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Weekly News from Around the World - 29-Nov-2019
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Weihnachtskonzerte weltweit
Internationales Grazer Akkordeon Festival - Österreich
Sharon Shannon "Celtic Christmas 2019" Tour - Japan
Neue Musiknoten "il tuo sguardo" von Renzo Ruggieri - Italien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Successful Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert - New Zealand
Sofia Ros to Second Round of BBC Young Musician of the Year 2020 - UK
Danny Mesél Proposes Accordion-Shoes - Hungary

Future events

The Klezmer Brothers @ Schauspielhaus Graz - Austria
Duo “Leinen Los” Pre-Christmas Concert – Germany
Kosmos Ensemble December Concerts - UK
Young Accordion Players Competition - Siberia
Vilda Duo Concert Tour - Finland
Accordionist Patricia Crolbois Entertains at Firefighters Ball – France
“World Café Trio” Perform Vivaldi in Capetown – South Arica
Ksenija Sidorova Performs in Norway and Latvia
“Lemon-Aid” Festival in Toronto - Canada
Scottish Folk Rock Band “Manran” Concerts - Scotland

New and Updated Sites

William Schimmel 2020 AAA Master Class & Concert Series in New York - USA
New Music by Gary Daverne - New Zealand

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Weihnachtskonzerte weltweit

Christmas santaWeihnachten steht vor der Tür und wir haben nur noch drei News-Ausgaben vor Weihnachten. Wenn Sie im Dezember ein Weihnachtskonzert haben, senden Sie bitte die Details per E-Mail an:


gerne inseriere ich Ihren Event in die Accordions Worldwide Weekly News.

Freu mich schon bald von Eurch zu hören.

Christine Johnstone
Akkordeon Weltweit News Editor


Internationales Grazer Akkordeon Festival - Österreich

Kiara Janko, Jana Palac (Croatia),  winner of chamber music C
Piet Daniels (Sweden), winner of virtuoso entertainment music IIIMihajlo Petric (Bosnia and Herzegovina), winner of classical accordion VBild oben: Kiara Janko & Jana Palac (Kroatien), Gewinner der Kammermusikklasse C
Bild oben links: Piet Daniels (Schweden), Gewinner der virtuosen Unterhaltungsmusik Klasse III
Bild oben rechts: Mihajlo Petric (Bosnien und Herzegowina), Gewinner der klassischen Akkordeon Klasse V

Vom 23. bis 24. November fand in Graz das 5. Internationale Akkordeon Festival statt, das von Slaviša Peric organisiert wurde. Es ist das Ziel des Festivalleiters, Künstler, Pädagogen und Kandidaten aus verschiedenen Ländern für einen friedlichen Wettbewerb und einen umfassenden Meinungsaustausch jedes Jahr zusammenzubringen. Die positive Entwicklung der letzten Jahre gibt ihm in seiner Arbeit Gerechtigkeit. Dies wird junge Spieler ermutigen und das Akkordeon einem breiteren Publikum bekannt machen

Die Teilnehmer der diesjährigen Veranstaltung kamen aus insgesamt zehn Ländern - Österreich, Italien, Schweden, der Slowakei, Kroatien, Slowenien, Russland, Rumänien, Serbien, Bosnien und Herzegowina. Sie zeigten ihre beachtlichen Fähigkeiten in 13 Kategorien (klassisches Akkordeon, Kammermusikensemble und virtuose Unterhaltungsmusik).

Die Jury setzte sich aus Mirco Patarini (Italien), Irina Krutkjova (Schweden), Maria Budzakova (Slowakei), Ana Štepin Zagoranski (Kroatien), Mikela Uršic (Slowenien), Evgenja Khazova (Russland) und Slaviša Peric (Bosnien und Herzegowina) zusammen.

In diesem Jahr war Mirco Patarini, Präsident der Internationalen Akkordeon Vereinigung CIA (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes), aktiver Konzertakkordeonist und Geschäftsführer der renommierten Akkordeonfirma Scandalli in Castelfidardo, der Stargast.

Er wurde eingeladen, sein Können während des preisgekrönten Konzerts zu zeigen. (siehe Bild unten) und Besucher konnten Scandalli-Instrumente in der Ausstellung besichtigen.
Mirco Patarini


Sharon Shannon "Celtic Christmas 2019" Tour - Japan

Sharon Japan poster
Video: Sharon Shannon von der Sendung Irish Post Awards TG4, 2019

Sharon Shannon wird ihre „Celtic Christmas 2019“ -Konzerte vom 30. November bis 7. Dezember in Japan aufführen, beginnend in Fukui und endend in Tokio. Sie wird eine Mischung aus traditioneller irischer Musik mit einem keltischen Weihnachtsthema spielen.


