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Weekly News from Around the World - 24-May-2013
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Auszeichnungen für Alfredo Marroni (Roland) und Prof. Viatcheslav Semionov - Italien
66. Coupe Mondiale, Victoria, British Columbia - Kanada
Sergio Scappini und Mascia Foschi in "Museen in der Musik" - Italien
Bruno Maurice "Turbulence" Double Concerto - Frankreich
Duo "Palazzo Squillante", , Francesco Palazzo und Mauro Squillante spielen in Castelfidardo - Italien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Accordion Duo Miroslav & Vladislava at SOCHI 2013 - Russia
Video: Massimo Andreotti on Antenna 3 - Italy
‘Accordions at the Castle’, Blackpool - UK
Sergei Telechev CD ‘The Magic of Accordion’, Oregon - USA
Video: Accordionova - Dreams - Live - Russia
Video: Accordion Ensemble Vietnam Performing - Vietnam
‘14 Years Ago’ – Special NAO Award for Tom Duncan

Future events

Aydar Gaynullin:  ‘Tango de Amor’ Concert, Berlin - Germany
The Accordion at the Ravenna Festival – Italy
Joao Gentil and Emiliano Faryna Concert, Lisbon - Portugal
Brendan Power and Tim Edey @ Chester Folk Festival, Cheshire – UK
INW Accordion Club Meeting, Spokane WA – USA
‘Accordion Days’, Ugljevik-Bijeljina – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Vivant and Mary Tokarski Featured, Kansas City - USA
2013 Goran Alachki Accordion Event, Castelfidardo – Italy
‘Il fiore delle mille e una nota’ Dance Show, Urbania – Italy
"The Famous Accordion Orchestra" Annual Tour, New York – USA

New and Updated Sites

John Raczka release 4 new music
Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions
Don Grzanna release new music

CD Reviews

Stories of Lucile CD by Murl Allen Sanders

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Auszeichnungen für Alfredo Marroni (Roland) und Prof. Viatcheslav Semionov - Italien

Henry Adamo, Alfredo Marroni and Vincenzo Canali.
Alfredo Marroni, lower Mirco Patarini and Viatcheslav SemionovBild oben: Henry Adamo, Castelfidardo Ratsvorsitzender (in Abwesenheit des Bürgermeisters), Alfredo Marroni (Präsident Roland Europa) und Vincenzo Canali, Präsident des Museums Castelfidardo.

Am Donnerstag, 23. Mai im Teatro Astra, vergab Castelfidardo während der 150-Jahr-Feier von Paolo Soprani und der 5. Auflage des "Museums in der Musik", Auszeichnungen an zwei wichtige Persönlichkeiten aus der Akkordeon der Welt.

Erst an Alfredo Marroni, Präsident von Roland Europe, Hersteller von digitalen Akkordeons. Er wurde für das große Interesse und die Mission, dass die Firma Roland über die Jahre investiert hat, ausgezeichnet. Ihre Entwicklung der innovativen Herstellung und Verwendung des Akkordeons bei Festivals und auf der Bühne, sowie der ständigen Zusammenarbeit mit den Herstellern herkömmlich produzierter und handgefertigter Instrumenten und der modernen digitalen Sound-Technologie des digitalen V-Akkordeons, ist besonders hervorzugeben.

Bilder links: Präsident Roland Europa Alfredo Marroni Rede, unten Scandalli Präsident Mirco Patarini und Rede von Viatcheslav Semionov.

Viatcheslav Semionov, berühmter Konzert Künstler, Komponist, Lehrer, aus Russland, wurde mit dem 2013 Premio "Paolo Soprani" Award für seine herausragende Lebensaufgabe und Hingabe an das Akkordeon ausgezeichnet.

Der Award Paolo Soprani wurde vor vier Jahren von Vincenzo Canali und Mirco Patarini geboren, damals in Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Suoni Ltd, (Scandalli und Paolo Soprani), heute Scandalli Akkordeons srl, ins Leben gerufen.

Diese Auszeichnung wird an Personen verliehen, die sich in der Popularisierung des Akkordeons in allen ihren Formen auf der ganzen Welt engangieren. Bisherige Preisträger dieser Auszeichnung sind:
2012 Harley Jones von Akkordeons Weltweit für das Jahr 2013 Coupe Mondiale in Spoleto.
2011 Vincenzo Canali, Präsident der Akkordeon Museum in Castelfidardo.
2010 Gian Mario Spacca, Präsident der Region Marche.

