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Weekly News from Around the World - 26-Jun-2020
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Особенности Highlights

XII Международный конкурс Гран-при "Золотые таланты", Курск - Россия
Винс Аббраччанте в Палаццо Пеше, Бари - Италия
23-й Аккордеонный День Райнсберга 2021 - Германия
Видео: Дуэт Аккордеона и Газонокосилки !, Осада Энниса - Северная Ирландия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Duo Grayson Masefield and Haein Yujeong Jeon - South Korea
Michael Bridge: Concerts in Care, Ontario – Canada
Qianyu Zhang Video Performance for the Leeds International Organ Festival 2020 – UK
New Historical Article by Gorka Hermosa in English and Spanish - Spain
Stockport Accordion Club Continues Meetings Despite Covid-19 Closures - UK
Grupo Musical Deixando Saudade - Brazil
Video: Frank Busso Jnr, Luke Wedge and Victor Holmes Trio - USA
Duo Macke Bornauw: Accordion & Bagpipe Duo - Belgium
Video: Youngest, Up & Coming Accordionist Enjoys Performing - Brazil

Будущие события

Alex Meixner at Americana Festival, Pennsylvania - USA
Kevin Friedrich Free Concert: Mid Winter Melodies – New Zealand
Bastille Day with Cafe Accordion Orchestra, Minneapolis – USA
Louise Jallu Quartet Performs as Omac Season Opens - France

Новые и обновленные сайты

Article: This Old Accordion - A tribute to Ilmar Kuljus on his 90th Birthday - USA
Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand Site updated

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Особенности Highlights

XII Международный конкурс Гран-при "Золотые таланты", Курск - Россия

Golden poster
Международный конкурс Гран-при «Золотые таланты» для аккордеона и баяна пройдет с 10 по 13 декабря 2020 года в Курске, Россия.

Конкурс будет проходить в три этапа:

Этап 1 - отборочный видеоролик с 1 ноября по 10 ноября 2020 года. Общая продолжительность программы от 10 до 15 минут.
Этапы 2 и 3 - соревнования в два тура с 10 по 13 декабря 2020 года. Общая продолжительность программы - от 15 до 25 минут.

13 декабря состоится гала-концерт, в который войдут выступления победителей конкурса.

Конкурсные работы закрываются 31 октября 2020 года. Для подробностей - электронная почта: info@talentsgrandprix.ru


Винс Аббраччанте в Палаццо Пеше, Бари - Италия

Bari posterВинс Аббраччианте (аккордеон) и Андреа Сабатино (труба) дадут концерт под названием «Мелодика» на открытом дворе Палаццо Пеше (фото ниже) в Мола-ди-Бари (BA) 29 августа в 21:00.

Эти два музыканта предоставят оригинальную программу от Kramer до Tenco, от Trovajoli до Bruno Martino, а также творческий и современный джаз Андреа Сабатино.

Винс Аббраччианте - выпускник классического аккордеона с отличием в Консерватории Матеры и выступал на пяти континентах вместе со многими престижными музыкантами.

Для деталей - электронная почта: palazzopesce@yahoo.it
Palazzo Pesce


23-й Аккордеонный День Райнсберга 2021 - Германия

23rd Accordion daysHans-Günther Kölz23-й семинар Accordion Days Rheinsberg 2021 пройдет в Музыкальной академии Kavalierhaus Schlossanlage в Райнсберге, Германия, с 12 по 14 февраля 2021 года, организованной DHV (Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V.).

В 23-й раз DHV приглашает молодых и взрослых аккордеонистов (студентов, преподавателей, музыкантов и дирижеров) играть вместе музыку и учиться друг у друга в течение трех дней.

Участники семинара получат возможность работать солистами, в камерной музыке и с оркестрами. Событие 2021 также может быть использовано для подготовки к предстоящим конкурсам и конкурсу «Аккордеонная музыкальная премия 2021».

Среди лекторов семинара Ларс Хольм (курс соло и камерной музыки), Ханс-Гюнтер Кельц (курс оркестра - фото справа вверху) и Сабина Кельц для семинара "Ran an Tasten & Knöpfe" (клавиши и кнопки).

