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Weekly News from Around the World - 25-May-2012
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Особенности Highlights

Заметка от редактора о количестве посетителей на сайте AWW
Кубок Мира процедура регистрации и бронирование гостиниц, все это доступно в режиме реального времени — Италия.
играет на клавишных и ударных в клипах команды Arcade Fire) Mick Jagger вечна!»
Mirco Patarini и Antonio Spaccarotella отправляются на восток, Сеул-Корея.
Festival Airs d'Accordéon, Valenciennois – France

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

John Jones Awarded MBE at Buckingham Palace, London – UK
‘Accordions at the Castle 2012’, Blackpool – UK
‘14 Years Ago’ – Austrian Accordion Orchestra Goes Down Under

Будущие события

Orquestra de Acordeões Concert, Cartaxo – Portugal
Duo Париж-Москва курсы - Франция
Marco Lo Russo Accompanies Tango Vocalist, Florence - Italy
French Qualifications and Deschamps International Seminar in Taninges - France
Dünya  Müzikleri & Gurup Göçmen Concert, Istanbul – Turkey
41st New Zealand & South Pacific International Accordion Championships – New Zealand
Dates and Rules for 2013 50th Klingenthal International Accordion Competition - Germany
Pascal Contet Concerts in June - France
Accordion Camp, Oregon – USA
11th Annual New Zealand Tango Festival, Wellington - New Zealand
Piano Accordion Workshop, Somerset – UK
Master Classes at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Munich – Germany
‘Accordion Heroes’ Event Major Changes, Virginia – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

NZAA Website update
Gary Dahl new and updated music
eTracks MP3 Albums by Sergey Osokin Now Online – International
eTracks MP3 Album by Oivind Farmen Now Online – International
eTracks MP3 Albums by Semion Shmelkov Now Online – International

CD Отзывы

CD REVIEW - The Jewel of the Accordion by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Reviewed by Rob Howard

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Особенности Highlights

Заметка от редактора о количестве посетителей на сайте AWW

Harley JonesСтатистика просмотров сайта AWW за Апрель 2012 говорит о том, что на сайте было около 189,000 посетителей, которые провели на сайте в сумме 842,000 минут.

Это очень интересная информация. Я надеюсь, что подобные новости воодушевят рекламодателей, тех, кто еще не сотрудничает с сайтом AWW. Решение рекламодателей увеличить свою интернет рекламу позволит использовать дополнительные бесплатные услуги и будет способствовать расширению аккордеонного мира.

Я призываю миллионы наших пользователей поддержать рекламодателей, когда вы решаете приобрести что-либо связанное с аккордеоном. Именно благодаря им наши бесплатные услуги становятся возможными.

Мы не можем обойтись без вас, уважаемые читатели и рекламодатели, и я благодарю всех вас за постоянную поддержку.


Кубок Мира процедура регистрации и бронирование гостиниц, все это доступно в режиме реального времени — Италия.

Coupe Mondiale Header
2012 Coupe Mondiale posterВ настоящее время, Международная Конфедерация Аккордеонистов, CIA организующая Кубок Мира, начала регистрацию участников и бронирование отелей. Событие проводится членами CIA из Италии и центром Итальянской Культуры Аккордеонистов (IAC). Регистрация закончится 15 Июля 2012.

Президенты CIA Raymond Bodell и Mirco Patarini (Художественный руководитель IAC). Горячо приветствуют участников и болельщиков 65го Кубка Мира 2012 и на 128м Международном Конгрессе CIA в Spoleto Италия 21-25 Августа 2012.

Первый Кубок Мира проводился в Италии в 1950 году (Милан), а затем 1961году (Pollanza). За 51 год отсутствия Кубка Мира в Италии он прошёл в 25 странах мира. Организация CIA очень рада снова проводить Кубок Мира в Италии.

Все о категориях и правилах вы можете прочесть на сайте Кубка Мира. Вся информация разделена на 8 основных категорий: 65th Coupe Mondiale, Master Coupe Mondiale, Junior Coupe Mondiale, Senior and Junior Virtuoso Entertainment, Ensemble and Digital Accordon categories.

Для более конкретной информации информации смотрите сайт.


играет на клавишных и ударных в клипах команды Arcade Fire) Mick Jagger вечна!»

Mick JaggerMick Jagger Group представляет аккордеон - гвоздь воскресной ночной передаче на канале Liva TV, USA.

