, and continues over the next two days with competitions, workshops and concerts.

The guest of honor this year will be Dr Robert McMahan, who will perform at the festival with Dee Langley.


Seeking Bandoneon Teacher‏, Florida - USA

I am a hiring coordinator for the Amadeus Home Music School and I am trying to find a Spanish speaking bandoneon teacher to travel to the home of a student in Miami.

Please contact Wendy Hawthorne: wendy@musichousecalls.com


New and Updated Sites

Accordion USA News, February Edition online

The February edition of Accordion USA News is online with 18 articles about accordion in North America.


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'Kuyavyak 02', 'As In Our Entrance Hall', 'Blackbird', 'Kuyavyak 03', 'Sheepfold' and 'Sad Melody'. Samples of the music are available online. he music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Oppenheimer Updates 1 composition and 2 arrangements for acccordion

Yehuda Oppenheimer updating 1 composition and 2 arrangements for acccordion - 'Symphony No. 40', 'E i l a t' and 'Bingo Accordion Duet'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions

Charnwood Publications releases 6 new pieces by ccomposer Ken Farran titled, 'Venetian Masquerade', 'Leonora', 'Leonora (score - 2 of each part), 'Hungarian Dance No.6', 'Caister Capers' and 'Norwegian Spring'. Purchase with credit card.


Finland Recordings selling a new CD

Finland Recordings selling a new CD titled "Under The North Star" with sound samples. Music performed by Matti Rantanen with his friends. Purchase online.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 2 new pieces - 'Echoes From The Hungarian Plains' and 'Bavarian Snow Waltz - Schneewaltzer'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'Masur', 'Hallo, From Mountain, Mountain', 'Behind The Mountains, Behind The Woods', 'Mountain Dance', 'Streamlet' and 'Kuyavyak 01'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Oppenheimer Updates 1 composition for Accordion.

Yehuda Oppenheimer updating 1 composition for acccordion - 'Bingo Arrangement'. Samples of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

"Sai-Ko" CD by Trio Miyazaki

CD Reviews Index for the Review of "Sai-Ko" CD by Trio Miyazaki


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