Bild unten: Henry Adamo, Castelfidardo Ratsvorsitzender, Mirco Patarini Präsident Scandalli Akkordeons srl, Prof. Viatcheslav Semionov und Vincenzo Canali.
2013Impressions Photo Report
Henry Adamo, Mirco Patarini, Prof. Viatcheslav Semionov and Vincenzo Canali.


66. Coupe Mondiale, Victoria, British Columbia - Kanada

66th Coupe Mondiale logo
66th Coupe Mondiale posterDie Pläne für 66. Coupe Mondiale und der 130. CIA International General Delegiertenversammlung Congress in Victoria, British Columbia, Kanada sind jetzt in vollem Gange. Stattfinden werden diese vom 18. bis 25. August 2013 und organisiert von der CIA Mitglied aus Kanada, der British Columbia Accordion Society veranstaltet wird.

CIA Präsident Raymond Bodell und Aleksandar Milojevic (Präsident der BC Accordion Society) begrüßen Gäste, Konkurrenten und Sponsoren für das Jahr 2013 Coupe Mondiale in Victoria.

Anmeldeschluss für die Kandidaten, die bei Gastfamilie (unentgeltlich) untergebracht werden wollen ist der 10. Juni und für die Kandidaten mit Hotelreservierung, ist Nennungsschluss 10. Juli.

Welt Akkordeonorchester VII

Akkordeonisten werden eingeladen, in diesem spannender internationalen Akkordeon Veranstaltung teilzunehmen. Das Welt Akkordeonorchester VII wird am Gala-Konzert am Dienstag Abend beim spektakulären "Die Welt ist hier!" Konzert, teilnehmen . Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie auf der Coupe Mondiale Webseite und die Anmeldeformulare sind ab sofort verfügbar.

Auch der geplante Zeitplan ist jetzt auf der Coupe Mondiale Website nachzulesen.

CIA Präsident Raymond Bodell schreibt - "Ich lade alle herzlichst ein mitzumachen und diesen ausserordentlichen Event zu genießen. Wie jedes Jahr, verspricht auch dieser, wieder einer der spannendsten Coupe Mondiale‘s in der schönen Stadt Victoria/Kanada zu werden. Wir fruen uns auf Sie.“


Sergio Scappini und Mascia Foschi in "Museen in der Musik" - Italien

Mascia Foschi and Sergio Scappini
Mascia FoschiSergio ScappiniCastelfidardo Museen in der Musik" präsentierete Donnerstag 23. Mai 2013 das bezaubernde Duo Sergio Scappini und Mascia Foschi (Ballerina, Schauspielerin und Sängerin) im Teatro Astra in Castelfidardo. Sergio Scappini spielte auf seinem klassischen Bugari Akkordeon zu Ehren des vor kurzem verstorbenen und geliebten Castelfidardensen Künstler Gervasio Marcosignori, eines seiner bekanntesten Werke.

Nicht nur Marcosignori erinnerten Sergio Scappini und Mascia Foschi. Auch an Mia Martini‘s und Edith Piaf‘s wunderbare Musik wurde gedacht, die von den vielen Möglichkeiten des digitalen Roland V-Accordion künstlerisch unterstrichen wurden.

Eine wahre Freude für die Öffentlichkeit war die Vorstellung der kraftvolle Stimme der Sängerin Mascia Foschi un ihrer Interpretation verschiedener Tangos in ursprüngliche Originalsprache. Im ganzen Theater Astra, konnte man eine leichte Vibration an Emotionen fühlen, ein diskretes Mitschwingen der Beine und leises Mitsummen der bekannten Lieder.

Lang anhaltender Applaus des Publikum honorierte diese beiden Künstler.
2013Impressions Photo Report
Mascia Foschi and Sergio Scappini


Bruno Maurice "Turbulence" Double Concerto - Frankreich

Jacques Di DonatoBruno Maurice"Turbulence", ein Doppel-Konzert für Akkordeon, Klarinette und Streichorchester, ein Hommage an Jacques Di Donato ist ein Werk in vier Sätzen stützt sich stark auf die Musik, von Jacques Di Donato (im Bild links) und Bruno Maurice (Bild rechts ) mit Improvisationen während ihres Konzertes als Duo.

