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Weekly News from Around the World - 25-Feb-2011
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Roland-Dallapé: Tradition trifft Innovation! - Stradella/Italien
“Big Squeeze” Akkordeonwettbewerb, Houston – USA
Akkordeonsammlung, Tabriz – Iran
Menschenandrang für Akkordeonspieler auf der Bit Tourismus Messe/Mailand – Italien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Popmeup Contest for Italian musicians – ITALY
Sir George Shearing (1919-2011), New York – USA
‘Come West Along the Road Vol.3’ DVD, Dublin – Irish Republic
Anna Jbanov & Roman Jbanov’s Classical Music Tour – Russia
‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordions debut at the Vatican

Future events

James Crabb Recital, Adelaide - Australia
Marco Lo Russo and Kustrakodan Danza, Latina - Italy
Jenny’s Accordionists in Concert, Colchester – UK
Milos Milivojevic’s Concerts Next Month – UK
Orchestral Concerts featuring accordionist Eitan Shapiro, Tel Aviv, Haifa – Israel
37th Accordion and Fiddle Championships, Falkirk – Scotland, UK
Workshops for Melodeon and Accordion, Grantham, Witney - UK

New and Updated Sites

March 2011 Diatonic News will be Online 1st March
March Accordion USA News will be Online 1st March
March Accordion Russia News will be online 1st March

CD Reviews

Duo MARES Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion).

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Roland-Dallapé: Tradition trifft Innovation! - Stradella/Italien

Sergio ScappiniDie Roland V-Akkordeons (Roland V-Accordion), sind mit der innovativen Roland Technologie in der Lage, die Klängen der berühmten akustischen Dallape Akkordeons perfect wiederzugeben und das vom ersten Instrument aus dem Jahre 1876 bis hin zum letzten Modell.

Mariano Dallape entwarf sein erstes Akkordeon in 1871 und im Jahr 1876 begann die werkseigene Produktions in Stradella, in der Nähe von Pavia, Italien. Hochwertige Herstellungsmethoden und Materialien, sowie das Markenzeichen Dallape machten die Akkordeons gleich von Anfang zu begehrten Musikinstrumenten.

Am Ende des Jahres 2010 schloss die Firma Dallape ihre Produktion, aber dank einer außergewöhnlichen Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Roland, bleiben die Klänge der verschiedenen Dallape Akkordeon-Modelle in Zukunft verfügbar. Der Roland & Dallape Bericht enthält vollständige Informationen. Roland & Dallapé Report.

Die V-Accordion können digital reproduzierte Sounds über einen USB-Speicher-Anschluss aufnehmen. Am 11. März wird Professor Sergio Scappini ein Konzert im Teatro Sociale in Stradella aufführen und diese neue Dallapeversion vorführen. Es ist somit die erste öffentliche Aufführung des Roland-Dallape V-Accordions.

Die offizielle Vorstellung der Dallape Klänge gibt es auf der Frankfurter Musikmesse, April 6-09 werden mit der Veröffentlichung des USB-Sticks mit Klang Proben von sechs der bekanntesten Dallape Modelle plus einem Booklet mit der Geschichte der Dallape Marken und Geschichte. Roland & Dallape Bericht. Roland & Dallapé Report.
Alfredo Maroni (Roland Europe) and Amaleto Dallapé


“Big Squeeze” Akkordeonwettbewerb, Houston – USA

Big Squeeze posterDer 2011 "Big Squeeze Akkordeon Wettbewerb" Audition, organisiert vom Texas Folklife findet in Houston, Texas, am 11. März um 19.30 h statt. Veranstaltungsort ist der Eldorado Ballroom, 2310 Elgin Street, Houston. Auditionen gibt es von 19.30 bis 21.30 Uhr. Alle Teilnehmer müssen um 18.30 präsent sein und sind für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich und kostenlos.

Der Big Squeeze Wettbewerb ist offen für alle Akkordeonisten aus Texas bis zu einem Alter von 21 Jahre und jünger. Gespielte können alle Genres von Akkordeonmusik, darunter Cajun, deutsche, tschechische, polnische Volksmusik, Tejano, Conjunto und Norteño, West-und Zydeco. Zydeco Akkordeonspieler Keyun Dickson, der 2010 Weltmeister und 2008 Weltmeister Johnny Ramirez werden am Abend auftreten.

Das Halbfinale findet in Austin am 30. April im Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum statt. Vier Finalisten werden ausgewählt, die im Akkordeon Kings & Queens Festival am 4. Um die Krone spielen. Beim letzten Festival nahmen ungefähr 6.000 Zuseher teil.

