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Weekly News from Around the World - 26-Feb-2010
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Accordéon O Rama événement à NAA Convention, Texas - USA
Campus international de musique d'accordéon, Dolomites - Italie
Box 36e NAAFC '& Fiddle Festival, Ecosse - Royaume-Uni
Journée mondiale de la Accordéon - CIA
Art Van Damme Tribute Wall - cyberespace

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Marathon de l'Accordéon à Kaunas - Lithuanie
NAO Area Festival Season continues - UK
Corrado Rojac opens ‘Rondò 2010’ season, Milan - Italy
Eastbourne Accordion Festival, Sussex – UK

Future events

‘Day of the Accordion’, Seattle – USA
Mika Väyrynen to perform in Ourense - Spain
Marco Lo Russo CD Presentation, Rome – Italy
Claudio Allodi @ Uxbridge Accordion Club, England – UK
Gorka Hermosa Concerts - Spain
RAM Masterclass and Showcase Concert, London – UK
Victor Prieto Concerts, New York – USA
Kimmo Pohjonen Concerts – USA, Germany, Turkey
‘Songs of Sea’, Tallinn, Jõhvi – Estonia

New and Updated Sites

MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
NAA Publications New Music Releases
Vassily Glubochenko releases 3 new works for accordion
Finland Recordings selling a new CD
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
NAA Publications New Music Releases

CD Reviews


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Accordéon O Rama événement à NAA Convention, Texas - USA

Accordéon-O-Rama (Accordion-O-Rama Accordion Sales and Service), l'hypermarché d'accordéon, en liaison avec l'accordéon Excelsior (Excelsior Accordions), le fabricant italien d'accordéon, présentera Jeff Lisenby jouant de l'accordéon Excelsior MIDI lors de la Convention Accordéon (National Accordion Association) NAA à Dallas, Texas , du 11 au 13 Mars. Jeff combinera l'accordéon avec de vrais sons up-to-date voix électroniques et rythmes électroniques créant l'effet d'un trio étonnant.

Peter Shearer, d'Accordéon-O-Rama, sera disponible au stand lors du congrès AOR NAA-show heures pour discuter des accordéons spécifiques. Jeff Lisenby sera dans notre salle de démontrer et de jouer acoustique, ainsi que les accordéons MIDI.

Il y aura une présentation spéciale à l'accordéon-O-Rama stand sur la «Notions de base du MIDI, le vendredi 12 Mars, à 17h.

Jeff Lisenby et Peter Shearer présentera un virtuelle 'Orchestra via MIDI et un véritable Excelsior accordéon' le samedi Mars 13, à 11 heures dans la salle Ballroom No1.

Jeff est une vedette au Salon de l'ANA. Atelier Accordéon Jazz Jeff's »sera à 1pm vendredi. Son atelier sur les «travailleurs dans les studios se tiendra le vendredi Mars 12 à 3pm.

Jeff sera aussi divertissant le samedi soir, après le banquet.

Pour de plus amples informations email: bws@monmouth.com


Campus international de musique d'accordéon, Dolomites - Italie

International Music Accordion Campus
Peter Soave, Mady Soave and Jean-Louis NotonJean Louis NotonMady, Peter Soave et Jean-Louis Noton accueillent professionnels et amateurs du monde entier pour jouer, apprendre et partager les bonheurs de l'accordéon. L'IMAC vous propose une semaine de lectures, ateliers, master-class, cours privés, dans un milieu qui partage nature et apprentissage. Pendant le séjour, les ateliers, cours, repas et l'hébergement sont situés dans un hotel 3 *** et se déroulent dans une ambiance et détendue. Après votre journée musicale, vous aurez la joie de découvrir les environs et la splendeur des Dolomites Italiennes!
- du 25 Juillet au 1 Août 2010
- - du 1 Août au 8 Août 2010


Box 36e NAAFC '& Fiddle Festival, Ecosse - Royaume-Uni

NAAFC judges
Fiddle practiceAccordion Shop and NicolLa 36ème Association nationale des Clubs de l'accordéon et violon (NAAFC) Championnats auront lieu le samedi 13 Mars, de 9h à l'Hôtel Inchyra Grange, Polmont, Falkirk, Ecosse.

Le festival de cette année a un record 277 entrées, dont un bon nombre de concurrents plus jeunes. Les compositeurs concours de cette année sont: - accordéon Calum MacLean, et le violon - J. Scott Skinner. Les arbitres de l'accordéon sont les suivants:

Sandy Nixon - Traditionnel
Michael Philip - Traditionnel
Charlie Kirkpatrick - Traditionnel
Bill Smith - Classique
Graham Laurie - Classique

De 6h15 à 8.15pm, à l'hôtel, il y aura un concert mettant en vedette les lauréats du festival, et 9-1, il y aura une danse mettant en vedette les Alan Gardiner Scottish Dance Band.