Наша читательница Pamela Tom пишет: «Это было так здорово! Мне так понравилась аккордеонистка... У неё есть стиль, а ракурс съёмки был чрезвычайно удачным. У нее есть индивидуальность ( кроме всего прочего она
Arcade Fire рок группа основанная в Монреале, Квебек, Канада. Она состоит из дуэта мужа и жены Win Butler и Rуgine Chassagne, а так же Will Butler, Richard Reed Parry, Tim Kingsbury, Jeremy Gara, и Sarah Neufeld. Так же они аккомпонировали David Bowie и Cyndi Lauper.


Mirco Patarini и Antonio Spaccarotella отправляются на восток, Сеул-Корея.

Mirco Patarini, Antonio Spaccarotella
Mirco Patarini, Antonio Spaccarotella Korea Concert posterИтальянские аккордеонисты Mirco Patarini и Antonio Spaccarotella только что отправились в Сеул-Корея, где они дали очень успешный, аншлаговый концерт в Театре Искусств, Сеул.

Организацию и продвижение концерта взяла на себя кампания Cosmos Corporation в Сеуле. Выступление двух итальянцев, чья программа включала себя и классические и джазовые произведения, получило большое признание со стороны критиков.

Концерт открывали несколько аккордеонистов из Кореи, за которыми последовало выступление Antonio Spaccarotella чья программа, основанная на джазе, включала в себя пьесы Пьяцоллы, Паркера, Кореа, Биондини и Марокко.

Второе отделение началось с выступления местных восходящих звёзд, после чего Mirco Patarini дал сольный классический концерт. Программа его выстепления включала в себя музыку Вячеслава Семёнова, Паганини, Альбени, Золоторёва и Хачатуряна. Концерт закончился шквалом аплодисментов для обоих итальянцев.


Festival Airs d'Accordéon, Valenciennois – France

Festival Airs d'accordéon, Valenciennois poster
BDAGapetteThe festival Airs d'Accordéon takes place in Valenciennois in Northern France on May 27th and 28th. The festival includes a ginguette (public dance) to the music of Carine Vigni and his Orchestra.

Amongst the guests are Julien Gonzales, Bernard Marquigny, Accordé à Vent, Boulevard Des Airs, Morand Cajun Band & Bandzydeco. Admission is free.

For further information visit the Airs d'Accordéon website.
Face a la Mer


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

John Jones Awarded MBE at Buckingham Palace, London – UK

John Jones MBE AwardOn May 10th accordionist John Jones, from Macclesfield, Cheshire, went to Buckingham Palace to receive the MBE (Member of the British Empire) for Services to Charity from HRH Princess Anne. The Princess was interested in the accordion and charity work, and asked John many questions.

John Jones was awarded the MBE in the 2011 New Year’s Honours List. John has raised over £200,000 over the last 20 years playing the accordion in public for charities e.g. Marie Curie, Macclesfield Hospital Scanner Appeal, Macmillan Nurses, Francis House, East Cheshire Hospice, David Lewis Epilepsy Centre, and many more.

In the process John has become one of Macclesfield’s most recognizable citizens, and has proved to be a great public ambassador for the accordion. Picture below fundraising.

John has been a member of Stockport Accordion Club since 1987.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
John Jones fundraising


‘Accordions at the Castle 2012’, Blackpool – UK

Picture above, left to right: Harry Hussey, Brian Jenkins, Giancarlo Caporilli (front), Heather Smith, Gennaro Ruffolo, Rosemary Wright.

‘Accordions at the Castle 2012’ took place at the Norbreck Castle Hotel, Blackpool, Lancashire, May 13th to 18th, organized by Heather Smith. This accordion festival ran alongside an organ/keyboard festival, jointly administered by Sceptre Promotions.

The workshops included Elementary (MD Rosemary Wright), Intermediate (Brian Jenkins), Vintage (Jean Hanger), Scottish (Roy Hendrie), Buskers (Bert Santilly), Jazz (Bert Santilly), and Big Band Swing Orchestra (Heather Smith/Geoff Cook). The final evening concert included splendid contributions from all the workshops, followed by an accordion/soprano performance by Stefan Andrusyschyn & Denise Leigh.

Picture right: Dave Morrice and Roy Hendrie, Eddy Jay and Fiona Barrow.

A festival highlight was a fabulous performance of the touring concert ‘Piaf – The Songs’, with French singer Eve Loisseau, accordionist Eddy Jay, and violinist Fiona Barrow.