The Big Squeeze 2011 Grand-Preis-Gewinner erhält ein Preispaket im Werte von ungefähr 4500 $, darunter $ 1000 Preisgeld, ein brandneues Hohner Akkordeon und Aufnahmen in der historischen Hacienda Records in Corpus Christi, sowie Promo-Werbung von Sugarhill Records, Hohner, Inc., Hacienda Records und Texas Folklife sowie weitere berufliche Möglichkeiten.

Für zusätzliche Information email Cristina Balli, Program Director: cballi@texasfolklife.org


Akkordeonsammlung, Tabriz – Iran

First digital Garmon accordionGholamreza Seyed Hasani, IranEs gibt mehrere Personen auf der ganzen Welt, die große Sammlungen an Akkordeons besitzen und Akkordeons Weltweit (Accordions Worldwide) hat kürzlich noch einer weiteren, diesmal in Tabriz, Iran entdeckt. Akkordeon-Enthusiast Gholamreza Seyed Hasani hat rund 200 Instrumente verschiedener Art und plan irgendwann in der näheren Zukunft ein Museum in Tabriz zu eröffnen.

Gholamreza Seyed Hasani´ ((Bild rechts, Bauingenieur) wurde im Jahr 1959 in Tabriz geboren, ist verheiratet und hat einen Sohn und eineTochter. Derzeit ist er Projektleiter eines Staudammes aber sein grosses Hobby sind Akkordeons – vor allem aber Garmon Akkordeons. Er beschäftigt sich mit der Planung, Entwicklung und Herstellung dieser Instrumente, die ihren Ursprung in Russland haben. Nun hat er das erste digitale Garmon Akkordeon (Bild links) vorgestellt und ist in seiner großartigen Sammlung.

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: nardingallery@yahoo.com


Menschenandrang für Akkordeonspieler auf der Bit Tourismus Messe/Mailand – Italien

Mirco PatariniDanilo Di PaolonicolaEinen großen Andrang von Menschen gab es auf dem Stand der Region Marche während der BIT Tourismusmesse in Mailand vom 18. bis 20. Februar.

Als Teil der Region „Marche“ wurde das Internationale Akkordeon Museum Castelfidardo und die Akkordeonisten Mirco Patarini (Scandalli, Bild links) und Danilo Di Paolonicola (Paolo Soprani, Bild rechts) eingeladen und spielten am Messestand der Region für ein sehr zahlreiches und aufmerksames Publikum.

Das Akkordeon ist ein wichtiger Tourismus Faktor für die Regionen “ Marche“ und sein Beitrag bei der Bit Tourismus Messe wurde sehr geschätzt. Siehe den ausführlichen Zeitungsartikel (auf Italiensich) unten.
Newspaper and photo


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Popmeup Contest for Italian musicians – ITALY

Italian Musicians: Attention – this contest information has been sent to Accordions Worldwide for publicity in ITALY, for ITALIAN musicians only! We have publicized it to Italian accordionists to encourage them to enter this competition.

by: artistic director Andrea Ciabattoni
of: www.wiple.it
e-mail: andrea.ciabattoni@wiple.it

Inscription: latest 15-03-2011
View complete information on ITALIAN NEWS!
Take advantage – and good luck from the AWW Team


Sir George Shearing (1919-2011), New York – USA

George Shearing accordion recordings
Sir George Shearing, the London-born blind pianist and composer died on February 14th in New York, at the age of 91.

A gifted pianist from the age of three, George Shearing later also learned to play the accordion, studying at the London-based British College of Accordionists in the late 1930s. In the 1940s Shearing played a lot of accordion in addition to his rising career as a jazz pianist, and played the distinctive looking Uniform Keyboard system. Shearing made numerous recordings on accordion, many of which have become available on CD in recent years. The CD box set ‘Squeeze Me: The Jazz & Swing Accordion Story’ includes several Shearing tracks.

Shearing was discovered by the jazz critic and pianist Leonard Feather in the late 1930s playing accordion and piano in an all-blind band. From 1947 Shearing lived in the USA, taking out US citizenship, formed the George Shearing Quintet, and created one of the most recognized sounds in jazz. He performed and recorded with the likes of Nat King Cole, Mel Tormé, Peggy Lee, Stephane Grappelli, Buddy DeFranco, Arthur Fiedler, Carmen McRae, and Nancy Wilson.

Shearing has around 300 compositions to his name. His best-known piece, ‘Lullaby of Birdland’, has become one of jazz’s true anthems. He once commented, “I get tired of playing it, but not of collecting the royalties!”

George Shearing became Sir George Shearing in 2007 when he was knighted for his services in music.


