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Weekly News from Around the World - 26-Mar-2010
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Castelfidardo, una Región de Calidad, Ancona-Italia
Día del Bayan, Acordeón y Harmónica-Rusia
World Music Festival, Innsbruck-Austria
Vivant y el Campeón de Mundo Grayson Masefield en Concierto, Kansas-USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Flaco Jimenez’s 'Live' Hohner Accordion Clinic, Texas - USA
Claudio Jacomucci’s Travels – Germany, UK, Romania
Mary Tokarski on TV, Connecticut - USA
Over 100 Works Published by Yehuda Oppenheimer - Israel

Future events

‘Les Inepties Volantes’, Paris – France
Bert Santilly @ Chester AC, Ellesmere Port – UK
Slavic Soul Party Gigs, New York – USA
Branko Dzinovic to lead Master Class, Belgrade - Serbia
East Antrim Accordion Orchestra Concert, Larne – Ireland
Chelsea Music Academy New Courses, London - UK

New and Updated Sites

Larry Malmberg New Music Releases
Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 2 new arrangements
Gary Dahl releases 5 updated works
Glubochenko Vassily selling a new CD
Larry Malmberg New Music Releases

CD Reviews


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Castelfidardo, una Región de Calidad, Ancona-Italia

Consortium Music Marche Accordions
Paolo PicchioDesde que el acordeón fue traído a Castelfidardo “ la voluntad e iniciativa” para producir acordeones ha dirigido un gran fenómeno económico en la región.
Documentos prueban que el acordeón ha sido manufacturado por artesanos en la región desde 1840 al 1850 y desde 1860 a 1870, llevando al acordeón a ser construido a gran escala. Music Marche.

Debido a que la producción del acordeón es tremendamente compleja y requiere de gran cantidad de materiales, los productores de la zona han estado constantemente realizando mejoras en sus propias técnicas para mejorar la calidad de los acordeones. Por eso, la industria del acordeón en Castelfidardo ha sido siempre muy dinámica.

En la actualidad hay 25 compañías que producen acordeones y otros instrumentos musicales, y más de 70 manufacturan artículos relacionados con el acordeón empleando alrededor de 1000 trabajadores de toda la región.
Castelfidardo no es solamente el lugar de nacimiento de los acordeones de alta calidad, sino que además es un centro cultural del acordeón de primera línea debido al Concurso de acordeón de su mismo nombre, el excepcional museo del acordeón, centro de estudios y el consorcio Music Marche: asociación que reúne a los fabricantes de acordeón.

Hoy en día, adquirir un acordeón fabricado en Castelfidardo significa una garantía en base a la experiencia de más de 150 años.

Para más información, consultar la website Music Marche donde puede ser consultada la lista de fabricantes de Castelfidardo.


Día del Bayan, Acordeón y Harmónica-Rusia

Friedrich LipsEl bayan, el acordeón y la harmónica han sido muy populares en Rusia. Desde manifestaciones patrióticas a bodas, estos instrumentos han sido parte esencial de la cultura rusa. En 1948, estos instrumentos folclóricos tomaron un gran impulso en la academia Gnessin.

Finalmente, los músicos de música folclórica podían ser entrenados al mismo nivel que pianistas y violinistas. Más adelante facultades similares fueron abiertas en todos los conservatorios del país (execepto Moscú). Bayanistas y acordeonistas llegaron a tomar gran importancia internacional.

Famosos compositores Rusos como S. Gubaidulina, A. Cholminov, R. Ledenyov, J. Podgaiz, M. Bronner y A. Shurbin han escrito para acordeón como instrumento solista o en diversas agrupaciones instrumentales y orquestales.

Sin embargo, estamos perdiendo nuestra posición en muchos respectos. Menos alumnado hace que nuestra profesión pierda su prestigio en Institutos, Universidades y colegios. Ciertamente, este descenso puede ser explicado por la difícil situación económica, problemas en el campo cultural y en particular en la música, pero quizás nosotros mismos debemos contribuir en algo para mejorar esta situación.