Pour de plus amples informations email: lorna@mair4080.fsnet.co.uk


Journée mondiale de la Accordéon - CIA

World Accordion Day logoQuels sont vos projets pour la Journée mondiale de la Accordéon (World Accordion Day) le 6 Mai?

Rejoignez-nous le 6 Mai (le jour de l'accordéon a été breveté en 1829). Nous vous invitons à vous joindre à notre hommage international à l'accordéon par la tenue d'un événement d'accordéon en l'honneur de la Journée mondiale de la Accordéon (World Accordion Day) sur ou à proximité de Mai 6th.

Un élément clé de cette manifestation est le site de la Journée mondiale de la Accordéon (World Accordion Day). Tout le monde peut enregistrer leur activité d'une journée mondiale d'accordéon sur le site et envoyer un rapport de leur événement après, pour ce site Web. Ce site est déjà une ressource très précieuse pour les médias qui couvrent la Journée mondiale de la Accordéon (World Accordion Day) Alors s'il vous plaît laissez vos médias locaux au courant de votre événement et ce site web.

Aucun événement n'est trop grand ou trop petit. TOUS les événements accordéon célébrer la Journée mondiale Accordéon (World Accordion Day) jour sont les bienvenus. Il s'agit d'une promotion pour l'accordéon dans lequel tous les amateurs d'accordéon peuvent participer et contribuer à notre monde d'accordéon sont réunis ainsi que de promouvoir vigoureusement l'accordéon à votre population.


Art Van Damme Tribute Wall - cyberespace

Yuri Kasakov (Russia), Beniamino Bugiolacchi (Artistic Director of the Premio Città di Castelfidardo) Art Van Damme (USA), Alain Musichini (France), Wolmer Beltrami (Italy), and Peter Soave (USA)
Sur la photo ci-dessus, à partir des fichiers Castelfidardo Musée de l'accordéon vient cette photo historique prise en 1988 au Teatro Astra à Castelfidardo, Italie. De gauche à droite: Yuri Kasakov (Russie), Beniamino Bugiolacchi (directeur artistique du Premio Città di Castelfidardo) Art Van Damme (USA), Alain Musichini (France), Wolmer Beltrami (Italie), Nom Unkown et Peter Soave (USA). Une photo unique de célébrités accordéon célèbre.

Art Van Damme est décédé le 15 Février 2010 après avoir été malade d'une pneumonie pendant plusieurs semaines. Un monument commémoratif dédié à cette grande légende de l'accordéon jazz est maintenant en ligne et vous pouvez ajouter votre hommage à son "Wall Hommage à la mémoire du site Art Van Damme.

Je vous remercie de tous les hommages de Nice a lancé à ce jour. The Wall Hommages sera ouverte pour 7 jours de plus pour envoyer des hommages.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Marathon de l'Accordéon à Kaunas - Lithuanie

Mindaugas Labanauskas, Frédéric Deschamps, Augustinas Rakauskas and Grazina Lukosiene.
Grayson Masefield in LithuaniaLe 20 février dernier, l'Association Nationale de Kaunas (Lithuanie) organisait un Marathon de l'accordéon avec plus de 140 participants. Cette association Présidée par la très dynamique Grazina Lukosiene, également professeur au conservatoire « J. Gruodis) de Kaunas, comporte plus de 500 membres actifs dont une quarantaine de professeurs répartis sur l'ensemble de la région.

De très jeunes accordéonistes se sont succédés toute la journée pour émerveiller un public venu nombreux pour l'occasion. Frédéric Deschamps était l'invité de l'association par l'intermédiaire de Mindaugas Labanauskas, bras droit de la présidente et délégué international pour la CIA et la CMA.

Le professeur français donnait une Master Classe le samedi matin pour l'ensemble des professeurs présents, afin de dévoiler les techniques pédagogiques innovantes que son parcours pédagogique en compagnie de talentueux accordéonistes tels que Jérôme Richard, Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales, Grayson Masefield, Petar Maric et bien d'autres lui a permis de découvrir et de développer. Le jeune prodige Augustinas Rakauskas, élève de Grazina Lukosiene, qui vient de briller par sa qualification au célèbre Show National Télévisé « 2 minutes of Glory » assumait la traduction de la Master Classe et servait d'élève modèle pour l'occasion. Augustinas est un habitué de la technique Deschamps car il travail avec lui régulièrement sur intenet par skype.