Giancarlo Caporilli, from Rome, Italy, returned after 4 years and performed on top form, as did his talented compatriot Gennaro Ruffolo, and there were strong supporting contributions from British accordionists Harry Hussey and Rosemary Wright. The Scottish accordion/fiddle duo Roy Hendrie & Dave Morrice also performed their lively music with distinction in concerts.

Ken Hopkins’ large and wonderful display of antique and vintage accordions attracted great curiosity. Ken also gave demonstrations of several different playing systems. Photo below: Ken Hopkins

Next year’s festival is set for May 12th to 17th, again at the Norbreck Castle.

For further information email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


‘14 Years Ago’ – Austrian Accordion Orchestra Goes Down Under

The Accordions Worldwide news for May 29th 1988 reported that an accordion orchestra from Austria was making preparations to visit the other side of the world, with concerts planned for New Zealand, Fiji, and Australia. How exciting must that have been for those concerned?

One of the great benefits of playing the accordion is its sociability, with international travel a possibility for some. This promised to be a most enjoyable and unforgettable experience for all involved – and all due to playing the accordion!

Contributed by Franz Hochwimmer

The Salzburger Accordion Orchestra Saalfelden (conductor: Jacob Noordzij) are planning their 7th International concert tour from June 27th to July 19th 1998. During this tour they will perform in Nadi to the Fiji Ministers of Parliament. On July 6th they will arrive in Auckland, New Zealand and perform a concert in Dargaville on July 7th and Auckland on July 8th in conjunction with the North Shore Accordion Orchestras.

They will then travel to Australia to perform concerts in Perth and Ayers Rock, and participate in the Australian Society of Accordionists competitions in Sydney before returning to Austria.


Будущие события

Orquestra de Acordeões Concert, Cartaxo – Portugal

Orquestra de Acordeões
The Orquestra de Acordeões perform in concert on Saturday May 26th, 9.30pm, at the Centro de Estudos Musicais, Cartaxo, Portugal.


Duo Париж-Москва курсы - Франция

Paris Moscou DuoПрилагается в полную информацию о Париже Duo Москва мастер-классы с 9 по 13 июля возле Дижона в Burgogne, Франция.

Duo Париж Москва игроков Domi Emorine и римских Jbanov. Вы можете выбрать полный пансион, полупансион или только курс.

Информация PDF Download: DuoPM


Marco Lo Russo Accompanies Tango Vocalist, Florence - Italy

Marco Lo Russo and Fabrizio Mocata
Accordionist Marco Lo Russo and pianist Fabrizio Mocata will accompany leading Uruguayan tango singer Ricardo Olivera on May 27th, 5.30pm, in Parco di San Donato, Via Novoli, Florence, Italy.

Ricardo Olivera sings with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Uruguay, based in Montevideo, Uruguay. He was recently described as “the voice of revelation” by the prestigious Argentine newspaper, ‘La Nazione’.

The concert will be repeated at 10pm that evening at Jazz Club Bevovino, via S. Niccolò, Florence.

For further information email: dina.tomezzoli@alice.it


French Qualifications and Deschamps International Seminar in Taninges - France

Deschamsp seminar photo
Frederic Deschamps, Grayson MasefieldThis week is the beginning of the spring seminars of Frederic Deschamps (picture right), at which, many students are preparing for the upcoming competitions such as Primus Ikaalinen in Finland and the French Qualifications which will be held in La Selle sur le Bied on July 22nd.

At the French Qualifications, students are performing to demonstrate, they are of the level to represent France and participate in the 2012 CIA Coupe Mondiale and 2012 CMA Trophee Mondial competitions.

The next international seminar of Frederic Deschamps will be in Taninges (FR-74440), near Switzerland on the 9th & 10th of June in a Masterclass/Concert & Hohner Demonstration with Grayson Masefield and other artists from the Hohner Team.

New National and International Public Seminars and V.I.P Master Classes will be held this summer from July 9th to 14th, July 16th to 21th, July 23rd to 28th, July 30th to August 4th, August 6th to 11th, August 13th to 18th.

For further information contact Frederic Deschamps email: ratinachampeix@gmail.com


Dünya  Müzikleri & Gurup Göçmen Concert, Istanbul – Turkey

logoDünya  Müzikleri & Gurup Göçmen perform on Saturday May 27th, 7pm, at the Cafer Aga Mah, Moda Cad, Agabey Sok. No:12, A Kadiköy, Istanbul.