30. November: Harmony Hall Fukui in Fukui, Telefon: +353 (0) 776-38-8280

1. Dezember: Yokosuka Arts Theatre in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Telefon: +353 (0) 46-828-1600

2. Dezember: Aoyama CAY, Tokio, Minato City, Telefon: +353 (0) 3-3498-5790

3. Dezember: The Phoenix Hall, Osaka, Telefon: +353 (0) 6-6363-0311

5. Dezember: Bunshokan, Yamagata, Telefon: +353 (0) 23-635-5500

7. Dezember: Nagano City Museum of Art, Nagano, Telefon: +353 (0) 26-219-3100

8. Dezember: Sumida Triphony Hall, Sumida City, Tokio, Telefon: +353 (0) 3-5608-12 12


Neue Musiknoten "il tuo sguardo" von Renzo Ruggieri - Italien

Renzo Ruggieri
Click to play sound file:
Renzo RuggieriValentino è Tango album coverDie Renzo Ruggieri Komposition ll Tuo Sguardo, Catalogue: rrenzo521, ist eine Transkription für Standard Bass Akkordeon aus dem "Valentino è Tango" Album Catalogue: rruggieri11 für Jazz Tango / virtuoses Akkordeon.

Die Renzo Ruggieri-Komposition ll Tuo Sguardo ist jetzt erschienen. Katalog: rrenzo521 Das (Solo) -Noten-PDF-Format weist Improvisationen auf der Ebene des Albumarrangements auf. Die Musik ist schwierig zu spielen, eignet sich aber dank einer sehr effektiven Melodie sowohl für Konzertsituationen als auch für internationale Wettbewerbe.

Katalog: rrenzo518 Valentango (solo) Noten im PDF-Format. "Valentango" ist eine Komposition aus der Serie "Valentino è Tango!" gewidmet dem Mythos von Rudolph Valentino und der Geschichte des Tangos.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Successful Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert - New Zealand

Auckland Accordion Symphonietta

Tango group Milonga del Angel by Astor Piazzolla
Lionel ReekieOn Sunday November 24th, the Auckland Accordion Symphonietta, conducted by Lionel Reekie (picture right) held a concert at St Georges Church, Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand.

This hour long concert was made up of pieces that the players had chosen: Themes from Phantom of the Opera, Howls Moving Castle, I'll Make a Man out of You. Thanks to Joan Sommers (USA) for her arrangement of Shallow performed by vocalists Alanah Jones and Angela Chen.

Thanks also to dancers Jazz Lopez and Elena Reekie for a superb "Santa Maria Tango" Dance - video above.

Gary Daverne was in the audience to hear his arrangement of "Pirates of the Caribbean" performed to conclude the concert.

Special Guests were a new Tango group formed by Grayson Masefield from Auckland University tutors, picture below: Barkin Sertkaya on guitar, Grayson Masefield, Sarah Watkins on piano, Gordon Hill on bass and Andrew Beer on violin. They performed works by Piazzolla.
Special Guests were a new Tango group formed by Grayson Masefield from Auckland University tutors: Sarah Watkins on piano, Andrew Beer on violin, Barkin Sertkaya on guitar and Gordon Hill on bass.  They performed works by Piazzolla.


Sofia Ros to Second Round of BBC Young Musician of the Year 2020 - UK

Video: D. Scarlatti - Sonata in F minor K 386 performed by Sofía Ros at the Arrasate Accordion Competition 2018.

A young accordionist from St Mary’s Music School in Edinburgh has completed a performance in the second round of the BBC Young Musician of the Year 2020 in Cardiff. The event is a televised national music competition, broadcast biennially on BBC Television and BBC Radio 3.

The competition is open to British percussion, keyboard, string, brass and woodwind players, who are eighteen years of age or under.

Accordionist Sofia Ros studies the accordion with Professor Djordje Gajic and played Córdoba, by Isaac Albéniz and Ivanov's Paraphrase.

Entries for this award are now closed and auditions will take place throughout the UK over the next few months.

Accordions Worldwide wishes Sofia every success in the competition.