Le Festival Marathon était cloturé par une prestation du double Lauréat de la Coupe Mondiale 2009 ( Classique et Variété) à savoir le Néo-Zélandais Grayson Masefield, également élève de Frédéric Deschamps. Son programme composé de deux parties classique et variété a vivement enthousiasmé la salle comble de l'auditorium national ( plus de 600 persones !). Une standing Ovation ponctuait la performance du jeune concertiste. Le lendemain, Grayson Masefield donnait un autre concert à Vilnius et le succès était également au rendez-vous.

Grayson's Fan Club pour la vidéo.


NAO Area Festival Season continues - UK

Larysa Bodell and Brian LaurieFebruary 6th has seen three very successful NAO Area Festivals – all qualifying festivals for the NAO UK Championships 2010 to be held in April.

The NAO West Scotland Area Festival, attracted over 250 entries from various parts of Scotland, with a predominant number from the Paisley Academy under the direction of the Organiser Brian Laurie. Picture left shows Graham Laurie ad Larysa Bodell.

The members of the Jury with a busy day were Alistair Gillespie, Larysa Bodell (who also demonstrated the Roland digital accordion) and Graham Laurie. Anna Bodell NAO Deputy Chairperson commented at the prize presentation how nice it was to see so many orchestras featured including those of Gary Blair, Keith Dickson, Brian Laurie and Graham Laurie.

The NAO North Central Area Festival attracted over 200 entries, under the direction of the Organiser Harry Hinchcliffe, and a wonderful array of young talent was heard at this Festival. NAO Chairperson Raymond Bodell commented how “the project promoting the accordion in local schools in the region in recent years is now bringing forward many young enthusiastic and talented accordionists”. Additionally, local boy – Thom Hardaker who is now studying in St Petersburg delighted the audience with an excellent recital.

The NAO Northern Ireland Area Festival had a good entry from both Northern Ireland and Eire. Organiser Clyde Johnston was delighted with the wonderful array of talent that was heard throughout the day. The NAO Area Festival Season concludes with the East Anglia Festival under the direction of Elaine Beecham on February 28th.

All the results of the NAO Festival season can be found at NAO website.


Corrado Rojac opens ‘Rondò 2010’ season, Milan - Italy

Corrado RojacOn January 25th, ‘Rond’, an annual season of contemporary music, began at the Theatre Franco Parenti in Milan. This festival has become an important part of the cultural highlights of the Lombardy.

‘Rond 2010’ offers eight concerts featuring contemporary music, with the opening concert presenting theatrical music – a monograph, dedicated by Sandro Gorli (‘Rond 2010’ Artistic Director) to Mauricio Kagel, one of the great interpreters of contemporary music, who died in 2008. The program was a sort of comedy of the absurd, in which the author's eclectic musical theatre was combined with the vein of a variety show. Included were ‘Episoden’ and ‘Figuren’, (solo works) written by Kagel in 1993, performed by accordionist Rojac Corrado, of Trieste. Rojac Corrado is now one of the most popular Italian contemporary accordionists. Since 2008 he is an Accordion Professor at the Conservatory Giuseppe Tartini in Trieste.

The mimic Bustric together with the Divertimento Ensemble, a chamber group from Milan, directed by Dario Garegnani, enchanted the audience with diverse characters, from a cleaner, to a fire-eater, juggler, and dog trainer.

The season will last until June, offering a broad spectrum of contemporary music. The public of Milan will have the opportunity to hear the Ensemble Kuraia, from Bilbao, with the best of new Spanish music, but the absolute highlight of ‘Rondò 2010’ will be the evening of May 26th, when the new compositions of the young composers competition will be presented. Closing event of the season “notes for friendship” will be on June 7th– both events are dedicated to Franco Donatoni (a Milan composer who died 10 years ago)


Eastbourne Accordion Festival, Sussex – UK

Harry Hussey
Jack Emblow and Tony ComptonLast weekend’s Eastbourne Accordion Festival took place at the Queens Hotel on the seafront, and was well organized and supported. The organizers were Jackie and John Romero.

The opening concert began with spots by Harry Hussey and Gennaro Fiondella, after which Jack Emblow and Tony Compton performed two lengthy sets of jazz standards. The following morning Emblow and Compton returned to play more music and to take questions about their careers and influences, how they improvise, create harmonies, etc. They also took the opportunity to pay tribute to the late Art Van Damme, cited as a major influence.

