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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 27-Jul-2018
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Gordon Glenn(1927 - 2018)—英国普雷斯顿


视频:AAA美国手风琴协会80周年音乐会中Grayson Masefield 演奏--美国
视频:: 美国手风琴协会80周年音乐会中UMKC 手风琴室内乐演奏--美国
音乐会点评:经典的Kyiv二重奏@ Stockport手风琴俱乐部
视频:AAA音乐会闭幕式 Lionel Reekie演奏--美国
音乐会点评: Eddy Jay in Guernsey
视频:Cody McSherry演奏 Guy Klucevsek新作品--美国
“Closet Accordion Players” 在网络上重新出现


Marco Lo Russo in concert for Svicolando 2018, Priverno – Italy
Della’s Benefit Tea Dance, Galway – Irish Republic
Belfast Traditional Music Summer School, Northern Ireland – UK
Alan Crookston Trio Concert, Scotland – UK
Laxviken Can-Jämt Festival, Krokum – Sweden
Accordion Summer School – Republic of San Marino
Acordeon Festival, Florianópolis – Brazil
Accordion Festival, Objat – France
Brandon McPhee Trio Concert, Orkney – UK
Paris-Moscow Duo Concert, Olmet - France


Book Review: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips

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CIA Header
Coupe Mondiale Poster, Mirco PatariniKazys Stonkus, Mindaugas Labanauskas请老师、参赛者和各国协会注意,2018年世界杯比赛的截止报名日期是2018年8月15日,所有8个国际手风琴类比赛都将截止报名。7月31日之前的截止日期已经更改,因为一些国家在8月15日之前有国家限制。

• 71st Coupe Mondiale
• Masters Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• 国际优秀音乐娱乐竞赛
• 初级国际娱乐音乐表演大赛
• 室内乐-古典音乐
• 室内乐-世界音乐
立陶宛的世界杯将是一场杰出的音乐盛会。考纳斯市与立陶宛国家手风琴联合会,Kazys Stonkus总统,副总统Mindaugas Labanauskas,正在为参赛者、代表和来宾准备一份非常令人兴奋的比赛和音乐活动日程。

(CIA)主席Mirco Patarini期待着迎接来自全球各地的竞争对手,并祝福将于2018年9月24日至30日举办第71届世界杯比赛以及手风琴领域的国际嘉宾和爱好者。

详细信息,住宿和入境细节:Coupe Mondiale
Kaunas State Philharmonic Hall



ATG Header, Donna Dee & Dennis Ray
Petar Maric第78届手风琴联合会国际艺术节(ATG)于7月25日星期三至28日在伊利诺斯州芝加哥附近的莱尔凯悦酒店举行。

周三晚上,Matthias Matzke 和 Leonie Kratz举办了一场非常愉快的招待会。

周四有日间比赛和工作坊,还有一场精彩的晚场音乐会,由Donna Dee & Dennis Ray(上图),Petar Maric(塞尔维亚-左图),Matthais Matzke & Leonie Kratz(下图)演奏。

芝加哥哥伦比亚广播公司制作了一个2分钟的本地新闻专题,名为“Joan Sommers is my hero!”

Peter Maric, Matthias Matzke



“Tangospleen” (Argentina) in Osimo, Tobjas and Isabella, two tango dancers.
Mirco Patarini7月21日(星期六),在波科利诺广场举行的“Orchestra Giovanile Castelfidardo”音乐会,结束了由欧西莫市和马尔凯地区主办的由CIA成员IAC(意大利手风琴文化)组织的音乐和“高级古典音乐大师班”的一周。

活动于7月16日开始,音乐会在圣斯蒂法诺教堂(Osimo)举行,那里经过长期翻修后重新开放。音乐会的节目邀请了三位独奏者表演:两位艺术导演Dario Flammini和Mirco Patarini,还有Alexander Selivanov(GNESSIN)音乐学院教授
7月17日,在坎帕纳的Teatrino Campana体育场,举办了2018年世界杯的全国评选。所有候选人都在国际陪审团面前比赛,他们被判定是否适合代表意大利参加比赛。



7月17日星期四,有一场古典时期的音乐会,由Mirco Patarini和两位年轻的音乐家Alessandro Pagliari和Lorenzo Scolletta演奏。

7月18日,星期三,帕萨蒂波的圣乔凡尼巴蒂斯塔教堂充满了Duo Alberto La Neve(高音萨克斯管)和Antonio Spaccarotella大师(手风琴)的音乐和活力。Alberto 和Antonio演奏了属于爵士乐传统的著名乐曲和其他他们自己创作的乐曲。

7月19日,星期四,《Triosphere》由Dario Flammini(班多钮)、Mauro De Federicis(电吉他)和Roberto Della Vecchia(低音提琴)组成,这融合了探戈、爵士乐和流行音乐。

