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Weekly News from Around the World - 29-Sep-2023
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DHV Akkordeon-Musikpreis 2024 - Deutschland
Foster & Allen Irische Tournee - UK
Stas Venglevski Konzert & Workshop im A World of Accordions Museum - USA
Video__Cokiba_ - Neues Video von Coba und Jin Oki - Japan
XII. Internationales Akkordeonfestival Ferreira do Zêzere - Portugal
39. VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb - Österreich

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

“Lou Jacklich Plays!” Free eTrack MP3 Download Album, Limited Offer
One Year - 24 hours with Johann Sebastian Bach - Finland
Video: Earthquake Polka by Sigmund's Orkester - Norway
Latest Article on AAA Commissioned Series, Aria by William Grant Still - USA

Future events

“Leveret” 10th Anniversary Tour – England & Wales
Bradford Accordion Band Charity Concert at Bingley Arts Centre – England
Alex Meixner Oktoberfest Concerts - USA
Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session – New Zealand
Roadrunner Trio Performs at Friendly Fire Theatre - Netherlands
“Zamar” Performs at Drostdy Theatre – South Africa
Martina Jembrišak Performs on HRT Croatian Radio Show - Croatia
Ball Hanlon Schulz Trio at Tempo Rubato - Australia

Links to Previous News Still Current

Past News List of Links

New and Updated Sites

Tägliche Berichte: 48. Internationaler "PIF Citta di Castelfidardo" Akkordeonpreis & Festival - Italien
2023 CNIMA Akkordeon-Workshops für alle Niveaus - Frankreich

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DHV Akkordeon-Musikpreis 2024 - Deutschland

DHV Accordion Music Prize 2024
Der DHV (Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V.) Akkordeon-Musikpreis 2024 wird vom 9. bis 12. Mai 2024 in Ettlingen, Deutschland, ausgetragen.

Der Wettbewerb ist offen für Solo-, Duo-, Kammer-, Ensemble- und Orchestermusik in verschiedenen Kategorien bis zu einem Alter von 27 Jahren. Die nationalen Wettbewerbe werden im Januar und Februar 2024 stattfinden.

Der Termin für den Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen ist der 18. Februar 2024. Deadline für die Anmeldung: 30. November 2023

Wettbewerbsregeln unter: 2024DHVMusicPrize.pdf


Foster & Allen Irische Tournee - UK

Foster & Allen Irish Tour
Das beliebte Duo Foster & Allen hat angekündigt, dass ihre Irland-Tournee 2023/2024 am 27. Dezember 2023 in Mullingar, Irland, beginnen und bis zum 15. März 2024 dauern wird.

Mick Foster und Tony Allen feierten 2015 ihr 40-jähriges Bandjubiläum und haben über 30 Alben veröffentlicht.

Einzelheiten zu den Konzerten siehe Poster.


Stas Venglevski Konzert & Workshop im A World of Accordions Museum - USA

AWAM Stas concert
Stas Venglevski wird am 15. Oktober um 14 Uhr im Harrington Arts Centre des A World of Accordions Museum in Superior, Wisconsin, USA auftreten.

Ein Teil des Erlöses aus diesem Konzert kommt dem A World of Accordions Museum zugute.

Am folgenden Tag, dem 16. Oktober, gibt Stas um 14 Uhr einen kostenlosen Workshop über Originalmusik für Akkordeon.

Details siehe Poster oben.


Video__Cokiba_ - Neues Video von Coba und Jin Oki - Japan

Video: "Cokiba" ist ein neues Duo der japanischen Musiker Coba (Akkordeon) und Jin Oki (Flamenco-Gitarre).

Das Duo stellt seine erste Single MV "God of Sorrow - Proserpina" vor, in der die Instrumente "exquisit ineinandergreifen, um einen einzigartigen Klang zu erzeugen".

"Dieses Werk ist eine musikalische Komposition von Coba für das Duo, die die Liebe in der griechischen Mythologie darstellt." Proserpina ist der lateinische Name für die griechische Göttin Persephone, die vor allem als Göttin des Frühlings bekannt ist.