Vorstellung erfolgt diesen Freitag 24. Mai um 20:30 Uhr im Theater Comoedia, Marmande. Die Ausführenden sind: Bruno Maurice (Akkordeon), Jacques Di Donato (Bb und Bass Klarinetten), Orchestre des "Symphonistes d'Aquitaine" von Philippe Mestres gerichtet.

Für weitere Informationen, E-Mail Bruno Maurice email: bmaurice33@gmail.com


Duo "Palazzo Squillante", , Francesco Palazzo und Mauro Squillante spielen in Castelfidardo - Italien

Während der 5. Auflage des "Museum in Musica" in Castelfidardo hatte das zahlreiche Publikum des Theaters "Astra" das Vergnügen dem wunderbaren duo "Palazzo Squillante", mit Francesco Palazzo (Akkordeon) und Mauro Squillante (Mandoloncello) und ihrer zauberhaften Musik zu lauschen. Eine alte Kombination instrumentalen Volksmusik kultureller und ländlicher Tradition, überwiegend aus Italien.

Das Duo "Palazzo Squillante", versucht, durch philologische und musikwissenschaftliche Forschung, historischen und stilistischen Ansatz, Kultur des ursprünglichen Mandocello‘s wiederzugeben und alte mündlichen Überlieferungen entsprechend niederzuschreiben.

Ein echtes und authentisches Repertoire, so wie sie einmal war.
2013Impressions Photo Report


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Accordion Duo Miroslav & Vladislava at SOCHI 2013 - Russia

Published on May 10, 2013, Accordion duo Miroslav & Vladislava. XIII International festival-competition "The Union of talents of Russia" (SOCHI-2013). Miroslav Lelyukh and Vladislava Raguzina. http://akkordeonist.com/


Video: Massimo Andreotti on Antenna 3 - Italy

Video released May 19th, of Massimo Andreotti on the TV program “Voci in Piazza”, Antenna 3 performing an arrangement of Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Johannes Brahms.


‘Accordions at the Castle’, Blackpool - UK

Blackpool 2013 Antiue Accordion display
Blackpool 2013 Ruffolo Carolin HuntThis year’s ‘Accordions at the Castle’ festival, organised by Heather Smith, took place from May 12th to 17th at the Norbreck Castle Hotel, Blackpool. It is fair comment to say that a great time was had by all!

The opening concert, featuring Harry Hussey, Rosemary Wright, Murray Grainger & Alan Shute (accordina), Bert Santilly, Ray Burgon, Rob Howard, Heather Smith & Geoff Cook (sax), set the tone for the week, which was lively and all-action!

The festival guests - Giancarlo Caporilli (Italy), Stefan Andrusyschyn (accordion) & Denise Leigh (soprano), David Vernon (accordion, bagpipes, Scotland), Gennaro Ruffolo (MusicTech midi accordion, Italy), Harry Hussey, Roy Hendrie (accordion with midi) & Dave Morrice (fiddle, Scotland), Rosemary Wright, and Bert Santilly - all performed brilliantly in their respective concerts. Roy Hendrie & Dave Morrice played for Scottish dancing several times.

The orchestral workshops are at the heart of accordion festivals, and all the daily practice was heard to good effect in the final concert. The Buskers Band, led by Bert Santilly, opened by storming through several medleys of such fare as Lady is a Tramp, Limehouse Blues, Sweet Georgia Brown, Scotland the Brave, etc.

The Intermediate Orchestra (MD Brian Jenkins) played the TV themes Last of the Summer Wine, Allo Allo, and Dad's Army. The Elementary Orchestra (MD Rosemary Wright). played Te Deum (Charpentier) and Tie a Yellow Ribbon. The Vintage Band played Anchors Aweigh, Donauwellen, Chasing Rainbows and Hear My Song Violetta, and the Swing Band played Charmaine, Amigo, Jersey  Bounce and Zambezi.

The trade show featured the Birmingham Accordion Centre, The Music Room (Cleckheaton), Limex (Roy Hendrie), Robaccord Publications (Rob Howard), and the Accordina stall (Alan Shute). Caroline Hunt was present with an eye-catching display of her antique accordions and memorabilia.

Giancarlo Caporilli and Gennaro Ruffolo gave some amazing impromptu demonstrations of some of the antique accordions, such as the Tiger Combo Cordion and the Uniform Keyboard. There was also an organ/keyboard festival taking place in the hotel, ensuring that music was everywhere, day and night. Friday came, and it was all over…until the next time.

