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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Nov-2009
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Особенности Highlights

Грэйсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield) выиграл 3 Международный конкурс цифровых аккордеонов «Roland V-Accordion Festival» - Италия
Рождественские предложения для семьи и друзей
Беспрецедентный успех Команды Дешампа – Париж-Франция
1й Международный конкурс аккордеонистов в г. Козани, - Греция

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Viennese Accordion Chamber Ensemble, Vienna - Austria
Re-Release of Classic 1958 Jimmy Shand LP, Scotland – UK

Будущие события

Festival "Musica Senza Parole" Castelfidardo - Italy
Joao Gentil: ‘Piano & Portuguese Guitar’, Coimbra – Portugal
‘Allo Allo’ Stage Show, Cheshire – UK
CIA Winter Congress, Arrasate - Spain
Vancouver Squeezebox Circle, BC – Canada
Watford Accordion School Concert, Herts – UK
Jana Bezpalcová Concerts, Prague – Czech Republic
Lidia Kaminska Concert, New York – USA
‘The Avant-Garde Through the Ages’, California – USA
‘Christmas Cracker Concert’, Northampton – UK
Chromatisches accordion and folkcourse in Burg Fuersteneck - Germany

Новые и обновленные сайты

December Diatonic News Online 1st December
December USA News Online 1st December
Available 2009 Trophée Mondial Video Download
Friedrich Lips CD Specials
New CD: ‘ecLipse’, Moscow - Russia
Tian Jianan new CD
Xu Xiaonan new CD
Zhang Weiyi new CD

CD Отзывы

Acco Duo Romance

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Особенности Highlights

Грэйсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield) выиграл 3 Международный конкурс цифровых аккордеонов «Roland V-Accordion Festival» - Италия

Roland winners
Grayson MasefieldРезультаты и полную информацию о 3-ем Международном Roland V-Accordion фестивале-конкурсе, проходившем 19-20 ноября, доступны онлайн: 2009 Римский фестиваль (2009 Rome Festival).

Первым стал Грэйсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield), победитель «Кубка мира», Новая Зеландия – 2009), вторым стал Сяонань Сюй (Xiaonan Xu) из Китая - лауреат конкурсов в Кастельфидардо (Castelfidardo) и Клингентале) (Klingenthal) третьим стал Никола Кох (Nicolas Koch) из Франции. На конкурсе прозвучало огромное количество разнообразной музыки, исполнявшейся на баянах и аккордеонах Roland и превратившей конкурс в очень интересное и красочное мероприятие.

Подробности здесь: 2009 Rome Festival.


Рождественские предложения для семьи и друзей

xmas logoПоявились новые дополнения к захватывающим идеям рождественских подарков здесь: 2009 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Эти идея были подобраны так, чтобы помочь Вам потратить деньги, предназначенные для рождественских подарков и при этом поддержать аккордеонистов – композиторов, исполнителей, аранжировщиков (2009 Xmas Gift Ideas).


Беспрецедентный успех Команды Дешампа – Париж-Франция

Petar Maric, Frederic Deschamps and Grayson Masefield
Frederic Deschamps MasterclassСезон 2009 года принес беспрецедентный успех в самых престижных международных конкурсах (в классических, эстрадных и электронных категориях) для студентов Фредерика Дешампа (Frédéric Deschamps), базирующегося в местечке Selle sur le Bied, 100 км к югу от Парижа, и сотрудничающего с консерваторией Хонер (Hohner), г.Троссинген, Германия.
Под личным руководством Фредерика Дешампа (Frédéric Deschamps) его студенты завоевали в общей сложности 11 первых премий.

Вот список этих побед:
Грэйсон Мейсфилд: Клингенталь (Klingenthal) Легкая музыка - 2 премия, Сполето Легкая музыка – 2, Категория клавишных – 1, Primus Ikaalinen, Финляндия - 1, Кубок мира (Coupe Mondiale) – 1, Кубок мира (Coupe Mondiale) Легкая музыка - 1, Трофей (Trophée) Мира Классика - 2, Международный конкурс Roland - 1.
Петар Марич: Клингенталь (Klingenthal) Легкая музыка - 1, Сполето Легкая музыка -1, Сполето Классика - 1, Primus Ikaalinen, Финляндия - 2, Трофей (Trophée) Мира Классика - 1, Кастельфидардо Легкая Музыка - 1,Классика, Категория D – 1.
Пьетро Адранья: Трофей (Trophée) Мира Легкая музыка 1, Легкая Музыка - 2,
Трофей Мира, Португалия: Категория Junior Variety – 1 Беноу Нортье (Benoit Nortier), Франция, 3 – Раду Ласган (Radu Laxgang), Молдавия; Категория Senior Variety: 3 – Дорин Грама (Молдавия);
Октябрь – Кастельфидардо: Категория Senior Variety: 3 – Патрисия Бартель (Patricia Bartel), США; 5 – Кристель Сато (Christel Sautaux), Швейцария, 7- Алекс Коловски (Alex Kolovsky) Македония.