Для деталей - электронная почта: info@dhv-ev.de


Видео: Дуэт Аккордеона и Газонокосилки !, Осада Энниса - Северная Ирландия

Nigel Black"Самый острый ритм в мире!"

Ирландский телеканал TG4 представил аккордеониста Найджела Блэка, играющего на аккордеоне вместе со своей газонокосилкой Suffolk Punch в программе Hector Anseo на этой неделе.

Программа включала в себя интервью с Найджелом (который приезжает из Баллимена, графство Антрим в Северной Ирландии), а также видеоклипы о том, как он играет пару мелодий со своей газонокосилкой!

Старая зеленая газонокосилка никогда не промахивалась!


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Duo Grayson Masefield and Haein Yujeong Jeon - South Korea

The Four Seasons, 1st mvt and 2nd mvt, composed by Antonio Vivaldi, duet performance by Haein Yujeong Jeon (tutor Korea National University of Arts, South Korea) and Grayson Masefield (tutor Auckland University, New Zealand).

These video clips were filmed in South Korea just before the Corona virus lockdown early this year.


Michael Bridge: Concerts in Care, Ontario – Canada

Concerts in CareMichael BridgeMichael Bridge is delighted to announce his new collaboration with “Concerts in Care”, Canada’s national network presenting classical music in retirement homes.

Michael is among a small group of musicians producing concert videos for national distribution to senior citizens caught in lockdowns across the country.

Musicians are finding creative ways to reach their audiences during Covid-19 and Michael is grateful to Concerts in Care for providing the infrastructure to reach thousands of people.

For further information email: michael@michaelbridgemusic.com


Qianyu Zhang Video Performance for the Leeds International Organ Festival 2020 – UK

Qianyu ZhangVideo: Virtual concert by Qianyu Zhang on Monday June 22nd for the Leeds International Organ Festival 2020 in the UK.

Qianyu Zhang (picture left) completed her Master of Arts in Performance with distinction at the Royal Academy of Music in London, tutor Owen Murray. She is currently pursuing her Advanced Diploma at the Royal Academy of Music.

Sonata No. 3 - Vladislav Zolotaryov 3:03
Tears - Bent Lorentzen 13:10
A Child's Scherzo - Modest Mussorgsky 20:30
Suite in the Old Style - Alfred Schnittke 23:38
Rhythm of Doubt, Part III - Mikolaj Majkusiak 37:20
Adagio and Rondo for Glass Harmonica, K617 - W. A. Mozart 42:30
Le Grand Tango - Astor Piazzolla 53:40
Invierno Porteño - Astor Piazzolla 1:05:12


New Historical Article by Gorka Hermosa in English and Spanish - Spain

GorkaAccordionist Gorka Hermosa (picture left) has written an article in Spanish language on one of the first accordionists on record and perhaps the oldest non European accordion player, José Gonsalvez. In 1836 (with his accordion) he made an expedition up the Indus River to reach Kabul (Afghanistan).

Read this most interesting historical article in English and Spanish at: José Gonsalvez


Stockport Accordion Club Continues Meetings Despite Covid-19 Closures - UK

Stockport AC
Despite the fact the Stockport Accordion Club meeting venue, Woodley Methodist Church is still closed due to Covid19, club members have been holding Zoom internet meetings on Wednesday evenings each week.

This gives members the opportunity to keep in touch, swap news, have plenty of laughs, play solos, and even have a short band practice. Thank goodness for technology!

Last week’s pieces were the Amboss Polka, Metsakukkia (a waltz from Finland), and Besame Mucho.

Players are looking forward to when restrictions are lifted and they can all meet again in person!


Grupo Musical Deixando Saudade - Brazil

Musical Group Brazil
Musical group Deixando Saudade performed a concert this week in Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The band often entertains at dances, shows and parties and this concert was held to celebrate the accordion.


Video: Frank Busso Jnr, Luke Wedge and Victor Holmes Trio - USA

Recorded during the 2020 health crisis, we hope you enjoy the popular tango, Jalousie!

