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Weekly News from Around the World - 28-Jul-2017
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Nuevo Guiness World Record: reunieron a 2.260 acordeonistas en Shenzhen - China
Recordatorio: el 31 de julio se cierra postulación para Coupe Mondiale 2017 - Italia
Serie de Master Class y conciertos de la AAA, Nueva York - Estados Unidos
Concurso Open Virtuoso Entertainment Knock-Out de Shenzhen - China
Lars Ek regresa a Norfolk – Reino Unido

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Jörgen Sundeqvist and Friends Performances - Sweden
Martynas Levickis meets Gorka Hermosa, Barcelona – Spain
‘Dragspelsskola.SE’ Accordion Tutor, Varberg – Sweden
‘Time to Sing’, Burton-on-Trent, UK

Future events

CNIMA Graduate Training Courses - France
Vilda’s Summer Tour Dates – Spain, Latvia, Finland, Canada
Richard Galliano Concerts – Italy, France, Slovenia, Poland
Carolinas Accordion Group Meeting, North Carolina – USA
Helen Maher @ Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool – UK
Emmanuel Gasser @ Swiss National Day, Ontario - Canada
Finbarr Dennehy and Chloe Dance Gig, County Cork – Irish Republic
‘Zomer Festival Accordeon’, Borculo - Netherlands
Gary Blair @ Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club, Cumbria – UK

New and Updated Sites

Convención Internacional de Acordeón 2017 de Las Vegas - USA
New Lips Album "Hymn to Aphrodite" Released - Austria
De Profundis, nuevo cd de Tian Jianan, realizado en Beijing - China

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Nuevo Guiness World Record: reunieron a 2.260 acordeonistas en Shenzhen - China

2017 Shenzhen header
Li Cong and Tong JianhuaUn nuevo Guiness World Record se logró en el Festival Internacional de Arte de Acordeón de Shenzhen Bao'an 2017 en Shenzhen, una ciudad relativamente nueva en el sur de China cerca de Hong Kong y Guangzhou (Cantón).

El 24 de julio, exactamente 2.260 acordeonistas formaron un enorme conjunto bajo la dirección del Prof. Li Cong (Presidente de la Asociación de Acordeón de China) y Tong Jianhua (Presidente de la Asociación de Acordeón de Shenzhen).

Este enorme grupo interpretó "La historia de la primavera" compuesta por Jiang Kai Ru, que ha sido un éxito nacional en China. Ve el video. Ve el video.

Informes, fotos y videos diarios del Festival Internacional de Arte de Acordeón de Shenzhen Bao'an 2017 están en: 2017 Shenzhen


Recordatorio: el 31 de julio se cierra postulación para Coupe Mondiale 2017 - Italia

Coupe Mondiale posterSe recuerda a los profesores, participantes y asociaciones nacionales que la fecha de cierre de postulación para el Coupe Mondiale 2017 es el 31 de julio para las 8 categorías de concursos internacionales de acordeón.

Las categorías son:
- Coupe Mondiale
- Masters Coupe Mondiale
- Junior Coupe Mondiale
- Virtuoso Entertainment
- Junior Virtuoso Entertainment
- Intl. Chamber Music - Classical
- Intl. Chamber Music - World Music

El Coupe Mondiale será un evento musical destacado en Italia. La ciudad de Osimo con la Cultura Italiana del Acordeón (IAC) están preparando un calendario muy interesante de competencias y acontecimientos musicales para los participantes, delegados y visitantes.

El presidente de la CIA, Raymond Bodell, espera dar la bienvenida a los competidores de todos los rincones del mundo, para la esta 70ª Coupe Mondiale que se realizará entre el 5 y 10 de septiembre, así como invitados internacionales y partidarios del acordeón.

El sistema de entrada para competidores para el 70ª Coupe Mondiale está en línea.

Información completa, alojamiento y detalles de entrada en: Coupe Mondiale


Serie de Master Class y conciertos de la AAA, Nueva York - Estados Unidos

American Accordionists' Association (AAA)
Dr William SchimmelLa Asociación de Acordeonistas Americanos (AAA) confirma que este año la Master Class y su serie de conciertos se llevará a cabo durante el fin de semana del 28, 30 y 31 de julio.

