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Weekly News from Around the World - 25-Jan-2013
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Coupe Mondiale 2013, règlement et instructions en ligne - Canada
Le quintet d’accordéon de l’école Normale de Shanghaï, vedette du concert du nouvel an 2013 - Chine
Convention nationale de l’Accordéon – 7-9 mars, Dallas - USA
2013 Concours et festival Accordéon Plus à Rostov-sur-le-Don - Russie
Concours International d’Accordéon de Vilnius – Lithuanie

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Accordion Concerto Endymion Performed in Copenhagen - Denmark
Petar Marić Performance Report, Košice – Slovakia
Video: Youth Accordion Orchestra St Petersburg Performance.
‘Balkan Sorrow’ Soundtrack Awards, Amsterdam - Netherlands
Video: Three North Korean Schoolgirls Performing - North Korea
Mirco Patarini and Bruno Moritz Concert - Brazil
Video: Vivaldi in the Berliner U-Bahn, Potsdamer Platz Station - Germany
Video: Rehearsal for Tomorrows Show, Brooklyn - USA
Video: Pamela Souriau "Le tango du thé dansant" - France
‘14 Years Ago’ – TV search for America’s sauciest accordionist…

Future events

Marco Lo Russo Do Concert, Rome - Italy
‘Django and Accordion’ Course, Lodève - France
Paul Chamberlain Concert Tour – England, Scotland, USA
Erika & the José Hyat Orchestra play for dancing, Tourne – France
Scottish Reels Night @ the Folk Music Workshop, Salford – UK
Gorka Hermosa Concerts, Tudela, Urretxu, Valladolid - Spain
Joanie Madden’s ‘Folk N Irish Cruise’ – West Indies
Eastbourne Winter Accordion Festival 2013, East Sussex – UK
International Festival & Competition, Filadefia - Italy
5th ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’, Valledupar – Colombia

New and Updated Sites

Xu Xiaonan eTracks Album

CD Reviews

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

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Coupe Mondiale 2013, règlement et instructions en ligne - Canada

Coupe Mondiale header
Coupe posterLe règlement de la Coupe Mondiale 2013 et du festival qui auront lieu à Victoria, Colombie Britannique, Canada, du 17 au 25 août 2013 est désormais en ligne sur le site de la coupe mondiale.

Il y a huit catégories de concours :
- 65ème Coupe Mondiale
- Coupe Mondiale Masters
- Coupe Mondiale Junior
- Concours International variété
- Concours International variété junior
- Concours International de musique d’ensemble
- Concours International d’accordéon numérique
- Meilleure oeuvre originale (classique)

La Coupe Mondiale 2013 est accueillie par la Société d’accordéon de Colombie Britannique et son président Aleksandar Milojevic écrit : « C’est la deuxième fois seulement que la Coupe Mondiale a lieu sur le sol canadien (Toronto en 1964) et la Société d’accordéon de CB est très motivée à promouvoir la Coupe dans une des plus belles villes du monde, Victoria B.C. ».

Un fait marquant de l’évènement est l’ampleur du budget des prix avec plus de 50 000 dollars canadiens en prix et récompenses. Pour la première fois dans la Coupe Mondiale, cinq prix financiers par catégorie seront attribués, auxquels s’ajoute un prix pour la meilleure nouvelle œuvre.

Pré-événement de la coupe mondiale : le concours mondial des orchestres d’accordéons dont le règlement est aussi sur le site. Les 1er, 2ème et 3ème prix sont des V-accordéons Roland.

Le président de la CIA Raymond Bodell est impatient de vous accueillir pour la 66ème Coupe Mondiale et la 130ème assemblée générale des délégués à Victoria, Canada..

Informations complètes sur le festival et le concours sur le site de la Coupe Mondiale.


Le quintet d’accordéon de l’école Normale de Shanghaï, vedette du concert du nouvel an 2013 - Chine

Shanghai Normal University Accordion Quintet
Le concert du nouvel an s’est tenu le 1er janvier au prestigieux théâtre de Shangaï. La vedette en fut le quintet de l’école normale de cette fille, composé des meilleurs élèves du département accordéon.
Les enseignants sont les célèbres Professeur Li Cong, Professeur Zhang Gouping et le professeur assistant Crystal Wang.

