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Weekly News from Around the World - 26-May-2023
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Melissa Naschenweng remporte le Amadeus Austrian Music Award 2023 - Autriche
Festival d'accordéon d'Ishøj – Danemark
45e Festival de musique folklorique de Vancouver – Canada
James Crabb : Performance de « Dragspil » – Nouvelle-Zélande
Storm Duo se produit au Tonehimmel 2023 - Norvège
Kevin Friedrich divertit au "Royal High Tea" - Nouvelle-Zélande

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Report: International Accordion Competition Klingenthal - 60 years - Germany
Video: Raffaele Gareri Jam Session - Italy

Future events

Giorgio Dellarole Cathedral Accordion Concert - Italy
“Cordeone” Entertains at Brooklyn Accordion Club - USA
Accordion Orchestra Zug-Bar Concert - Switzerland
Accordionists Entertain at 2nd Wesselinger Musikmesse - Germany
Maciej Frąckiewicz Accordion Masterclass - Poland
Jakob Steinkellner 2023 Summer Tour Concerts - Various countries
Lelo Nika Trio Entertain at Jazz Club - Denmark
Zbigniew Chojnacki June Solo Concerts - Belgium
UKAAT (UK Association of Accordion Teachers) Teacher and Student Workshop, England - UK

Links to Previous News Still Current

Past News List of Links

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: World Accordion Day Events
Concerts de l'ensemble d'accordéon de la communauté UMKC - États-Unis
Updated AAA Composers Commissioning Committee Publication - USA

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Melissa Naschenweng remporte le Amadeus Austrian Music Award 2023 - Autriche

Vidéo 1 : Melissa Naschenweng interprétant un medley de tubes au spectacle du Nouvel An 2021 avec Jörg Pilawa.
Vidéo 2 : Entretien en langue allemande avec Melissa Naschenweng.

Melissa Naschenweng a remporté le 23e Amadeus Austrian Music Award 2023. La cérémonie de remise des prix a eu lieu le 28 avril au Volkstheater de Vienne et a été diffusée par ORF 1. La populaire carinthienne Melissa Naschenweng a de nouveau été couronnée reine dans la catégorie "Schlager/folk music".
Melissa Naschenweng


Festival d'accordéon d'Ishøj – Danemark

Ishøj Accordion Festival
Le festival annuel Ishøj Harmonika (Festival d'accordéon d'Ishøj) se tiendra à Ishøj, au Danemark, les 9 et 10 juin 2023, et est organisé par le Ishøj Harmonika Klub.

L'événement comprendra, entre autres, des prestations musicales du trio Mademoiselle de Paris dont fait partie Kristian Rusbjerg (accordéon), du Duo Jensen & Bugge (avec Mette Kathrine Jensen à l'accordéon et Kristian Bugge au violon) et de l’orchestre d’accordéon Ishoj.

Pour plus de détails, envoyez un e-mail à: ishojfestival@gmail.com


45e Festival de musique folklorique de Vancouver – Canada

45th Vancouver Folk Music Festival
Cedric Watson & Jourdan ThibodeauxRum RaggedLe 45e Vancouver Folk Music Festival se tiendra à Jericho Park, Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique au Canada, du 14 au 16 juillet 2023.

Parmi les accordéonistes Rum Ragged (photo ci-dessus à droite), Cedric Watson (accordéon) & Jourdan Thibodeaux (violon) photo ci-dessus à gauche, et Kalàscima (Italie - photo ci-dessous).

Pour plus de détails, envoyez un courriel à : info@thefestival.bc.ca


James Crabb : Performance de « Dragspil » – Nouvelle-Zélande

James CrabbLorsque le compositeur néo-zélandais Lyell Cresswell est décédé l'année dernière, l'Orchestre philharmonique d'Auckland a décidé d'interpréter l'une de ses œuvres. Ils ont choisi « Dragspil » (le mot signifie vaguement accordéon dans les pays nordiques), un concerto pour accordéon et orchestre.

Cela avait été créé pour la première fois par l'accordéoniste James Crabb en 1995 aux BBC Proms et n'avait été joué qu'une seule autre fois. L'écossais James Crabb vivant maintenant à Sydney, en Australie, et s’est fait un plaisir de la rejouer. Il a étudié à l'Académie royale danoise de musique de Copenhague où il a enseigné pendant quelques années.

L'APO a demandé aux solistes de donner une conférence avant le concert et cela a eu lieu dans la salle de concert, où de nombreux spectateurs ont été initiés au fonctionnement de l'accordéon et à la composition "Dragspil" commandée pour Crabb.

