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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 23-Sep-2022
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每日报道。第47届 "PIF Citta di Castelfidardo"国际手风琴奖和音乐节 - 意大利
2022年第八届国际爱乐和平节 - 德国
Pietro Roffi 与巴西交响乐团演出 - 巴西
Shetland 手风琴和小提琴节 - 苏格兰
Jérôme Richard 在手风琴周上的表演 法国Maurs La Jolie
Stas Venglevski 为WMAS演出 - 美国
Aotango五重奏推出 "百年探戈 "系列音乐会 - 新西兰


AMMA将奖金捐赠给 Coupe Mondiale - 瑞士
Registrations Open: 2022 Music China
Klaus Paier Performs Live Jazz Concert – Germany
Hartlepool Folk Festival, England - UK
Video: Opening Ceremony at National Academy of Music - Vietnam


“Eloise & Co” Lawn Concert – USA
Grégory Daltin Performs at Jazzèbre Festival 2022 Concert - France
Sharon Shannon Trio Tours Canada
Intermediate Accordion Weekend - UK
Ferran Martínez Performs in Catalonia – Spain
Super Orchestra Day in Surrey – England
Ville Hiltula Performs Piazzolla with Ensemble Kobe - Japan
David Vernon is Guest Performer at Stockport Accordion Club - England
Anthony Schulz Performs in “Zulya and the Children of the Underground” - Australia

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links


2022 CIA Video Archive and Education 项目,佐芬根 - 瑞士
Updated Expanded Article, AAA Commissioned Concert Works - USA
New Website for Accordion Method Books by Ricardo Llanos - Spain
Wanted: Volunteers, 2022 Coupe Mondiale, Zofringen - Switzerland

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每日报道。第47届 "PIF Citta di Castelfidardo"国际手风琴奖和音乐节 - 意大利

PIF Castelfidardo header

卡斯特尔菲达多市议会(意大利马尔凯大区)与卡斯特尔菲达多专业旅游协会合作,召集并组织了PIF "卡斯特尔菲达多市 "手风琴独奏和团体的古典音乐和其他流派的国际比赛,以及以手风琴为特色的音乐节。

卡斯特尔菲达多市政府由市长Roberto Ascani领导,Castelfidardo Pro Loco由Ruben Cittadini领导,2022年PIF艺术总监Antonio Spaccarotella。在昨天的新闻发布会上,他们高兴地谈到了参赛作品的水平,以及在比赛和音乐会上表演许多不同风格的音乐的积极前景。

同时发言的还有音乐马尔凯手风琴协会(AMMA)主席Mirco Soprani和Nugo-Creative Collective的Cesare Sampaolesi。合影:2022PR.jpg 新闻发布会在电视新闻采访中结束。

Reuben Cittadini, Mayor Roberto Ascani, Antonio Spaccarotella


2022年第八届国际爱乐和平节 - 德国

Chamber Philharmonic Hall of Berlin在柏林爱乐乐团和勃兰登堡门举行的 "和平音乐会"。

在柏林爱乐音乐厅和勃兰登堡门举行的 "和平音乐会"。

以上图片从左至右。Volodymyr Kashuta, Dmitri Pavlov, 组织者Herbert Scheibenreif 和 Waldemar Fleischhauer, Yuri Shishkin, Eduard Akhanov.

Pantonale e.V.协会不仅在手风琴界声名鹊起,其每年举办的Philharmonika音乐节,每年都有不同的口号,也吸引了很多国际关注。



由于目前的地缘政治局势,潘托纳尔今年决定在柏林爱乐乐团和勃兰登堡门举行和平节。 诚如达赖喇嘛所言,"和平始于我们内心"。

来自乌克兰、俄罗斯、法国、意大利、哥伦比亚、奥地利和德国的艺术家参加了此次音乐节。 获奖的手风琴家尤里-希什金、爱德华-阿哈诺夫、沃洛迪米尔-卡舒塔和维塔利-沙尔(吉他)在柏林夏洛腾堡的特立尼达教堂举行了开幕音乐会。来自奥地利和哥伦比亚的 "Kollektiv Duo "Raphael Brunner(手风琴)和Juan Carlos Diaz(长笛)表演了他们自己的作品,如《Plátano》和《Gameflow》。

Respiro五重奏"(法国),展示了他们的新节目 "Pictures at an Exhibition",由Modest Mussorgski作曲,Gustavo Beytelmann安排.