Italy’s Mauro Carra appeared twice in concert, on Saturday and Sunday evenings, giving outstanding performances of Italian and French musette music, and some classical and jazz pieces. There were also two concert performances by London accordionist Romano Viazzani, one of which was a demonstration of the new Roland FR7X digital accordion.

Other accordionists performing during the festival included Alan Young, Gennaro Fiondella, Harry Hussey, Harvie Sharpe and Roman Volushchuk. The Saturday evening concert was followed by a lively Scottish ceilidh to the music of Harvie Sharpe – accordion, and Alan Young – piano. Harry Hussey and Alan Young led jam busking sessions.

Workshops included ‘Orchestra’ and ‘Playing Bel Viso’ - Gennaro Fiondella, and ‘Playing By Ear’ – Trevani. The trade show included The Accordion Shop, Trevani, Birmingham Accordion Centre, and Rob Howard’s ‘An A to Z of the Accordion’ 4-volume series of books.

The next festival is set for October 8th to 11th, at the Langholm Hotel, Eastbourne.

For further information email: jr@carillonstudios.co.uk


Future events

‘Day of the Accordion’, Seattle – USA

Northwest Accordion SocietyThe Northwest Accordion Society presents their annual Day of the Accordion, February 28th, from 11am to 5pm at Center House, Seattle Center, 305 Harrison St, Seattle, Washington.

In addition to nonstop accordion music and dancing, there will be workshops, seminars, and free lessons. Performances by beginners and professionals alike.

Artistes performing include Murl Allen Sanders, Ken Olendorf, Sasson Klezmer Band, Northwest Accordionaires, Happy Wanderers Band, Bonnie Birch Band, Folkvoice Band, and the Smilin’ Scandinavians. Workshops include ‘Caring for your accordion’’, by Jim Tobler, and ‘Introduction to Balkan music and songwriting’, by Marchette DuBois.

For further information email: bonniebirch@msn.com


Mika Väyrynen to perform in Ourense - Spain

Mika VäyrynenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen will perform a solo recital on March 7th, at the upcoming ‘Pórtico do Paraíso’ Music Festival in Ourense, located in the Galicia region of Spain.

The recital will be held at the historic Church of Santa Eufemia (opened in 1653) at 8pm. Prior to the concert, at 12mid-day, Mika will visit with accordion students from the Conservatory of Ourense during a special meeting and lecture.

Mika’s program will include Chaconne by Bach/Busoni/Väyrynen, Sonata No. 1 ‘Ultra’, by Paavo Korpijaakko, as well as works by Jancek, Couperin, Hannikainen, Scriabin and the 2004 CIA Coupe Mondiale Test Piece ‘Impasse’, by Franck Angelis.

Established two years ago, the 10-day festival aims to bring high quality soloists and ensembles to Ourense, presenting concerts in the historical and landmark venues such as churches, the Town Hall and the main theatre. For full details, please visit www.porticodoparaiso.com


Marco Lo Russo CD Presentation, Rome – Italy

Marco Lo Russo CDOn Mrch 4th, 6pm, accordionist Marco Lo Russo plays selections from his new CD, ‘World Music’, at the Galleria l'incontro d'arte via del Vantaggio, Rome.

The tracks on ‘World Music’ include ‘Vento di Sabbia’, ‘Risveglio Mattutino’, ‘Danza sull'aia’, ‘Ombelico’, ‘Risaia’, ‘Valzer del mulino’, ‘Dub Tango’, ‘Fisa malinconica’, ‘Marcetta villana’, ‘Dolly Valtz’, ‘Api’, ‘East Market’, ‘Ice’, ‘Shadow’, ‘Red Tango’, and ‘Carillon’.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Claudio Allodi @ Uxbridge Accordion Club, England – UK

Uxbridge Accordion Club
Claudio AllodiClaudio Allodi is the guest artiste at Uxbridge Accordion Club on Monday March 8th, 8pm, at The Anglers Retreat, Cricketfield Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7HG. The organizers are Angie and David Lukins.

The Uxbridge Accordion Club meets on the second Monday of every month.