Danny Mesél Proposes Accordion-Shoes - Hungary

Why wear normal shoes when you can wear accordion shoes? This Danny Mesél is asking as he is preparing for a new show with the Kaboca Puppet Theatre, in which he will be playing all kinds of homemade instruments.

Danny is very hopeful, that he will be able to learn how to walk in time for the premiere on December 1st.

We hope so too and that he might want to sell these new shoes to the diatonic accordion community after the show?


Future events

The Klezmer Brothers @ Schauspielhaus Graz - Austria

The Klezmer Brothers
The Klezmer Brothers @ Schauspielhaus Graz - Austria


Duo “Leinen Los” Pre-Christmas Concert – Germany

Duo Leinen Los
Duo “Leinen Los” will perform a Pre-Christmas concert at the Akkordeon-Café Dortmund in the Fritz Henßler Haus in Dortmund on December 2nd at 7pm.

The duo, which comprises of Erwin Dahlmann (accordion) and Axel Ermisch (vocals) will entertain with a variety of traditional Christmas songs and popular melodies as well as poems and stories.

For details email: akkordeoncafedortmund@gmail.com


Kosmos Ensemble December Concerts - UK

Kosmos EnsembleThe Kosmos Ensemble, which includes Milos Milivojevic (accordion), Harriet MacKenzie (violin) and Meg Hamilton (viola) will perform at the Bideford Music Society, Methodist Church Hall, High Street Bideford in England on December 4th at 7.30pm.

On December 7th, the trio will perform at the Ayr Music Club, Octagonal Hall Alloway Church in Ayr, Scotland. The Ayr Music club organises a series of classical music performances each year in Ayr where professional musicians give recitals, mainly of classical chamber music.

The Kosmos Ensemble is re-defining the relationship between classical and world music. United by a shared passion for improvisation, music from around the globe as well as the rigours of classical training, each member brings an individual flavour to the group.

Their program includes wild Gypsy fiddling, emotive Jewish and Greek music that glides seamlessly into hot-blooded tango, alongside interpretations of Japanese, Polish and Sephardic songs, new arrangements for and by the ensemble and with references to classical composers including Bach, Brahms and Sarasate.

For further information email: kosmos@kosmosensemble.com


Young Accordion Players Competition - Siberia

Siberia poster
OsokinThe Young Accordion Players Competition will be held at the State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution of the Sverdlovsk region "College of Arts" in Nizhny Tagil from December 5th to 8th, 2019.

The competition will include jury members from Perm, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Moscow and Togliatti: R. Kozlovsky (accordion), E. Pirogov (accordion), E. Bykov (balalaika), R. Zorkin (guitar) and E. Scriabina (domra).

Accordionist Sergey Osokin will perform a concert at the competition on December 6th. His program will include Fou Rire (R. Galliano), Whispering (P.Whiteman), Hijo De La Luna (Meccano), Requiem (S. Osokin), Pulse (S. Osokin), C'est si bon (H.Betti) plus others.

For details email: sergei_osokin@mail.ru


Vilda Duo Concert Tour - Finland

Vilda duoDuo “Vilda” which includes accordionist Viivi Saarenkylä and indigenous Samí singer Hildá Länsman (Finland) will perform at the Sundsvalls Museum in Sundsvall, Sweden on December 6th at 5.30pm before embarking on their concert tour of Finland.

The Finland Tour, from December 9th to 15th, is part of the Finnish Folk Music Association’s annual concert tour program.

The duo play original music, composed and written by themselves, influenced by the northern nature, traditional Samí joik and Finnish folk, and pop music! Their program will include original music from their latest album Vildaluodda - Wildprint.

Tour schedule:

December 9th: Kulttuurikellari, Savonlinna at 7pm
December 10th: Mäntyharjun kulttuurisali, Kompantie 22, Mäntyharju at 6pm
December 11th: Kulttuuritila Nuijamies, Valtakatu 39, Lappeenranta at 7pm
December 12th: Rahvaanmusiikin kerho, Kulttuuritalo Telakka, Tullikamarin aukio 3, Tampere at 9pm
December 15th: Lavka, Mannerheiminkatu 14, Loviisa (acoustic concert) at 6pm

For further details email: viivi@saarenkyla.fi


Accordionist Patricia Crolbois Entertains at Firefighters Ball – France

Firefighters posterPatricia CrolboisAccordionist Patricia Crolbois will entertain at the Firefighters Ball in Lorraine, France on December 7th, beginning at 7.30pm.

