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Weekly News from Around the World - 27-Jan-2023
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Publicado el reglamento de la Coupe Mondiale 2023 - Bosnia y Herzegovina
24º Festival Internacional Akkordeon, Viena - Austria
XXV Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkolan 2023 - Finlandia
Congreso de Invierno de la CIA 2023, 3-5 de marzo, Paks - Hungría
"Black Pencil" ofrece un concierto titulado "High Voltage" - Países Bajos

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

DHV Congress 2023 – Germany
Accordionists Perform at Prague Festival of Music – Czech Republic
Accordion Fest “Dreamy and Fresh“- Austria
“Scythian” March 2023 Tour – USA

Future events

Presentación del CD de Silvia Pagni en Castelfidardo el 28 de enero - Italia
Vincenzo Abbracciante Tribute to Piazzolla Concert - Italy
Accordionist Alison Jenkins Performs in Vancouver - Canada
Accordion Orchestra and Organ Concert – Germany
2023 Seattle Accordion Social – USA
“Good Habits” Perform at “Love Folk Festival” – England
Ian Lowthian: Scottish Music Weekend - Scotland
Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session – New Zealand
Ville Hiltula February Concerts – Japan
Milos Milivojevic Classical Accordion Concert – England
Vijon Accordion Festival – France

Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

New and Updated Sites

El Festival ATG 2023 contará con invitados internacionales - EE.UU.
Frank Busso Jr. elegido Presidente de la AAA 2023-2025 - EE.UU.

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Publicado el reglamento de la Coupe Mondiale 2023 - Bosnia y Herzegovina

2023 Coupe Mondiale header
Mirco Patarini, Kimmo Mattila,2023 Coupe Mondiale poster,  Slaviša PerićLa 76ª Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Coupe Mondiale se celebrará del 5 al 9 de septiembre de 2023 en Bijeljina, Bosnia y Herzegovina. El evento será acogido por el miembro de la CIA, Asociación de Artistas (Bijeljina), Organizador 2023 CIA Vicepresidente Honorario: Slaviša Peric.

El Presidente de la CIA, Mirco Patarini, y el Secretario General de la CIA, Kimmo Mattila, invitan cordialmente a los competidores, profesores y simpatizantes del acordeón a asistir a la Coupe Mondiale 2023, que contará con conciertos y concursos de las siguientes categorías:
- 76ª Coupe Mondiale
• Masters Coupe Mondiale
• Junior Coupe Mondiale
• International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Junior International Competition for Virtuoso Entertainment Music
• Chamber Music - Classical
• Chamber Music - World Music

Reglamento 2023 en Coupe Mondiale
Ver información sobre hoteles y fotos de las sedes de los conciertos en: Coupe Mondiale
Descargar el cartel: 2023CM-poster.jpg

El sistema de inscripción en línea se abrirá en primavera y la fecha límite de inscripción es el 15 de julio de 2023.

Página de inicio del vídeo de la Coupe Mondiale 2022: 2022CM-Video
2022 Coupe Mondiale Informes diarios, fotos, resultados en: 2022CM-Report


24º Festival Internacional Akkordeon, Viena - Austria

24th Festival banner
Friedl PreislEl 24º Festival Internationales Akkordeon se celebrará en Viena, Austria, del 25 de febrero al 26 de marzo de 2023, organizado por el director del festival desde sus inicios, Friedl Preisl (fotografía de la derecha), ahora asistido por Franziska Hatz.

El evento incluirá más de 40 conciertos con solistas y grupos de Austria, Alemania, Francia, Dinamarca, Oriente Medio, Asia y Eslovenia que ofrecerán conciertos, cine mudo, comedia, talleres y danza.

Descargue el programa del festival (63 páginas en color) información en: 2023Vienna.pdf


XXV Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkolan 2023 - Finlandia

XXV kokkolan 2023
Guardia NuevaTrio FratresVídeo: Guardia Nueva, director Raimo Vertainen, actuación en su concierto de 20 aniversario celebrado en la pista de hielo de Kokkola, Finlandia, en 2022.

