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Weekly News from Around the World - 25-Jun-2021
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Pigini celebra su 75 aniversario - Italia
Inscripciones abiertas para el seminario de la Academia de Música de Baviera - Alemania
Conciertos del SaxAkkord Duo “Summer in the Cathedral Festival”, Moscú - Rusia
Fallecimiento de Günther Stoll, director de HHC Nufringen, 21 de junio de 2021 - Alemania

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Results: Online 12th Italia Award Competition - Italy
1st Accordion Cultural Meeting in Peru
Online: International Youth Music Competitions 2021 - USA
Results: 8th Regional Accordion Competition 2021 - Reunion Island
Results: Piazzolla Music Competition, New Hampshire - USA
Brandon McPhee Performs on New Accordion App - Scotland
Online: Accordion Courses with Jorge París Aristu - Spain

Future events

Ladislav Horák July Summer Concerts – Czech Republic
Ghenadie Rotari Performs Piazzolla Tribute Concert at Sommerbar21 - Austria
Online: John Kirkpatrick MBE “New Ground” Concert - UK
Milonga De Cuatro Tango Quartet Concert, Auckland – New Zealand
Danças Ocultas July Europe Tour
Giorgio Dellarole: Baroque Music from Bach to Scarlatti – Italy
Online: “The Henry Girls” Workshops at Earagail Arts Festival - Ireland
Dominic Karcic Performs for Bastille Day Festivities, New York – USA
Online: Vancouver Folk Music Festival Concerts – Canada

Childrens Corner

Aca Lazic Performs Žetelačko Kolo - Serbia

New and Updated Sites

Sitios nuevos y actualizados: Martin Frey - Suiza
Sitios nuevos y actualizados: fechas de NZAA 2022 anunciadas - Nueva Zelanda
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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Pigini celebra su 75 aniversario - Italia

75th poster
PiginiPigini Accordions celebrará su 75 aniversario en colaboración con el PIF International Accordion Award de Castelfidardo, con un concierto en el Sferisterio Open-air Arena de Macerata el 27 de julio de 2021.

El evento incluirá una actuación titulada “100 Acordeones”, donde el compositor, director, violonchelista y productor discográfico italiano Enrico Melozzi dirigirá una orquesta de 100 acordeonistas de diferentes Conservatorios e Institutos Musicales de Italia.

Será una gran noche de celebración con un programa de piezas de Mozart, Ravel además de música pop, y la soprano invitada especial Estìbaliz Martyn. La coordinación musical corre a cargo de Massimiliano Pitocco.

Se publican más detalles en el sitio web de Pigini.

Imagen de abajo: Sferisterio Open-air Arena en Macerata, Italia
Sferisterio Open-air Arena


Inscripciones abiertas para el seminario de la Academia de Música de Baviera - Alemania

Bavarian Music Academy Schloss AlteglofsheimDHV logoYa están abiertas las inscripciones para el 22º Seminario de Otoño en la Academia de Música de Baviera Schloss Alteglofsheim cerca de Regensburg del 29 de octubre al 1 de noviembre de 2021 organizado por la Asociación Regional de Baviera en la DHV (Asociación Alemana de Armónica) - Landesverband Bayern e. V. - Distrito Múnich-Alta Baviera.

Tras la cancelación del evento de 2020 debido a Covid-19, las esperanzas de los organizadores de un "reinicio" en octubre de 2021 son muy altas para que el 22º seminario de otoño pueda devolver el mundo del acordeón a una "normalidad" musical.

El evento ofrece cursos sobre diferentes temas y está dirigido a acordeonistas aficionados de todas las edades.

Se ofrecen los siguientes cursos:
• Curso de dirección para principiantes y avanzados - "Todo permitido" (Stefan Hippe)
• El sonido del silencio - Prueba - juego - interpretación (Hans-Günther Kölz)
• Armónica de Estiria (Irmi Schuhbauer)
• Posibilidades de desarrollo (Sabine Kölz)
• Reparación de acordeón: cómo hacerlo (Oliver Baum)

La invitación a la formación continua y la cualificación está dirigida a nivel nacional a acordeonistas aficionados (jóvenes y adultos), pedagogos especialistas en acordeón, formadores aficionados del sector infantil y juvenil, directores o directores de orquestas de acordeón, conjuntos de acordeón y música de cámara, estudiantes de acordeón. jóvenes y adultos interesados ​​en la música con antecedentes migratorios, aquellos interesados ​​en la armónica de Estiria y los que tocan la armónica de Estiria desde principiantes hasta avanzados.