De nombreux accordéonistes ont assisté au concert et ont ensuite eu l'occasion de se rencontrer.

La représentation à l'hôtel de ville d'Auckland a été extrêmement bien accueillie malgré la tempête qui a fait rage à l'extérieur et qui a rebuté certains auditeurs.

Lisez la critique professionnelle (photo ci-dessous) du New Zealand Herald intitulée "Des sensations fortes dans un concert énergique" sur : 2023NZHerald
NZ Herald review


Storm Duo se produit au Tonehimmel 2023 - Norvège

"Storm Duo" composé d'Ásta Soffía Thorgeirsdóttir (Islande) et Kristina Farstad Bjørdal (Danemark) se produira au festival de musique contemporaine Tonehimmel 2023 qui se tiendra à Sunnmøre, en Norvège, du 18 au 25 juin 2023. Le directeur artistique du festival est Magnar Åm.

"Beaucoup de concerts se déroulent en plein air, car les organisateurs pensent que la nature est bien plus qu'une belle toile de fond, elle nous donne une présence et une ouverture d'esprit à la fois pour la musique, pour la nature et pour les uns et les autres."
Storm Duo


Kevin Friedrich divertit au "Royal High Tea" - Nouvelle-Zélande

High tea group
High TeaPhoto 1 : Margaret Tier (organisatrice de l'événement) et Kevin Friedrich.
Photo 2 : Salle pleine pour le High Tea.
Photo de gauche : Margaret Tier présentant un panier de prix.

Le 21 mai 2023, le Dargaville Lion's Club a organisé un "Royal High Tea" au Lighthouse Function Center de Dargaville, en Nouvelle-Zélande, pour célébrer le couronnement du roi Charles III.

L'après-midi a présenté une variété de divertissements pour un public enthousiaste de personnes âgées (65 ans et plus). Kevin Friedrich a ouvert l'événement avec "God Save the King" et a clôturé l'événement en jouant quelques bons vieux favoris qui comprenaient "Tipperary", "Pack up Your Troubles", "Roll out the Barrel", "Il y a une taverne dans le Town", "English Country Garden" et "The White Cliffs of Dover", avec des photos des falaises blanches diffusées sur grand écran en arrière-plan (photo ci-dessous).

Il a ensuite joué le morceau enlevé de "We'll Meet Again" avec tous les interprètes et le public.
Photo du bas : Kevin Friedrich jouant avec les falaises blanches de Douvres en arrière-plan.
Kevin - white cliffs


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Report: International Accordion Competition Klingenthal - 60 years - Germany

Klingenthal header
Daniel Roth posterFrom May 8th to 13th, 2023, accordionists of various nationalities and countries met with their numerous friends for the 60th time for the traditional International Accordion Competition in Klingenthal, Germany. The maxims for action existed and still exist:

• in the promotion of solo accordion playing for all age groups
• in the manifestation of the diverse possibilities of accordion music in solo and in ensemble
• in the practice of playing the solo accordion with a symphonic orchestra
• in the interpretation of chamber music for several accordions and in the interplay of the accordion with other musical instruments
• in presenting new compositions for the accordion
• in maintaining the exchange of experiences on the accordion and the bandoneon, on accordion and bandoneon music in the areas of music aesthetics and music education, but also on technical instrument building issues with local musical instrument manufacturers

The organizers are to be congratulated that, despite all the difficulties and changes in various areas of our times, they have always carried out their program undeterred, so that Klingenthal has become a trademark in the international accordion world.

This year the jury was made up of famous teachers and artists such as Stefan Hussong, Andreas Nebl, Claudia Buder, Ulf Seifert, Stephan Bahr, Stefan Fraas (Germany), Na Song (China), Vladimir Blagojevic, Djordje Gajic (Serbia), Iñaki Alberdi (Spain), Grzegorz Stopa (Poland), Veli Matias Kujala (Finland), Werner Weibert (Austria), Jacques Mornet (France) and Raimondas Sviackevicius (Lithuania).

The festive opening was performed by the duo AMuse Arseniy Strokovskiy (accordion) and Michiru Soeda (violin) with works by Georg Katzer, Alfred Schnittke, Mikhail Bronner and Béla Bartók. Arseniy Strokovskiy was the first prizewinner of the Klingenthal competition in 2016 and, after studying with Prof. Hussong, took up a position at the Würzburg University of Music. He gives concerts worldwide as a soloist and chamber musician.