Musicians: Frank Busso, Jr. (accordion), Luke Wedge (violin), Victor Holmes (bass)
Video Editor: Dennis Hoffmann
Sponsored by Ernest Deffner Inc, www.ernestdeffner.com US distributors of Pigini accordions.
Ernest Deffner header


Duo Macke Bornauw: Accordion & Bagpipe Duo - Belgium

Benjamin MackeVideo: Curly Music concert performance this month by Duo Macke Bornauw from Belgium. The duo includes Benjamin Macke (diatonic – picture left) and Birgit Bornauw (bagpipes). The video includes pieces and information in French language.


Video: Youngest, Up & Coming Accordionist Enjoys Performing - Brazil

Enjoy this video. Elieser Dos Santos published this video of a very young, up and coming accordionist having fun and performing at a function with his family!


Будущие события

Alex Meixner at Americana Festival, Pennsylvania - USA

Alex Meixner
Popular entertainer, Alex Meixner will perform at the live stream finale of the Berks County Americana Fest on June 30th at 7pm ET. The event is organised by Dave Kline, a tireless promoter of music and all things that bring people together in joy and happiness!

Alex is happy to take requests for this event.


Kevin Friedrich Free Concert: Mid Winter Melodies – New Zealand

Kevin poster
Kevin Friedrich and the Dargaville Museum have organised a free concert entitled “Mid Winter Melodies” at the Lighthouse Function Centre in Harding park, Dargaville on July 12th.

New Zealand is open again following their Covid-19 lockdown and this concert is being held to thank essential service workers and the Dargaville community residents for uniting together during the lockdown.

Kevin will entertain at the event as well as other popular entertainers Jone Yelcich, Roslyn Gilmour, Lynn Walters, Thomas Koloi and the Rivertown Singers & Take Six.


Bastille Day with Cafe Accordion Orchestra, Minneapolis – USA

Cafe AO
The Cafe Accordion Orchestra (which includes accordionist Dan Newton – picture above) will entertain at a Bastille Day event at Crooners Supper Club in Minneapolis, Minnesota on July 14th at 7pm.

The event will include a celebration of all things French, under the big tent with socially-distanced outdoor seating, protection from the elements, food and beverages.

For details email: daddysqueeze@daddysqueeze.com


Louise Jallu Quartet Performs as Omac Season Opens - France

Louise JalluOmac President Yves Macé, has announced they are currently preparing shows for the 2020-2021 Thury-Harcourt season, taking into account new health standards related to the Covid-19 outbreak. “The show season will resume at the beginning of October, even if the threat still looms," he said.

The first event will be concerts at the Calvados Tour in Normandy, France by the Louise Jallu Quartet from October 8th to 10th, 2020.

The quartet, which includes Louise Jallu (bandoneon – picture left), Mathias Lévy (violin), Grégoire Letouvet (piano) and Alexandre Perrot (double bass), play a mix of Argentine jazz tango.

For details email: louise.jallu@free.fr


Новые и обновленные сайты

Article: This Old Accordion - A tribute to Ilmar Kuljus on his 90th Birthday - USA

Ilmar KuljusVideo: “Northwest Profiles: Accordion Icon” is used by permission of KSPS PBS, Spokane, Washington USA. Published on March 31, 2016.

Founder: My friend Dan Grauman wrote: "I received an email from Susan Graham, wife of Ilmar Kuljus. I don’t know whether you’re familiar with Ilmar. He was the teacher of Patricia Bartell, as well as AAA champions Sam Thomas (2007) and Gabe Hall-Rodrigues (2010). The attachment is a real 'feel good' story, which I thought might be worthy of publication."

I read this beautiful story and at a time in history when the world has suffered greatly from the horrific Corona-virus destruction of life and business, it's writings like this that remind us of the creators of this world, wonderful people, full of human endeavour, love of music and education. Make sure you read: This Old Accordion by Susan Graham

Susan Graham writes:

The 6th June is the 76th anniversary of D-Day (6th June 1944) and Ilmar's 90th birthday. Everyone knows the story of D-Day, few know Ilmar's story.

When I tell him he needs to write it all down, he says that no one would be interested, that his story is the same as that of all other immigrants. I beg to differ. The story attached is my attempt to record the main elements as I have heard them.

This Old Accordion by Susan Graham


Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand Site updated

AEBThe Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) has updated its website with the 2020 examination dates and 2020 entry fees and entry forms.


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