Gorka Hermosa Concerts - Spain

Gorka HermosaImportant Spanish concert accordionist Gorka Hermosa performs ‘Opale Concerto’ (Galliano) and other works at venues in Granada, Salamanca, Oviedo and Santander, as follows:

March 8th – ‘Tangosophy’: Javier Berná (clarinet) and Gorka Hermosa,
at the Auditorium of the Conservatorio de Santander
9th – ‘Opale Concerto’ (Galliano) with the Camerata Sotileza (MD Emilio Otero) at the Auditorium of the Conservatorio de Santander
10th - Francisco San Emeterio (piano) and Gorka Hermosa the Auditorium of the Conservatorio de Santander
17th – ‘Bach by Bulerías’: duo with José Luis Montón (flamenco guitar) at the Centro Cultural Cajastur de Oviedo, Asturias.
25th – ‘Tangosophy: Garúa’ at the Auditorio Biblioteca Torrente Ballester, Salamanca

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


RAM Masterclass and Showcase Concert, London – UK

RAM logoLeading Italian accordionist Claudio Jacomucci conducts a master class at York Gate 150, Royal Academy of Music, London, on Friday March 12th, 10am–1pm and 2pm – 5pm. Free, no tickets required. Claudio Jacomucci is renowned for his active contribution to the accordion repertoire through both his collaborations with leading composers and his own compositions.

At 6pm, in the David Josefowitz Recital Hall, current students perform works for solo accordion and chamber ensemble, including:

Gubaidulina – ‘In Croce’
Angelis – ‘Concert Suite’
JS Bach – ‘Prelude and Fugue in G sharp minor, BWV863’
Grieg – ‘The Solitary Traveller and Butterfly’ from ‘Lyric Suite’
Mussorgsky – ‘Spanish Caprice’

This concert will also feature guest performer Claudio Jacomucci.

For further information email: accordion@ram.ac.uk


Victor Prieto Concerts, New York – USA

Victor PrietoNew York-based Spanish accordionist Victor Prieto performs as follows:

March 3rd – with Emilio Solla & the Tango Jazz Conspiracy at Queens College, NY
11th, 6pm and 7:20pm sets – Victor Prieto Trio, Puppets, 481 5th Ave, Park Slopet, Brooklyn, NY
13th, 7pm and 9pm sets - Victor Prieto Trio, La Lanterna, NY

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Kimmo Pohjonen Concerts – USA, Germany, Turkey

Kimmo PohjonenFinnish accordionists Kimmo Pohjonen and Samuli Kosminen perform at Zankel Hall, Carnegie Hall, New York, on March 13th, 10pm. This concert is called ‘Tundra Songs’ and also features the Kronos Quartet and Inuit singer Tanya Tagaq.

Kimmo Pohjonen with the Proton String Quartet perform Pohjonen’s unique composition ‘Uniko’, a 70 minute work that features a variety of sounds plus surround sound and lights at concerts in March and April. The dates are:

March 26th – Nikolaisaal, Potsdam, Germany
April 27th - Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall, Istanbul, Turkey

For further information email: pap@hoedown.com


‘Songs of Sea’, Tallinn, Jõhvi – Estonia

‘Songs of Sea’, performed by singers Marko Matvere and Kihnu Virve, accompanied by accordionist Tiit Kalluste and the Virve Family Band, takes place at:

March 16th, 7pm - Harjumaa, Tallinn
17th, 7pm - Ida-Virumaa, Jõhvi


New and Updated Sites

MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 6 new pieces - 'Sabre Dance, catalog:mfa6018', 'Lohengrin, catalog:mfa6036', 'Where Have All The Flowers Gone?, catalog:mfa6060, 'Skogsblommer, catalog:mfa6072', 'Valse, catalog:mfa7006' and '35 Traditional Songs From Russia, catalog:mfa7017', also release 2 new pieces arranged by Aleksandar Nikoli - 'Ole Guapa, catalog:niko106' and 'Aromas Mendocinas, catalog:niko107'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


NAA Publications New Music Releases

National Accordion Association releases 4 new pieces, 'The Young Prince and the Young Princess, catalog:naa130', 'Canadian Sunset, catalog:naa131', 'Calliope, catalog:naa133' and 'Forgotten Dreams, catalog:naa135'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Vassily Glubochenko releases 3 new works for accordion

Confession e-sheetVassily Glubochenko - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, and scientist, releases 3 new works for accordion available for purchase online - ‘Tango for Natasha, catalog:gvassily033', 'Swing from by, catalog:gvassily034' and 'Confession, catalog:gvassily035'. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Finland Recordings selling a new CD

Finland Recordings selling a new CD titled "Misterium" with sound samples. Music performed by Mika Vayrynen. Purchase online.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 2 new pieces - 'Tarantella, catalog:mfa8018 and 'Waves Of The Ocean, catalog:mfa8019'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


NAA Publications New Music Releases

National Accordion Association releases 4 new pieces, 'The Blue Skirt Waltz, catalog:naa125', 'Danse Russe Trepak (Trio), catalog:naa126', 'Dance Of The Mialitens, catalog:naa127' and 'Blue Danube, catalog:naa128'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews


Misterium CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Misterium” by Joan C. Sommers. Performer is Mika Väyrynen.


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