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Weekly News from Around the World - 24-Jun-2011
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Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, Ikaalinen - Finnland
2011 Milch und Honig Akkordeon Festival – Israel
TV-Russland/Gubaidulina Dokumentarfilm mit Mika Väyrynen - Schweden
Joe Burke /neues Buch, Irish Willie Clancy Sommerschule - Irland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Henn Rebane’s Book of Dance Music, Tallinn – Estonia
Sounds New 2011: Contemporary Music Festival, Canterbury - UK
Yvette Horner DVD ‘Reine de l'accordéon’, Paris – France
Tony Lovello (and I) Perform in Wilmington, Delaware - USA
‘14 Years Ago’ – Alice Hall’s Birthday Celebrated…

Future events

Romano Viazzani @ Mercian Accordion & Music Club, Warwickshire – UK
Cultures Equitables, Lille – France
Victor Prieto Trio at Trumpets Jazz Club, New Jersey - USA
Accordion Workshop Day, Staffordshire – UK
Accordion Babes Concert, Chicago – USA
Iberya Özkan Akordeon Workshops, Istanbul - Turkey
The Savoy Family Cajun Band Tour – UK

New and Updated Sites

Friedrich Lips New CD Titled - Cocktail "Rio Rita"
Zevy Zions Releases New Arrangement
Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni Releases 4 Arrangements
Charnwood Publishing Releases 4 New Music

CD Reviews

Winter Sketches CD by Bjarke Mogensen

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Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, Ikaalinen - Finnland

Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival
Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival brochure coverDas 39. internationale Sata-Häme Soi Akkordeon-Festival findet in Ikaalinen vom 28. Juni bis 3. Juli 2011 statt. Daily Reports gibt es vom Sata-Häme Soi Kevin von Friedrich online ab 28. Juni.

- Golden Accordion Finals (Finnland)
- Silver Accordion Finals (Finnland)
- Primus Ikaalinen Finals (International)
die alle auf YLE TV2 TV-Finnland und live im Internet übertragen werden. Aktualisierte Informationen gibt es unter Daily Reports.

Primus Ikaalinen Teilnehmer 2011 sind:
Matthias Matzke (Deutschland), Alexander Veretennikov (Russland), Cory Pesaturo (USA), Danijel Stankovic (Österreich), Julie Blocher (Frankreich), Giorgio Albanese (Italien), Natanael Teizeira (Portugal) sowie die Gewinner des Goldenen Akkordeon 2011.

Die Festivalwoche umfasst rund 50 Konzerte und Veranstaltungen mit rund 1.000 finnischen und etwa 100 ausländische Künstlern. Das Festival erwartet 35.000 Besucher mit 15.000 verkauften Konzertkarten. Etwa die Hälfte der Konzerte und Veranstaltungen sind kostenlos.

Einige bemerkenswerte Akkordeon Künstler sind:
- Budapest Klezmer Band
- Duo Syrius (Frankreich) von Julien Gonzales (2007 Primus Ikaalinen Gewinner, Akkordeon) und Cyril Carbonne (Klarinette)
- Peter Maric (Serbien) 2010 Coupe Mondiale Gewinner
- Terem Quartett (Russland) mit Finnischer Solist Jonna Pirttijoki
- Finnish National Youth Accordion Orchestra

Detaillierte Daily Reports von Kevin Friedrich online ab 28. Juni an Sata-Häme Soi.
Primus Ikaalinen contestants 2010


2011 Milch und Honig Akkordeon Festival – Israel

Jedes Jahr zu Pfingsten (Shawuot in Hebräisch) gibt es ein großes Akkordeon-Festival namens "Milch und Honig". Diesmal fand es im großen Amphitheater der ältesten Siedlung namens Nahalal im nördlichen Teil Israels statt, dass im Jahre 1921 gegründet wurde. Das Festival wurde zum ersten Mal im Jahr 2004 durchgeführt und im Jahre 2008 wurde Yehuda Oppenheimer von Festivalkomitee mit einer Ehrung ausgezeichnet.

Das 2011 Festival wurde von Yehuda Oppenheimer "Vater" des Akkordeons in Israel eröffnet – er begrüßte das Publikum und dieTeilnehmer. Der Abend war in zwei Teile geteilt. Im ersten Teil spielten bekannte israelische Akkordeonisten in verschiedenen Ensembles, vor allem Balkan Musik, die beim Publikum sehr beliebt ist.

Der zweite Teil begann um etwa 23 Uhr - man fand sich zusammen mit Gruppen von Akkordeonisten zum traditionellen Community Singing, das bis in die frühen Morgenstunden dauerte!

Die Organisatoren des Festivals waren höchst erfreut zu sehen, dass das Interesse am Akkordeon stets in steigender Tendenz ist, wie vdie vielen Teilnehmer der beliebten Veranstaltung bewiesen….


