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Weekly News from Around the World - 26-Mar-2021
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Online: XII Concurso Mundial de Acordeón Premio Italia - Italia
XIII Concurso Internacional de Bayan y Acordeón “Perpetuum Mobile”, Drohobych - Ucrania
William Schimmel 2021 AAA Master Class & Concert Series en Nueva York - EE. UU.
Veikko Ahvenainen regala su composición “Covid-19” al mundo - Finlandia
Concurso online de acordeón checo 2021 - República Checa
Fondo de artes musicales Mary & Frank Tokarski - EE. UU.

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Marco Lo Russo Plays Soundtrack to New Film “Vado e Vengo” – Italy
Closing Date for Online Accordion Star International Competition 2021
Marie-Andrée Joerger New CD “Bach en Miroir” - France
Coba Concerts Postponed Due to Covid-19 State of Emergency Declaration – Japan
Leonard Brown DVDs Donated to Care Homes, Scotland – UK

Future events

Semion Shmelkov Concert in Syktyvkar - Russia
North Staffs Accordion Club Virtual Concert – UK
Online: Bachtopus Accordion Ensemble Workshop - USA
Alex Meixner Band at Rock’N RiverWalk - USA
Online: Ian Lowthian Advanced Accordion Weekend – UK
Hugo Noth Masterclass at University of Music Franz Liszt – Germany

Childrens Corner

Video: Children Enjoying Playing the Accordion - Mexico

Client News

Fisitalia Updated Website, Castelfidardo - Italy

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: 2021 Accordion Examination Board of NZ (AEBNZ) - New Zealand

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Online: XII Concurso Mundial de Acordeón Premio Italia - Italia

Italia Award banner
Renzo RuggieriClaudio AzzaroEste año, la 12ª edición del Premio Italia se celebrará online, organizada por la Associazione Promozione Arte (Asociación de Promoción del Arte) en colaboración con el Club Voglia d'Arte.

El evento tendrá lugar del 1 al 20 de junio de 2021. El director de arte Renzo Ruggieri (foto a la izquierda) y el presidente Claudio Azzaro (foto a la derecha) informan que podrán participar candidatos de todo el mundo y con instrumentos de cualquier marca.

Las categorías incluyen: Clásico, Virtuoso, Diatónico y con otros instrumentos para estos 7 grupos de edad: Estudiante 10, Estudiante 12, Estudiante 14, Estudiante 16, Junior, Senior, Amateur.
También el Grupo de Estudiantes 15 y el Grupo de Estudiantes 18 y los grupos Profesional Solo Clásico, Virtuoso, Diatónico y Ensamble.

Descargar reglas en inglés e italiano: 2021ItaliaRules.pdf


XIII Concurso Internacional de Bayan y Acordeón “Perpetuum Mobile”, Drohobych - Ucrania

Perpetuum poster
El XIII Concurso Internacional de Bayan y acordeón “Perpetuum Mobile” se llevará a cabo del 7 al 10 de mayo de 2021 en la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal Ivan Franko de Drohobych en Drohobych, región de Lviv, Ucrania.

Se esperan participantes de Ucrania, Bielorrusia, Lituania, Letonia, Polonia, República Checa, Moldavia, Italia, Francia, Serbia, China y Gran Bretaña.

Además de la competencia, el evento incluirá conciertos, clases magistrales, encuentros, una conferencia sobre “Música Arte Siglo XXI - historia, teoría, práctica”, seminarios metodológicos, un intercambio de literatura musical y científica, grabaciones de video y audio.

El jurado estará formado por profesores, intérpretes y compositores de diferentes países del mundo.

Las inscripciones cierran el 31 de marzo de 2021. Consulte el cartel de arriba para obtener más detalles.


William Schimmel 2021 AAA Master Class & Concert Series en Nueva York - EE. UU.

William SchimmelLa Asociación Estadounidense de Acordeonistas (AAA) presentará una Clase Magistral y Serie de Conciertos 2021 con el Dr. William Schimmel, moderador y curador del 30 de julio al 1 de agosto de 2021. Este evento se llevará a cabo en línea al igual que el exitoso evento de 2020.

Bajo el título "El tiempo del crepúsculo" (El lugar mágico de la luz a la oscuridad), la Serie de Conciertos y Master Class de AAA contará con clases magistrales diarias de 15:00 a 16:00 y conciertos de 16:00 a 17:00.

Descargue el folleto de AAA Masterclass para obtener una lista completa de participantes e información de reserva: 2021AAAMasterClass.pdf Reservas en línea en: http://www.ameraccord.com/annualmasterclass.php


Veikko Ahvenainen regala su composición “Covid-19” al mundo - Finlandia

Veikko AhvenainenEl famoso acordeonista, arreglista y compositor finlandés, Veikko Ahvenainen, ha compuesto un nuevo vals titulado “Covid-19”. La composición es para orquesta de cuerdas con la primera actuación del Quinteto de cuerdas de la Sinfonía de Oulu - video de arriba.