Ont assisté au concert le secrétaire du Parti à Shangaï, membre du Comité Central du Bureau Politique du PC chinois Han Zeng, des représentants de la municipalité, le maire en exercice Yang Xiong, le président du congrès populaire Liu Yuncheng, le président du CPPCC
Feng Guoqing, le député Yin Cui et d’autres personnalités de la ville.

Les musiciens du quintet d’accordéon étaients : (list to come)

Après le concert, les élus de la ville ont félicité organisateurs et musiciens et spécialement les étudiants du Quintet d’accordéon qui ont fait montre d’une concentration et d’une expressivité magnifiques. Une excellente promotion pour l’accordéon, preuve également du développement de cet instrument au cours de ces dernières années en Chine.
Shanghai Normal University Accordion Quintet


Convention nationale de l’Accordéon – 7-9 mars, Dallas - USA

National Accordion Association (NAA)
Norman and Sharon SeatonLe président de l’Association Nationale d’Accordéon (NAA), Norman Seaton, a déclaré cette semaine « Il est temps de vous inscrire pour la convention 2013. Nous y célébrons cette année la musique américaine et l’accordéon et les frais d’inscription à la Convention sont restés au prix abordable de 200$ par accordéoniste ».

Photo de gauche : Norman et Sharon Seaton

Le 26ème festival de la NAA sera un événement informatif et distrayant pour tous les passionnés d’accordéon. La convention proposera des évènements attractifs et didactiques dont des concerts, des ateliers, démonstrations, défilés musicaux, des jam-sessions jour et nuit, le « cercle des champions » et bien plus. Tous les types d’accordéons sont les bienvenus.

Pour davantage d’infos, voir le site de la NAA.


2013 Concours et festival Accordéon Plus à Rostov-sur-le-Don - Russie

The International Music Center L’association Centre International de Musique « Harmony », organise le concours et festival Accordéon Plus 2013, du 29 Mars au 1er avril.

Téléchargez la liste des catégories et le règlement à : 2013Rostov

Il y a des catégories Soliste en musique classique et variété une catégorie Ensembles
et une catégorie Accordéon numérique.

Nouveauté de l’édition 2013 d’Accordéon Plus, la requête « dans toutes les catégories, est vivement conseillée une pièce écrite par un compositeur originaire de Rostov où dont la vie et les créations ont des connexions avec la région de Rostov : A. Kusjakow, V. Semionov, G. Gontarenko, V. Khodosh, V. Novikov, V. Shishin, U. Vesnjak, U. Dranga, V. Chernikov, , A. Dorensky, A. Letunov, A. Matsanov, A. Nozdrachev, S. Blank, D. Kiseev, R. Bagilin, et bien d’autres."

Le concours fait partie du système russe de sélection des accordéonistes qui représenteront la Russie à la "Coupe Mondiale 2013" et au"Trophée Mondial 2013".

Téléchargez le règlement et le formulaire d’inscription à: 2013Rostov


Concours International d’Accordéon de Vilnius – Lithuanie

Welcome to Vilnius
Raimondas SviackeviciusOrganisé par l’Association Lithuanienne des Accordénistes, le Concours International d’Accordéon de Vilnius 2013, Lithuanie, aura lieu du 3 au 7 avril.

Il offre différentes catégories d’âge et de styles pour l’accordéon solo (classique et variété),
la musique d’ensemble, musique de chambre et orchestres.

Téléchargez le réglement général ici: 2013Vilnius

Inscriptions closes le 1er mars.

Le directeur artistique Raimondas Sviackevicius (photo de droite) nous écrit : « le printemps 2013 invite les fans de l’accordéon, les producteurs, les jeunes talents, les enseignants et tous les actifs enthousiastes au service de ce grand instrument au Concours International de Vilnius. Nous sommes impatients de vous accueillir dans la capitale de la Lithuanie ».

Email pour plus d’information : raimondas@akordeonofestivalis.lt


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Accordion Concerto Endymion Performed in Copenhagen - Denmark

Accordion Concerto: Endymion
Published on Dec 21, 2012
Endymion - the sad (yet instructive) tale of a moonstruck young man
Composer: Fredrik Österling
Accordion: Andreas Borregaard
Sjællands Symfoniorkester conducted by Andreas Delfs.