El Dr. William Schimmel es nuevamente el moderador-curador y el evento de este año será el 23 año consecutivo en que ha sido moderador-curador. El tema es "The Red Lantern Accordionist".

El año pasado, el Dr. William Schimmel recibió el premio al Servicio Distinguido de la Asociación de Acordeonistas Americanos en conmemoración de más de cincuenta años de esfuerzos de acordeón, que incluye una vida entera de conciertos, grabaciones, composiciones y seminarios de acordeón. Residencia.

Las Master Class comienzan a las 3pm, y conciertos a las 7pm. El lugar es el Centro Cultural Tenri, 43A W 13th St, entre 5 y 6 Avenidas, Nueva York.

Para más información e inscripción en: 2017AAAMC.pdf


Concurso Open Virtuoso Entertainment Knock-Out de Shenzhen - China

2017 Shenzhen header
Wang Xiao (China)La competición Open Virtuoso Entertainment Knock-Out de Shenzhen atrajo a 21 participantes y fue una competencia muy agradable y cercana.

Después de 4 rondas, los finalistas fueron Wang Xiao y Yu Shitong de China, Gustavo Almeida de Brasil y el chino nacido en Australia, Xue Jiacheng.

La 6ª ronda final fue entre Gustavo Almeida y Xue Jiacheng. Puede ver el video de la competencia en: 2017 Shenzhen (25 de julio).


Lars Ek regresa a Norfolk – Reino Unido

Lars EkEn septiembre, el acordeonista sueco Lars Ek regresa al Reino Unido como invitado principal en el Seacroft Accordion Festival, Hemsby, Norfolk. El festival se extiende desde 18 al 22 de septiembre en el Seacroft Holiday Center e incluye conciertos, talleres, sesiones gratuitas y fáciles y una feria comercial.

Otros invitados incluyen Denise Leigh y Stefan Andrusyschyn, Rosemary Wright, Jovan Rnjak, Harry Hussey y Bert Santilly.

Lars Ek made his UK debut in November 1986 at Malcolm Gee’s first Caister Autumn Accordion Festival, performing as chief supporting act to Norway’s Toralf Tollefsen. Although he has performed at two subsequent festivals in Norfolk, Lars Ek’s overseas appearances are rare.

Lars Ek hizo su debut en el Reino Unido en noviembre de 1986 en el primer Caister Autumn Accordion Festival de Malcolm Gee, participando como apoyo en el espectáculo principal de Toralf Tollefsen de Noruega. Aunque se ha presentado en dos festivales subsiguientes en Norfolk, las apariciones en el extranjero de Lars Ek son raras.

Uno de sus logros más notables es la fundación de la Sociedad Internacional Frosini dedicada a preservar y promover la música de Pietro Frosini y otros compositores de música de acordeón.

Para más información: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Jörgen Sundeqvist and Friends Performances - Sweden

Accordion House
posterThis last weekend we had a VIP-ceremony where we showed our new accordion archive at Hembygdsgården here in Kramfors. We invited special guests like politicians, important cultural people, newspapers etc,etc. It was a huge success.

We had also invited many famous accordionists from Finland, like, Matti Rantanen, Raimo Vertainen and his daughter Sonja Vertainen, who is a student of Matti Rantanen at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Mikko and Kalle Makkonen, Pasi Raukola. Minna Plihtari from the Accordion House and Finnish Institute in Ikaalinen was also here. The official opening will be on July 29th.

Our Finnish guests were here June 10th/11th and we had a big concert at Mannaminne, near Kramfors, where we have this famous Accordion House (picture above), which is also an accordion museum.

This concert was called "Finnish and Swedish Accordion masters celebrate Finland 100th Anniversary". It was a huge success and completely sold out (picture below).

or further information contact Jörgen Sundeqvist, email: sundeqvist@yahoo.se


Martynas Levickis meets Gorka Hermosa, Barcelona – Spain

Martynas and Gorka HermosaOn Tuesday July 25th Lithuanian accordionist Martynas and Spanish accordionist Gorka Hermosa just happened to be performing concerts at different venues in Barcelona on the same night. They arranged to meet up afterwards for a 'cuba libre' – a rum and coke.