La nueva composición también está compuesta para acordeón y el muy generoso Veikko Ahvenainen ha dado esta nueva música de acordeón al mundo. Gracias.

Descarga la música de acordeón: 2021CovidValse.pdf

Veikko Ahvenainen recibió el Premio al Mérito de la CIA (CIA Merit Awar) en una ceremonia muy agradable en Finlandia el año pasado para honrar su increíble carrera musical de tantos logros. Leer más en: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=18-Sep-2020&lang=en&s=16839


Concurso online de acordeón checo 2021 - República Checa

Czech poster
Dr. Marcela KysováLa directora del concurso, Dra. Marcela Kysová - Halmová (imagen a la izquierda) invita a todos los acordeonistas a participar en el Concurso en línea de acordeón checo 2021 organizado bajo los auspicios del Centro Creativo de Ostrava.

Las categorías de competencia son:
1. Bebé de 6 a 8 años
2. Niños I. 9-11 años
3. Niños II. 12-14 años
4. Junior de 15 a 17 años
5. Mayores de 18 años
6. Virtuoso Entertainment Music (sin límite de edad)

Las solicitudes de inscripción deben recibirse antes del 31 de marzo de 2021. Los videos de los participantes deben recibirse antes del 25 de abril de 2021.

El jurado internacional incluye a Gorka Hermosa (España), Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif (Austria), Iosif Purits (Rusia), Jiri Lukes (República Checa), Ladislav Horak (República Checa), Raimondas Sviackevicius (Lituania), Marcela Kysová, Zoran Rakic. (Serbia), Borat Zagoranski (Eslovenia), Fernando Avila (Brasil), Jan Meisl, Daniel Lis (Polonia), Dariusz Kownacki (Polonia), Wojciech Golec, (Polonia) y Milan Osadsky.

Los resultados se anunciarán antes del 10 de mayo de 2021.

Descargue las reglas del concurso aquí: 2021CzechAccordionOnlineRules.pdf


Fondo de artes musicales Mary & Frank Tokarski - EE. UU.

Logo Mary & Frank Tokarski Musical Arts Fund
Est. 2018 de Mary Tokarski.

En 2018, Mary Tokarski estableció el Fondo de Artes Musicales Mary & Frank Tokarski (Mary & Frank Tokarski Musical Arts Fund) administrado por The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven para que los jóvenes puedan "experimentar el enriquecimiento y la alegría que proviene de hacer música".

El Fondo lleva el nombre de su esposo para honrar el apoyo interminable que tuvo para la carrera musical de Mary Tokarski.

A partir de julio de 2021, el Fondo comenzará a presentar una o más becas y subvenciones a músicos jóvenes (hasta la edad de 26) que busquen un avance educativo y / o mejorar sus habilidades musicales en el acordeón a través de programas y eventos extracurriculares. y requieren ayuda financiera para hacerlo.

Los estudiantes de North Haven High School, los participantes del festival de la Asociación Americana de Acordeonistas (AAA) y los estudiantes de miembros de AAA pueden postularse.

La fecha límite para las solicitudes es el 15 de mayo de 2021, y se anunciarán uno (o más) premios de diferentes cantidades en el evento del Festival AAA de julio, ya sea en persona o virtual.

El Fondo de Artes Musicales Mary & Frank Tokarski otorgará becas basadas en la necesidad financiera y el rendimiento académico a los músicos jóvenes que están actualmente inscritos o que han solicitado la admisión a un programa de grado de un colegio o universidad acreditada, con el plan de estudios requerido que conduce a una licenciatura o título de asociado en música, preferiblemente con el acordeón como instrumento principal.

Se prestará especial atención a quienes planeen utilizar el acordeón como parte integral de sus planes profesionales.

Los formularios de solicitud y toda la documentación requerida deben publicarse o enviarse por correo electrónico a:
Fondo de artes musicales Mary & Frank Tokarski
835 Mix Avenue
Apartamento T1
Hamden, CT 06514

Aplicaciones e información: Mary & Frank Tokarski Musical Arts Fund
Las preguntas, aclaraciones y solicitudes de solicitudes deben enviarse a Mary Tokarski a: mary.tokarski@comcast.net.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Marco Lo Russo Plays Soundtrack to New Film “Vado e Vengo” – Italy

Marco Lo RussoVideo: “Vado e Vengo” Official Italian Film Trailer directed by Fabrizio Nardocci, music by Marco Lo Russo.