The duo Nebl & Nebl (accordion / clarinet) has long been one of the protagonists for this line-up internationally. In their studio concert, they delighted the audience with works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Uroš Rojko, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Tapio Nevanlinna, Carl Phillipp Emanuel Bach, Robert Schumann and Jürgen Ganzer.

As the winner of the "Premio Internazionale della Fisarmonica" in Castelfidardo, the Chinese Hang Ding was invited to a special concert in Klingenthal. The well-known Russian bayan artist Yuri Shishkin called him "a young artistic and musical talent with extremely high playing skills", which he impressively demonstrated with works by Olivier Messiaen, Ole Schmidt, Johann Sebastian Bach, Uroš Rojko, Domenico Scarlatti, Kahlevi Aho and Franz Liszt.

Under the direction of Professor Gero Schmidt-Oberländer, the SchuMu Big Band from the "Franz Liszt" Weimar University of Music and accordion soloist Daniel Roth organized an entertaining evening with traditional jazz, swing, beat, Latin and much more in a big band sound.

As part of a discussion forum, an open panel discussion was held on the subject of “Focus on the present – where to go in the future”. Current topics for the development of the accordion were taken up:

• Training at music schools and universities internationally
• Development and access to new accordion literature and its structural understanding
• Competitions, festivals, etc. and their influence on the development of accordion culture
• New tuning systems - an experiment?

In the final concert of soloist category IV for accordion and symphonic orchestra, for which the four best soloists of the preliminary rounds traditionally qualify, this year Krzysztof Penderecki's "Double Concerto for Violin, Viola and Orchestra" (arranged for accordion by the Polish accordionist Maciej Frackiewicz) was on the program.

The prizewinners' concert on the last day of competition at the 50th International Accordion Competition in Klingenthal was the gala performance of the winners of all competition categories. The final concert of soloist category IV for accordion and symphonic orchestra is a unique feature of the world-renowned competition. The prizewinners' concert was framed by the Vogtland Philharmonic Greiz/Reichenbach conducted by Dorian Keilhack. The importance of the International Accordion Competition in Klingenthal becomes particularly clear. Winners present their masterly skills and receive invitations to concerts all over the world.

The 61st International Accordion Competition Klingenthal from April 28th to May 4th, 2024 will again be a lasting experience for the accordionists and all their friends. Advertisements and application documents can be requested from: International Accordion Competition Office - email: Intern.Akkordeonwettbewerb@t-online.de

Full results and picture report are now online at: 2023KlingenthalResults

Picture below: Raimondas Sviackevicius (left) and Iñaki Alberdi
Raimondas Sviackevicius and Iñaki Alberdi


Video: Raffaele Gareri Jam Session - Italy

Video: Raffaele Gareri enjoying a Jam Session in Isola di Capo Rizzuto, Calabria, Italy after “an intense day of lessons” with one of his favourite songs.


Future events

Giorgio Dellarole Cathedral Accordion Concert - Italy

Dellarole poster
Giorgio Dellarole will perform a concert at the Conservatorio di Musica Arrigo Boito in Parma, Italy on May 31st, 2023 at 5pm.

His program will include works by Bach, Scarlatti, Kilar, Piazzolla and others.

See poster for details.


“Cordeone” Entertains at Brooklyn Accordion Club - USA

BAC logoCordeone“Cordeone” (Loïc Da Silva) will entertain at the Brooklyn Accordion Club meeting held at the A4 Collective in Brooklyn, New York, USA on June 2nd at 6.15pm.

His program will include a variety of "Afro-Caribbean” music. Admission is free of charge.

For details email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Accordion Orchestra Zug-Bar Concert - Switzerland

Accordion Orchestra Zug-Bar posterThe Accordion Orchestra Zug-Bar will perform a concert at the Baar Community Hall in Baar, Zug, Switzerland on June 3rd, 2023.

The orchestra is conducted by Sergej Simbirev.

Download poster for details: 2023Zug-Bar


Accordionists Entertain at 2nd Wesselinger Musikmesse - Germany

2nd Wesselinger Musikmesse
Accordionists will entertain at the 2nd Wesselinger Musikmesse, held at the Rheinforum in Wesseling, Germany on June 3rd, 2023 at 3.30pm.

Performers include the Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling, Aleksander Olek Gelba, Günter Mauel and Anita Brandtstater.

See poster for details.


