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Weekly News from Around the World - 25-May-2018
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Ven y únete a la dieversión en “Celebrate with the Stars” – Estados Unidos
12vo Festival de Arte de Acordeón, Roseto degli Abruzzi - Italia
Zorica Karakutovska tocó en nuevo recinto del MPO - Macedonia
Daily Reports/Video: 2018 South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand
Música pdf ahora disponible, "Valentango" por Renzo Ruggieri - Italia
Masterclass de Prof. Teodoro Anzellotti - Switzerland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Gala Concert for World Accordion Day, Skopje - Macedonia

Future events

Accordion Orchestra Course, Devon – UK
Dragspelskonsert, Varberg – Sweden
East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra Concerts - UK
Muziekpodium Live, Amsterdamse Accordeonvereniging Music, 27 May - Netherlands.
Grayson Masefield In New Jersey House Concert on July 7 - USA
Ishoj Harmonika Festival - Denmark

New and Updated Sites

Growing up in the (USA) accordion schools: The 1950s through the 1970s
Updated Site: Mika Väyrynen, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) - Switzerland
New Site: Grayson Masefield Releases New Website - New Zealand/Switzerland
New Ruggieri Work For Free Bass "Il bosco incantato" - Italy

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Ven y únete a la dieversión en “Celebrate with the Stars” – Estados Unidos

Paul PasqualiVen y únete a la diversión y "Celebrate with the Stars". Durante diecinueve años, Paul Pasquali (foto a la izquierda) ha presentado con orgullo la línea más grande de estrellas de acordeón en Las Vegas. Este año no es la excepción.

La Convención anual de Acordeón de Las Vegas se llevará a cabo del 15 al 18 de octubre de 2018 en el Hotel Gold Coast en Las Vegas.

¡Estrellas de acordeón especiales 2018! Grayson Masefield (Suiza) y Cory Pesaturo (EE. UU.) Están regresando por una demanda abrumadora. Grayson es un recién graduado, con una Maestría de la Universidad de Música de Lausana, Suiza y cinco veces campeón del mundo. Cory se graduó en el Conservatorio de Música de Nueva Inglaterra en Boston y fue el primer estadounidense en ganar competencias internacionales en tres décadas.

¡Destacadas estrellas de acordeón 2018! El dúo de esposos Kim y Dan Christian que son asombrosos. Mary Tokarski actuará individualmente y, al igual que Stas Venglevski y Joan C. Sommers, regresará por demanda popular. Y eso no es todo: revisa todos los otros nombres en el cartel de arriba.

Las tarifas especiales para grupos son de $39 / $47 (Deluxe / Premium) por habitación de domingo a jueves por la noche (noches de fin de semana $89 / $104 por noche) con código de grupo A8ACC10. Las tarifas son válidas hasta que el bloque se llene o hasta el 15 de septiembre de 2018.

Regístrese en línea en www.AccordionStars.com o comuníquese con Paul Pasquali, organizador del evento, por teléfono al 1-800-472-1695 o (801) 485-5840, envíe un correo electrónico a paul@accordioninfo.com, o envíe un correo electrónico a LVAC, 1760 South 450 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84115.


12vo Festival de Arte de Acordeón, Roseto degli Abruzzi - Italia

Renzo Ruggieri, Gerlando GattoClaudio AzzaroRecordatorio de las entradas para el 12vo Festival de Arte de Acordeón que se celebrará los días 16 y 17 de junio de 2018 en Roseto degli Abruzzi, TE 64026.

Las características del Festival de Arte de Acordeón:
-Concurso internacional Italia Award 2018 - entradas cerca del 10 de junio.
-Orpheus Award 2018 (italianos solamente) - entradas cerca del 30 de mayo.
-Selecciones italianas CMA 2018

Presidente: Claudio Azzaro y Director Artístico: Renzo Ruggieri. El Premio Orpheus 2018 es un premio de crítica, similar al Premio de la Academia (OSCAR), dedicado a producciones de acordeonistas italianos solamente. El director artístico de Orpheus es el famoso crítico de jazz Gerlando Gatto de Roma.

Hay categorías internacionales de competencia individual para todas las edades y tipos de música, así como categorías para concertistas y para solistas de grupo o acordeón con un nuevo proyecto original.

Reglas y solicitudes de ingreso para todos los premios y concursos en: 2018ArtFestival.pdf


Zorica Karakutovska tocó en nuevo recinto del MPO - Macedonia

El Prof. Zorica Karakutovska fue el primer solista de acordeón en actuar en el nuevo edificio de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Macedonia.