La fecha límite para las inscripciones es el 15 de septiembre de 2021. Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: karin.renner-kiese@gmx.de

Descargue el formulario de registro aquí: 2021BavarianRegistration.pdf


Conciertos del SaxAkkord Duo “Summer in the Cathedral Festival”, Moscú - Rusia

SaxAkkord concert poster
Igor GoldenbergMichiru SoedaVideo: Astor Piazzolla - Histoire du Tango, Nightclub 1960, Concert d'aujourd'hui.

El dúo SaxAkkord, que incluye a Ivan Dyma (saxofones) y Arseniy Strokovskiy (acordeón) ofrecerá conciertos en agosto como parte del “Summer in the Cathedral Festival” en Moscú, Rusia.

El 13 de agosto de 2021 actuarán en la Catedral Católica Romana de Moscú. Este concierto se titula "Música sin fronteras: órgano, violín, saxofón, acordeón". Los músicos invitados Michiru Soeda (violín) e Igor Goldenberg (órgano) acompañarán al dúo.

Su programa incluirá obras de Vivaldi, Marchand, Bach, Schnittke, Boelman, Stravinsky, Gershwin y Khachaturian.

Para detalles llame al: +7 (499) 136-76-30

El 29 de agosto, el SaxAkkord Duo actuará en la Catedral de San Pedro y San Pablo en Moscú. Este concierto es parte de la clausura del “Festival Verano en la Catedral” y contará con la participación de los intérpretes invitados la violinista japonesa Michiru Soeda y Yulia Ikonnikova (órgano).

Su programa incluirá obras de Bach, Vivaldi, Piazzolla y otros.

Entradas para el concierto en: Concert29August
SaxAkkord Duo


Fallecimiento de Günther Stoll, director de HHC Nufringen, 21 de junio de 2021 - Alemania

Günther Stoll
Günther StollEs con gran tristeza que informo del fallecimiento de Günther Stoll, quien murió repentina e inesperadamente el lunes 21 de junio de 2021 mientras caminaba.
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Traducción del memorial anterior:
"Tu vida fue música y en la música siempre estás con nosotros"
El Handharmonika-Club Nufringen lamenta la pérdida de su director musical y director de orquesta
Günther Stoll.
Había tenido la batuta firmemente en la mano durante más de 50 años.

Con él perdemos a un destacado director, presentador y animador, pero también a un buen amigo. Fue un músico apasionado.

Lo extrañaremos infinitamente y siempre lo guardaremos en recuerdos agradecidos.

Nuestro más sentido pésame para su amada Gisela y su familia.

HHC Nufringen e.V.
Bárbaro Winterhalter
-------------------------------------------------- ---
Vídeo: Handharmonika-Club Nufringen con el director Günther Stoll interpretando "Don't Know Much" en la celebración del 50 aniversario.

Conozco personalmente a Günther Stoll desde la década de 1990 y nuestro mundo del acordeón debe mucho a profesores dedicados como el muy respetado Günther Stoll, que ha brindado una vida de servicio de calidad al acordeón.

En 2018, Günther Stoll celebró el 50 aniversario como director de la HHC Nufringen
Lea el artículo en:

Gracias Günther Stoll por una vida excelente y bien vivida.
Handharmonika-Club Nufringen


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Results: Online 12th Italia Award Competition - Italy

Lev SolomonovichVideo: 12th Italia Award 2021 Results
“Bravissimo” Italia Award consisted of a competition of the winners of the seven Professional categories who were:
Nikita Ukrainskii (Russia) Classical
Marco Leonetti (Italy) Renzo Ruggieri Award
Francesco Scarselli (Italy) Diatonic
Lev Solomonovich (Moldova) Virtuoso
Manuel Marchegiani (Italy) Electronic
Duo Fusion (Russia) Ensemble
Dante: Fisarmonica Infernale (Italy) Art Accordion

Lev Solomonovich (Moldova - picture left) was selected the winner of the “Bravissimo” Italia Award and received prize-money of € 1.000.

The 12th Italia Award competition was held online this year, organised by the Associazione Promozione Arte (Art Promotion Association) in collaboration with Club Voglia d'Arte.

Competition categories included: Classic, Virtuoso, Diatonic for age groups from 10 years to 16 years as well as Junior, Senior, Amateur soloists, groups and professional soloists and groups.

Special planned online events were as follows:
• June 10th: Opening ceremony which focused on a special and original category entitled “Art Accordion” that featured original "art" videos such as paint, video-game, theatrical song, cartoons etc.
• June 13th: Award ceremony of Student competition categories
• June 17th: Award ceremony of Professional competition categories
• June 20th: Closing ceremony featuring the “Winner of the Winners” and the winner of the “Bravissimo” Italia Award

Team: Renzo Ruggieri (Art Director), Claudio Azzaro (President), Kateryna Pylypenko (Secretary), Giuseppe Di Falco (staff), Andrea Di Giacomo (staff) and Valerio Russo (staff).