最后两场音乐会在Osimo的主要广场Piazza Boccolino举行。

在卡斯特费达多由Edoardo Mantini指挥。管弦乐队是由20个元素和不同的乐器:小提琴、手风琴、键盘、吉他和鼓构成。他们演奏不同风格的音乐:从古典音乐到知名电影的配乐、轻音乐。

“Triosphere” being Dario Flammini (bandoneon),


Gordon Glenn(1927 - 2018)—英国普雷斯顿

Gordon GlennGordon Glenn几十年来都是英国最优秀的全职专业手风琴师之一,在普雷斯顿兰开夏郡去世,从白血病6月8日,享年91岁。,他的职业生涯始于20世纪50年代初,当时他与Adrian Dante和英国手风琴协会紧密联系在一起。



视频:AAA美国手风琴协会80周年音乐会中Grayson Masefield 演奏--美国

AAA header

Video 1: Ah vous dirai je, Maman - W.A. Mozart
Video 2: Pondichery Tango - J. Richard



视频:: 美国手风琴协会80周年音乐会中UMKC 手风琴室内乐演奏--美国

AAA Header

演奏者:Betty Jo Simon, Ron Barrow, Kevin Friedrich, Samantha Wagner, Ron Dake, Cathy Weiss, Joyce Davis, Joan C. Sommers.

Fuga 9 by A. Piazzoll
Danse (Tarantell Styrienne) by Claude Debussy
Concerto per Archi by Nina Rota
Blue Swan and Fuga by Stas Venglevski
Danse Bacchanale by Saint Saëns.

UMKC Accordion Community Ensemble


音乐会点评:经典的Kyiv二重奏@ Stockport手风琴俱乐部

Kyiv Duo7月25日,经典重奏二人组——Igor Sayenko 和 Oleksiy Kolomoiets在乌克兰巡演,他们在斯托克波特手风琴俱乐部的音乐会中表现得非常出色。

他们的开场曲目,Widor的《Toccata No 5》,通常只在教堂和教堂的管风琴上演奏。接下来的曲目名单。亮点包括《Teddy Bor》,《McMozart》伊因·克莱恩·布莱希特·穆斯克(Eine Kleine Bricht Moonlicht Micht Musik)——莫扎特和苏格兰舞曲的混合——在同等程度上既精彩又有趣。另一个幽默而又聪明的曲目是“Happy Birthday”,以JS巴赫、约翰·施特劳斯、海顿、莫扎特等人的风格演绎,还有弗朗茨·瓦克斯曼(Franz Waxman)的《卡门·幻想》(Carmen Fantasy)、《大黄蜂的飞行》(Flight of the Bumblebee)、《Sabre Dance》,以及更多的表演,这些表演都有高超的技巧和风格。这是他们第6次作为斯托克波特的客人来到这里,他们一如既往地令人惊叹!

音乐会以爵士手风琴手Harry Hussey的表演开始,Hussey抵达后在晚上7点30分正式开始前15分钟=是他的表演时间,这是他独特的热身表演!他看上去很好,状态很好。

三位手风琴辣妹组合,独奏者海伦·里奇和斯托克波特AC乐队(MDs Marj Howard和Adrienne Sharpe)都表现得非常好,这是一场极好的音乐会。



视频:AAA音乐会闭幕式 Lionel Reekie演奏--美国

AAA Header

Video 1: Buena Sera Signorina
Video 2: Chanson d'Amour



音乐会点评: Eddy Jay in Guernsey

Eddy Jay
7月25日星期三,在Guernsey举办的2018年夏季庭院音乐会中,手风琴演奏家Eddy Jay独自演奏了一场音乐会。

Edward Jay低调的举止掩盖了一股艺术天才的力量,这类人在Guernsey可能从未听说过。人们很容易想象,在世界各地旅行,在一个人身上找到一种音乐才华的神奇,并把他的技能描述为“世界级水准”,这是完全准确的。

Tarantella作为音乐会的开场,在欢快的节奏下,爱德华·杰伊(Edward Jay)对技巧和激动人心的描述,,从Tarantella起,延续到他的最后一首《马竞》(Tico Tico),一直保持与观众进行听觉与灵魂的交流。



视频:Cody McSherry演奏 Guy Klucevsek新作品--美国

视频:Cody McSherry演奏 Guy Klucevsek新作品


“Closet Accordion Players” 在网络上重新出现

Closet Accordion Players of America logo网站:www.ClosetAccordionPlayersOfAmerica.com。最重要的是,会员资格现在是免费的。


广受欢迎的时事通讯《CAPA Times》在几年前停刊,当时CAPA的创始人切里•瑟斯顿(Cheri Thurston)卖掉了自己的出版业务,不再有员工负责收集信息、处理印刷和邮寄等工作。据瑟斯顿说,“如果有足够的兴趣,我将继续写‘CAPA Times’作为电子报刊。”





Marco Lo Russo in concert for Svicolando 2018, Priverno – Italy

From international successes to live concerts in the province of Latina, accordionist Marco Lo Russo Rouge will perform a solo recital at Piazza Trieste, Priverno, Latina, Lazio, on Saturday July 28th, 9pm, on the occasion of the review Svicolando 2018.

