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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 27-Oct-2023
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Ksenija Sidorova 与执行 Collegium Musicum 巴塞尔 - 瑞士
手风琴演奏家 Pablo Jaurena 获得拉丁格莱美提名 - 西班牙
World of Accordions Museum 音乐节和慕尼黑啤酒节——美国
Zoe Tiganouria:Blackbox 2023 音频视频展 – 希腊


Luosujärvi Plays World Premiere of Resch’s “Unfold” - Austria
20th Music China Trade Fair - China
Maurice Jones at Colville Arts Festival - New Zealand
Call for Applications for the 2024 Season of the BuAkkO Accordion Orchestra - Germany
“Waiheke Musical Museum” Founder Tribute – New Zealand


"Nuvo Zydeco" Halloween Zydeco Dance Party – Canada
Renée de la Prade Performs at All Hallows Fantasy Faire - USA
1st del Siglio Concert Features Scuola Musica Paolo Soprani Students - Italy
Frans Tromp Morris Dance Workshop – Netherlands
Misha Grossu Performs at “Be Free Fest” – Moldova
21st OWL-Akkordeonfest 2023 – Germany
Accordionist Rachel Bell Duo Concert - USA
Online: John Kirkpatrick "Tunes from the Trenches" Concert - UK
Hagener Akkordeon-Orchester e.V. Concert - Germany

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

Past News List of Links


视频:“灯光下的中国 - China in the Lights” 原创手风琴作品庆祝 2023 年世界手风琴日 - 中国
奥坦戈五重奏达格维尔音乐会 - 新西兰
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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Ksenija Sidorova 与执行 Collegium Musicum 巴塞尔 - 瑞士

Ksenija SidorovaKsenija Sidorova (右图)将与 Collegium Musicum 巴塞尔(下图),由 Jan Schultsz 于 2023 年 11 月 17 日晚上 7 点半在瑞士巴塞尔的 Stadtcasino Basel 进行。

该节目将特色 Overture to "La clemenza di Tito" (Mozart), Sinfonia Concertante (Haydn), Variations on a theme by Piazzolla (Angelis), "Winter" 和 "Spring" 从 "The Four Seasons in Buenos Aires" (Piazzolla).
Collegium Musicum Basel



Matthias Matzke“Vangardion”将于 2023 年 11 月 25 日晚上 7 点半在德国罗伊特林根 Stadthalle Reutlingen 举行的交响摇滚之夜音乐会上进行表演。

该乐队的成员包括 Matthias Matzke (手风琴 - 图片左)、Leonie Kratz (女高音)、Fabian Matzke (鼓) 和 Fabian Horn (吉他)。

此次活动还将包括 Akkordeonorchester Münsinger Alb e.V. 的表演,由杜米特鲁·莫拉鲁 (Dumitru Moraru) 指挥。

晚间节目将包括新编排的《Phantom of the Opera》和《Over The Hills》等经典交响摇滚热门歌曲,翻唱《Nightwish》和《Two Steps From Hell》中的歌曲。 此外,全新专辑“Vangardion”中的歌曲,四重奏将用“从爱尔兰民间到巴尔干的令人惊叹的手风琴声音”庆祝他们的现场首演。


手风琴演奏家 Pablo Jaurena 获得拉丁格莱美提名 - 西班牙

Pablo Jaurena视频:Por una Cabeza(卡洛斯·加德尔创作的探戈),巴勃罗·豪雷纳 (Pablo Jaurena)。

阿根廷手风琴演奏家 Pablo Jaurena 因其首张个人专辑《Retrato del aire》(空中肖像)获得 2023 年拉丁格莱美奖“最佳探戈专辑”提名。

“Retrato del aire”由 Jaurena 和著名同事编排,包括十二首探戈和一首桑巴。 该作品通过 Acqua Records 发行,这是一家来自布宜诺斯艾利斯的独立唱片公司,其目录中收录了当地和国际艺术家。

2023 年第 24 届拉丁格莱美颁奖典礼将于 2023 年 11 月 16 日在西班牙塞维利亚会议展览中心 (FIBES) 举行。


World of Accordions Museum 音乐节和慕尼黑啤酒节——美国

A World of Accordions Oktoberfest
World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) 将于 2023 年 10 月 28 日在美国威斯康星州苏必利尔市哈林顿艺术中心举办音乐节和慕尼黑啤酒节。