‘Come West Along the Road Vol.3’ DVD, Dublin – Irish Republic

Volume 2 DVD picture‘Come West Along the Road Vol.3’ is the third in a series of DVDs presenting 65 live Radio Telefis Eireann TV broadcasts, dating from 1961 until the present day, by many of Ireland’s best folk musicians, singers and dancers. The total running time is 202 minutes. The RTE studio performances are in both colour and black and white.

The performers include several accordionists, such as Charlie Harris, Vincent Tighe, Dave Hennessy, Sharon Shannon, Ellen Flanagan, Dermot Byrne, Seamus Walshe, John Joe Gannon, and Jimmy Doyle.

For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com


Anna Jbanov & Roman Jbanov’s Classical Music Tour – Russia

Brother and sister, Anna Jbanov (piano) and Roman Jbanov (accordion)
Brother and sister, Anna Jbanov (piano) and Roman Jbanov (accordion) have recently been on a concert tour together titled “days not as classic as...”, performing a Russian program, including music by Chamo, Semionov, Koniaiev, Vatzlav, Troyan, ending with pieces representing a trip between Paris and Moscow. Their tour closed with a magnificent performance, in which the duo’s program of ‘Ballades’ and ‘Troika’, Christmas and New Year's songs, tango music, transported the audience into a musical dream world.

The duo is planning further tours, and for further information email: annajbanova@mail.ru  or j.r76@mail.ru


‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordions debut at the Vatican

Renzo Ruggieri and Massimiliano PitoccoThe news on Accordions Worldwide for the week ending February 28th 1997 contained a report of accordionists from Castelfidardo, Italy, performing during a Christmas event at the Vatican, in the presence of Pope John Paul 11.

Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

For the first time an accordion has made its entrance in the most famous square in the world, colouring with its notes, the magical atmosphere of the Roman Christmas! Last year on the afternoon of the 24th December, during the solemn opening of the Christmas Manger by His Holiness Pope John Paul II, a group of accordionists from Castelfidardo (formed by Massimiliano Pitocco and Renzo Ruggieri) took part in the festive celebrations.

The event, organised by Telepace, has been broadcast by several television channels. The accordionists were introduced by Don Giovanni D'Ercole and Piero Schiavazzi to entertain all the guests, amongst which there were actors, singers and politicians.

In this international atmosphere the accordions from Castelfidardo were played. It was a unique opportunity for the revaluation, promotion and re-launching of this often underestimated musical instrument which is still an integrating part of the Italian musical and cultural heritage.


Future events

James Crabb Recital, Adelaide - Australia

James CrabbScottish-born Copenhagen-based classical accordionist James Crabb performs a recital at St Peter’s Cathedral, North Adelaide, South Australia, on Thursday March 10th, 6pm. The concert is organized by Recitals Australia, and tickets are available via www.adelaidefringe.com.au

One of the world’s leading virtuoso accordionists, James Crabb is also a very versatile musician, in demand all over as “...a performer of perfect poise, taste and passion...” (The Observer, UK).

The recital programme includes:

E. Grieg (arr.Crabb) – ‘Holberg Suite op.40’
Elena Kats-Chernin (arr. Crabb) – ‘Blue Silence’ (Australian Premiere))
J. Ph. Rameau – (i) ‘L’Éntretien des Muses’ and (ii) ‘La Poule’
Astor Piazzolla – ‘Tanti Anni Prima’ (Ave Maria)
Sofia Gubaidulina – ‘De Profundis’ (1978)
P. Tchaikovsky (arr.Crabb) – ‘Nocturne op.19, no.4’
John Zorn – ‘Road Runner’ (1985) (Australian Premiere)

For further information email: dani@savvyartsmarketing.com.au


Marco Lo Russo and Kustrakodan Danza, Latina - Italy

Accordionist Marco Lo Russo and Kustrakodan Danza perform on February 26th, 9pm, at the Teatro A. Cafaro, Latina.

The show features the “Sensuality of tango, Mediterranean feeling and jazzy contaminations”.

Choreography is by Maria Cristina Tisato and Francesco Milana, and the dancers are Diego Millesimo, Erica De Giovanni, Atelier Modum and Franco Ciambella.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Jenny’s Accordionists in Concert, Colchester – UK

The highly accomplished Jenny’s Accordionists (MD Jenny Neal) perform in concert on Saturday February 26th, 3.30pm to 6pm, at the Salvation Army Church, Butt Road, Southway, Colchester, Essex CO3 3DA. Admission by donation; refreshments; programmes £2.

Jenny’s Accordionists were founded in the 1960s, and have performed around Europe with great distinction. For this concert they will be augmented by professional instrumentalists performing on bassoon, clarinet, saxophone, trombone and vibraphone.