In the recital, Marco Lo Russo, will propose a musical journey that will embrace international pop, Argentine tango and soundtracks, characterized by world music and jazz.

Recently Marco Lo Russo, who received the Nomination Orpheus Award 2018, for his musical production ‘Ave Maria’, dedicated to Pope Francis, has also seen the publication of his compositions for Universal Music included in the compilation ‘El Tango Emocion Vol. 2’ together to other international artists such as Gotan Project, Caro Emerald, John Powell, Bajofondo and others.

Marco Lo Russo has an international artistic activity as an accordionist, composer and producer, with prestigious collaborations, from Nicola Piovani to the Cuban Leo Brouwer; he has composed soundtracks for Cinema, TV, Italian Fiction and promotes the musical artistic project ‘Made in Italy’ concert, and is thus considered an ambassador of Italian culture abroad. "It will be very exciting to play in one of the most beautiful historical centers of the province of Latina. Music is good and can do good!" says Marco Lo Russo.

Made in Italy video playlists concert by Marco Lo Russo around the world (Cuba, Mexico, USA, Canada, Europe etc): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZILNMHzqVs&list=PL9bV01SJZF08PFyKweaVMBhPJiYItMR5W


Della’s Benefit Tea Dance, Galway – Irish Republic

Poster: Della’s Benefit Tea DanceDellas Benefit Afternoon Tea Dance takes place at the Ard Ri House Hotel, Miltown Rd, Tuam, County Galway, on Sunday July 29th, 3pm to 6pm, to the music of accordionist Michael Sexton and his band. Admission is 7 Euro.

In the past 10 years Della’s Tea Dances, which are held in Tuam every Sunday, have raised over €1,000,000 for a range of charities in Galway. Della won Tuam Person of the Year in 2013, while her organisation was named Group of the Year in 2009.

Michael Sexton was the All Ireland Champion on diatonic button accordion in 1987, and is a highly regarded dance musician.


Belfast Traditional Music Summer School, Northern Ireland – UK

Belfast Summer School of Traditional MusicThe 2nd Belfast Traditional Music Summer School takes place at the University of Ulster, York St. Campus, Belfast, from July 30th to August 3rd.

The week’s programme features daily tuition, workshops, master classes, lectures and concerts that feature some of Ireland and Scotland’s leading traditional musicians, including Dermot Byrne – button accordion, Harry Bradley - flute, Bríd Harper - fiddle, Siobhán O’Donnell - fiddle, Ross Ainslie – Highland and small pipes, Steven McWhirter – drums and percussion, Mary Bergin – tin whistle, and many more.

Other instruments covered include harp, concertina, bodhran, banjo and guitar.

The week will also include Demonstrations and Pop-Up Workshops in Set Dancing, Solo/Sean nós Dancing and Highland Dancing as well as a Céili.

For further information email: info@belfasttraditionalmusic.com


Alan Crookston Trio Concert, Scotland – UK

Alan CrookstonOn Thursday August 2nd, 7.30pm, Scottish accordionist Alan Crookston and his trio performs in concert and at the Rothbury Accordion & Fiddle Club, Queens Head Hotel, Townfoot, Rothbury, Northumberland NE65 7SR.

The Alan Crookston Trio and Band, based in West Lothian and Central Scotland, are one of Scotland’s most sought after bands, bringing lively Scottish Ceilidh music to weddings, ceilidhs, 21st’s and other functions. The Alan Crookston Ceilidh Band are a 3 piece band but offer additional extras such as 4 or 5 piece band and disco on request. The band have played the length and breadth of Scotland, from Edinburgh to Shetland, Glasgow to Keith. The band have been fortunate enough to have been asked to play at several festivals including Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival and The Mull Music Festival to name a few. The band was nominated in 2015 for ‘Dance band of the year’ at the MG Alba Trad Awards and had a track off their debut album ‘Note Before Time’ nominated in the Celtic Radio Awards in America. The band have also recorded 4 BBC Radio Scotland ‘Take The Floor’ broadcasts to date which have been popular with both listeners and fellow musicians.

For further information email: a.crookston@sky.com


Laxviken Can-Jämt Festival, Krokum – Sweden

The Laxviken Can-Jämt Festival takes place in Laxviken, Krokum, Sweden, on August 3rd to 5th. The festival features accordionists and other musicians from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Canada, and elsewhere. The organizer is Canadian accordionist Edwin Erickson.