• 周六下午 2:30:研讨会#1 - 了解免费的簧片乐器维修
• 周六下午 3:30:研讨会#2 - 关于全音阶乐器的历史介绍
• 周六下午 5:30:音乐会

节目:手风琴六角琴音乐(Dee Langley,指挥); Mill City 手风琴演奏《美丽的美国》、《Breton Waltz》、《Kiev Waltz》; 蒙面手风琴乐队表演 Can't Help Falling in Love、Jessamee、Der Zug um 7:40(火车 7:40); Helmi Harrington 和 Robert Dingman“庆祝德国音乐传统”; 三河手风琴合奏团表演第 2 号华尔兹 (Shostacovich)、Hoedown (Copland)、Danse Macabre (Saint-Saëns)、Lakodalmi Tánc (婚礼舞)、(匈牙利)、歌剧魅影 (Webber) 和《加州旅馆》( 亨利、费尔德和弗雷); 2023 年联合 NEAF 管弦乐团由迪·兰利 (Dee Langley) 指挥,演奏《翁博》(帕尔默)、《家钟》(家钟 – 阿夫塞尼克)、《山王大厅》(格里格) 和《哈利路亚》(科恩)。

活动的最后一场活动将向 AWAM 和世界各地的手风琴家敬酒。


Zoe Tiganouria:Blackbox 2023 音频视频展 – 希腊

Zoe Tiganouria: Blackbox 2023 Audio Video Show
show poster手风琴家兼作曲家 Zoe Tiganouria 将于 2023 年 11 月 4 日下午 5 点半在希腊雅典 Radisson Blu Park 酒店举行的 Blackbox 2023 音频视频展上与 “Enchord String Quartet” - 起演出。

Blackbox 2023 音乐与科技节将于 2023 年 11 月 3 日至 5 日举办,以面向世界各地科技爱好者的各种现场音频视频表演和研讨会为特色。

Zoe Tiganouria 发行了“三十多张专辑和单曲、带有乐谱的书籍和用于转录和演奏的 CD、希腊唱片目录中的两百多首作品、国际收藏中的作品和编曲、数百张唱片、管弦乐作品、纪录片配乐” 、电视剧和电影”。



Luosujärvi Plays World Premiere of Resch’s “Unfold” - Austria

Heidi Luosujärvi poster
Heidi LuosujärviHeidi Luosujärvi (picture left) performed the World Premiere of “Unfold” by Gerald Resch, at the Musikverein Concert Hall in Vienna, on October 24th, 2023.

Heidi Luosujärvi was born in Rovaniemi, northern Finland, and studied at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki with Matti Rantanen and at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen with Mie Miki. She has won prizes in international music competitions in Germany, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg and Japan.

Her concert activity as a soloist and chamber musician has taken the artist all over the world. She premiered numerous works and collaborated with many composers.

Since October 2022 she has been professor of accordion at the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz.

Gerald Resch was appointed Professor of Composition at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna in 2022. For his work, Resch received, among other awards, the Austrian State Scholarship for Composition in 2003 and 2017 as well as the City of Vienna Promotion Prize in 2011.

The work for accordion and string orchestra, entitled “Unfold”, was created in 2022/23. The composer described the title, its meaning and the basic concept of the work as follows:

“The title Unfold means unfolding.
On the one hand, in the very direct sense that describes the essence of an accordion: its bellows fill with air, which brushes past the metal reeds of the instrument and causes them to sound. The air is then released again in the opposite direction - as when exhaling - and stimulates the tongues to vibrate again.
On the other hand, metaphorically as the unfolding of a predefined musical material, which is sampled differently in 5 contrasting movements. This creates continuity (for example, harmonically through the repeated appearance of certain “favorite sounds”) despite the diverse developments of the musical material on a large and small scale”.

This development in five movements always revolves around rhythmic and dance elements. The individual movement titles refer to this: 1) Canon alla Rumba – 2) Ostinato – 3) Corrente – 4) Filter: Cadenza – 5) Double: Quasi Tango.

Picture below: Gerald Resch & Heidi Luosujärvi
Heidi Luosujärvi & Gerald Resch


20th Music China Trade Fair - China

Music China
Music ChinaThe 20th Music China Trade Fair for musical instruments was held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) in Shanghai, China from October 11th to 14th, 2023.

This year’s event included over 1,800 exhibitors, 600 seminars, live performances and exhibitor events.

The event features accordions & harmonicas; brass instruments; electronic & electric instruments; percussion instruments; pianos & keyboards; stringed instruments; traditional Chinese instruments; woodwind instruments as well as accessories & furniture; music education; music related computer hardware & software; processing trade goods equipment & raw materials, recording & studio equipment; sheet music; services, association & media.