Patricia is a regular entertainer at many functions around France including playing at retirement homes, balls, dancing events etc.

For details email: contact@ponette.fr


“World Café Trio” Perform Vivaldi in Capetown – South Arica

World Café Trio poster
The World Café Trio will perform Vivaldi’s Four Seasons at the Welgemeend Function Centre in Cape Town on December 11th at 7pm.

The trio, which includes Stanislav Angelov (accordion), Petrus de Beer (violin) and Schalk Joubert (bass guitar) aim to give their audience a unique experience, telling the story behind the compositions and the sonnets to make you understand and experience Vivaldi on a whole new level.

For details email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Ksenija Sidorova Performs in Norway and Latvia

Ksenija Sidorova and group perform the V. Monti Czárdás (ZDF Klassik live in Club, April 2017)

Ksenija Sidorova (picture below) is looking forward to performing two December concerts leading up to Christmas with Avi Avitals (mandolin).

The first will be a Christmas concert at the Furnes Church in Furnes, Norway on December 13th. For details phone: +47 62 33 07 70

The following evening (December 14th) they will perform at the Vidzemes Koncertzale Cesis in Cesis, Latvia at 7pm.

For details email: alice.o'reilly@harrisonparrott.co.uk
Ksenija Sidorova


“Lemon-Aid” Festival in Toronto - Canada

Lemon Bucket
Lemon-aid posterThe Lemon Bucket Orkestra (picture above) will perform at the “Lemon-Aid” festival held at The Opera House in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from December 27th to 29th, 2019.

This event is held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Opera House and will include performances by Toronto bands that will each donate half of their fees to a charity of their choice.

The Lemon Bucket Orkestra, which includes accordionist and vocalist Marichka Marczyk will perform a mix of Balkan, Klezmer, Gypsy and “Party-Punk” music.

For further information email: ian@meta4world.com


Scottish Folk Rock Band “Manran” Concerts - Scotland

Manran poster
Well known Scottish folk rock band “Manran” (which features accordionist Gary Innes) will return to the Strathpeffer Pavilion, The Square, Ross and Cromarty, Highland, for a concert on December 28th at 7.30pm. Their special guests will be the multi award-wining band RURA, who are also one of Scotland’s most sought-after folk-based bands.

The following evening (December 29th) Skerryvore (which includes brothers Daniel on accordion and Martin Gillespie on pipes, whistles and accordion) and Manran will entertain at The Albert Halls in Stirling at 7.30pm.

Skerryvore are a multi-award winning Scottish band creating a ‘trad-rock’ fusion that has seen them perform in over 25 countries worldwide.

For concert information phone: +44 1786 473544 or email: alberthalls@stirling.gov.uk


New and Updated Sites

William Schimmel 2020 AAA Master Class & Concert Series in New York - USA

AAA poster
Die American Accordionists 'Association (AAA) wird eine 2020 Master Class & Concert Series mit Dr. William Schimmel, Moderator und Kurator, vom 31. Juli bis 2. August 2020 präsentieren. Diese Veranstaltung wird im Tenri Cultural Institute in New York stattfinden.

Unter dem Titel "Time Travel" finden täglich ab 15 Uhr Meisterkurse und ab 19 Uhr Abendkonzerte statt.

Laden Sie den AAA Masterclass Flyer herunter, um eine vollständige Teilnehmerliste und Reservierungsinformationen zu erhalten: 2020AAAMasterClass.pdf Online-Reservierungen unter: http://www.ameraccord.com/annualmasterclass.php


New Music by Gary Daverne - New Zealand

Gary DaverneGary Daverne ONZM has composed a new version of his popular Margarita duet, this time for accordion and piano. Catalog ED0050 - Margarita - accordion and piano

Gary Daverne after several requests, has also composed the accordion solo with piano accompaniment for his 2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra. Catalog ED0082d

The 2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra is composed for accordion solo with accordion orchestra or accordion solo with symphony orchestra. Full details at: Gary Daverne

These new works can also be used for the "Teachers - Win a trip to New Zealand" competition. Full information at:

Other Margarita duets are:
ED0051 - Margarita - accordion duet
ED0052 - Margarita - accordion & flute
ED0053 - Margarita Revisited - accordion solo & piano accompaniment
ED0054 - Margarita - accordion & soprano saxophone Bb
ED0055 - Margarita - accordion & viola
ED0056 - Margarita - accordion & violin


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