Marco Lo Russo returns to the cinema, performing the soundtrack of the debut film “Vado e Vengo” by director Fabrizio Nardocci. The film is based on a subject by Maurizio Ponzi and will be broadcast on Sky Primafila Premiere TV from March 26th, 2021.

The leading character of the film is Marco Valerio Montesano flanked by well-known Italian cinema and TV actors, Antonello Fassaro, Massimiliano Pazzaglia, Anna Ferruzzo, Alice Ferri and Sara Ricci.

The film produced by Dalex Film, in collaboration with Rai Cinema, is set in Rome, Italy and tells the story of Mario a 21-year-old boy in search of his father and his roots.

Composer, arranger and accordionist Marco Lo Russo, (who has produced numerous soundtracks), plays music ranging from pop to world music, through to jazz.

Also in the soundtrack is the song performed by actress Alice Ferri, in which Marco Lo Russo highlights the sensuality and freshness of the French chanson.

The soundtrack of the film published by the label Rouge Sound Production for Marco Lo Russo Music Center APS will soon be available on CD.


Closing Date for Online Accordion Star International Competition 2021

2021 star
The closing date for the online 2021 Accordion Star International Competition is April 7th, 2021. The competition will be held online from April 16th to 25th 2021.

The competition features 10 age and genre categories. The competition program will include new categories, such as "Music of Bach" and "Accordion star 37 plus without age limit"

Contestants who won 1st place in any category will be awarded the title of "Champion Accordion Star International 2021", cash rewards and diploma.. The 2nd and 3rd places will receive the title of winners and a diploma for that place.

In addition to the competition program, concert performances, master classes, interviews
and presentation of the members of the jury and guests of the festival will be presented at
the festival.

Download competition rules here: 2021AccordionStarRules.pdf


Marie-Andrée Joerger New CD “Bach en Miroir” - France

Marie-Andrée JoergerMarie-Andrée Joerger CD coverThe new album by Marie-Andrée Joerger entitled “Bach en Miroir” will be released on April 16th, 2021.

Marie-Andrée Joerger pays homage to a musical form, the Prelude and Fugue, so popular throughout the ages.

The mirror effect is created by alternating preludes and fugues by Johann-Sebastian Bach and other great composers, each of whom marked their own era: Balbastre, Mozart, Schumann, Reger and Escaich.

The particularly poetic and varied sounds of the accordion bring a unique dimension to these works, as if they had been written for this popular instrument.

For details email: marieandree84@live.fr


Coba Concerts Postponed Due to Covid-19 State of Emergency Declaration – Japan

CobaCoba concerts as part of his “Coba Solo Tour 2020 The Accordion” have had to be postponed due to the Covid-19 prefecture state of emergency declaration.

Coba apologises for the postponement of his performances “as a result of considering the safety of customers and prevention of infection and spread”.

The affected concerts are:
• Yamagata Performance which was due to be held on March 30th, 2021. New Date: October 21st 2021
• Miyagi Performance which was due to be held on March 31st, 2021. New Date: July 16th, 2021

All ticket holders can use their current tickets for these future performances, or refunds are available if requested. The refund period is from March 26th to April 30th, 2021.


Leonard Brown DVDs Donated to Care Homes, Scotland – UK

Leonard BrownDVD coverAccordionist Leonard Brown has very generously donated copies of his DVD entitled "The Very Best of Leonard Brown and his Band" to over one hundred care homes, most of which are situated in Scotland. In this time of pandemic they are especially sure to be watched and appreciated. What a magnificent gesture!

Leonard Brown, an accordion champion and pianist, has become well-known for promoting concerts in Scotland, including lifetime achievement tribute concerts for Tom Alexander and Davie Stewart. He is a prolific recording artist with many CDs and DVDs to his credit, including ‘A Toast to Scotland’, a double DVD celebrating the music of some of Scotland’s accordion legends such as Jimmy Shand and Will Starr. All are available via his website.

Leonard Brown, from Newcastle, became only the second Englishman to become All Scotland Accordion Champion in 2012 (Robert Whitehead was the first in 1968). He has emerged as one the best young accordionists on the accordion scene in the UK.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Future events

Semion Shmelkov Concert in Syktyvkar - Russia

Semion Shmelkov poster
As part of the 16th Interregional Competition of Young Artists "Young Gifts by Y.S. Perepilica" there will be a concert by Semion Shmelkov, assistant professor of bayan and accordion at the Russian Academy of Music by Gnesin.

The concert will take place on March 26th in the Dome Hall of the National Gallery of the Republic of Komi, in Syktyvkar beginning at 5pm.

Attendees will be able to get acquainted with the works of Bach, Mozart, Soler, Villa-Lobos, Schumann and Saint-Saens. There will also be works by contemporary authors A. Jurbin and O. Chistokhina.