Gorka Hermosa performed tangos using a bandoneon as a soloist with a Symphonic Orchestra at the San Joseph’s church, Mataró, to a sell-out audience. Martynas’ concert, at BARTS (Barcelona Arts on Stage) was a solo recital that included music by JS Bach, Brahms, Chopin, Galliano, Mozart, Paganini, Piazzolla, Saluzzi, Soler, Tchaikovsky, and Vivaldi. This was also a sell-out concert.


‘Dragspelsskola.SE’ Accordion Tutor, Varberg – Sweden

‘Dragspelsskola.SE’Accordionist, teacher, and composer Hakan Widar has written and published ‘Dragspelsskola.SE’, a 160 page tutor book for accordion, which includes a 105 track mp3 CD. The tutor is aimed at both piano and button accordion players, and the text is written in Swedish.

The accordion tuition is built on playing tunes, so although the text is in the Swedish language the method contains a lot of interesting tunes, carefully and progressively graded from beginner level to semi-advanced.

For further information email: info@karlssonsmusik.se


‘Time to Sing’, Burton-on-Trent, UK

Karen Tweed and Karen StreetFour members of Stockport Accordion Club – Adrienne Sharpe, John Jones, Rob and Marj Howard plus our President Pearl Fawcett-Adriano and her cousin Philip Watson – all attended a one day workshop, ‘Time to Sing’, expertly organised and led by accordionists Karen Street and Karen Tweed at the Rolleston Club near Burton-on-Trent, Derbyshire.

There was a rehearsal of well-known songs, such as Bring me Sunshine, Strangers in the Night, Somewhere, Moon River, Goodnight Irene, Over the Rainbow, etc, plus an arrangement of the tango ‘Por Una Cabeza’, by Carlos Gardel. The two Karens offered playing tips, and the rehearsal was lighthearted yet very productive for the 20 accordionists involved.

After lunch the afternoon performance for an audience of locals went very well, with lots of enthusiastic singing and spirited playing from our impromptu accordion ensemble. The concert was topped off by brilliant short performances by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano and the Classic Kyiv Duo, the latter on tour from the Ukraine. Pearl’s pieces included ‘The Dance of the Comedians’, ‘O Sole Mio’, ‘La Vie Pariesienne’, and ‘Granada’. The Classic Kyiv Du’ performed ‘Toccata in D’ (JS Bach), selections from ‘Swan Lake’ (Tchaikovsky), and ‘Oblivion’ and ‘Libertango’ (Piazzolla).

The event ended with a collection for the Alzheimer’s Society and families still suffering from the Chernobyl disaster.

The two Karens have produced a spiral bound songbook + CD, which sold well. It’s fair comment to say that we all left in a happy mood, and of the opinion that we could do with more days like this one!


Future events

CNIMA Graduate Training Courses - France

CNIMA J. Mornet header
New graduate training at CNIMA J.Mornet

Are you an untitled music teacher or do you have a good practice and teaching tempts you? The CNIMA J.Mornet, in collaboration with Ansep2a offers to prepare and pass the DFPM, Diploma of Pedagogical Training of professor of Music, qualification inscribed in the national repertoire at level IV.

3 ways to prepare this diploma:
- By full-time full-board studies
- By the program Vacataire (6 to 20 weeks of training over the year).
- According to your level, by the initial program, 6 sessions of 2 to 3 days spread from September 2017 to October 2018.

In all cases, possible funding, Regions, CPF, AFDAS, FIFPL, ...

Full information at CNIMA J.Mornet


Vilda’s Summer Tour Dates – Spain, Latvia, Finland, Canada

The duo Vilda - accordionist Viivi Maria Saarenkylä and singer/lyricist/percussionist Hildá Länsman - are from northern Finland, and perform the Saami songs and dance tunes of Lapland. They take their little known Lapp music repwertoire this summer to performances in Spain, Latvia, Finland, and Canada.