There were 243 candidates and 72 adjudicators under President of the Jury, Friedrich Lips.


1st Accordion Cultural Meeting in Peru

Peru poster
The 1st Accordion Meeting organised by the Asociación De Acordeonistas De Perú (Peru Accordion Association) will be held during the last week of June as follows:

June 28th: meetings in the district of Leymebamba, Province of Leymebamba Chachapoyas, and Luya, Amazonas.

June 29th: meeting in the district of Lamud Province of Lúya, Amazonas.

The purpose of these meetings is to affiliate participants, recognise and exchange experiences. See poster for details.


Online: International Youth Music Competitions 2021 - USA

World Comp poster
World Comp picThe organisation International Youth Music Competitions LLC, Atlanta, will hold competitions online this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. The executive team is Dr. Adriana Janse van Rensburg, Dr. Vera Ilyushina, Marija Maksimova, and Nicolette Venter.

The event is a monthly music competition for all instruments, levels, styles and genres of music making.

Participants are now invited to take part in the July World Music category which will include art music by national/local composers, traditional/ethnic music, arrangements of folk and traditional music, and adaptations of folk/ethnic/traditional music.

Age categories include:

Young Musicians: age 7 and younger
Junior 1: age 8 and 9
Junior 2: ages 10 to 13
Senior: ages 14 to 18
Collegiate: age 19 to 26
Open: 27+
Mixed: Mixed ages

Entries will be accepted from July 1st to 31st, 2021.
Results will be emailed to entrants from August 24th to 26th, 2021.

Download competition rules and entry form here: 2021-IYMC.pdf


Results: 8th Regional Accordion Competition 2021 - Reunion Island

Results of the 8th Regional Accordion Competition 2021, organised by the Conservatoire National de la Réunion headed by Thierry Boyer, and the association Ensembles Pour la Musique headed by Pierre Varo, in Reunion Island are announced.

The event was held at the Gramoun Lélé hall in St Benoît on June 5th and 6th, 2021. Fifty soloists aged from 6 to 18 years participated in the soloist categories, with 25 ensembles and orchestras participating in the ensemble categories.

The awards ceremony took place on Sunday June 6th, hosted by the Polyphonia orchestra under the direction of Pierre Varo.

Solo category winners:
Mathilde LAURET: Trophy with 1st Mention of Honor in the under 10s
Cécile PLANTE: Honorable Mention with Gold Plate for children under 10 years old
Thao HENRY: Special Jury Trophy with 1st Honorable Mention in the under 12s
Haranja ANDRIA: Trophy with 1st Honorable Mention in the under 12s
Manon MARSAN: Honorable mention with Gold Plate in the under 14s
Célia GAUDENS: Honorable Mention with Gold Plate in the Musette category
Kyrian DANTIN: Honorable Mention with Gold Plate in the Diatonic Accordion category

Ensemble category winners:
The Balkans Accordion Trio: Honorable Mention with Gold Plate
The Tango Accordion Trio: Trophy with 1st Honorable Mention
The Saint-Pierre Accordion Trio: Trophy with 1st Honorable Mention
The Senza Tempo Accordion Quintet: Trophy with 1st Honorable Mention
Akkordanz Accordion Ensemble (picture top): Honorable mention with Gold Plate

Picture below - the Winners presentation


Results: Piazzolla Music Competition, New Hampshire - USA

Piazzolla header

Anton StachevVideo 1: Piazzolla "Ave Maria" & Concerto "Aconcagua", 1st mvt. performed by Anton Stachev

Video 2: Piazzolla “Tres Minutos Con La Realidad” by Quinteto Respiro

The first edition of the Piazzolla Music Competition, marking Astor Piazzolla’s 100th anniversary, took place last month organised by the Fundacion Astor Piazzolla.

The grand prize included a cash reward, a recording and release deal with PARMA Recordings Navona Records, as well as a concert tour throughout China arranged and funded by PARMA.

Other prizes included a masterclass from Pablo Zeigler, and an invitation to perform with a leading overseas orchestra.

President of the Jury, Pablo Ziegler says “We’re delighted to announce the winners of the Piazolla Music Competition. There were a great number of high-level and professional participants in this competition and it was wonderful to see many musicians that understand the spirit of Piazolla’s music. I believe everyone would agree on the excellence of technique, interpretation, musicality, passion, and energy that the winners demonstrated”.