Petar Marić Performance Report, Košice – Slovakia

Petar MarićOn January 20th Serbian accordionist Petar Maric performed in Slovakia at the ECOC 2013 Opening Ceremony in Košice, and proved to be a sensation. Excerpts from a report written by Eva Mikilová:

"In the Intermezzo bar, 22 year-old Petar Maric stood before the audience and briskly started to play his accordion. The likeable Petar captivated everybody.

The bar was packed and people danced. Peter proved that everything really can be played on the accordion. Starting with ‘Kalinka’, then Serbian folk songs, Italian ballads and modern hits. They were all played with unbelievable energy, excellent delivery and a smile.

He played tirelessly for more than two hours and his performance will be embedded in the memories of his audience."


Video: Youth Accordion Orchestra St Petersburg Performance.

The 7th European Festival of Accordion Orchestras was held November 1 – 4, 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic. The Youth Accordion Orchestra St. Petersburg performs the Slavonic Dance ? 8 by Dvorak.

The event was organized by the Czech Accordion Association and the Concert and Travel Agency CTA.


‘Balkan Sorrow’ Soundtrack Awards, Amsterdam - Netherlands

Nihad HrustanbegovicThe soundtrack ‘Balkan Sorrow’ from the movie of Peter Volkart ‘Zimmer 606’, composed by Netherlands-based Bosnian accordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic and played by him together with Blehmuzik become the winner of several national and international film awards in 2012 (and there is likely to be more to come in 2013), such as Méliès d’Or for the ‘Best European Short Film’ at The International Festival of Fantastic Cinema of Catalonia, H.R. Giger Award for ‘Best Swiss Short Movie’, Taurus Studio Award, Silver Méliès Award for ‘Best European Short Movie’ at Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival.

‘Zimmer 606’ has been also broadcast at many festivals worldwide such as Genèva, Uppsala, Paris, Amiens, Montréal, Leuwen, Boston, Warsaw, Badalona, Wiesbaden, Brest,c Kiev, Bern, Neuchâtel, Århus, Strasbourg. Zimmer 606 will be also broadcast in 2013 at the 22nd Flickerfest International Short Film Festival in Sydney, Australia, and the International Short Film Festival in Clermont-Ferrand.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic (born 1973) has performed in many European countries, such as Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, France, Finland, Spain, England, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland. He has also become known as a composer, and famed for his originality. During his first accordion recital in June 2010 at Concertgebouw in Amsterdam he presented his second solo album ‘Opus 7 The Cross-over’ and got huge appreciation in Dutch News Paper Trouw by the journalist Stan Rijven, “What Pablo Casals did for emancipation of the cello, and Astor Piazzola of the bandoneon is Nihad Hrustanbegovic doing for accordion”.

For further information email: info@nihad-accordeon.com


Video: Three North Korean Schoolgirls Performing - North Korea

Published 27 December 2012. Three North Korean schoolgirls performing at a school in Pyongyang.


Mirco Patarini and Bruno Moritz Concert - Brazil

Highly regarded Italian accordionist Mirco Patarini has made many concert tours to Brazil and on the 16th January, Mirco was performing for the first time in Brusque, Santa Catarina.

Also performing was well known Brazilian accordionist Bruo Moritz who with the Scandalli accordion company presented the concert.


Video: Vivaldi in the Berliner U-Bahn, Potsdamer Platz Station - Germany

Published on Dec 1, 2012, Uncommonly good buskers. Deep in the Berliner U-Bahn, Potsdamer Platz Station, these two accordionists played music from Vivaldi's "the Four Seasons". This extract is from Winter, 1st movement, Allegro - Concerto No. 4 in F minor.


Video: Rehearsal for Tomorrows Show, Brooklyn - USA

Rehearsing for a show at the Barbes in Brooklyn, NY, USA. Uri Sharlin (accordion), Avi Avital (mandolin), Yshai Afterman (percussions) and Shane Shanahan (percussion).


Video: Pamela Souriau "Le tango du thé dansant" - France

Pamela Souriau (accordion) performing the easy listening "Le tango du thé dansant".