TV-Russland/Gubaidulina Dokumentarfilm mit Mika Väyrynen - Schweden

Sofia Gubaidulina and Mika Väyrynen
Båstad Chamber Music Festival posterDer Finnische Akkordeonist Mika Väyrynen (Bild oben) wird währed des Båstad Chamber Music Festivals in Schweden spielen, welches in diesem Jahr als lokale Künstlerin die weltbekannte Komponistin Sofia Gubaidulina (Bild oben links) featured.

Das russische Fernsehen kommt speziell zu diesem Anlass nach Schweden zum Festivalo, um einen Dokumentarfilm über die Aufführungen ihrer Musik, sowie ein Interviews mit ihr, den Interpreten ihrer Werke und dem Publikum zu machen.

Am 28. Juni wird Mika Väyrynen 'Seven Words', von Gubaidulina, zusammen mit Reinhard Latzko (Violoncello) mit dem Jönköpings Sinfonietta unter der Leitung von Hannu Koivula in der Förslöv Kirche aufführen.

Am 30. Juni gibt Mika ein Konzert in der Kirche Torekov mit Aufführungen von Bachs großartige "Passacaglia und Fuge in c-moll", und sowie der Gubaidulina "In Croce" mit Alexander Suslin (Kontrabass). Diese Darbietung ist die neueste Version von "In Croce" für Bajan und Kontrabass-Funktion. Beide Konzerte werden vom schwedischen Radio P2 aufgezeichnet werden.

Gubaidulina wird an den Proben teilnehmen und somit eine eine seltene und willkommene.

CD's by Mika  Väyrynen aus dem Finland Accordeon Institute.


Joe Burke /neues Buch, Irish Willie Clancy Sommerschule - Irland

Joe BurkeDie Willie Clancy Sommerschule wurde in Gedenken an den im Jahre 1973 verstorbenen Uilleann Piper Willie Clancy gegründet und findet in Jahre in Milltown Malbay, County Clare, vom 2. bis 10. Jul statti. Fast 1.000 Studenten aus der ganzen Welt besuchen den Unterricht mit Experten der irischen Musik und Tanz, diatonisches Knopfakkordeon, Melodeon, Anglo Concertina und Mundharmonika.

Die Akkordeon und Melodeon Lehrer sind Joe Burke, Jackie Daly, Bobby Gardiner, PJ Hernon und Conor Keane. Concertina: Noel Hill, Marty O'Keeffe, Lorraine O'Brien, Caitlin Nic Ghabhann, Cormac Begley, Timmy Collins, Edel Fox, Dympna O'Sullivan, Michelle Mulcahy, Hugh Healy, Claire Keville, Jack Talty, Jackie McCarthy, Katie O'Sullivan, und Aoife Kelly. Mick Kinsella und Rick Epping unterrichten die Mundharmonika Klassen.

Der Knopf-Akkordeonist Joe Burke, eine Legende der irischen Musik, hat 'The Joe Burke Traditional Irish Music Book ", mit Arrangements von 105 traditionellen Melodien herausgebracht. Das Buch besteht ist komplettiert mit drei CDs, mit Melodien von Joe Burke gespielt, mit verschiedenen Variationen, passend für alle Instrumente. Eine Buchpräsentation findet am Sonntag, 3. Juli am zweiten Tag der Sommerschule statt.

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: angleann@oceanfree.net


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Henn Rebane’s Book of Dance Music, Tallinn – Estonia

Henn RebaneHenn Rebane, one of Estonia’s most accomplished accordionists, has produced a music book full of new melodies enriched with exciting and memorable harmonies and rhythms, suitable for performance or as teaching/learning material.

The book is aimed at medium level players. The player will come across different techniques, including the ricochet tremolo of the bellows, and other interesting playing methods which enliven the music. Even the players of the free bass will find several pieces for them. The pieces are arranged in order of difficulty, and the album includes music for 24 dances and comes together with a CD. The price is 20 euros plus shipping costs. The album has already been well received in Estonia, Latvia and Finland.

Henn Rebane, a versatile freelance musician, graduated from the Estonian Academy of Music. He played in the early music consort Hortus Musicus, and now plays in the Accordion Super Trio, with Allan Jakobi and Jaak Lutsoja. Since 1980 Henn has performed in Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Portugal, Japan and India. He has organized several accordion festivals in Estonia, and been a jury member at international competitions. In 1990-94 he taught accordion at Kokkola Conservatory, Finland.

For further information email: hennreb@hotmail.com


Sounds New 2011: Contemporary Music Festival, Canterbury - UK

Owen MurrayIn an interesting approach to the vast array of contemporary music that is being produced, Canterbury Christ Church University devoted a week-long festival, May 20th to 28th, to a musical journey of discovery of the Baltic region. With a series of concerts every day for the week the organisers sought to show the influence of composers from the region, and to bring recent and rarely heard music to the attention of British audiences.