Soloist Grand Prize: Pantaleon Award - Anton Stachev (Russia - picture above left)

Ensemble Grand Prize: Porteno Award – Quinteto Respiro (France – picture below) which includes Sebastien Innocenti (bandonéon), Emilie Aridon-Kociolek (piano), Sabrina Condello (violin), Fabio LoCurto (clarinet/bass Clarinet), Dorian Marcel (doublebass).

In addition, PARMA Recordings, on behalf of the Piazzolla Music Competition and Fundación Astor Piazzolla, is pleased to announce a donation of $10,000 to benefit the Playing For Change Foundation, realizing the competition's goal to support musicians and music education in honor of the late legendary tango composer, Astor Piazzolla.
Quinteto Respiro


Brandon McPhee Performs on New Accordion App - Scotland

The John O’Groat Journal & Caithness Courier newspaper recently featured an item on Caithness entertainer Brandon McPhee, who is doing his bit to encourage more young people to take up the button accordion.

Brandon recorded two videos during Covid-19 lockdown, one on an IPad and one on an IPhone, receiving over 50,000 views so far.

The recording was completed at a local independent record label based near Wick at Tannach, Pan Records.


Online: Accordion Courses with Jorge París Aristu - Spain

Spain posterVideo: Jorge París Aristu performing Seigneur Jésus Christ, je t'appelle at a bagpipe & organ concert in the San Pedro de Aibar Church.

Jorge París Aristu is running online 45 minute individual accordion courses to improve technique and advance accordion learning.

Jorge is the founder and member of the Edith Piaf Trio and has taught in different music schools such as the "E.M. Juan Francés de Iribarren", "E.M. Lino Otano", "E.M Joaquín Maya", "E.M. Hilarión Eslava" and "E.M. del Valle de Egüés" in Spain.

For course details email: info@aprendeacordeononline.com


Future events

Ladislav Horák July Summer Concerts – Czech Republic

Ladislav Horák poster
Ladislav HorákFollowing a June 27th concert (see poster above left) Ladislav Horák (picture below) will give three Prague concerts in July with Jaroslav Svecený (violin) as follows:

• July 7th at 8pm: Chateau Klášterec nad Ohrí, Klášterec nad Ohrí of the Ústí nad Labem Region. Temperamental Tango Argentino concert with Jaroslav Svecený (violin), Ladislav Horák and guest performer Martin Šulc (accordion).

• July 14th at 7pm: Hotel Zamek Berchtold Tango Argentino concert with Jaroslav Svecený (violin), Ladislav Horák and guest performer Martin Šulc.

• July 21st at 7pm: Stirin Castle in Kamenice Summer Gala concert “In the Style of Argentine Tango” with Ladislav Horák and Jaroslav Svecený. Their program will include Southern rhythms and emotional music by Argentina's Astor Piazzolla and other composers.

For details email: sveceny@sveceny.cz


Ghenadie Rotari Performs Piazzolla Tribute Concert at Sommerbar21 - Austria

Sommerbar21 posterGhenadie RotariGhenadie Rotari (picture above) will perform a live solo recital on July 2nd, 2021 at 8pm, in Tschagguns, Austria.

This is a Tribute Concert to Astor Piazzolla as part of the Sommerbar21 series of events, organized by the Kulturverein MAP from Schruns. The series will include art exhibitions, sound installations and concerts.

Ghenadie’s program will include a selection of works by Astor Piazzolla arranged for accordion by James Crabb, "Tango pour Claude" (Richard Galliano), "Tango Prism" (Maki Ishii), "Tango-Toccata" (Petri Makkonen) and "Omaggio ad Astor Piazzolla" (Vladimir Zubitsky).

For concert details email: g.rotari@yahoo.com


Online: John Kirkpatrick MBE “New Ground” Concert - UK

John KirkpatrickJohn Kirkpatrick - "The Old Ground Is Fallen Away".
John Kirkpatrick's solo version of the title track from Home Service's 2016 CD "New Ground" - voice and concertina.
John Kirkpatrick MBE will give an online concert entitled “New Ground” on July 4th, 2021 at 7.30pm British Summer Time.

This concert will replace the postponed June 30th concert.

His program will include songs and tunes not yet featured on any of his recordings, including some brand new tunes.

For details email: sarahc.abm@gmail.com


Milonga De Cuatro Tango Quartet Concert, Auckland – New Zealand

Milonga poster
Lian JonesTango Quartet "Milonga De Cuatro" will perform a concert at St Matthew-in-the-City Church, Auckland, New Zealand on July 4th, 2021 at 4pm.

The Tango Quartet will perform a program of the most fascinating and recognisable Tango melodies around the world, with dancers John Flower & Natallia Ramanchuk.