‘14 Years Ago’ – TV search for America’s sauciest accordionist…

sauciest accordionist
Dwayne Dopsie (Louisiana)The Accordions Worldwide news of January 29th 1999 included a report of a search for the ‘sauciest accordionist’ feature on the Jay Leno TV show in the USA. The finalists were Terri Conti (New Jersey), Dwayne Dopsie (Louisiana) (pictured-left), Phoebe Legere (New York), Tim Padilla (California), and Jason Stephen (Missouri), and the event was held at the Welk Resort, Branson, Missouri.

The winner turned out to be Zydeco accordionist Dwayne Dopsie. The jury members, who judged the contestants while considering: overall talent, entertainment value, charisma and professionalism, were Larry Welk (son of Lawrence Welk), John Bahler (Music Director for the Welk Resort), Joan Castle (‘Queen of Piano’ at the Welk Resort and long time cast member of the Welk Show), Art Van Damme (accordion jazz legend), Dale Buse (well known pianist), Gail Lennon (singer/songwriter), and Faithe Deffner (President of the American Accordionists' Association).

Contributed by Faithe Deffner, President of the American Accordionists' Association

Last week Jay Leno, host of the ‘Tonight Show’, announced the search for the ‘sauciest accordionist’ to the many millions in his TV audience. He will feature the winning entertainer on his program. A number of other TV shows are already showing interest in having the winner perform.

‘USA Today’ also ran an article on the "Search for the Hottest" campaign on January 20th 1999.


Future events

Marco Lo Russo Do Concert, Rome - Italy

Marco Lo Russo and saxophonist Massimo ZagonariItalian accordionist Marco Lo Russo and saxophonist Massimo Zagonari perform as a duo on January 27th, 5.30pm, at the Sala Pio XII della Cappella Musicale, Pontificia Sistina  (Sistine Chapel Choir), close to Teatro Argentina, Via Monte della Farina, 64, Rome

The duo will improvised jazz, ethnic music and well known songs by Italian singer-songwriters.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


‘Django and Accordion’ Course, Lodève - France

‘Django and Accordion’ Course poster
The great jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt‘Django and Accordion’ is a two days course on January 26th and 27th of gypsy jazz for accordion, led by accordionist Bernard Ariu, at Logis de Campeyroux à Lodève, France.

The music will be the compositions of the great jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt, and the teaching focuses adapting these jazz pieces for the accordion. The course is from 10am until 5.30pm on both days.

For further information email: admv34@gmail.com


Paul Chamberlain Concert Tour – England, Scotland, USA

Paul ChamberlainEdinburgh-based accordionist Paul Chamberlain has a busy start to 2013 with a series of solo recitals in Scotland, England and California. Beginning in Ripon Cathedral on the 31st of January, Paul will then perform in Bury Parish Church, Dundee Cathedral, Manchester’s Bridgewater Hall (the first accordionist to perform a solo recital at this major and prestigious concert hall), Stockport Accordion Club, and Music@Home in Middleton.

He then will be performing around Northwestern California, starting in Santa Cruz, followed by a recital in San Francisco Cathedral and then a performance at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento. As 2013 is the 50th Anniversary of the Pink Panther, this concert will feature a project involving live scoring to a number of the short animations which will be shown on screen.

The final concert in the tour is a recital as part of the 10th Anniversary series of the popular Seventh Avenue Concerts in San Francisco’s Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church.

Tour dates:
January 31st, 1.15pm – Lunchtime Recital, Ripon Cathedral
February 1st, 12.30pm – Lunchtime Recital, Bury Parish Church
February 9th, 1pm - Lunchtime Recital, Dundee Cathedral
February 13th, 1.10pm – Lunchtime Recital, Bridgewater Hall, Manchester
February 13th, 8pm – Stockport Accordion Club, Woodley Methodist Church, Stockport
February 17th, 3.30pm – Solo Recital, Music@Home, Middleton, Manchester
February 21st, 12.10pm - Santa Cruz Public Library, California, USA
February 24th, 3.30pm – Solo Recital, St. Mary’s Cathedral, San Francisco, CA
February 28th, 6.30pm – Evening Concert, Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA 
March 2nd, 7.30pm – Solo Recital, Seventh Avenue Concerts, San Francisco, CA