Esta sala de conciertos de vanguardia de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Macedonia en Skopje se inauguró el año pasado el 21 de mayo. Este año, el 21 de mayo, exactamente un año después, con motivo de la celebración del 69 aniversario de la Universidad "Ss. Cirilo y Metodio (UKIM)" - Skopje y el 24 de mayo - Santos Cirilo y Metodio, Día de los Iluminadores Eslavos, el acordeonista Prof. Zorica Karakutovska actuó como solista con la Big Band de la Facultad de Artes Musicales - Skopje.

Interpretaron la popular composición "Libertango" de Astor Piazzolla (arr. Fred Sturm).

Fue una excelente actuación de acordeón y otros instrumentos frente a un público académico, y una excelente promoción de acordeón. ¡Espero que haya muchas más actuaciones de acordeón por venir!


Daily Reports/Video: 2018 South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand

Daily Reports: 2018 South Pacific and New Zealand Championships and Festival
Poster: 2018 South Pacific and New Zealand Championships and FestivalDaily Reports of the 2018 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships & Festival, Saturday 2nd June and Sunday 3rd June, including results, photos and video will be online at: 2018SouthPac


Música pdf ahora disponible, "Valentango" por Renzo Ruggieri - Italia

Valentango music cover by Renzo RuggieriVideo: Valentango interpretado por el compositor Renzo Ruggieri.

Renzo Ruggieri escribe:
"Valentango es una composición tomada del espectáculo 'Valentino è Tango!' dedicado al mito de Rudolph Valentino y la historia del tango. Esta es la transcripción exacta (agradezco a mi alumno Lorenzo Bosica por la ayuda) de la actuación en el álbum (Catálogo: rruggieri11 Valentino e Tango CD o álbum mp3), con improvisaciones también en el nivel del arreglo.

La música es difícil de interpretar pero, gracias a una melodía muy efectiva, se presta tanto para conciertos como para competiciones internacionales".

Music pdf de Valentango está disponible en línea - Catálogo rrenzo518 y vale 10 euros.


Masterclass de Prof. Teodoro Anzellotti - Switzerland

Biel MasterclassTeodoro AnzellottiMasterclass en Biel, Suiza: Desde el 15 al 22 de julio.

Un curso de acordeón con Teodoro Anzellotti (imagen derecha) para estudiantes de música, profesores de música y aficionados ambiciosos que cubre todo el repertorio. Descargue el folleto en inglés, francés y alemán: 2018Biel.pdf

Teodoro Anzellotti ha actuado como solista en todo el mundo, ha colaborado con numerosos solistas de su generación y ha escrito para él más de 350 obras de grandes compositores.

Los estudiantes de Masterclass deben preparar dos piezas por adelantado. El repertorio abarca transcripciones de antiguos maestros hasta obras contemporáneas, y se centra en un estilo integral de interpretación.

Las lecciones serán ampliadas por conferencias breves y conciertos cortos, obras contemporáneas, una mirada a la literatura para la enseñanza, y presente su proyecto 'técnicas contemporáneas de tocar para acordeón'. Habrá tiempo para explorar y trabajar en piezas para varios acordeones (conjuntos) y realizarlos en un concierto final.

Del 17 al 20 de julio de 2018, la orquesta filarmónica Budweis estará en la residencia, y los estudiantes elegidos por sus profesores tendrán la oportunidad de realizar sus piezas con acompañamiento orquestal en conciertos públicos los días 21 y 22 de julio de 2018.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Gala Concert for World Accordion Day, Skopje - Macedonia

Bete Ilin and Zorica Karakutovska
Macedonia World Accordion Day PosterPicture above: Composer Bete Ilin (conducting) and Zorica Karakutovska (accordion).

The international project "May 6th World Accordion Day" (WAD) is supported by the Macedonian Association of Accordionists “Ljubiteli na klasichna muzika” (MAA) – Skopje, with various events and successful concerts at home and abroad.

This year for the 10th time, the MAA organized a formal concert to celebrate this international event and birthday celebration of the instrument, the accordion. This project was also supported by the national program of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.

The World Accordion Day Gala Concert was held at the Macedonian National Theatre – Skopje, on May 6th, and again was promoted as one of the most prestigious cultural events during the month of May in Macedonia.