Подробная информация: ratinachampeix@gmail.com


1й Международный конкурс аккордеонистов в г. Козани, - Греция

Kozani Accordion
Муниципальная Консерватория Козани и Муниципальное объединение культуры и спорта г. Козани организуют первый Международный конкурс аккордеона, который состоится 16, 17 и 18 апреля 2010 г. в Козани, Греция. Музыканты всех национальностей и из любой страны могут принять участие в следующих категориях:
- Категория A: Солисты, родившиеся в 1999 году или позже.
- Категория B: Солисты, родившиеся в 1999 или 1998 годах.
- Категория C: Солисты, родившиеся в 1995 или 1996 годах.
- Категория D: Солисты, родившиеся в 1992, 1993 или 1994 годах.
- Категория E: Солисты без ограничения возраста.
- Категория F: Камерные ансамбли – только аккордеоны или аккордеоны с другими инструментами.
- Категория G: Оркестры – только аккордеоны или аккордеоны с другими инструментами.

Для всех участников конкурса будут действовать специальные цены в отелях и ресторанах.

Подробная информация: alexandertchuev@yahoo.gr


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Viennese Accordion Chamber Ensemble, Vienna - Austria

Viennese Accordion
The Viennese Accordion Ensemble directed by Werner Weibert, celebrated its annual festival concert in the Cultural Center of Perchtoldsdorf, near Vienna, on Friday, November 13th.

Their program included works by Händel, Haydn, Schubert, Brahms, Würthner, Gershwin, Schmidt, Piazzolla and Strauss. The concert was closed with some famous songs, very popular and well acclaimed by the public.

For further Information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Re-Release of Classic 1958 Jimmy Shand LP, Scotland – UK

O'er the Border CDJimmy Shand‘O'er the Border’ was the first 12" LP recorded by Jimmy Shand, having previously produced a distinguished series of 78s, singles and 10" LPs. It was recorded at Leeds University in 1958, involving the Leeds Scottish Country Dance Club, and proved to be a best seller. Featuring nine full length dances, it captures the vibrant atmosphere of the evening. The music is bright and infectious and gives an idea of what it was like to have attended a dance led by Jimmy Shand and his Band.

This EMI recording has been digitally enhanced and released on CD for the first time. The original LP was available for over 20 years. Jimmy Shand (1908-2000) was one of the most recorded accordionists of all time, with a recording career that stretched from 1933 until 1990. He was the first accordionist to be knighted, becoming Sir Jimmy Shand in 1999.

The tracks include ‘None So Pretty Reel’ (8x40 bars), ‘The Duke of Athol's Reel’ (8x32 bars), ‘The Glasgow Highlanders’ (8x32 bars), ‘The Reel of the 51st Division’ (8x32 bars), ‘Hamilton House’ (8x32 bars), ‘Cadgers in the Canongate’ (8x48 bars), ‘The Double Foursome’ (32,32, 64), ‘Waltz Country Dance’, and ‘Eightsome Reel’.

For further information email: info@concordemusic.com


Будущие события

Festival "Musica Senza Parole" Castelfidardo - Italy

thursday 10th December, Castelfidardo, Theatre Astra at 21.15 (9.15 pm)


Joao Gentil: ‘Piano & Portuguese Guitar’, Coimbra – Portugal

Joao GentilAccordionist Joao Gentil performs at the event ‘CORDIS - Piano & Portuguese Guitar’ on Saturday, November 28th, 6pm until 7.30pm, at the Café Santa Cruz, Coimbra.


‘Allo Allo’ Stage Show, Cheshire – UK

Allo Allo posterRob HowardThe stage version of ‘Allo Allo’, the long running BBC TV comedy about the French resistance set during World War II, runs from November 30th to December 5th at the Altrincham Garrick, Barrington Rd, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 1HZ.

Rob Howard, author of the popular series of books “An A to Z of the Accordion and Related Instruments” will be playing the accordion on stage in ‘Allo Allo’, which is a hilarious version the popular TV show.