For further information email: paul@theaccordionist.com

1 CD and original music available at: Paul Chamberlain


Erika & the José Hyat Orchestra play for dancing, Tourne – France

Erika playing
Le dimanche 27 janvier 2013 à 14h30 "SALLE DES FETES" à Tourne (France) retrouvez José Hyat, la princesse de l'accordéon Erika, & son orchestre pour un thé dansant Info: 0032(0)475.20.58.04


Scottish Reels Night @ the Folk Music Workshop, Salford – UK

John Trigg, who is an accompanist for Royal Scottish Country Dance Society classes, is the guest leader at next month’s Folk Music Workshop on Friday February 1st, 8pm, at the Pendleton Bowling Club, 13 Eccles Old Road, Salford M6 7DE.

John’s topic will be the ‘Eightsome Reel’, and the tunes played will be ‘De’il Among the Tailors’, ‘Fairy Dance’, ‘Mason’s Apron’, ‘Morpeth Rant’, and ‘Breakdown’. The sheet music is available in advance or on the night. All are welcome.

For further information email: johntrigg@mypostoffice.co.uk


Gorka Hermosa Concerts, Tudela, Urretxu, Valladolid - Spain

Gorka HermosaSpanish accordionist and well known teacher Gorka Hermosa performs as follows:

January 27th - Gorka Hermosa and the Wind Band of the municipality of Irún perform at the Amaia Theater, Irun, Spain

February 8th - Flamenco Etxea Trío, Tudela

February 16th - Flamenco Etxea Trío, Urretxu

February 23rd – Bacanal, Valladolid

February 24th – Bacanal, Valladolid

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Joanie Madden’s ‘Folk N Irish Cruise’ – West Indies

A ‘Folk N Irish Cruise’ sails from Miami, Florida, to the Bahamas, February 2nd to 9th. There is a large number of entertainers booked, including the all-female band Cherish the Ladies, Scottish accordionist Phil Cunningham, two Irish ceili bands, and many more. Activities available include waltzing, jiving, ceili and set dancing, sing-a-longs, concerts, workshops, sessions, etc.

For further information email: info@joaniemaddencruise.com


Eastbourne Winter Accordion Festival 2013, East Sussex – UK

John RomeroEddy JayVideo above: Gianluca Campi performing at the Castellaro Golf Resort, June 6, 2010.

The next Eastbourne Winter Accordion Festival takes place from Friday February 15th to Monday 18th at The Cumberland Hotel, 34-36 Grand Parade  Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 3YT.

The guest artists include Gianluca Campi (Italy - Trophee Mondial 2000 Variete winner), Roy Hendrie (Scotland), Eddy Jay (picture right), Harry Hussey, Roman Voloshchuk (Ukraine), and John Romero (festival organizer, picture left).

For further information email: jr@carillonstudios.co.uk


International Festival & Competition, Filadefia - Italy

International Festival & Competition in Filadefia Poster
The International Festival & Competition takes place during the month of May in Filadefia, Calabria, Italy. The event includes contests for a wide range of instruments, including accordion, guitar, harp, piano, strings, brass, woodwind, and percussion. There are sections for solo, bands, ensembles, and choirs. The closing date for choir and bands is January 31st, and for others April 2nd.

For further information email: associazione.melody@libero.it


5th ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’, Valledupar – Colombia

5th ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’ bannerThe 5th ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’ takes place in Valledupar, Colombia, June 19th to 22nd. The event is organized by the Reyes Y Juglares Vallenatos Foundation.

This year’s festival will welcome 20 accordionists from Uruguay, sponsored by the Fondo Nacional de Música, and there will be a Uruguayan theme in repertoire and style to this year’s event.

The Foundation invites everyone, all types of music, solo, group, etc. who uses the accordion as a central instrument to the II ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’. Valledupar is the capital city of Cesar, which is a state in Colombia.

There are competitions for solo accordionists and ensembles that use accordions, and the closing date for entries and participation in the festival is April 18th 2013.

For further information email: eldiariovallenato@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Xu Xiaonan eTracks Album

Xu XiaonanXu Xiaonan releasing his eTracks Album titled

'Sunrise', catalog: xxu500eT

with sound samples. Music performed by Xu Xiaonan. Purchase online.


CD Reviews

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

Stas & Sam - Two Step CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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