El XXV Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkola 2023 se celebrará en Kokkola, Ostrobotnia Central, Finlandia, del 10 al 18 de febrero de 2023. Descargar programa del festival: 2023KokkolaFest.pdf

El concierto inaugural tendrá lugar en la Musiikkitalo (Casa de la Música) de Helsinki y contará con la actuación del Trío Fratres (fotografía de la derecha), que celebrará su música. Su programa incluye música finlandesa, barroca, romántica rusa y tecno.

El concierto incluirá obras originales interpretadas por cuatro tríos de acordeón diferentes en colaboración con academias de música de Dinamarca, Letonia y Finlandia.

En la foto de abajo:

Trio UnSeen (Lituania): Edgaras Dicpinigaitis, Ruslan Grimbovsky y Matas Sabaliauskas.

Trio Femella (Dinamarca): Romena Lengvinaite, Amalie Ravnsbæk y Ditte Lykke Hansen.

Trío Acctron (Finlandia): Leonardo Rojnic, Pilvi Huhta y Kiia-Maria Piispa.

Bare(ly) Trio (Finlandia) incluye a Sonja Vertainen, Minna Ristamäki y Sini Ström.

El 17 de febrero actuará Richard Galliano.
El 18 de febrero, la Orquesta Guardia Nueva, dirigida por Raimo Vertainen, actuará con las vocalistas invitadas Pentti Hietanen y Jepa Lambert.

El concierto incluye música finlandesa, tangos, música argentina, música de películas, melodías musicales y música instrumental.

Descargar programa del festival: 2023KokkolaFest.pdf
Kokkola Trios


Congreso de Invierno de la CIA 2023, 3-5 de marzo, Paks - Hungría

2023 CIA Winter Congress
Bienvenidos al Congreso de Invierno 2023 de la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) y a la 149ª Asamblea General de Delegados de la CIA que se celebrarán en Paks, Hungría. El Congreso de Invierno será organizado por nuestro Miembro Votante de la CIA "Az Ifjú Harmonikásokért" Alapítvány - Fundación "Para los Jóvenes Acordeonistas", Presidenta Olga Papp, del 3 al 5 de marzo.

Horario: 2023WinterCongress.pdf

Para más información: http://www.accordions.com/cia/cia_winter_congress.php


"Black Pencil" ofrece un concierto titulado "High Voltage" - Países Bajos

Black Pencil
"Black Pencil", que incluye al acordeonista Marko Kassl (en la foto de arriba a la derecha), ofrecerá un concierto titulado "High Voltage" en la Amstelkerk (iglesia de Amstel) de Ámsterdam, Países Bajos, el 22 de marzo de 2023 a las 20.15 horas.

El concierto forma parte de la nueva serie de conciertos "Sit Fast" de Black Pencil e incluirá una "selección de la mejor música de su repertorio contemporáneo, en la que diferentes personajes se alternan y complementan".

Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: info@stadsherstel.nl


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

DHV Congress 2023 – Germany

DHV logoThe Deutsche Harmonika-Verband (DHV) will hold their 2023 DHV Congress under the motto “Shaping the Future Together”, which will take place from April 21st to 23rd, 2023 in Hesse, Germany.

The congress will include “workshops and impulse seminars, where experienced practitioners and coaches give insights into their wealth of experience and possible approaches to action. Here, the participants can exchange ideas on how to make their own clubs fit for the future, how to tackle the recruitment of members and young talent, and which new forms of performance practice are suitable for addressing new target groups.”

Registrations close on February 20th, 2023.

Further information on the Deutsche Harmonika-Verband (DHV) website.


Accordionists Perform at Prague Festival of Music – Czech Republic

Ladislav Horak, Martin Šulc & Andrea Šulcová
Sulc duoPicture above from left to right: Andrea Šulcová, Martin Šulc & Ladislav Horák

Accordionists Ladislav Horák, Martin Šulc and Andrea Šulcová took part in the 2023 Prague Festival of Music held at the Prague Conservatory in Prague, Czech Republic on January 24th, 2023.