The line up of Dünya  Müzikleri & Gurup Göçmen includes accordionist Mehmet Hakan Kaya.

For further information email: ibeka@mynet.com


41st New Zealand & South Pacific International Accordion Championships – New Zealand

NZAA header
Christel SautauxThe 41st New Zealand Accordion Championships & South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival will be held Saturday 2nd June and Sunday 3rd June at the Raye Freedman Arts Centre in Epsom, Auckland.

The schedule of the event is on the NZAA website along with entry prices. Special Guest will be Christel Sautaux of Switzerland (picture right) who has represented Switzerland in a number of international competitions.

In recent years, an adult orchestra has been assembled to play as part of the weekend. This year, we will be having a youth orchestra for players from all around New Zealand and overseas guests under the age of 18 years.

The Sunday Farewell Concert showcasing some of the weekend’s class winners, guest artists, will also include a performance by the New Zealand Youth orchestra conducted by Christine Johnstone.

The South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival will conclude with a Celebration Dinner on Sunday evening which will include the presentation of the South Pacific Championship trophies and special awards given annually.

For further information email: nzaasecretary@yahoo.com


Dates and Rules for 2013 50th Klingenthal International Accordion Competition - Germany

Klingenthal header
Klingenthal Rules brochure cover2012 Klingenthal Results and photos of accordionists, enthusiasts and friends attending the 49th International Accordion Competition 2012 Klingenthal

Also released are the rules and regulations in various languages for 2013: 2013Kling

The 50th Klingenthal International Accordion Competition in 2013 will be a special celebration event and takes place from May 6th to 12th.

Competition categories are very similar to this year:
Category I Soloists up to the age of 12
Category II Soloists up to the age of 15
Category III Soloists up to the age of 18
Category IV Soloists of any age
Category V Chamber music ensemble with up to six musicians including one accordion
Category VI Soloists of any age performing virtuosic light music
Category VII Bandoneon soloists of any age
Category VIII Instrumental groups with up to six musicians including at least one but no more than two bandoneons.

Download the 2013 Rules and Regulations in various languages: 2013Kling


Pascal Contet Concerts in June - France

Pascal ContetFrench accordionist Pascal Contet performs during June, as follows:

June 3rd, 2.15pm and 4.30pm – with comedienne Marie-Christine Barrault, Verneuil-sur-Seine
June 11th - Festival Maifeste, world premiere of ‘Over The Sea’, Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord, Paris
June 13th, 11am - France INTER, radio broadcast from Paris
June 13th, 8.30pm – duo with bass player Joëlle Léandre, La Dynamo, Pantin
June 15th, 8.30pm - Eglise de Saint- Pierre , route du Chapeau rouge, Dunkirk
June 18th – lectures and music with François Marthouret, Maison de la Poesie, Paris

For further information email: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Accordion Camp, Oregon – USA

Steve KnapkeThe Accordion Camp, organized by Steve Knapke (picture left), takes place from June 10th to 15th in Silver Falls State Park, Salem, Oregon. The event includes 5 days of intense workshops and individual tuition with professionals who will teach how to play in an accordion orchestra, and other useful accordion skills and subjects.

For further information email: Squeezbox11@frontier.com


11th Annual New Zealand Tango Festival, Wellington - New Zealand

New Zealand Tango Festival header
The 11th Annual New Zealand Tango Festival takes place at the Te Whaea National Dance and Drama Centre, 11 Hutchinson Road, Newtown, Wellington, from June 19th to 26th.
The festival offers three days and four nights of world-class workshops, shows and milongas, plus tango immersion courses before and after the festival.
The festival starts with intensive courses run by international masters, held in the heart of the city, within walking distance from the festival hotel, with milongas every night, and the cafe district of Wellington right outside your door.
On Thursday June 21st registration is open from 7.30pm and the Welcome Milonga starts at 8pm. The main performances are on Friday and Saturday nights.

For further information email: festival@nztangofestival.co.nz


Piano Accordion Workshop, Somerset – UK

Karen TweedFrom Sunday July 22nd to Wednesday 25th, Halsway Manor, National Centre for the Folk Arts, Halsway Lane, Nr Crowcombe, Somerset TA4 4BD is running a three day piano accordion course for beginners, intermediate and advanced players. The teachers will be Karen Tweed (picture left) and Paul Hutchinson, two of the finest piano accordion players on the English folk scene.