For further information email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


Sergei Telechev CD ‘The Magic of Accordion’, Oregon - USA

Sergei Telechev CD ‘The Magic of Accordion'‘The Magic of Accordion’ is a new CD by US-based Russian accordionist Sergei Teleshev, featuring interpretations of pieces that range from the baroque works of J.S.Bach to jazz.... and even today's ‘new age’ music, all intimately rendered on the accordion - a magical instrument. The CD is available via Sergei Teleshev’s website.

The tracks include: J.S. Bach – ‘Toccata and Fugue in D minor’, J. Colombo/T. Murena – ‘Indifference’, S. Teleshev – ‘Movie Suite Part 1 Trip to Vegas’, S. Teleshev – ‘Movie Suite Part 2 Foreign Accordionist’, S. Teleshev – ‘Movie Suite Part 3 Ruby’s song’, S. Teleshev – ‘Movie Suite Part 4 Vegas Strip’, R. Galliano – ‘Waltz for Nicky’, R. Galliano – ‘New York Tango’, V. Chernikov – ‘Voronezh Cowboy’, A. Musiyuk/A. Lisker/S. Sorokin – ‘Fly with Me’, C. Chaplin - ‘Smile’, J.S. Bach – ‘Fugue in C’.

Sergei Teleshev is a member of the Trio Voronezh.

For further information email: info@triovoronezh.com


Video: Accordionova - Dreams - Live - Russia

Published on May 16, 2013. Accordionova duo of Mikhail Popov and Ivan Gorbulich. www.accordionova.com


Video: Accordion Ensemble Vietnam Performing - Vietnam

Published on May 13, 2013, Gilles Mayer - Pierre De Lune by the Accordion Ensemble Vietnam: Accordionists: Quang Huy, Viet Hung, Thu Hien, Lê Hong, Minh Tiep. Director: Nguyen Tai Hung.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Special NAO Award for Tom Duncan

Tom DuncanThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending May 21st 1999 included an item concerning a special award by the National Accordion Organization of the UK to Scotsman Tom Duncan for his efforts in promoting young accordionists.

After retiring from career in the Lancashire Police with the rank of Chief Superintendent, Tom Duncan turned his attention to playing and promoting the accordion, and his many laudable achievements included founding the Wyre Accordion Club, the Wyre Accordion Festival, the Morecambe International Accordion Festival, the Blackpool Accordion Festival, and the ‘Best of Accordion Music’ weekend at Prestatyn, North Wales.

He and accordionist Heather Smith together published the ‘Accordion Profile’ magazine. Tom passed away on April 26th 2012 at the age of 88.

Special Award Presented – England
Contributed by Heather Smith

On May 1st, at the National Accordion Championships in Scarborough, NAO Chairman Raymond Bodell announced (to the audience of nearly 1000 people) that the NAO had decided to present a special award to Tom Duncan. Tom is the organizer of both the annual Blackpool Accordion Festival and the ‘Best of Accordion Music’ weekend at Prestatyn, and the award was in recognition of his work in promoting young accordionists.

Tom was presented a plaque by the Chairperson of the Junior NAO Committee. He was most surprised to receive this award, and in his reply expressed how honoured he felt to receive such a distinguished award and asked that those who gave up their valuable time for similar reasons should share the honour with him.


Future events

Aydar Gaynullin:  ‘Tango de Amor’ Concert, Berlin - Germany

‘Tango de Amor’ Concert poster
Video above: February 2013, Libertango - Aydar Gaynullin & Euphoria

In his Russian homeland Aydar Gaynullin is a star, and in many other countries the accordion virtuoso has now made a name for himself. He has appeared in various TV shows with such outstanding artists as Anna Netrebko, Mstislav Rostropovich, the Symphonic Orchestra of Luxembourg or Martina Gedeck and played for Mikhail Gorbachev, Vladimir Putin, Jacques Chirac, and Spain's Queen Sophia.

The multiple award-winning accordionist would now like to present himself to a wider German audience with his musical companions. The concert ‘Tango de Amor’ will take place on June 8th, 6pm, in the Kammermusiksaal of the Berlin Philharmonie, with Aydar Gaynullin (button accordion, accordina), Elena Lutz (button accordion), Borislav Strulev (cello), Artyom Dervoed (guitar), Pavel Novikov (Bansuri), Sergey Ahmed (Cajon, udu, further percussion instruments), Arkady Shilkloper (French horn, alphorn), and the Moscow Youth Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Valery Vorona.