Richard Galliano Concerts – Italy, France, Slovenia, Poland

Richard GallianoAccordionist Richard Galliano performs in late July and early August, as follows:

July 28th – New Jazz 4t with Jean-Marie Ecay, Mestre, Italy
July 29th – Mare Nostrum, St Moritz, France
August 1st – Concertos with Orchestra, Ljubljana, Slovenia
August 5th - New Jazz 4t, Suleczyno, Poland
August 6th – solo, Gardone, Italy
August 8th – solo, Festival Jazz, Marciac, France
August 9th – sextet, Festival 1001 notes, Limousin, France
August 11th – solo, Sienna, Italy
August 12th - New Jazz 4t, Cervo, Italy

Accordion and bandoneon virtuoso, composer Richard Galliano performs in many musical fields, from classical to jazz. He records for the prestigious classical music label ‘Deutsche Grammophon’, and has recorded more than 50 albums, many under his own name and some with many other artists.

For further information email: gingaproductions@yahoo.fr


Carolinas Accordion Group Meeting, North Carolina – USA

All accordion players, accordion enthusiasts and fellow musicians are welcome to join the Carolinas Accordion Group on Saturday July 29th, from 12noon-4pm at Jonathan's Restaurant, 10630 Independence Pointe Blvd, Matthews, NC, 28105. The gathering is open to the public. Come join the fun - you will hear a wide variety of music styles. Food and drinks available for purchase.

For further information email: info@jonathansogunquit.com


Helen Maher @ Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool – UK

Helen MaherAccordionist and singer Helen Maher performs with singer Ian Prowse and violinist Laura McKinley on Saturday July 29th, 8pm, at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall.

Helen Maher performs solo and with various bands, including the Pete Best Band, led by the former Beatles drummer. Her music covers French Chanson, Gypsy Jazz, Folk, Russian and Classical, to name but a few. She also teaches both the accordion and piano.

For further information email: helen@helenmaher.com


Emmanuel Gasser @ Swiss National Day, Ontario - Canada

The annual Swiss National Day, organized by the Swiss Club Toronto, takes place on Sunday July 30th, 12noon until 6pm, at the Country Heritage Park, Milton, Ontario, Canada. Accordionist Emmanuel Gasser is one of the entertainers at this year’s event.

Emmanuel Gasser is a versatile concert accordionist and composer from St Charles, Ontario, whose many competition successes include winning first place at the International Accordion Convention in Las Vegas and in the Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition hosted by the American Accordionists’ Association with his classical composition ‘Spring Blizzard’. He has to date composed 40 pieces and also recorded three CDs.


Finbarr Dennehy and Chloe Dance Gig, County Cork – Irish Republic

Accordionist Finbarr Dennehy and his fiddle playing daughter Chloe perform for dancing at The Parkway Hotel, Dunmanway, County Cork, on Sunday evening July 30th, 8 pm.

Finbarr Dennehy, from Glanmire, County Cork, plays the Shand Morino – a British chromatic diatonic system – and has recorded two CDs, ‘Not Before Time’, ‘Groves of Glanmire’, and ‘All the Best’.

For further information email:  reception@parkwayhotel.ie


‘Zomer Festival Accordeon’, Borculo - Netherlands

Zomer Festival Accordeon
The first ‘Zomer Festival Accordeon’ takes place in Borculo, in the eastern Nertherlands, on Saturday and Sunday August 5th and 6th, featuring accordionists Dirk Overbeek, Vincent van Amsterdam, Annemarieke van der Ploeg, Conny Essbach, and Ellen Zijm. The festival includes concerts, workshops and master classes – everything from classical to jazz.

For further information email: info@accordeonkamp.nl


Gary Blair @ Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club, Cumbria – UK

On Thursday August 10th, 7.30pm, Gary Blair is the guest at the Carlisle Accordion & Fiddle Club, St Margaret Mary’s Social Club, Scalegate Rd, Carlisle CA2 4JX.