Picture left: Duo of Andrea Šulcová and Martin Šulc performing.

The festival program included a variety of works such as Prelude and Fugue in A flat major (BWV 862) by J. S. Bach, Carnival by Viatcheslav Semionov and Anantango by Gorka Hermosa which was performed by all three accordionists.

The event was presented by violinist Václav Hudecek, who has been cooperating with young talents for a long time and performed with the accordionists and other young players (picture below).
Václav Hudecek & players


Accordion Fest “Dreamy and Fresh“- Austria

Concert performers
Sophie Herzog, Yilin HanPiotr Motyka, Shuoqi QiaoPictures left: Sophie Herzog, Yilin Han Pictures right: Piotr Motyka, Shuoqi Qiao

The concert by the accordion class of Prof. Grzegorz Stopa at the Music and Arts Private University in Vienna took place under the motto “Dreamy and Fresh“ in the Ehrbar Hall (known for the work of Johannes Brahms). “For the first time there is no work by J.S. Bach!“. This announcement by Prof. Stopa probably best characterizes the development of the accordion repertoire. The diverse accordion sounds in solo and duo playing as well as chamber music gave the venerable hall with a great music-historical past new freshness, true to the motto of the evening!

The Hungarian composer and saxophonist Theodor Burkali has worked for the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Wiener Konzerthaus and the Queens Hall in Edinburgh, among others. In his "SaxAccordia" for saxophone (Yuhi Kagami) and accordion (Jingyang Wang), he effectively brings out the sound potential of both instruments.

Composer Oliver Uszynski also appeared as a clarinetist in the performance of his "Dracula's Inverse Tango" alongside accordionist Yilin Han and percussionist Laura Gutiérrez Corredo. He has already received several awards, e.g. he was a seven-time prizewinner at the Jugend komponiert competition and was nominated for the Musiktheatertage Wien; as a clarinetist he was a prizewinner at the Rising Star International Competition.

Clavecin music by Domenico Scarlatti and Jean-Philippe Rameau is now part of the classical accordion repertoire and is played true to the note on this instrument. Liang Shi skilfully interpreted the Sonata in G minor, K. 450, and after “La Villageoise”, Marija Antunovic was particularly convincing with a lively twittering of birds “Le rappel des oiseaux”.

In the presence of the composer Marius Binder, his "Furunkel II" was premiered in Austria by Piotr Motyka. As the winner of last year's Arrasate competition, he was invited to a concert tour in Spain, where the piece received its world premiere. Works by Marius Binder were performed at Wien Modern, the Vienna Music Theater Days, at the Marius Siegfried Binder Music Forum Viktring and at the Carinthian Summer, among other events.

At the end of the first part, Sophie Herzog showed a rousing performance of "Il Salterello Romano" by Fany Hensel-Mendelssohn, an artistic adaptation of the Italian dance Salterello in a virtuoso manner.

In the presence of the composer Ole Hübner, "Gestalt und Zersetzung" experienced its masterful premiere by accordionist Elisabeth Muller. In his works, Hübner shows a special interest in the interferences between sound, performance and space. As a fundamentally open space for artistic activity and experimentation, “theater” is very important to him.

If there is no work by J.S. Bach, at least one “Prelude and Fugue” could not be missing. This time in A flat major No. 17 Op. 87 by the Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich in the interpretation of Sophie Herzog, who once again convinced with her exquisite sound.

Composer Jean Beers adapted her fantaisie toccata "I Schizophrenia, as said" from the "Bulgakov Piano Cycle" for accordion, giving Polish artist Piotr Motyka the opportunity to once again demonstrate his special skills on the instrument. Motyka also excelled in Thomas Kessler's "Lufttore" (Air gates) for saxophone and accordion together with saxophonist Yingshuo Ma.