Friedrich Lips, Jefe del departamento de acordeón de la Academia Gnessin invita a todos sus colegas Rusos a organizar un día especial para el vayan, el acordeón y la harmónica el 20 de Marzo.

En todos los rincones de Rusia, nuestros instrumentos están ahí para ser tocados para el gran público. Sería magnifico poder contar con los medios de comunicación para poder promover esta iniciativa.


World Music Festival, Innsbruck-Austria

World Music Festival, Innsbruck logo
Miles de acordeonistas se reunirán en la décima edición del World Music Festival en Innsbruck del 13 al 16 de Mayo. Alrededor de 10000 simpatizantes del acordeón, 250 orquestas y ensembles de 15 naciones diferentes son esperadas en la convención más grande de acordeonistas del mundo.

La competición internacional incluye diferentes categorías como orquesta de acordeones, ensembles, música de cámara, acordeón solo, acordeón diatónico y otras muchas más.

Aparte de la competición, están organizados una gran cantidad de conciertos. El 16 de Mayo, la ceremonia final dará lugar en el estadio olímpico de Innsbruck.
Desde 1983, la Asociación Alemana de Acordeón (DVH) están organizando este Festival cada tres años en Insbruck.

Para más información: m.kostner@come-innsbruck.at


Vivant y el Campeón de Mundo Grayson Masefield en Concierto, Kansas-USA

Grayson MasefieldEl ensemble de acordeones Vivant! y Grayson Masefield (Nueva Zelanda), aparecerán juntos en un concierto en el Unity on the Plaza, 707 West 47th St, Kansas City el próximo 18 de Abril.

Este concierto está especialmente diseñado para aquellos amantes del acordeón de entretenimiento y virtuosismo. Vivant!, dará la premier de su segundo CD “Whatever you do” y Grayson Masefield hará lo propio con su nuevo CD a solo.

Grayson Masfield estudia actualmente en Francia y es actualmente uno de los jóvenes acordeonistas con más proyección de la actualidad.

Los miembros de Avant son: Karen Fremar (acordeón/teclado), Julie Silfverberg (acordeón/teclado), Gail Overly (acordeón), Dee Sligar (bajo). Sarrah Cantrell (percusion/teclado) y Janne Silfverberg ( trombon/percusion).

Para más información: vivant@vivantsound.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Flaco Jimenez’s 'Live' Hohner Accordion Clinic, Texas - USA

Hohner sponsored an online clinic with Flaco Jimenez at VideoRanch3D on Saturday March 20th. VideoRanch3D is owned by Michael Nesmith, once with The Monkees, and the intention was to do something different online besides concerts.

Flaco Jimenez talked about the Hohner Signature Series Accordion, his music, and the history of Tex-Mex music, attracting viewers from all over the world.

Flaco Jimenez (born 1939) is to Tex-Mex music what Clifton Chenier was to Zydeco or Jimmy Shand to Scottish dance music. Tex-Mex is the accordion-driven folk music of the working class Americans of Mexican origin living in Texas, and Flaco Jimenez has consistently been the genre’s best-known and most commercially successful exponent worldwide.


Claudio Jacomucci’s Travels – Germany, UK, Romania

Claudio with conducter Gerd Schaller and the orchestra of the Romanian National Radio.
Claudio JacomucciPhoto top: Claudio Jacomucci with conducter Gerd Schaller and the orchestra of the Romanian National Radio.

Photo left: Claudio Jacomucci at the Royal Academy with Rafal Luc, Ksenija Sidorova, Amedej Herzog, Martynas Levickis, Trang Nguyen and Prof. Owen Murray

Italian accordionist Claudio Jacomucci has just returned from a festival that began on March 7th in Nurenberg, Germany, where he performed together with the American clarinetist Joel Rubin in one of the biggest klezmer festivals in Europe, the ‘Furth Klezmer Festival.

On March 12th Claudio was a guest of the Royal Academy of Music in London. Here he gave a master class to the students of Professor Owen Murray. He also performed a solo concert with works by Bach, Gismonti and Jacomucci.