The well-travelled Gary Blair has performed in the USA, Canada, Russia, France, Spain, Dubai, and many other parts of the world. He is the Musical Director of the Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra, plays for ceilidhs and in concerts, leads workshops at festivals, adjudicates, teaches, composes, arranges, makes recordings, and has organised NAO area festivals in Scotland.


New and Updated Sites

Convención Internacional de Acordeón 2017 de Las Vegas - USA

Las Vegas International Convention Header
Cory Pesaturo & Grayson MasefieldJoan Sommers and Mary TokarskiLa lista de artistas para la 18º Convención Internacional de Acordeón 2017 de Las Vegas (LVAC) comienza con el visionario acordeonista Cory Pesaturo y los bookends con una gran final que protagoniza Grayson Masefield y la Orquesta Internacional de Acordeón bajo dirección del profesor Joan Sommers.

El organizador del evento Paul Pasquali escribe: "Por la popular demanda estamos de vuelta en otoño -una gran época del año para venir a Las Vegas- para escuchar una excelente lista de artistas estrella”.

Ahora es el momento de inscribirse para la 18º Convención Internacional de Acordeón de Las Vegas (LVAC) y guardar con registro temprano.

Detalles en: 2017LVAC-Reg.pdf
Lea el último boletín: 2017LV-News.pdf

¡Oh, qué divertido! Estaremos desde el 23 al 26 de octubre de 2017 -tenemos mucha música, así que acepta mi invitación para unirme al mejor evento de entretenimiento y acordeón jamás celebrado en Las Vegas".

Sitio web: LVAC
many performers


New Lips Album "Hymn to Aphrodite" Released - Austria

Friedrich Lips
Friedrich Lips Productions has released the new album, catalog CD028 "Hymn to Aphrodite" which features the revered Friedrich Lips performing with three different chamber and symphony orchestras.

The album tracks include:
1. "Hymn to Aphrodite" (2013) by Konstantin Yaskov
2-9. "I'm floating on the waves of love" (8 sonnets) by Michael Bronner
10. Tanguango by Astor Piazzolla
11. La Cumparsita by GM Rodríguez

The CD album is also available as eTracks mp3 download files for only € 9.50

Sound samples and full information at Catalog: CD028 "Hymn to Aphrodite"

This brings to 28 albums now published by the most remarkable Friedrich Lips and available online at: Friedrich Lips


De Profundis, nuevo cd de Tian Jianan, realizado en Beijing - China

Release concert of De Profundis CD poster
Tian JiananEl 24 de junio, el nuevo CD, catálogo tjianan05 De Profundis fue lanzado en el Conservatorio Central de Música de Beijing. Cartel encima. Foto izquierda de Tian Jianan tocando en el lanzamiento de CD.

Este es el quinto CD de nuevo CD de la ganadora de las competiciones internacionales, Tian Jianan.

Lista de temas de De Profundis es:
1. Preludio y Fuga en F # menor BWV 883, J. S. Bach 7:08
2. Sequenza XIII "Chanson" L. Berio 8:58
3. De Profundis, S. Gubaidulina 11:26
5. Sonata para piano, (III) S. Barber 3:11
6. Sonata para piano, (I, III) I. Stravinsky 5:19
7. Camino alto para uno, I. Hölszky 8:52
8. Sonata No. 6, A. Kusyakov 11:46

Algunas declaraciones de Tian Jianan sobre el nuevo CD.
"Este es un álbum de costo independientemente".
"Este es un disco de rendimiento desafiante"
"Este es un álbum de posicionamiento de alto gusto artístico"

Más detalles y muestras de sonido de cada pista en: tjianan05

Lista de canciones de De Profundis son:
1. Prelude and Fugue in F# minor BWV 883, J. S. Bach 7:08
2. Sequenza XIII "Chanson" L. Berio 8:58
3. De Profundis, S. Gubaidulina 11:26
4. Jeux D'anches, M. Lindberg 7:16
5. Sonata for Piano, (III) S. Barber 3:11
6. Sonata for Piano, (I, III) I. Stravinsky 5:19
7. High way for one, I. Hölszky 8:52
8. Sonata No. 6, A. Kusyakov 11:46


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