For further Information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


CIA Winter Congress, Arrasate - Spain

CIA logoAccordionists from around the world will gather in Spain for the 123rd Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) General Assembly of Delegates to be held in Arrasate, Spain from 5th – 6th of December 2009.

At the General Assembly the rules for the 2010 Coupe Mondiale to be held in October 2010 in Croatia wil be finalised, as well as discussions on World Accordion Day to be celebrated in May.

The Winter Congress will coincide with the annual "Arrasateko Akordeoi Lehiaketak" International Accordion Competition being held from the 4th– 8th December, 2009 hosted by the CIA member "Hauspoz" Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea.


Vancouver Squeezebox Circle, BC – Canada

The Vancouver Squeezebox Circle meets on the first Thursday of every month at 8 pm at Spartacus Books, 684 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC. The next Circle will be held on Thursday December 3rd, 8pm, hosted by Bruce Triggs and Rowan Lipkovits.

These meetings are informal social gatherings for social gathering for players of any type of accordion, bandoneons, bayans, concertinas, melodeons etc. An evening to network, share songs in all styles, trade tips and stories for novices and experienced players alike. No admission charge, but donations welcome.


Watford Accordion School Concert, Herts – UK

Shona HolmesThe Watford Accordion School, MD Shona Holmes, will perform Christmas music at the Harlequin Shopping Centre, Watford, Herts, on Friday December 12th, 10am/1pm. Proceeds will be donated to ‘Aspire’, an organisation dedicated to helping those with spinal injuries.

For further information email: shona.holmes@ntlworld.com


Jana Bezpalcová Concerts, Prague – Czech Republic

Jana BezpalcováCzech accordionist Jana Bezpalcová, based in Prague, has concerts during December as follows:

December 13th, 8pm – with the singer Radka Fišarová, ‘A tribute to Edith Piaf’, Hybernia Theatre, Prague
16th, 7.30pm – with the singer Radka Fišarová, ‘A tribute to Edith Piaf’, Big Synagogue, Plzen
17th, 8pm - with guitarist Michal Plachta, Ceské Budejovice - jazz & blues restaurant, Veleben
19th, 8pm - Jana Bezpalcová accompanies the singer Radka Fišarová on the Czech Television CT1 show ‘Duety’

Jana Bezpalcová, born 1979, studied at Hude Conservatory and VŠMU (College of Musical Arts) Bratislava with professors Lubomír Žovic and Rajmund Kákoni. She competed successfully in many national and international contests, and regularly performs concerts in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany.

For further information email: janabezpalcova@janabezpalcova.com


Lidia Kaminska Concert, New York – USA

Lidia KaminskaLidia Kaminska, playing accordion and bandoneon, is in concert on Tuesday December 8th, 2pm, at the Merkin Concert Hall, Kaufman Center, Goodman House, 129 West 67th St, New York, NY 10023.

Her program includes

J.S. Bach – ‘Toccata and Fugue in D Minor’
Domenico Scarlatti – ‘Sonata in D Minor’, ‘Sonata in B Minor’, and ‘Sonata in A Major’
Isaac Albéniz – ‘Asturia’
Vladislav Zolotariev – ‘Espanada’ (Spanish Rhapsody)
Aram Khachaturian, arr. by Friedrich Lips – ‘Toccata’
Niccolò Paganini/Franz Liszt – Etude No. 5 in E Major ‘La Chasse’
Sofia Gubaidulina – ‘De profundis’
Vladislav Zolotariev – ‘Partita No. 1’
Felix Mendelssohn/Sergei Rachmaninoff – Scherzo from a ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ suite

A graduate of the Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw, Lidia Kaminska went to the USA to study at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, becoming at the age of 25 the first person in the USA to receive a Doctorate in Accordion Performance.

Lidia Kaminska has performed extensively in the USA and Europe and has won numerous prestigious awards. The recipient of Astral Artistic Services’ 2007 National Auditions and a 2009 Career Advancement Award from the Musical Fund Society of Philadelphia, she also received First Prize in the 2002 Accordion Teachers Guild International Competition in Orlando, the Special Prize in New York City’s International Tango Music Competition and Second Prize at the 2007 Coupe Mondiale International Competition for Ensemble Music. She has researched and performed the works of Astor Piazzolla extensively. Interested in new music, Lidia Kaminska has premièred works by Julia Alford Fowler and Paul Rudy, and has appeared with the contemporary music ensembles New Ear and Musica Nova.