The course offers workshops, concerts plus music sessions in the bar and a bit of time off for good behaviour to explore this beautiful area. If you want to bring a friend/partner who wants to come for a break but not take part in the workshops that’s fine – see prices. Arrive from 4pm Sunday. Depart either Wednesday night or after breakfast on Thursday. Full board (all meals and accommodation) £210 per person– single ensuite room; £190 per person – sharing an ensuite room. £190 single non ensuite room. £170 sharing a non ensuite room. There are also very affordable options for day visitors (non residential), camping and camper vans, non-participants accompanying a participant and children. Phone 01984 618274 for details.

For further information email: office@halswaymanor.org.uk


Master Classes at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Munich – Germany

The Academy for New Music 2012 presents master classes at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Munich, from August 22nd to 27th. Musicians involved include the Arditti Quartet, Marino Formenti, Teodoro Anzellotti, Rainer Römer, Wolfram Winkel, Siegfried Mauser and Wolfgang Rihm. Tuition is in both German and English.

The Academy for New Music has an emphasis on contemporary music from 1950, and under the guidance of highly renowned performers, aims to teach participants those techniques demanded by contemporary works. In 2012, tuition will be given for string quartets (for existing quartets) and solo strings (violin, viola, cello), piano, accordion, percussion (with solo and ensemble tuition in the latter). There will also be a composition class directed by Wolfgang Rihm.

When applying, applicants should name two works of contemporary music which they wish to work on. For composition, applicants should submit two of their own works.

For further information email: teodoro@anzellotti.de


‘Accordion Heroes’ Event Major Changes, Virginia – USA

Accordion HeroesDue to a combination of the economic and logistical problems, the organisers of the Accordion Heroes 2012 event have written that there have been major changes to the plans and schedule for the event.

Accordion Heroes 2012 has been rescheduled to include a salute to Anthony Galla-Rini with a special one-day event that will be held in the Northern Virginia area (location to be announced soon).

The Galla-Rini Tribute will start with a day of workshops and a mini-band session presented by Jorgen Sundquist, William Cosby, and Esther Lanting: three of Galla-Rini’s most respected repetiteurs. The evening concert will also feature Lena Rist Larson and the young Canadian Michael Bridge. This concert will kick off Jorgen’s first US performance tour in almost 15 years.

The young performers will work one-on-one and in small group sessions with Jorgen, William, Esther and Michael on Thursday and Friday in private sessions and also perform at the Saturday night concert.

All individuals who registered will be contacted regarding refunds or options for the revised event.


Новые и обновленные сайты

NZAA Website update

NZAA logoNZAA Website update with schedule and other information of the 41st New Zealand & South Pacific International Accordion Championships.


Gary Dahl new and updated music

Gary Dahl - performer, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following new music titles for purchase on-line.
'Adagio', catalog:DH0237,
'Ah Marie', catalog:DH0238,

Updated music titles, '
12th Street Rag', catalog:DH0055,
'The Blue Danube', catalog:DH0060,

Samples for these music are now available at the MusicForAccordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


eTracks MP3 Albums by Sergey Osokin Now Online – International

The eTracks part of the MusicForAccordion.com website starts its 2nd week and has already grown to over 815 MP3 tracks available. Priced at only € 0.70 a track with most albums costing € 8.00 or less its great value.

New Albums this week are:
2 albums by Sergey Osokin
Eternal Returning
IL Cinema Per Sempre


eTracks MP3 Album by Oivind Farmen Now Online – International

The eTracks part of the MusicForAccordion.com website starts its 2nd week and has already grown to over 815 MP3 tracks available. Priced at only € 0.70 a track with most albums costing € 8.00 or less its great value.

New Album this week is:
1 album by Oivind Farmen
Scandinavian Accordion Favourites


eTracks MP3 Albums by Semion Shmelkov Now Online – International

The eTracks part of the MusicForAccordion.com website starts its 2nd week and has already grown to over 815 MP3 tracks available. Priced at only € 0.70 a track with most albums costing € 8.00 or less its great value.

New Album this week is:
1 album by Semion Shmelkov


CD Отзывы

CD REVIEW - The Jewel of the Accordion by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Reviewed by Rob Howard

Pearl The Jewel of the Accordion CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Kanon CD by The Jewel of the Accordion by Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, in English languages, reviewed by Rob Howard.


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