It is always a special experience to see Aydar Gaynullin live on stage: in a very powerful way and with breathtaking speed he transfers his expressive artistic energy in the buttons of his accordion, and within a very short time, his audience is swept up.

In addition to classical music and tango, he plays jazz, ethno-folk, rock, experimental music, is often involved with crossover projects, and works together with Elena Lutz as a duo.

Gaynullin writes music for plays and films which were awarded at international film festivals in Venice, Moscow, and New York and has recorded several CDs and DVDs.


The Accordion at the Ravenna Festival – Italy

Ravenna Festival logo
The accordion will feature significantly in this year’s Ravenna Festival, May 23rd to July 13th. Accordionists performing include Riccardo Tesi and Simone Zanchini, and there will be an ‘Accordion Story’ exhibition. Full details in Italian language.


Joao Gentil and Emiliano Faryna Concert, Lisbon - Portugal

Joao Gentil and Emiliano Faryna ConcertJoao Gentil (accordion) and Emiliano Faryna (acoustic guitar) perform in concert May 24th, 11pm, at Na Se, Lisbon, and on May 25th at Ondajazz, Lisbon.

João Gentil started his musical studies in Switzerland where he lived until the age of 11. Once in Portugal he attended the Conservatory of Music of Figueira da Foz where he was a student of Paulo Jorge Ferreira and Jose António Sousa.

He has also studied at the international accordion school in France, CNIMA J.Mornet, with Jacques Mornet.


Brendan Power and Tim Edey @ Chester Folk Festival, Cheshire – UK

Brendan PowerHarmonica player Brendan Power, from New Zealand, and melodeon player/guitarist Tim Edey perform as a duo at the Chester Folk Festival, Kelsall, Chester, Cheshire, on Saturday May 25th, 9.50pm.


INW Accordion Club Meeting, Spokane WA – USA

North West Accordion Club logoThe next meeting on the Inland North West Accordion Club is on Monday May 27th, 5.15pm, at the Global Credit Union (North Entrance), 3rd St Maple, Spokane, Washington.


‘Accordion Days’, Ugljevik-Bijeljina – Bosnia and Herzegovina

5th ‘Accordion Days’ festival
The 5th ‘Accordion Days’ festival takes place from May 23rd to 28th in Ugljevik-Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The festival is organized by the ‘Kornelije Stankovic’ music school.

For further information email: msks.festival@gmail.com


Vivant and Mary Tokarski Featured, Kansas City - USA

Vivant! The Kansas City Sound
Mary TokarskiVivant! ~ Julie Silfverberg, Dee Sligar, Karen Fremar, Melody Stroth, Janne Silfverberg and Brian Steever ~ will be featured on the Fremar Foundation for Accordion Arts' "Music & Merlot" on Saturday, June 15th, 7 p.m.

Two-time United States Accordion Champion, Mary Tokarski of Connecticut, will perform as guest artist. We will mix it up with several other professional musicians (Judy Johnson, Flute; Beth McCollum, Cello; Jason Scheufler, Guitar and Kevin Maret, Vibes) to perform a couple of World Premieres ~The Java House and Sapphire (for Two Accordions and Hand Drums) ~ and also a few works from Karen Fremar's new CD release Fremar - Night at the Pla-Mor.

Then grab another glass of wine or a good cup of coffee at intermission and prepare your "Dance Card" for some big band swing, blues, Latin, and tango.

The event will be at All Souls Unitarian, Bragg Auditorium, 4501 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO, 64111. Cocktails and Hors d'oeuvres begin at 6:30 p.m. in the lobby.
Admission is free. Donations accepted at the door.

The Fremar Foundation is a Non-profit Charitable Organization.


2013 Goran Alachki Accordion Event, Castelfidardo – Italy

Goran AlachkiThe 2013 Goran Alachki Accordion Event, organized by Elke Ahrenholz, takes place at the Parco Hotel, Castelfidardo, Italy, May 26th to June 2nd.

Led by Goran Alachki, the focus will be on Macedonian traditional music, and its various rhythms. Tuition will be in group classes and as an orchestra.

Goran Alachki will perform in the concert on the final day. A maximum of 50 accordionists can participate.