For further information email: kaufman@kaufman-center.org


‘The Avant-Garde Through the Ages’, California – USA

Teodoro Anzellotti‘The Avant-Garde Through the Ages’ is the title of a concert on Monday December 8th, 8pm, at the Zipper Concert Hall, Colburn School, Zipper Concert Hall, Colburn School, 200 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

The ensemble, which features accordionist Teodoro Anzellotti, performs a program that moves through eight centuries, from medieval songs and a Baroque masterpiece converse to today's new music.

Works to be performed include:

Michael Maierhof – ‘Sugar 1’ West Coast premiere
Johannes Ciconia, Matteo Da Perugia, Jacob Senleches, Solage,
Johannes Symonis, Jean Vaillant – selected works from the late 14th Century
Vinko Globokar – ‘Dialog über Luft’ US premiere
Keiko Harada – ‘Bone’ US premiere
Johann J. Froberger – ‘Tombeau sur la mort de Monsieur Blancheroche’
Luciano Berio – ‘Sequenza XIII’ (Chanson) L.A. premiere


‘Christmas Cracker Concert’, Northampton – UK

Serge PachnineThe Northampton Symphony Orchestra (MD Alexander Walker), with featured soloists: Bibs Ekkel (balalaika) and Serge Pachnine (accordion), perform their annual ‘Christmas Cracker Concert’ on Sunday December 13th, 3pm, at the Spinney Theatre, Northampton School for Girls. The program includes:

Prokofiev – ‘Lieutenant Kije Suite’
Rimsky-Korsakov – ‘Christmas Eve Suite’
Tchaikovsky – ‘Rose Adagio’ from ‘Sleeping Beauty’
Alexander Walker - Arrangement of Russian Songs


Chromatisches accordion and folkcourse in Burg Fuersteneck - Germany

04. Dezember 2009 6.30 pm until 06 Dezember 2009 1.00 pm
Course fees: 185 - 235 € (incl. € 89.88 OB / VP),
Conductor: Johannes Mayr
Accordion, with an even more specific technical assistance possible for the piano accordion playing.
Featured mostly traditional music from Western and Northern Europe (France, England, Ireland, Scandinavia) as well as new compositions in folk style. Some pieces are prepared without a music sheets, In addition to the finishing touches upon melodies focused will be during this weekend the accompanying of traditional dance tunes, especially the "harmonious" playing with both hands. Furthermore, improvisation, role-players between melodies and accompanying musicians, etc., rhythmic independence of right and left hand ....
A safe handling of the instrument and a basic knowledge of harmony (major and minor chords and their inversions) are provided by experimentation and expertise staff. In order to follow the Course easily, all musicsheets get already previously sent to enable to study them carefully.

Informaiton: bildung@burg-fuerstenenck.de


Новые и обновленные сайты

December Diatonic News Online 1st December

Diatonic news banner
The December Diatonic News online 1st December.


December USA News Online 1st December

USA news logoThe December USA News is online on the 1st December


Available 2009 Trophée Mondial Video Download

CMA videoA DVD of three 2009 Trophée Mondial categories held in Portugal is now available from the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) website.

The DVD of this competition will be sent to you by airmail, and is of youtube size picture and quality for a price of only €50 plus €5 postage from the CMA website.


Friedrich Lips CD Specials

Friedrich LipsYour Choice of Any 3 Lips CD's for a special price and special postage cost - Catalog CD3Packs. Also Choice of Any 6 Lips CD's for a special price and special postage cost - Catalog CD6Packs.


New CD: ‘ecLipse’, Moscow - Russia

ecLipse CDThe latest CD release from Russian virtuoso Friedrich Lips, ‘ecLipse’, Catalog CD021, features primarily works for bayan by some of Russia’s most highly regarded composers. Purchase online at Catalog CD021.


Tian Jianan new CD

Tian Jianan  CDA new site selling a CD titled "Contest Repetoire - Klingenthal" with sound samples. Music performed by Tian Jianan of China. Purchase online.


Xu Xiaonan new CD

A new site selling a CD titled "Sunrise" with sound samples. Music performed by Xu Xiaonan of China. Purchase online.


Zhang Weiyi new CD

A new site selling a CD titled "A Love Affair With Bayan" with sound samples. Music performed by Zhang Weiyi of China. Purchase online.


CD Отзывы

Acco Duo Romance

Romance CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Acco Duo Romance” by Joan C. Sommers. Performer is Miran Vaupotic and Ivana Levak Vaupotic.


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