This concert was also an excellent showcase for the talents of the students Ksenija Sidorova, Martynas Levickis, Rafal Luc, Trang Nguyen and Amedej Herzog, performing works by Bach, Scarlatti, Gubaidulina, Berio, and Berinsky.

At the ‘Accordion and Bandoneon Festival’ in Bucharest, Romania, March 19th and 20th, Claudio presented the premiere of the concerto for accordion and orchestra, ‘Auf der Suche’, written for him in 1995 by the Italian composer Boris Porena. The concert was held at the National Romanian Radio with the National Radio Orchestra, conducted by Gerd Schaller.

Other guests at the festival were Richard Galliano, Hector Ulises Passarella, Peter Soave and Madeleine Soave. Claudio also gave a recital at the Romanian Radio Hall, presenting, amongst others, his own compositions ‘Wonderlands’ (solo) and ‘Infernal Circles’ (solo and electronics). All concerts will be broadcast by the National Romanian Television and the National Radio.

For further information email: info@claudiojacomucci.com


Mary Tokarski on TV, Connecticut - USA

Well known accordionist Mary Tokarski recently appeared on ‘Connecticut Style’ daytime TV program. View the video on USA Fan Club.

Mary played ‘The Fox And The Hound’, and spoke about the accordion, her career as an accordionist and teacher, the Connecticut Accordion Association, and the recently published book, ‘An Accordion! What Is That?’, written by Karen Malan-Uribe and illustrated by Joan Geller Grauman. Mary narrates the book and plays on the book's accompanying CD.

Mary Tokarski performs both nationally and internationally, as a soloist, with Symphony Orchestra and String Quartet, and as a member of both ‘Buttons & Keys (accordion and piano duo) and The 'K' Trio. She also currently teaches accordion and piano at her home in Northford, Connecticut.

Mary Tokarski CD's


Over 100 Works Published by Yehuda Oppenheimer - Israel

Yehuda OppenheimerMore than 100 works including original compositions, arrangements of different styles and genre have now been published on the MusicForAccordion.com website by Yehuda Oppenheimer (Israel).

This repertoire is in three main categories:
1. Original Compositions
2. Arrangements of Famous Classical Favourites
3. Folk Music
These items feature music that is really suited to be played by the accordion and most of the music has not been published elsewhere.

These arrangements of famous classical favourites will be especially appreciated by serious accordion teachers, especially:
OY598 – ‘Air’ (‘Suite No. 3’) - J S Bach
OY589 – ‘Badinerie’ - J S Bach
OY587 – ‘Gavotte and Rondo’ - Bach
OY555 – ‘Aria’ - Bach
OY573 – ‘Rondeau’ - Purcell
OY590 – ‘Symphony No. 40’ - Mozart
OY592 – ‘Allegro’ - Fiocco
OY594 – ‘Ave Verum’ - Mozart
OY601 - ‘Allegro Spirituoso’ - Senaille
OY603 - ‘Toccata’ - Boellmann:

Yehuda Oppenheimer would be grateful for feedback from fellow accordion teachers.
Email: adinaya@netvision.net.il


Future events

‘Les Inepties Volantes’, Paris – France

Pascal ContetFrench accordionist Pascal Contet and the Congolese actor/writer Dieudonné Niagouna perform ‘Les Inepties Volantes’, a contemporary dramatic presentation, at the Parc de la Villette, Paris, from March 23rd until April 3rd. Peformances are: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - 8.30pm; Thursday at 7.30pm.


Bert Santilly @ Chester AC, Ellesmere Port – UK

Bert SantillyBert Santilly is the guest at Chester Accordion Club, Groves Sports & Social Club, Whitby, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 2NZ on March 30th, 8pm.

Well known as a workshop leader at the Seacroft and Caister festivals, Bert Santilly is a versatile accordionist and teacher based in Cambridge.

For further information email: limccallum@dsl.pipex.com


Slavic Soul Party Gigs, New York – USA

The Slavic Soul Party perform on March 30th and April 6th, 9pm, at Barbes, 376 9th St, Brooklyn, New York.