Dates for next year's event are: October 10th to 13th, 2024.
Music China


Maurice Jones at Colville Arts Festival - New Zealand

Colville Arts Festival
Sound personMaurice JonesMaurice Jones solo performance with accordion and MIDI opened the Saturday "Big Music Night" at the Colville Arts Festival during the Labour Holiday three day weekend.

Picture left - sound person.

The 40 minute variety program of entertainment music by Maurice Jones received enthusiastic applause at the full Colville Public Hall.

The tiny town of Colville (population 1,500) is in the isolated Coromandel Peninsula farming community, some 3 hours drive from Auckland.
Colville Festival sign


Call for Applications for the 2024 Season of the BuAkkO Accordion Orchestra - Germany

BuAkkO Accordion OrchestraApplications for the 2024 season of the Bundesakkordeonorchester (BuAkkO) are now open online.

For the project year 2024, Philipp Haag has been recruited as guest conductor. The BuAkkO's offer to participate in the orchestra is aimed at musicians who are either connected to the accordion full-time as music students, music teachers, soloists and conductors or who are sufficiently qualified to participate in such an ensemble as amateurs due to their ability to play at a professional level.

The first phase of work will take place in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg from January 20th to 21st, 2024. The second phase of work and concerts will follow in February and March.

The deadline for applications is October 31st, 2023.

Details at: https://buakko.de/bewerbung/


“Waiheke Musical Museum” Founder Tribute – New Zealand

“Waiheke Musical Museum” Founder Tribute
A special tribute to Lloyd and Joan Whittaker (pictured above), founders of the “Waiheke Musical Museum” was held last month at the museum on Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand, as part of the Auckland Heritage Festival.

The museum reported “In the world of colours it is often said that there is something magical about purple and it is a colour associated with romance. A packed audience at the Museum certainly had a magical experience when they were treated to a multi-media Auckland Heritage Festival event that paid tribute to Lloyd and Joan Whittaker and the story of their romantic life together and how they founded the musical museum.

Performers Reg Towers, Anne Willmann, Janneke Vesser, Roger Jeffrey, Richard Bull and Kim Whitaker, all sporting purple rosettes in acknowledgement of Joan Whittaker’s favourite colour, told the couple’s story through a combination of narration, music, photographs and video.

To make sure that none of their senses were left untouched, as they left, everyone was treated to a Ginger Gem, the iconic Kiwi bakery item that Joan was famous for. Audience member Rosemary Adler, who knew the couple well, commented “It was wonderful to see Joan and Lloyd’s life celebrated in such a professional and heartfelt way.”



"Nuvo Zydeco" Halloween Zydeco Dance Party – Canada

Nuvo Zydeco Halloween Party
Nuvo ZydecoNuvo Zydeco will entertain at a Halloween Zydeco Dance Party, held at The Beer Shack in White Rock, British Colombia, Canada on October 28th, 2023, at 8pm.

It is recommended that you “bring your friends and wear your dancing shoes!!”

For details email: nuvozydeco@gmail.com


Renée de la Prade Performs at All Hallows Fantasy Faire - USA

All Hallows Fantasy Faire
Renée de la Prade will perform in duo with Steve Gardner (violin) at the All Hallows Fantasy Faire in Angels Camp, California, USA on October 28th and 29th, 2023.

The event, billed as a “Pagan Party” will see the duo playing shows on both days, with as many “creepy songs” as they can scare up for Samhain/Halloween.

All Hallows Fantasy Faire is a two day all inclusive costume play event keeping the All-Hallows tradition alive. It is deeply rooted in the beliefs of the Celtic people, but combined with all the fun and excitement of a costume play in the spirit of modern Halloween.
Renée de la Prade


1st del Siglio Concert Features Scuola Musica Paolo Soprani Students - Italy

1st del Siglio
The 1st del Siglio concert for the 2023/2024 season will be held at the Sala Consiliare, Salone degli Stemmi del Comune di Castelfidardo, Italy on October 29th, 2023 at 12 midday.

The event entitled "I Nostri Mantici" (Our Bellows) will feature accordion students of Luigino Pallotta and Roberto Lucanero as well as the Fisorchestra of Castelfidardo, which is formed by young pupils of the Civica Scuola Musica Paolo Soprani and professionals from the territory, directed by Maestro Luigino Pallotta.

The concert will be held in collaboration with the association AMMA. Free entry, maximum 100 persons
Scuola Musica Paolo Soprani Students


Frans Tromp Morris Dance Workshop – Netherlands

Frans TrompFrans Tromp will hold a Morris Dance Workshop at the Q-Factory in Amsterdam, Netherlands on November 5th, 2023 from 1pm to 4.30pm.