On Sunday May 22nd Canterbury University in association with the Royal Academy of Music, London, staged a ‘Sounds New Accordion Day with Owen Murray’. The day was a very full one for Owen Murray and all the students of his department. The day started with Owen Murray giving a lecture and composers’ workshop on the classical accordion and problems of composition for it. Murray also gave an excellent evening concert of chamber works with his newly formed RAM string quartet, The Waves.

The program included works by Sofia Gubaidulina, Poul Ruders and a splendid new work written for Murray and a string quartet by Patrick Nunn entitled ‘Escape Velocity’. This work proved an excellent match in the program with a rare performance of Ruders’ ‘Serenade on the Shores of the Cosmic Ocean’, inspired by the late Carl Sagan’s book ‘Cosmos’ (1980).

The students gave an afternoon concert and followed it with the master class. To round off the day after Owen Murray’s concert the students performed another concert of lighter accordion works with some splendid demonstrations of nimble fingers and show stopping tunes.

Altogether this was an excellent occasion bringing the accordion to the fore.


Yvette Horner DVD ‘Reine de l'accordéon’, Paris – France

Yvette Horner DVD cornerThe legendary French accordionist Yvette Horner has released a DVD, ‘Reine de l'accordéon’, available via Amazon.

The tracks include ‘New York, New York’, ‘Mon Tour de France’, ‘Marche des mineurs’, ‘Valse de l’amour’, ‘Euro-Accordeon’, ‘Monsiuer Strauss’, ‘Au coeur de la danse’, ‘Tea for two’, ‘Brise Napolitaine’, ‘Marche turque’, Carnaval de Venise’, ‘El caballero blanco’, ‘Reproche’, ‘Marina’, ‘Pour un brin de muguet’, ‘Marche des forgerons’. The DVD also includes an interview (in French) with Yvette Horner.

Yvette Horner studied accordion, piano and music theory at the Conservatory of Tarbes and that of Toulouse, and later also in Paris. She was CIA World Champion in 1948, at the age of 14, and has been a star of the musette scene in France ever since, with an extensive recording career. She has also pursued a career as a concert pianist.


Tony Lovello (and I) Perform in Wilmington, Delaware - USA

Tony LovelloThe AccordiCats hosted ‘The Liberace of the Accordion’, Tony Lovello, at an afternoon concert on June 18th in Wilmington, Delaware. I was very fortunate to begin the afternoon by providing music as attendees filed into the concert. I was also fortunate to have my Dad in the audience for this ‘Day before Father's Day’ concert!

The crowd marveled as Tony took the spotlight and showed his exceptional musicianship, technique, and sense of humor! With perfection, he performed such classics as ‘In The Still of the Night’, ‘Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered’, and ‘Through the Eyes of Love’.

During intermission the audience had the opportunity to meet Tony, purchase CDs and T-shirts, and get an autograph or picture taken. Intermission music was provided by Carmen Vitanza, a great jazz accordionist.

For the second part of the show Tony filtered some accordion technique lessons into his entertaining, which was appealing to both accordionists and non-players in the audience.

Always entertaining, always energetic, and always perfection. Tony Lovello left the audience in Wilmington amazed with an unforgettable experience! Nice seeing you again Tony and thank you for the opportunity to play before your concert!


‘14 Years Ago’ – Alice Hall’s Birthday Celebrated…

The Accordions Worldwide news for June 20th 1997 announced an event celebrating the birthday of the great jazz accordionist Alice Hall. Born in Belgium, Alice Hall (1917-99) was well known for her technique, improvisational skills and scatting while playing the accordion. She used to play pieces backwards just to amuse her audience. “Nobody can teach you how to play that kind of music you just have to feel it” says Louis Armstrong in her praise.

Contributed by Tom Collins

Friends Of The Accordion, Los Angeles, California, will honor the Queen of Jazz Accordion, Alice Hall on the occasion of her 80th birthday, on June 29th. Special international guest artists will attend and perform including: Myron Floren, Nick Ariondo, Qin Hua of Beijing, China, Augustin Barchuk of Argentina, Tony Hartenstein on chromatic accordion, and FOTA's own Jonas Aras. The cost of US$25 per person includes dinner, wine, cake, and of course, a special concert tribute in honour of Alice Hall.

She played with Nat King Cole, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Benny Carter, Lena Horne, Dizzie Gillespie, Peggy Lee and Victor Borge. 1n 1995 she was president of the FOTA (friend of the accordion) association.


Future events

Romano Viazzani @ Mercian Accordion & Music Club, Warwickshire – UK

Romano ViazzaniRomano Viazzani is the guest at the recently formed Mercian Accordion & Music Club, Bulkington Village Centre, School Road, Bulkington, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV12 9JB. Also appearing are This concert takes place on Saturday June 25th at 7.30pm.