Based in New York, the nine-strong Slavic Soul Party, featuring accordionist Peter Stan, performs a combination of fiery Gypsy brass, soulful Balkan anthems, and hip-grinding American funk.

The SSP have produced 4 CDs: ‘Taketron’, ‘Teknochek Collision’, ‘Remixed’, and ‘Bigger’, available from Barbès Records.

For further information email: ryan@pressjunkiepr.com


Branko Dzinovic to lead Master Class, Belgrade - Serbia

Branko DzinovicOn April 14th, 15th and 16th, Branko Dzinovic will give a masterclass for accordion students and performers.

In collaboration with the Belgrade Cultural Center and Austrian Cultural Forum, Branko Dzinovic will give 3 days of master class tuition for accordion students and performers in Serbia. Each participant will have 3 individual lessons with Dzinovic.

The master class is open for both soloists and chamber ensembles, and inquiries should be made to Mrs Ljubica Babec at the Belgrade Cultural Center.

For further information email: ljubica.babec@kcb.org.rs


East Antrim Accordion Orchestra Concert, Larne – Ireland

East Antrim Accordion Orchestra
The East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra is hosting a concert in aid of Cancer Research UK on Friday April 16th, 8pm, in Head of the Town Church Hall, Meeting House Street, Larne, Northern Ireland.

For further information email: asrz33@dsl.pipex.com


Chelsea Music Academy New Courses, London - UK

Milos MilivojevicAccordionist Milos Milivojevic will be teaching at the Chelsea Music Academy from April, and teaching will include Classical, Tango and Eastern European music.

An innovative new partnership for 2010 sees the Chelsea Music Academy, in partnership with Leighton House Museum, working with school groups and the general public offering tuition in music from the Middle-East.

Courses and Group Sessions - The following courses are being offered:

All courses are £99 for six weeks, and start from Monday April 26th 2010.
3.30 – 4.30pm: World Music Choir including Middle-Eastern Songs. Families welcome.
4.30 – 5.30pm: From Andalusian to Modern Times. All ages.
4.00 – 5.30pm: Introduction to Oud (Group sessions) All ages.
11am – 12.30pm: Introduction to Arabic Percussion – Darbuka
(Group Sessions)
One-to-One Tuition
(All Ages) Chelsea Music Academy also offers private individual tuition.

For further information email: info@chelseamusicacademy.org


New and Updated Sites

Larry Malmberg New Music Releases

Larry Malmberg releases 5 new pieces, 'Gershwin Medley', catalog:larrym011', 'I Get Ideas, catalog:larrym012', 'If You Knew Suzie, catalog:larrym013', 'It Had To Be You, catalog:larrym014', and 'Just You, Just Me, catalog:larrym015'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 2 new arrangements

Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 4 arrangements for acccordion - 'Symphony No. 40, catalog:OY590', 'Ave Verum, catalog:OY594', 'Allegro Spirituoso, catalog:OY601' and 'Toccata, catalog:OY603'. Samples of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl releases 5 updated works

Gary Dahl - Mel Bay Publishing Author, composer, arranger, Mel Bay recording artist and music educator announces the following titles for purchase on-line. 'Come Back To Sorrento, catalog:DH0224', 'Crazy, catalog:DH0225', 'Cuando Calienta El Sol, catalog:DH0226', 'Yesterday, catalog:DH0227' and 'Achtung Los, catalog:DH0228'. Samples for this music are now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Glubochenko Vassily selling a new CD

Glubochenko Vassily selling a new CD titled "Au Premier Coup D'oeil" with sound samples. Music performed by Glubochenko Vassily. Purchase online.


Larry Malmberg New Music Releases

Larry Malmberg releases 6 new pieces, 'Avalon', catalog:larrym005', 'Darktown Strutters Ball, catalog:larrym006', 'Fascination, catalog:larrym007', 'Red Wing, catalog:larrym008', 'St. Paul Waltz, catalog:larrym009' and 'Yellow Rose of Texas, catalog:larrym010'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews


Misterium CD CoverCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Misterium” by Joan C. Sommers. Performer is Mika Väyrynen.


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