Extensive photo report at: 2018 Macedonia

The concert featured renowned artists from Macedonia and accordion students from the class of Prof. Zorica Karakutovska performing works by Vladimir Zubitsky, Derbenko, Bete Ilin, Franck Angelis, Piazzolla and others. On this year’s concert, the composition "Duellum" by Bete Ilin had its premiere performance by “AkordioM” (Zorica Karakutovska and Filip Stameski), followed by a string orchestra.

The culmination of the jubilee concert started with the performance of Disney songs medley, performed by Ognen Janeski (host of the event; most popular TV-host in Macedonia) featured by “AkordioM” and they were accompanied by a students’ choir, in which the PR manager of MAA, Anica Karakutovska took participation and ended with the performance of the composition “Triumphal March" from Verdi’s opera “Aida” by the accordion orchestra consisting of the accordion students from the classes of Prof. Zorica Karakutovska and Prof. Filip Stameski.

The students were playing from around the hall and on the stage, among the audience and the entry points of the hall, which was totally unexpected by the audience.

The large auditorium was fully occupied with a very enthusiastic audience. The building of the Macedonian National Theatre offers a high-quality venue which the performers fully utilized and the prolonged standing ovations merited the well-deserved efforts of all the performers and organizers who took part in the project for 2018.

Pictures below: All the participants receiving a standing ovation
All participants standing ovation


Future events

Accordion Orchestra Course, Devon – UK

LAO logoAn annual Accordion Orchestra Course takes place from Sunday May 27th to Wednesday May 30th at The Ariel Centre, near Ilfracombe, Devon. The four days course, run by the London Accordion Orchestra, ends with a public concert on the last evening in Emmanuel Church, Ilfracombe.

The LAO writes: “Players of all levels will be able to enjoy the course this year. We are choosing fewer pieces to learn to give more rehearsal time on each piece. We are also introducing an informal performance opportunity for players on the Tuesday evening, a chance to play your party piece to a very supportive audience of friends. It is always a great few days with a lovely group of players”.

For further information email: jnorth72@hotmail.com


Dragspelskonsert, Varberg – Sweden

Poster Dragspelskonsert, VarbergOn Monday May 28th, 7pm, accordionist and teacher Hakan Widar presents a public concert, ‘Dragspelskonsert’, at Rosenfredskolans aula, Varberg, Sweden, featuring his accordion students. Admission is free.

Hakan Widar has recently produced an accordion tutor book (text in Swedish) complete with CD, ‘Dragspelsskola.se’, based on playing tunes, suitable for both button and piano accordions.

For further information email: info@karlssonsmusik.se


East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra Concerts - UK

East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra.
East Antrim Seniors Accordion Orchestra.


Muziekpodium Live, Amsterdamse Accordeonvereniging Music, 27 May - Netherlands.

Muziekpodium Live on the 27 May at 14:30 hours is being held in the Blauwe Zaal van Theater De Meervaart, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Grayson Masefield In New Jersey House Concert on July 7 - USA

Accordion USA header
Grayson MasefieldVideo above: Grayson Masefield performs "a fun light-hearted disco medley created for me by Renzo Ruggieri."

On Saturday, July 7, 2018 at 3:PM Leslie and I will host a house concert in our home in West Orange, New Jersey featuring international concert artist, Grayson Masefield. Admission will be $10 per person.

Guests may arrive at 3:PM and you will have a chance to meet and talk with Grayson. The concert begins at 4:PM and lasts for about one hour. Please be early! Light refreshments will be served.

Grayson is a recent graduate, with a Masters Degree, from University of Music – Lausanne, Switzerland and five-time world champion. He has just released his 3rd album and a new website at www.graysonmasefield.com

Grayson Masefield will also perform at a special concert at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC on Monday, July 9th and at the 80th Anniversary of the AAA in Alexandria, Virginia on July 11, 2018 at 4:PM. He will also present a workshop on Friday, July 13 at 1:30 PM. and will be a guest artist at the AAA Gala Concert in Alexandria, Virginia on July 14.

Space in our home is limited, so if you wish to attend, it is absolutely critical that you RSVP ASAP. Kindly respond just to me, Ritabelll@aol.com, by June 1 indicating how many people will attend.These reservations will, of necessity, be on a first-come, first-served basis.

I will then send details with address, directions, parking, etc. to those who have confirmed they are coming. Thank you, and we hope to see you there to hear Grayson Masefield.