Das Video wurde vor Ort gedreht: Ishikawa Nishida Kitaro Museum für Philosophie in Tsubata, Ishikawa Otemachiyokan.


XII. Internationales Akkordeonfestival Ferreira do Zêzere - Portugal

XII International Accordion Festival Ferreira do Zêzere
Das XII. Internationale Akkordeonfestival Ferreira do Zêzere findet am 14. und 15. Oktober in Lissabon, Portugal, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regionalhaus von Ferreira do Zêzere statt.

Das Programm sieht wie folgt aus:
- 14. Oktober um 21.30 Uhr - Auftritte der Akkordeonisten Jeremy Lafon (Frankreich), Gary Blair (Schottland), Tino Costa (Algarve), Rodrigo Mauricio (Lourinhã), Theresa Mauricio (Lourinhã), Julius Vitorino (Ferreira do Zêzere), Rodrigo Gomes (Ferreira do Zêzere) und Marcio Cabral (Ferreira do Zêzere).
- 14. Oktober um 15 Uhr - Akkordeonmeisterkurs mit den internationalen Festivalteilnehmern Gary Blair und Jeremy Lafon im Academia Artistica do Zêzere Collectividades Center in Ferreira do Zêzere. Die Anmeldungen sind auf acht Teilnehmer begrenzt.
- 15. Oktober um 16 Uhr im Auditorium der Bibliothek Orlando Ribeiro, Telheiras, Lissabon - Auftritte von Jeremy Lafon, Gary Blair, Rodrigo Mauritius und Marcio Cabral.

Für weitere Informationen: 962 307 280


39. VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb - Österreich

2024 Vamo
Der 39. VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb findet am 24. und 25. Februar 2024 bei der Yamaha Music Europe GmbH in Wien, Österreich statt.

Der Wettbewerb findet ganztägig für die Kategorien 1A+1B+1C am 24. Februar 2024 und für die Kategorien 2+3 am 25. Februar 2024 statt.

Die Anmeldefrist endet am 24. Januar 2024.

Wettbewerbsregeln und Anmeldeformular unter: 2024Vamo.pdf


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

“Lou Jacklich Plays!” Free eTrack MP3 Download Album, Limited Offer

Lou Jacklich San Francisco Club Scholarship
Lou Jacklich album coverAs a special celebration of his 95th birthday, Lou Jacklich has authorized that his mp3 album “Lou Jacklich Plays!” (Catalog: jacklicheT) and updated history be sent free (zipped file for downloading) to all requests received by November 15, 2023. Send request with your name and email address for this excellent eTrack album to Pamela Tom: accordionpam@gmail.com

Thank you to Lou Jacklich, AccordionUSA, MusicForAccordion and Pamela Tom for making this very fine gift of accordion music available free.

Testimonial: Dear Pam, I am so impressed with Lou’s recordings. They are wonderful and demonstrate so much talent and skill. I am a true admirer of Lou. Thank you for sending the recordings. Signed, Bonnie Birch. Bonnie Birch is Chairman and Producer of the Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration, Producer of Seattle's Day of the Accordion, President of Northwest Accordion Society.


One Year - 24 hours with Johann Sebastian Bach - Finland

Kalle VälimaaFinnish accordionist/composer Kalle Välimaa has just completed a one year long concert series of music by Johann Sebastian Bach in southern Finland, by playing one, two hour concert of his music every month.

The series, entitled 24h Bach, was held from October 9th, 2022 to September 10th, 2023. Concerts took place in churches in Teijo, Turku, Hyvinkää, Kerava, Orimattila, Kouvola, Turenki, Mommila, Artjärvi, Tammela, Virolahti and Ruotsinpyhtää.

Performances featured works such as The Well-Tempered Clavier, English, French, German (Partitas) Suites, Goldberg Variations, Inventions and Sinfonias, 16 Concertos, Cello Suites, Violin solo Sonatas and Partitas, some organ works and Chorals from the Four Passions.