For further information email: eahrenholz@me.com


‘Il fiore delle mille e una nota’ Dance Show, Urbania – Italy

Claudio JacomucciOn Saturday June 1st ‘Il fiore delle mille e una nota’, a performance of contemporary music and dance, directed by accordionist Claudio Jacomucci and choreographer Kathleen Delaney, is staged within the picturesque setting of the Parco Ducale, Urbania.
The protagonists of the evening, beside Jacomucci and Delaney as an accordionist and composer-dancer-choreographer, will be the musicians of the Italian Accordion Academy (Dennis Allegaert, Marco Ambrosio, Barbara Ardenois, Luca Pignata, Ezio Testa, Przemek Wojciechowski), the dancers of Kathleen Delaney Dance Company (Kathleen Delaney, Martina Ferraioli, Maria-Francesca War, Erika Rombaldoni, Irene Saltarelli) and the Choir Durantino conducted by Simone Spinaci.

The program includes music for classical accordion, accordion ensemble, mixed choir and ensemble by Maurice Ravel, Igor Stravinsky, Alexina Louie, György Kurtag, Guillaume de Machaut, Pawel Baranek, Arvo Pärt, Bach, Erkki Jokinen, George Zamfir, George Gershwin, William Albright and original choreography by Kathleen Delaney.

It will also include the premiere of ‘Arcana’ for mixed choir, ensemble of accordions and singing, conducted by Claudio Jacomucci.

The Italian Accordion Academy is an advanced-level pedagogic and performing project dedicated to the development and promotion of the classical accordion. It is led by Claudio Jacomucci and the Alexander Technique teacher and choreographer Kathleen Delaney.

The activities of the academy consist in a yearly Master Course - whose pedagogy is based on the Alexander Technique principles - and in the realization of several public concerts and performances which involve the participation of the students.

Concerts and masterclasses are generally scheduled in Italy and in the Netherlands (Urbino, Venice, Amsterdam).

For further information email: accademia@claudiojacomucci.com


"The Famous Accordion Orchestra" Annual Tour, New York – USA

Famous Accordion Orchestra
"The Famous Accordion Orchestra" Annual World Tour of Brooklyn, which began in May, continues during June.

The Famous Accordion Orchestra, led by composer/accordionist Bob Goldberg, performs a wide range of music spanning the years. Repertoire includes music by Stephen Foster, Rossini, Bach, Offenbach, Guy Klucevsek, Lars Hollmer, Paolo Conte, Duke Ellington and Kraftwerk, waltzes, marches, tangos, and sound environments. The Orchestra varies in size and membership, but regular members include accordionists Bob Goldberg, Genevieve Leloup, Mark Nathanson, Melissa Elledge, Rachel Swaner, and the rhythm section of Greg Burrows on drums and Joe ‘Tuba’ Keady on tuba.

"The Famous Accordion Orchestra" currently receives funding from the Brooklyn Arts Council's community arts program for its series of free concerts in Brooklyn community gardens and public spaces, and for the development of new music.

Concert dates:
June 2nd, 4pm - Local Produce Festival, Pacific Street Garden, 5th Avenue and Pacific Street,
Park Slope, Brooklyn
June 8th, 2pm - Jane Bailey Memorial Garden, 327-329 Greene Avenue, Fort Greene/Bed-Stuy
June 8th, 6pm - East 4th Street Community Garden, East 4th between Fort Hamilton Pkwy and Caton Avenue, Kensington

The Famous Accordion Orchestra 2013 World Tour of Brooklyn is partially sponsored by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC).

For further information: banorchestra@earthlink.net


New and Updated Sites

John Raczka release 4 new music

John RaczkaJohn Raczka - accordionist, performer, arranger, releases 4 new music for accordion available for purchase online.

'Around The World', catalog:raczka213,
'Arrivederci, Roma', catalog:raczka214,
'Ballin' The Jack', catalog:raczka215,
'Bartered Bride Polka', catalog:raczka216

The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Cumbia Mania', catalog: cfranco170,
'Fiesta Latina', catalog: cfranco171

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Don Grzanna release new music

Don Grzanna - accordionist, composer, performer, releases 4 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Can Can', catalog: grza161,
'Southern Bird Dance', catalog: grza162,
'Jazz And Me', catalog: grza163,
'Hungarian Dance No. 5', catalog: grza164

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Stories of Lucile CD by Murl Allen Sanders

Stories of Lucile CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Stories of Lucile CD by Murl Allen Sanders, in English language, reviewed by Joan C Sommers.


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