Three CD's by Romano Viazzani available online.

For further information email: hilary.minns@o2.co.uk


Cultures Equitables, Lille – France

The 7th Cultures Equitables festival takes place on June 25th and 26th at the Parc Jean-Baptiste Lebas in Lille, northern France. The acts appearing include Da Cruz, from Brazil, and local bands The Head Shakers, and Le Global. Le Global, featuring accordionist David Laisné, play for dancing on Sunday June 26th, 8pm.

For further information email: association@vailloline.com


Victor Prieto Trio at Trumpets Jazz Club, New Jersey - USA

Victor PrietoThe Victor Prieto Trio perform at Trumpets Jazz Club, 6 Depot Square, Montclair, New Jersey 07042-4018, on Thursday June 30th, 7.30pm.? The line up is Victor Prieto – accordion, Edward Perez – bass, and Eric Doob – drums.

The ever busy Victor comments, “I am just coming back to NY from California after doing a few performances with the Maria Schneider Orchestra. The concerts were really intense”.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Accordion Workshop Day, Staffordshire – UK

Pauline HardwickAccordion and piano teacher Pauline Hardwick leads an Accordion Workshop Day on Saturday July 9th, 9.30 - 4pm, at Barlaston Methodist Church, Park Drive, Barlaston, near Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST12 9DP.

The day includes groups and individual tuition with Pauline Hardwick L.T.C.L. (TD) A.L.C.M., and is intended for those looking to improve their accordion playing standard.

The fee is £15 per person (limited places); tea/coffee provided (bring packed lunch). Interested persons should bring their own music stand and any specific music they would like to study.

For further information email: granet@btinternet.com


Accordion Babes Concert, Chicago – USA

Accordion Babes concert posterThe Accordion Babes perform at the Abbey Pub, 3420 W. Grace St. 60618 Chicago, Illinois, on Tuesday July 5th.


Iberya Özkan Akordeon Workshops, Istanbul - Turkey

Iberya Özkan Akordeon of Istanbul, Turkey, offers workshops for all ages and ability levels to develop accordion techniques in playing Balkan folk, classical, Caucasian folk, tango, folk styles, etc.

For further information email: ibeka@mynet.com


The Savoy Family Cajun Band Tour – UK

Savoy Family Cajun BandThe Savoy Family Cajun Band, from Louisiana, USA, play Cajun music. Their leader Marc Savoy is one of the Cajun tradition’s best known accordionists, and also well known as an accordion manufacturer.

Marc and Ann Savoy (fiddle) and their sons Joel (fiddle) and Wilson (accordion and piano) create a tight, intense sound. The repertoire is chosen carefully: popular dancehall tunes interspersed with soulful ballads, fiddle and vocal duets, and blues.

The band brings the raw energy of the dancehalls of southwest Louisiana to the stage, peppered with humorous and informative anecdotes about life in the Cajun heartland.

July 22nd - Cecil Sharp House, London
July 23rd - Perth Concert Hall, Southern Fried Festival, Perth, Scotland
July 24th, 5pm - Summertyne Americana Festival, The Sage, Gateshead
July 25th - The Band Room, Farndale, North Yorkshire
July 26th, 8pm - Norwich Arts Centre
July 27th, 8pm - The Courtyard, Edgar St, Hereford HR4 9JR
July 28th – Royal Oak Folk Club, The Royal Oak, Lewes, near Brighton
July 29th - Mick Jagger Centre, Dartford, Kent
July 30th - mac, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham B12 9QH
July 31st – WOMAD, Charlton Park,

For further information email: info@accessallareas.info


New and Updated Sites

Friedrich Lips New CD Titled - Cocktail "Rio Rita"

Friedrich Lips selling his new CD titled Cocktail "Rio Rita", catalog CD023 with sound samples. Music performed by Friedrich Lips. Purchase online.


Zevy Zions Releases New Arrangement

Zevy Zions releases 1 new arrangement, 'The Swan', catalog:zzions014. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni Releases 4 Arrangements

Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni releases 4 arrangements. 'The Duke of Kent Waltz', catalog:ec211, 'Corellian Gigue', catalog:ec212, 'After the Battle of Aughrim', catalog:ec213 and 'Waltz from Norway', catalog:ec214. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publishing Releases 4 New Music

Charnwood Publishing releases 4 new pieces by composer Coppard Sue titled, 'Piccolo Mio', catalog:M674, 'Scots Porridge Oats', catalog:M675 and 'The House of Fun', catalog:M676. Samples of the music are available online. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Winter Sketches CD by Bjarke Mogensen

Winter Sketches CD front coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Winter Sketches" CD, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Bjarke Mogensen.


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