Shmelkov Semion began his studies at the Bayan in DMS No.4 in Kemerovo with V.V. Shmelkov.

He has performed in the USA, China, Germany, Austria, Spain, Serbia, Montenegro, Denmark, Poland and Russia.

He is the winner of international competitions: Citta di Castelfidardo (Italy), Arrasate Hiria (Spain), Fogtland Days of Harmonica (Germany), III Tian Jin International Competition of Bayanists and Accordionists (China), Accoholiday (Ukraine), Friedrich Lips Cup (Germany). Chelyabinsk), V International Competition of Bayanists and Accordionists in Moscow, I International Music Competition "Petro-Pavlovsk Assemblies" (St. Petersburg), winner of the Grand Prix "Cup of the North VI" (Cherepovets).

For details email: semen53@yandex.ru


North Staffs Accordion Club Virtual Concert – UK

North Staffs poster
The North Staffs Accordion Club will present an online concert on April 6th, 2021 at 7pm.

Guest accordionists performing are the internationally well-known Gina Brannelli (England), 5 times All Britain Virtuoso Champion Mario Conway (Wales), Bruno Continenza (Rome, Italy), and Anne-Marie Devine, one of Northern Ireland’s leading up-and-coming players and teachers.

Attendance is free, though donations to charity are welcomed.

For further information email: northstaffsaccordionclub@gmail.com


Online: Bachtopus Accordion Ensemble Workshop - USA

BAC logoThe Bachtopus Accordion Ensemble will hold an online workshop on April 11th, 2021 at 2pm (NYC time) organised by the Brooklyn Accordion Club entitled “Musical Collaborations During the Pandemic”.

The ensemble includes accordionists Robert Duncan, Peter Flint, Denise Koncelik, Mayumi Miyaoka and Jeanne Velonis.

The music director of Bachtopus, Robert Duncan will talk about recognizing the unique affordances of presenting art online, applying for a grant, working with composers, collaborating together, recording, mixing, and learning to make videos during the pandemic.

Everyone is welcome. For details email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Alex Meixner Band at Rock’N RiverWalk - USA

Rock'nRiver poster
The Alex Meixner Band will entertain at the Rock’N Riverwalk Sunday concert series on April April 11th, 2021.

The event will be held in Downtown Stuart, Florida, USA from 1pm to 4pm.

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Online: Ian Lowthian Advanced Accordion Weekend – UK

Ian LowthianIan Lowthian (picture left) will hold an online “Advanced Accordion Weekend” on April 17th and 18th, 2021.

This weekend will give more advanced accordionists the opportunity to play a bit faster, perhaps look at some advanced left hand patterns, discuss bellows techniques, the use of chords to enhance tunes etc.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Hugo Noth Masterclass at University of Music Franz Liszt – Germany

Hugo NothThe University of Music Franz Liszt in Weimar, Germany will hold a masterclass by Hugo Noth (composer and accordionist born in Switzerland – picture left) from July 17th to 22nd as part of their 2021 Weimar Masterclass series.

“Hugo Noth's work has decisively influenced the development of the accordion. His desire for experimentation and a spirit of research characterize his search for an artistic truthfulness with which he repeatedly critically questions existing forms.”

Course languages: German, French, Italian. The course will include work on a solo repertoire of your own choice as well as a joint work on “Les Folies fran'oises” or “Les Dominos” by Francois Couperin. In the daily class lesson, possible ways of interpretation are worked out together.

A concert will be held at the Festsaal Fürstenhaus on July 21st.

For details phone +49 (0)3643 555150 or email: masterclasses@hfm-weimar.de


Childrens Corner

Video: Children Enjoying Playing the Accordion - Mexico

Children from Mexico.


Client News

Fisitalia Updated Website, Castelfidardo - Italy

Fisitalia logoFisitalia by Ci. & Emme. srl is a young company in the world accordion scene being launched on the market in 1995 by Giuseppe Chiaraluce, tuner, and Piero Montecchiani, mechanical and keyboard specialist.

Since those beginnings, the reputation of Fisitalia accordions has been exported all over the world.

Fisitalia have just updated their website which focusses on the excellence of their craftsmanship and how proud they are to be high quality 100% Italian made accordions.

Downloadable catalog (PDF) of the complete Fisitalia range from childrens models, piano and chromatic to professional concert piano and chromatic models with free bass. https://www.fisitalia.com/cataloghi/


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: 2021 Accordion Examination Board of NZ (AEBNZ) - New Zealand

Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoThe Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) has updated its website with the 2021 examination dates and 2021 entry fees and entry forms. There is also a change to the grade 7 and grade 8 music lists.


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