Maciej Frąckiewicz Accordion Masterclass - Poland

Maciej Frąckiewicz Masterclass poster
Maciej FrąckiewiczMaciej Frackiewicz will hold an accordion Masterclass at the Palace in Radziejowice (near Warsaw) Poland from June 16th to 21st, 2023.

The event will cover mastering accordion performance technique, expanding knowledge of practicing ideas and learning new repertoire for the accordion - classical and classic contemporary music. Chamber music ensembles are also very welcome.

Attendees will receive five lessons, full board, with a participant’s concert at the end.

For details email: fundacjaarmoniadellarte@gmail.com


Jakob Steinkellner 2023 Summer Tour Concerts - Various countries

Summer tour schedule
Video: Jakob Steinkellner (Austria) performing in a masterclass, introducing attendees to compositions inspired by the traditional music of his country.

Accordionist Jacob Steinkellner (Austria) is currently on his 2023 Summer Tour, performing concerts in Vietnam, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

His June concerts in Greece areas as follows:

• June 17th, 2023 in Kythnos
• June 18th, 2023 in Athens

For details email: steinkellner1@gmx.at
Picture below: Concert in Vietnam


Lelo Nika Trio Entertain at Jazz Club - Denmark

Lelo NikaThe Lelo Nika Trio (which features accordionist Lelo Nika - Serbia) will entertain at Paolo’s Jazz Club in Askeby, Sjælland, Denmark on June 18th, 2023.

This event is Paolo’s Jazz Club first concert in their Summer 2023 program.

The trio will perform Balkan music “creating a blend between Scandinavian and East European folklore with freedom and improvisation, beautiful passages of modern classical music to hard swinging grooves”.


Zbigniew Chojnacki June Solo Concerts - Belgium

Zbigniew ChojnackiVideo: Zbigniew Chojnacki accordion & live electronics.

Zbigniew Chojnacki (Poland) will perform two solo concerts in Belgium this June as follows:

• June 22nd: Concert at the Brussels Fair
• June 25th: Concert at the La Nature Festival in Vielsalm

For details email: zbigniewmanagement@gmail.com


UKAAT (UK Association of Accordion Teachers) Teacher and Student Workshop, England - UK

workshopThe UKAAT (UK Association of Accordion Teachers) will hold a Teacher and Student Workshop at the Razumovsky Academy in London, England, UK on June 24th, 2023, from 10am to 5pm BST.

The event will begin with a welcome by UKAAT President, Romano Viazzani.

Guest speakers include Owen Murray (RAM Professor of Accordion) and Anthony Beckwith (Teacher at Diocese of Leeds).

The workshop will include “topics such as what to cover in the lesson of a brand new student. It will also look at how to critique and offer advice on improving students of more advanced pieces. Finally it will look at how to prepare your student for an audition at a further education establishment”.

After a lunch break there will be a workshop on “how to lay good foundations for jazz teaching taken by Italian jazz accordionist/teacher/festival organiser Renzo Ruggieri who will also give a short concert at the end of the day”.

There will also be performances from some of the accordion students at the RAM (Royal Academy of Music).


Links to Previous News Still Current

Past News List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale Release of 2023 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations
2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2023  Competition Information
PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
World Accordion Day Information 2023 World Accordion Day, 6th May each year
News article about Beniamino Bugiolacchi Article
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
News article about Beniamino Bugiolacchi Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2023 Festival and Competitions 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  2023 AAA Festival News Link


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: World Accordion Day Events

WAD header
Read all about accordionists in many countries of the world that have supported World Accordion Day (WAD) to promote the accordion both nationally and internationally. 2023WADreport


Concerts de l'ensemble d'accordéon de la communauté UMKC - États-Unis

UMKC poster
Le (UMKC) Community Accordion Chamber Ensemble dirigé par Joan Cochran Sommers donnera des concerts en juin 2023 comme suit :

• 24 juin à 15h – concert au Swan Dive Events Centre, restaurant Vivilore à Independence, Missouri.
• 25 juin à 14h30 – concert au Kansas City United Church of Christ Social Hall à Kansas City, Missouri.

L'entrée est gratuite. Voir l'affiche pour les détails.


Updated AAA Composers Commissioning Committee Publication - USA

AAA header
Dr Robert Young McMahanUpdated - The Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Commissioned Works of the
American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Composers Commissioning Committee:
- Henry Cowell: Concerto Brevis, for Accordion & Orchestra
- Otto Luening: Rondo
- Paul Pisk: Salute to Juan

View this 2023 update at: http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions14.php


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