Respighi's "Valse caressante" (Shuoqi Qiao), Mendelssohn's Scherzo from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (Yilin Han) and Yuankai Bao's "You guess what flower is it" from "Chinese sights and sounds" (Duo Marija Antunovic and Yilin Han) rounded off the evening and released the audience into a dreamy winter night.


“Scythian” March 2023 Tour – USA

Shamrock fest
“Scythian” which includes accordionist Dan Fedoryka will tour the USA in March this year.

They will perform concerts as follows:
• March 2nd at 6pm: Brightside Music & Events Centre in Daytona, Ohio.
• March 3rd at 7.30pm: Irish Cultural & Heritage Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
• March 4th at 4pm: Shamrock the Dock Festival (poster above) in Annapolis, Maryland. Skerryvore (which includes brothers Daniel on accordion and Martin Gillespie on pipes, whistles and accordion) are also playing at this festival.
• March 5th at 6pm: The Athenaeum in Chicago, Illinois.
• March 7th at 7.30pm: The Midtown GR in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
• March 10th at 8pm: The Reeve’s Theater in Elkin, North Carolina.
• March 11th at 8pm: The Lucknow Music Festival (see poster below) in Downtown Dunn, North Carolina.

For details email: scythianmail@gmail.com
Lucknow fest


Future events

Presentación del CD de Silvia Pagni en Castelfidardo el 28 de enero - Italia

Silvia Pagni CD Release
Silvia Pagni presentando su nuevo CD "Mi Pasión":

27 de enero, lanzamiento del disco en las tiendas
28 de enero, presentación a la prensa en el Internacional Museum Castelfidardo.
14 de febrero Teatro Ghione Roma
8 de marzo Teatro Manzoni de Milán


Vincenzo Abbracciante Tribute to Piazzolla Concert - Italy

Vincenzo Abbracciante poster
Accordionist Vincenzo Abbracciante will perform a “Tribute to Piazzolla” concert with Aldo Di Caterino (flute) at Palazzo Vives Frisari in Bisceglie, Apulia, Italy on January 29th, 2023 at 7pm.

Their program will include the Argentine composer's Adios Nonino, Oblivion, Muerte del Angel and other masterpieces.

For bookings phone: +39 349 5452270


Accordionist Alison Jenkins Performs in Vancouver - Canada

Alison JenkinsAccordionist Alison Jenkins will perform a concert with the East Van Country Band at The Heatley in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on February 1st, 2023.

The group will perform pieces from the Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner’s classic album “Always, Always”.


Accordion Orchestra and Organ Concert – Germany

concert poster
The Landesakkordeonorchester Schleswig-Holstein will hold an Accordion Orchestra and Organ Concert at St. Petri Dom Schleswig in Schleswig, Germany on February 5th, 2023 at 5pm.

Their program will include organ works by Louis Vierne and Léon Boëllmann as well as original music by Gerhard Mohr, Wolfgang Jacobi, Wolfgang Russ-Ploetz and the Motion Trio along with a variety of waltzes and tango.

Admission is free and a donation is requested.

For details email: laosh@outlook.de


2023 Seattle Accordion Social – USA

2023 Seattle Accordion Social
The first 2023 Seattle Accordion Social will be held at their new venue, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Seattle, Washington, USA on February 5th, 2023 from 1.30pm.

See poster for details.


“Good Habits” Perform at “Love Folk Festival” – England

Love FF poster
Greenman RisingFolk-Jazz duo, “Good Habits”, (picture below) which features Pete Shaw (accordion) and Bonnie Schwarz (cello & vocals) and will perform at the “Love Folk Festival” which will take place at the Atkinson in Southport, England on February 10th and 11th, 2023.

The festival is “celebration of traditional, upcoming and alternative folk music.”

Other performers include Greenman Rising (Andrew Wigglesworth on melodeon and Fruzina Rakoczy on concertina – picture left), and Gigspanner Big Band (John Spiers on melodeon).