For further information email: jenny-neal@excite.com


Milos Milivojevic’s Concerts Next Month – UK

Milos MilivojevicSerbian born accordionist Milos Milivojevic, first prize winner at international competitions in Germany, France, Italy and Denmark, is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Music in London. He has given many recitals internationally, has performed live on Radio BBC 3, and has performed in London venues such as the Wigmore Hall, Purcell Room, St John Smith Square, St James Piccadilly, St Martin in the Fields, and at the Foundation Day, an award ceremony attended by HRH The Princess Royal.

Milos Milivojevic’s concert dates for March include the following:

March 3rd, 9pm - Solo recital at Radley College, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 2HR
March 8th, 2.45pm – InAccord (duo, with violinist Harriet Mackenzie), programme will include music by Bach, Piazolla, Bartok, Tartini and Brahms, Grayswood Hall, Surrey
March 8th, 9pm - Eastern European group Paprika perform at Momo's Club, 25-27 Heddon Street, London W1B 4BH
March 11th, 9pm - Kosmos Ensemble perform at the Green Note, London; doors open 7pm, music starts 9pm; 106 Parkway, London NW1 7AN
March 23rd, 7.30pm - Dulwich Subscription Concert Series: AccordDuo (Milos Milivojevic and Zivorad Nikolic) perform original accordion repertoire by Vlasov, Angelis and Precz as well as transcriptions by Vivaldi, Piazzolla. www.dulwichsubscriptionconcerts.com
March 26th, 10.30am - solo concert at the Quay Hotel, Deganwy Quay, Deganwy, Conwy, North Wales LL31 9DJ
March 30th, 1pm - InAccord Duo (Milos Milivojevic and violinist Harriet Mackenzie) perform lunchtime concert at the St James Piccadilly Church, London

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Orchestral Concerts featuring accordionist Eitan Shapiro, Tel Aviv, Haifa – Israel

Eitan Shapiro, accordionistThe Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Yoav Talmi, featuring soloists : Eitan Shapiro (accordion, picture right), and Julian Rachlin (violin), perform a series of concerts, as follows:

March 20th, 8.30pm - Fredric R.Mann Auditorium, Tel Aviv
March 22nd, 8.30pm - Rappoport Auditorium, Haifa
March 23rd, 8.30pm - Haifa Auditorium
March 25th, 11am - Fredric R.Mann Auditorium, Tel Aviv
March 25th, 2pm - Fredric R.Mann Auditorium, Tel Aviv
March 26th, 8.30pm - Fredric R.Mann Auditorium, Tel Aviv

The programme includes: ‘Elegy for strings, timpani and accordion’ Yoav Talmi, ‘Violin Concerto no. 5, K. 219 (‘Turkish’)’ - Mozart, and ‘Symphony no. 5’ - Shostakovich


37th Accordion and Fiddle Championships, Falkirk – Scotland, UK

Logo, National Association, Accordion and Fiddle ClubsLogo, National Association, Accordion and Fiddle ClubsThe 37th Accordion and Fiddle Championships take place on March 5th at Inchyra Grange Hotel, Polmont, Falkirk, Scotland.

The competitions include Traditional Accordion Solo, Polka and Musette, with other sections including Scottish Bands and Trios. There are also fiddle sections.

This year’s selected composers are Ian Powrie – accordion, Michael Philip – fiddle.

The adjudicators for accordion include Jimmy Cassidy, Alan Kitchen, Jacqui Raeburn, Alastair Wood and Bill Black; fiddle – Gill Simpson, Patsy Reid, Kenny Wilson.

The competitions are followed by a concert, 8.45pm, and ceilidh, 9pm, in the hotel.

For further information email: lorna.mair@ymail.com


Workshops for Melodeon and Accordion, Grantham, Witney - UK

Issy EmeneyForthcoming workshops for melodeon and accordion during March include:

March 4th to 6th, melodeon workshop, led by Issy Emeney (picture left), at The Archway, 15 Swinegate, Grantham, Lincolnshire. For further information email: jsarts09@gmail.com

March 26th and 27th, ‘Accordions at Witney’, with tuition in traditional folk dance music playing techniques by Murray Grainger, Paul Hutchinson, Dave Townsend, and Steve Turner. The venue is the Henry Box School, Witney, about 12 miles west of Oxford.

For further information email: info@handsonmusic.org.uk


New and Updated Sites

March 2011 Diatonic News will be Online 1st March

Diatonic News
March 2011 Diatonic News will be Online 1st March


March Accordion USA News will be Online 1st March

USA Accordion News logo
March Accordion USA News will be Online 1st March


March Accordion Russia News will be online 1st March

Accordion Russia News logo
March Accordion Russia News will be online 1st March


CD Reviews

Duo MARES Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion).

Duo MARES Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion).CD Reviews Index for the Review of Duo MARES CD by Joan Sommers. Performer are Duo MARES, Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion).


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