There will be concerts, and dances on Friday and Saturday in Laxviken’s stately Community Hall, near the shore of the beautiful Lake Hotagen. The festival also includes technical workshops on diatonic accordion, impromptu jam sessions all weekend in the camping areas, and a Musicians’ Parade along the lake with horse, wagon, antique cars and strolling musicians on Saturday morning. On Sunday there will be a church concert and Finale with Group Play-Along.

There are Camping spots with and without electricity at the Community Hall and nearby along the lake, Cabins and Suites within 5 kilometers, and hotel rooms available at the new hotel in Storåbränna (20 km). There is an authentic Canadian Cowboy Breakfast on Saturday morning at Sågbacken, continuous lunch and hot-dog/hamburger service at the Community Hall both Friday and Saturday, and ‘Loggers’ Pancakes’ (kolbulle) prepared and served outdoors on Saturday evening.

For further information email: erickson.edwin@yahoo.com


Accordion Summer School – Republic of San Marino

A concert styled ‘Acordeon Festival’ takes place at the Teatro Ademir Rosa, Avenida Governador Irineu Bornhausen, 5600 Agronômica, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, on Wednesday August 8th, 8.30pm. The accordionists performing include Albino Manique, Flavinho Alves, Douglas Timm, Gustavo Almeida, Elton Silva, and the duo Duetango.

Florianópolis is the capital and second largest city of the state of Santa Catarina, in the south of Brazil.

For further information email: acorfest@gmail.com


Acordeon Festival, Florianópolis – Brazil

A concert styled ‘Acordeon Festival’ takes place at the Teatro Ademir Rosa, Avenida Governador Irineu Bornhausen, 5600 Agronômica, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, on Wednesday August 8th, 8.30pm. The accordionists performing include Albino Manique, Flavinho Alves, Douglas Timm, Gustavo Almeida, Elton Silva, and the duo Duetango.

Florianópolis is the capital and second largest city of the state of Santa Catarina, in the south of Brazil.

For further information email: acorfest@gmail.com


Accordion Festival, Objat – France

PosterPosterAn accordion festival takes place in the Parc Municipal, Objat, on Friday August 10th (7pm), Saturday August 11th (2.30pm), and Sunday August 12th (2.30pm). Accordionists performing include Anais Bessieres, Romain Pruvost, Didier Malvezin, Nathalie Bernat, Sandrine Tarayre, Rene Grolier, Sebastien Farge, Bernard Rual, Fabian Veyriras, and Mattieu Martinie.

Objat is a commune in the Corrèze department in central France.


Brandon McPhee Trio Concert, Orkney – UK

Brandon McPhee PosterShand Morino accordionist Brandon McPhee and his trio perform in concert on Friday August 10th, 7.30pm, at the King Street Halls, Kirkwall, Orkney.

Brandon McPhee, winner of many competitions including the All Scotland Championship, has forged a very successful career performing all around Scotland and Ireland. He also sings and plays the guitar, performing mainly country songs. Every Saturday he presents ‘The Brandon McPhee Hour’ music show on Caithness TV – Sky 289, Freesat 516, and Freeview 87 channels. Recently he has been performing in ‘The Jimmy Shand Story’ at theatres in Scotland, and this show is likely to extend its tour dates in the near future. To date Brandon McPhee has made numerous CDs and DVDs for Pan Records.

For further information email: robertcameron29@hotmail.com


Paris-Moscow Duo Concert, Olmet - France

Paris-Moscow DuoThe Paris-Moscow Duo – Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov - perform in concert on Saturday August 11th, 7pm, at l’Eglise St Jean-Baptiste, Le Bourg, 63880 Olmet. Olmet is a commune in the Puy-de-Dôme department in Auvergne in central France.

Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine began performing together in 1998, and have performed in France, Russia, Denmark, Italy, Poland, China, Portugal, Lithuania, Canada, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. Domi Emorine’s achievements include winning the CIA Coupe Mondiale, CMA Trophée Mondial, Concours International de Klingenthal, and the Prix de la Sacem. Roman Jbanov’s achievements include Grand Prize Beloborodov in Tula (Russia), Scholarship of the President of the Russian Republic, and the CMA Trophée Mondial.

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr



Book Review: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips

The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich LipsCD Reviews Index for the review of the Book titled "The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion" written by Friedrich Lips, reviewed by Prof. Joan Sommers. Read the review at CD Reviews Index.

Books available online by Friedrich Lips:
Catalog: kslips00 The Art of Bayan Playing and Playing the Accordion Artistically
Catalog: kslips01 Die Kunst des Bajanspiels, Methodik und Didaktik des künstlerischen Akkordeonspiels
Catalog: kslips02 Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für Akkordeon
Catalog: kslips03 The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion


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