The "Milonga De Cuatro" Quartet includes Lian Jones (accordion), Celina Reyes Badger (viola), Marija Dimitrijevic (double bass) and Natalia Meyta (piano).

See poster for details.


Danças Ocultas July Europe Tour

Danças Ocultas
The Danças Ocultas quartet will tour Europe in July giving concerts in Austria, Switzerland, Germany and France. The quartet includes accordionists Artur Fernandes, Filipe Cal, Filipe Ricardo and Francisco Miguel, who are pleased to be back on stage after Covid-19 restrictions prevented them from live performances.

Tour program as follows:

• July 10th at 7pm: Treibhaus in Innsbruck, Austria
• July 13th at 8pm: Kulturmarkt in Zurich, Switzerland
• July 14th at 8pm: Open air Kulturfestival in Waldshut, Tiengen, Germany
• July 16th at 8.30pm: Festival Tempo 2 Rives in Angers, France with guest Dom La Nena (Brazilian-born cellist, singer and songwriter)

For details email: sabina@cultureworks.at


Giorgio Dellarole: Baroque Music from Bach to Scarlatti – Italy

Dellarole poster
Video: Fugue in E minor BWV533 by Bach.

Giorgio Dellarole will perform a free concert entitled “Baroque Music from Bach to Scarlatti” in the Church of Saints Gervaso & Protaso in Baveno, Piem, Italy on July 10th, 2021.

His program will feature works by Pachelbel, Soler, Handel, Carl Philipp and Johann Christian Bach.

The event is part of the project “La pietra racconta 2021”, organised in collaboration with Città di Baveno, Comune di Mergozzo and GAM with the support of Fondazione Comunitaria VCO.

Free entrance with reservation required. For details email: info@bavenoturismo.it


Online: “The Henry Girls” Workshops at Earagail Arts Festival - Ireland

Earagail poster
Henry GirlsThe Henry Girls (picture right) will give a series of online workshops in conjunction with the Earagail Arts Festival at the Wild Atlantic Way (a tourism trail on the West Coast) in Donegal, Ireland from July 12th to 16th, 2021.

The daily workshops will be held from 10am to 2pm. Anyone can join, no previous music experience necessary.

They will include collaborative creative music sessions in small groups, singing songs, writing music, playing tunes, chatting, and having fun. There will be a mid-week evening concert for participants featuring some special guests plus a closing event where material created during the week is performed.

For details email: info@eaf.ie


Dominic Karcic Performs for Bastille Day Festivities, New York – USA

Dominic KarcicAccordionist Dominic Karcic will perform for Bastille Day festivities at La Baraka Restaurant in Little Neck, New Yprk, USA on July 14th and 15th, 2021 at 6pm.

Dominic Karcic is an accordionist, pianist, band leader and American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Board Member.

For further information: dkarcic10@gmail.com


Online: Vancouver Folk Music Festival Concerts – Canada

VFMF header
As the live version of the Vancouver Folk Music Festival can’t be held this year at Jericho Beach in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada due to Covid-19 restrictions, organisers are planning an online event from July 16th to 18th, 2021.

Organisers are looking forward to a live event in 2022.

For details email: info@thefestival.bc.ca


Childrens Corner

Aca Lazic Performs Žetelačko Kolo - Serbia

Young accordionist, Aca Lazic performing Žetelacko Kolo by Serbian folk composer, arranger and accordion player from Ratari (near Smederevo), Serbia, Miodrag Todorovic Krnjevac.


New and Updated Sites

Sitios nuevos y actualizados: Martin Frey - Suiza

Martin FreyMartin Frey, Suiza, profesor de música, durante casi 33 años ha tenido su propio negocio Akkordeon Generalvertretung Schweiz importando acordeones Pigini y Excelsior, dúo, organizador de conciertos e ingeniero civil.

Imágenes y CV actualizados en el sitio en inglés y alemán en Martin Frey.


Sitios nuevos y actualizados: fechas de NZAA 2022 anunciadas - Nueva Zelanda

New Zealand Accordion Association
Sitios nuevos y actualizados: Asociación de Acordeón de Nueva Zelanda (NZAA) 2022 Se anunciaron las fechas para los South Pacific Accordion Championships. 4 y 5 de junio de 2022, lugar por confirmar, Auckland. Prospecto de la competencia publicado el 1 de diciembre de 2021.

La NZAA planea tener un gran evento con invitados extranjeros para 2022 y celebrar el 50 aniversario de la NZAA (1 año después debido a Covid) en 2022.


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

Accordion Russia
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with important information on upcoming events.


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