Ishoj Harmonika Festival - Denmark

Ishoj Harmonika Festival
Ishoj Harmonika Festival, details on the poster


New and Updated Sites

Growing up in the (USA) accordion schools: The 1950s through the 1970s

AAA Header
Joan Grauman, AAA HistorianRita Barnea, Editor USA News: This is the 5th article in the series by AAA Historian Joan Grauman (picture right) in cooperation with the USA News, to help promote the 80th AAA Anniversary Celebration. An article is planned each month containing a segment of the history of the AAA, from its creation on March 9th, 1938 through to 2018. Thank you very much to Joan Grauman for these articles.

Growing up in the accordion schools - The 1950s through the 1970s

Thank you Joan Sommers, Liz Finch, Joe Cerrito, Mark Yacovone, Linda Soley Reed, Rita Barnea, Karen Malan-Uribe and Marilyn O’Neil for their contributions to this article!

Read the full article by Joan Grauman at: Growing up in the accordion schools - The 1950s through the 1970s


Updated Site: Mika Väyrynen, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) - Switzerland

ZHdK logo
Mika VäyrynenMika Väyrynen site has been updated.

The Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) welcomes Mika Väyrynen as new accordion lecturer starting in the academic year 2018/19. Students are invited to apply now for studies at ZHdK for the upcoming academic year of studies. Potential students may see the state of the art facilities at https://www.zhdk.ch/en/dmu.

The Department of Music offers programs in the creation, teaching, and interpretation of classical music, jazz, pop, and church music. Two BA and four MA degree courses provide professional training for future orchestra and school musicians, orchestra and choir conductors, soloists and chamber musicians.

The application deadline is 31st of May 2018 with the examination date set for the 4th of June 2018 with additional information being found at : https://www.zhdk.ch/en/accordion-6494. For more information, questions and application details, please contact: barbara.portmann@zhdk.ch.


New Site: Grayson Masefield Releases New Website - New Zealand/Switzerland

Baroque Transcriptions CD cover by Grayson MasefieldOn World Accordion Day, Grayson Masefield released his 3rd CD titled Baroque Transcriptions and also released of his newly designed website at: www.graysonmasefield.com

The new site designed to be phone/screen size responsive and promote the 3 albums that Grayson Masefield now has available.

Grayson01 'Concert Accordion Music' CD or download mp3 album
Grayson02 'Symbols of Semionov' CD or download mp3 album
Grayson03 'Baroque Transcriptions' CD or download mp3 album

Baroque Transcriptions Track List
Click on the links to play a sound sample
1. Chaconne in F minor, (P.43), Pachelbel, Johann
2. Sonata in D minor (K.9), Domenico Scarlatti
3. Choral Prelude "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland," (BWV 659), Johann Sebastian Bach
4. Sonata in D Major (K.29), Domenico Scarlatti
5. Sonata in B minor (K.87), Domenico Scarlatti
6. Sonata in B Major (K.262), Domenico Scarlatti
7. Sonata in B minor (K.27), Domenico Scarlatti
8. Passacaglia in C minor (BWV 582), Johann Sebastian Bach
9. Fugue in C minor (BWV 582), Johann Sebastian Bach
Grayson Masefield CD covers


New Ruggieri Work For Free Bass "Il bosco incantato" - Italy

Renzo RuggieriVideo above: "Il bosco incantato" premiere on 26th April performed by Marco Gemelli. This video does not include the intro of the work.

Renzo Ruggieri has released "Il bosco incantato" the first piece he has composed for free bass accordion.

Renzo writes: "I wrote the melody for a theatrical show by Marco Goldin - to whom the piece is dedicated - on the famous painter Edward Munch. In fact, the title recalls one of his paintings "The Enchanted Forest" of 1903. Then the simple melodic idea was reworked, arranged and used for "the guided solo", a moment that the soloist can freely interpret and personalize."

Available online, also view sample page, at catalog No: rrenzo517

Other works and tutor books released in recent months by Renzo Ruggieri are:
rrenzo401 - 10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation eBook - English
rrenzo421 - 10 Approcci all'Improvvisazione Jazz eBook - Italia
rrenzo510 - Grande Jo (Solo)
rrenzo511 - Figaro (Solo) or (Solo with string orchestra)
rrenzo512 - Accordion Kids (10 pieces) simple and modern compositions
rrenzo514 - La Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things)
rrenzo515 - Peccatum et Gratia for electronic (hybrid) accordion
rrenzo516 - Lo Scuro e il Chiaro (accordion duo)
rrenzo518 - Valentango


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