Kalle Välimaa was a pupil with accordionist Veikko Ahvenainen (1975-1980) and Kimmo Mattila (1980-1985). In Moscow at the Gnesin Academy Kalle Välimaa was a student of Vitaly Muntjan (1985-1991) and Friedrich Lips (1991-1992). For the polyphonic development, Kalle studied orchestral conducting with professor Vladimir Zenovjev (1986-1992).


Video: Earthquake Polka by Sigmund's Orkester - Norway

Video: Sigmund's Orkester (Norway) performing Earthquake Polka (Sigmund Sæther). Music track from the CD album "Sigmunds Spesial".

Filmed at StudJO - Selbu (Norway), on June 16th, 2023 featuring Sigmund Sæther (accordion), Øivind Farmen (accordion), Kaj R. Endresen (drums) and Pål Steinar Flakne (bass).


Latest Article on AAA Commissioned Series, Aria by William Grant Still - USA

Robert McMahonWilliam Grant StillThe original version of my article on Aria, the first of two delightful AAA commissioned solos by the famed and popular African American composer, William Grant Still (picture right), appeared in the 2001 issue of the American Accordionists’ Association Festival Journal. The expanded article is now online.

As with all my updated, expanded articles, this one includes new historical information, more photos from Elsie Bennett’s historical photo albums, and the new and very important feature of musical examples accompanying far deeper analytical descriptions of the work.

View the latest article about Aria by William Grant Still at: http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions16.php


Future events

“Leveret” 10th Anniversary Tour – England & Wales

“Leveret” will begin their 10th Anniversary Tour (Part 2) with a performance at the Derby Folk Weekend on September 29th, 2023. The tour will continue with concerts in England & Wales through to October 14th, 2023.

The trio features Andy Cutting, Rob Harbron & Sam Sweeney.

For details email: info@leveretband.com


Bradford Accordion Band Charity Concert at Bingley Arts Centre – England

Bradford Accordion Band concert
The Bradford Accordion Band will entertain at their 6th Grand Charity Show at the Bingley Arts Centre in West Yorkshire, England, on September 30th at 7.30pm.

“Fit-up your flares and pull on your platforms for an eclectic night of 70s music, song and dance.”

The band is inviting this year's audience to come along dressed for the occasion. The 2023 chosen charity is Andy's Man Club.

For details email: bradfordaccordionband@gmail.com


Alex Meixner Oktoberfest Concerts - USA

Alex MeixnerVideo: Alex Meixner performing the nine most requested Oktoberfest songs.

Alex Meixner will perform at the following Oktoberfest concerts in October, 2023 as follows:

• October 1st - Plattduetsche Park Restaurant & Biergarten, Franklin Square, New York
• October 2nd - Villa Roma Resort & Conference Center, Callicoon, New York
• October 3rd - Reichenbach Hall, New York, New York
• October 5th to 8th - Schulz Braü Brewing Oktoberfest in Knoxville, Tennessee
• October 9th to 15th - Helen Oktoberfest in Helen, Georgia
• October 17th to 22nd – Tulsa Oktoberfest in Tulsa, Oklahoma

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session – New Zealand

CAA jam session
The Canterbury Accordion Association (CAA) will hold their next Jam Session at the Church Corner Methodist Centre in Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand on October 8th, 2023 from 3pm.

All are welcome. See poster for details.


Roadrunner Trio Performs at Friendly Fire Theatre - Netherlands

Roadrunner Trio
The Roadrunner Trio will perform at the Friendly Fire Theatre in Pauluskerk, Breukelen, Utrecht, Netherlands on October 8th, 2023.

The trio consists of Erica Roozendaal (accordion), Michel Marang (clarinet) and Antonis Pratsinakis (cello). They play their own music and folk music from Eastern Europe and the Middle East, arranged by the trio themselves.