The workshop will cover a Morris dance in 6/8, how to play a 6/8 bar for Morris and why?, how can you make the melody more interesting so that the cadence is still maintained and therefore danceable?, and how do you deal with 'slows' and what are they actually?


Misha Grossu Performs at “Be Free Fest” – Moldova

“Be Free Fest”
Video: Misha Grossu performing his original composition "Groove Tango”. The piece is “in a modern tango style, meditative and chilled - that makes you relax and enjoy the good vibes.”

Misha Grossu will perform at the “Be Free Fest” in Chisinau, Moldova on November 8th, 2023, at 6.30pm. His performance is entitled “iSWINGmyWAY” and is an 80 minute jazz music show recommended for people 14+.

Misha says this is “A concert in which we gathered music very well known by the general public, which we refreshed through new sound, arrangements and grooves - therefore, a Fresh Jazz cocktail.”

The show is made with the financial support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Romania and Moldova.


21st OWL-Akkordeonfest 2023 – Germany

The Akkordeonorchester Bielefeld conducted by Helmut Quakernack, will hold their annual concert at the Brackwede Gymnasium in Bielefeld, Germany on November 11th, 2023 at 7pm.

Guest performers are the Harmonikaring Berghausen conducted by Ralf Schwarzien.

For details phone: +49 170 9032224


Accordionist Rachel Bell Duo Concert - USA

Rachel Bell Duo Concert
Accordionist Rachel Bell will perform a duo concert with Andrew VanNorstrand (guitar) at the NY Friends of Folk Music in Buffalo, New York, USA on November 11th, 2023, at 6pm.

For details email: rachel@rachelbellmusic.com


Online: John Kirkpatrick "Tunes from the Trenches" Concert - UK

John KirkpatrickJohn Kirkpatrick will perform his online “Tunes from the Trenches” concert on November 17th, 2023 at 8pm as part of the “Live to Your Living Room” concert series.

His program will feature songs from the First and Second World Wars with popular hits of the day designed to keep the spirits high. John will also give an airing to some of the songs sung on the Front Line by the service personnel themselves.

For further details email: info@livetoyourlivingroom.com


Hagener Akkordeon-Orchester e.V. Concert - Germany

Hagener Akkordeon-Orchester e.V.
The Hagener Akkordeon-Orchester e.V. will perform a concert at the St. Markuskirche am Ischeland in Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany on November 19th, 2023 at 5pm.

Their program will include music from A (On a Persian market) to T (The Best) as well as songs by Bläck Föööss, Ozzy Osbourne, Michael Jackson and many other arrangements.

Admission is free of charge, but donations are welcome.


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

Past News List of Links

2023 Coupe Mondiale 2023 Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports 2023 Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports, Video
World Accordion Day Information 2023 World Accordion Day, 6th May each year
2023 Festival and Competitions 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2023  2023 PIF Castelfidardo Daily Reports, Video
2023 Festival and Competitions 2023 ATG Competition and Festival Photo Report 2023 ATG Competition and Festival Photo Report
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
News article about Beniamino Bugiolacchi Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link



视频:“灯光下的中国 - China in the Lights” 原创手风琴作品庆祝 2023 年世界手风琴日 - 中国

Crystal Wang视频:音乐《灯光下的中国 - China Under the Lights》是青年手风琴艺术家谭家良编曲的全新作品。 该音乐由王从宇为上海师范大学手风琴乐团赞助。


该视频来自庆祝2023年世界手风琴日的特别音乐会,展示了中国上海风格的手风琴作品。 上海师范大学手风琴乐团指挥王从宇是CIA会员中国手风琴协会(CAA)的执行秘书。 她也是中央情报局音乐委员会的成员。 查看演唱会图片:2023WAD-China


音乐会以多首独特的海派手风琴作品展现了海派音乐的演奏特色。 上海师范大学手风琴乐团成员的音乐技巧和出色的演绎能力,以及多种艺术形式的融合,凸显了手风琴艺术的多个方面。

下图,谢幕。 查看演唱会其他图片:2023WAD-China
Shanghai Normal University Accordion Orchestra


奥坦戈五重奏达格维尔音乐会 - 新西兰

奥坦戈五重奏于 2023 年 10 月 2 日在达格维尔卫理公会教堂举行了一场演出,开始了他们的新西兰北岛四场音乐会巡演。

音乐会照片报道:2023Dargaville.php" target="_blank">http://www.accordions.com/aotango/2023Dargaville.php



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Accordion Russia
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with new additional articles.


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