For details email: info@theatkinson.co.uk
Good Habits


Ian Lowthian: Scottish Music Weekend - Scotland

Ian Lowthian: Scottish Music Weekend
A Scottish Music Weekend by Ian Lowthian will be held online and in person at the Village Hall in Ettrickbridge in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders on February 11th and 12th, 2023.

The event will include a variety of “jigs, reels, waltzes, slow airs, marches and of course strathspeys, old and new from Scotland.”

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session – New Zealand

CAA poster
The Canterbury Accordion Association will hold a “Jam Session” at the Church Corner Methodist Centre in Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand on February 12th, 2023.

All instruments are welcome. Entry is free of charge.

See poster for details.


Ville Hiltula February Concerts – Japan

Ville Hiltula
Bandoneonist Ville Hiltula will perform classic tango to Astor Piazzolla concerts in February in Japan as follows:

• February 22nd, 2023: Tango Live performance at Piano Bar Club Adriana in Nagoyo, Aichi, with Sei Takahashi (violin), Asako Yada (piano) and Masashi Goto (double bass). See poster above.

• February 26th, 2023: Live Music Milonga at Acorn Studio in Konan Yamate, Hyogo, with Asako Yada (piano)and Masashi Goto (double bass). See poster below.

For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com
Ville H


Milos Milivojevic Classical Accordion Concert – England

Milos MilivojevicMilos Milivojevic will perform a lunchtime “Classical Accordion Concert” at the Unitarian Church in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England on March 2nd, 2023 from 1pm to 2.30pm.

The event is organised by the Shropshire Music Trust. For details email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Vijon Accordion Festival – France

Vijon poster
Tickets are now on sale for the 2023 Vijon Accordion Festival, held in Vijon, France from June 21st to 23rd, 2023.

See poster above for details of performers and poster below for ticket information.
Vijon information poster


Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article


New and Updated Sites

El Festival ATG 2023 contará con invitados internacionales - EE.UU.

ATG header
Mary Ann CavoneEl 2023 Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) Festival se celebrará en el Lisle Hyatt en Lisle, Illinois, EE.UU. del 19 al 22 de julio de 2023. La presidenta del ATG, Mary Ann Covone, da la bienvenida a los entusiastas del acordeón de todo el mundo.

Los conciertos del evento se celebrarán en el Armerding Center for Performing Arts del campus del Wheaton College y contarán con la presencia de Grayson Masefield (Nueva Zelanda), la Polyphonia Orchestra (Isla Reunión), Das Duo Kollektiv (dúo de flauta y acordeón de Austria), Stas Venglevski (EE.UU.) con el Dr. Brett Jones a la marimba y el (UMKC) Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble dirigido por Joan Cochran Sommers.

Más información en: Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG)
UMKC Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble, Polyphonia Orchestra (Reunion Island)


Frank Busso Jr. elegido Presidente de la AAA 2023-2025 - EE.UU.

AAA Header
Frank Busso Jnr.A partir del 1 de enero de 2023, Frank Busso Jr. ha sido elegido Presidente de la American Accordionists' Association (AAA) para los años 2023-2025.

Frank Busso Jr. forma parte de la junta directiva de la AAA desde 2007 y es Vicepresidente 2º de la organización desde 2021. Es director de Ernest Deffner Affiliates, cuyas marcas incluyen Titano, Pancordion, Pigini, Excelsior, Roland y Hohner. Frank es el acordeonista de la Banda de las Fuerzas Aéreas de los Estados Unidos en Washington, DC y dirige la Busso Music School en Alexandria, VA.

Se licenció en Administración de Empresas por la Universidad de Boston, y más tarde trabajó como instructor y arreglista en las Boston University Athletic Bands.

Frank estudió acordeón con Frank Busso Sr. en la Staten Island Music School de Nueva York, donde llegó a ser instructor y sus alumnos obtuvieron numerosos títulos regionales y nacionales en competición.


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