For details email: info@roadrunnertrio.com


“Zamar” Performs at Drostdy Theatre – South Africa

Monika Stuchlik KahlVideo: “Zamar” moments 2022 – one minute video of playing clips.

“Zamar” will performs a concert at the Drostdy Theatre in Stellenbosch, South Africa on October 10th, 2023 at 11.30am as part of the Toyota US Woordfees Music Festival.

The group features Monika Stuchlik Kahl (accordion & vocals – picture left), Veronica Bell (violin & vocals), Philip Vermeulen (guitar), Warren Joubert (bass) and Ronald Siegelaar (drums).

The group “have a fantastic program lined up full of surprises.”

For details email: info@zamarmusic.co.za


Martina Jembrišak Performs on HRT Croatian Radio Show - Croatia

Martina JembrišakMartina Jembrišak (Croatia) will perform on the HRT Croatian Radio Show "Iz salona Ocic" in Zagreb on October 12th, 2023.

The show will feature 2 musicians, 4 instruments:
• Martina Jembrišak - accordion, bandoneon
• Valentin Šeremet - clarinet, saxophone

"Iz salona Ocic" features a “revitalization of chamber music in the widest range of styles and performing combinations….with a casual, immediate and journalistically dynamic form of conversation with the performers”.

For details email: jembrisakmartina@gmail.com


Ball Hanlon Schulz Trio at Tempo Rubato - Australia

Ball Hanlon Schulz TrioThe Ball Hanlon Schulz Trio (picture left) will perform at Tempo Rubato in Brunswick, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on October 23rd, 2023 from 8pm.

The trio features Anthony Schulz (accordion), Eugene Ball (trumpet) and Ben Hanlon (double bass). Their program will include all new works by Ball, Hanlon and Schulz.


Links to Previous News Still Current

Past News List of Links

2023 Coupe Mondiale 2023 Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports 2023 Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports, Video
2023 Festival and Competitions 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2023  2023 PIF Castelfidardo Daily Reports, Video
2023 Festival and Competitions 2023 ATG Competition and Festival Photo Report 2023 ATG Competition and Festival Photo Report
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
World Accordion Day Information 2023 World Accordion Day, 6th May each year
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
News article about Beniamino Bugiolacchi Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link


New and Updated Sites

Tägliche Berichte: 48. Internationaler "PIF Citta di Castelfidardo" Akkordeonpreis & Festival - Italien

PIF logoTägliche Berichte online unter: 2023Castelfidardo

Die Tagesberichte enthalten Bilder, Videos und Ergebnisse. Die Video-Seiten der Tagesberichte enthalten eine sehr umfangreiche Liste von Konzerten und Musikwettbewerben. Viel Spaß!


2023 CNIMA Akkordeon-Workshops für alle Niveaus - Frankreich

Jacques Mornet and Nathalie BoucheixDie CNIMA, unter der Leitung von Nathalie Boucheix, wird 2023 die folgenden Workshops für alle Altersgruppen, Niveaus und Stilrichtungen mit den Dozenten Jacques Mornet und Nathalie Boucheix (Bild links) durchführen:

- 16. bis 20. Oktober 2023 - Workshop speziell für Erwachsene
- 23. bis 28. Oktober 2023 - Workshop für alle Altersgruppen, Niveaus und Stilrichtungen
- 27. November bis 1. Dezember 2023 - Workshop speziell für Erwachsene
- 26. bis 30. Dezember 2023 - Workshop für alle Altersgruppen, Niveaus und Stilrichtungen

Die Workshops befassen sich mit der Haltung des Instruments, der Balance des Blasebalgs, der Klangkontrolle, den verschiedenen Anschlagsarten, der Musikalität usw.

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an: cnima@orange.fr


Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

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Getting videos in high quality

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Dear Accordions Worldwide

Is it possible to get the 3 videos form PIF 2023, Finale, premio category 17/9-23 in original high quality?
I composed the finale work, Concerto piccolo and would very musch like to get the performances in as high quality as possible, as it was the premiere(s) of the work.

Best regards



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