柏林交响乐团的弦乐五重奏和钢琴家Dmitri Pavlov也为音乐会提供了音乐。



Pietro Roffi 与巴西交响乐团演出 - 巴西

Pietro Roffi手风琴家Pietro Roffi(图右)将于2022年9月25日上午11点在巴西里约热内卢的城市艺术室内剧院与巴西交响乐团(Orquestra Sinfonica Brasileira - 图上)合作演出。

他们的节目将包括维瓦尔第/皮亚佐拉的《八季》和一些 Pietro Roffi 自己的作品。



Shetland 手风琴和小提琴节 - 苏格兰

Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Festival





Jérôme Richard 在手风琴周上的表演 法国Maurs La Jolie

Maurs poster
手风琴家Jérôme Richard将在2022年10月2日至8日在法国奥弗涅-罗讷-阿尔卑斯省Maurs La Jolie的Chataigneraie村举行的手风琴周活动中表演。




Stas Venglevski 为WMAS演出 - 美国

Stas Venglevskiwmas logoStas Venglevski(美国)将于2022年9月25日作为客座艺术家为美国华盛顿大都会手风琴协会(WMAS)表演。




Aotango五重奏推出 "百年探戈 "系列音乐会 - 新西兰

视频。Aotango五重奏表演Escualo - Astor Piazzolla。

Aotango五重奏将于2022年11月和12月在新西兰举办 "百年探戈 " 系列音乐会。 下载海报。TangoCentury.pdf

该五重奏包括 Grayson Masefield(手风琴)、Andrew Beer(小提琴)、Somi Kim(钢琴)、Gordon Hill(低音提琴)和Sam Swindells(吉他)。

- 11月21日晚7点半:Warkworth Town Hall, Warkworth
- 11月22日晚上7点半:Westlake Girls Events Centre, Takapuna
- 12月2日晚上7点30分。All Saints Church, Howick
- 12月3日晚上7点30分。Chapel of Christ the King, Hamilton

"一个世纪的探戈 "是一次探戈演变的音乐之旅,展示了流行的最爱,如El Choclo, Por una Cabeza和La Cumparsita,以及阿根廷作曲家Ástor Piazzolla的革命性的新探戈风格作品。




AMMA将奖金捐赠给 Coupe Mondiale - 瑞士

AMMA logo
Mirco SopraniMusic Marche Accordions协会(AMMA)提供了500欧元的奖金,作为 2022 Coupe Mondiale 冠军的奖金。

这笔奖金已经得到了CIA执行委员会的批准,他们希望AAMA主席Mirco Soprani(前Castelfidardo市长,图右)能前往佐芬根颁奖。




Registrations Open: 2022 Music China

2022 Music China
Music ChinaMusic ChinaBooth applications and visitor registrations are now open for the 2022 Music China exhibition, due to be held at the Nanjing International Expo Centre in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China from November 17th to 20th, 2022.

The event will include a variety of music demonstrations, exhibits, educational workshops, industry forums and live music shows.

For details email: music@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com


Klaus Paier Performs Live Jazz Concert – Germany

KP group
Klaus PaierVideo: Klaus Paier, Gerald Preinfalk and Asja Valcic live at St Pauler Kultursommer 2021.

Klaus Paier entertained live on accordion and bandoneon at the Jazz, Folk & Bike Club in Syke, Bremen, Germany this week.

He was accompanied by Gerald Preinfalk (soprano saxophone, clarinet & bass clarinet) and Croatian cellist Asja Valcic in the concert hall of the Kreissparkasse with its excellent acoustics.

“The listeners could revel in the rich timbres of the instruments, which the musicians mastered in all registers.”

The trio's current album is released by the German label Skip Records and is titled “Fractal Beauty”.


Hartlepool Folk Festival, England - UK

Hartlepool poster
Sarah Allen - FlookThe Hartlepool Folk Festival will be held in Hartlepool, England from September 30th to October 2nd, 2022.

Accordion groups performing include Edward II, Flook (accordionist Sarah Allen picture left), Melrose Quartet (Richard Arrowsmith – melodeon), Davenport Family and Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (concertina and melodeon).

For details email: info@hartlepoolfolkfest.co.uk


Video: Opening Ceremony at National Academy of Music - Vietnam

Video: Solo accordionist, Lam Adam Nhat Vu performing at the Opening Ceremony of the 2022 – 2023 school year at the National Academy of Music (Hoc Vien Am Nhac Quoc Gia Viet Nam) in Hanoi, Vietnam this week.



“Eloise & Co” Lawn Concert – USA

Lawn Concert poster
“Eloise & Co” will perform a lawn concert in South Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA on September 25th, 2022 at 4pm.

The duo, which includes Rachel Bell (accordion, piano & vocals) and Becky Tracy (violin & vocals) will perform a varied program finishing with some bal folk dances.

For details email: eugenecgiraffe@gmail.com


Grégory Daltin Performs at Jazzèbre Festival 2022 Concert - France

GD concert
Grégory Daltin (accordion) and Marco Bardoscia (double bass) will perform at the Elne Cinéma René Vautier in Elne, France on October 1st, 2022 at 9pm.

This concert is part of the Jazzèbre Festival 2022 event in France. Their program will include a variety of Jazz tango and musette pieces.

For details phone: 04 68 51 13 14


Sharon Shannon Trio Tours Canada

SSTrio poster
Two concerts in the upcoming Sharon Shannon Trio tour of Canada have now sold out.

The tour begins in Vancouver on October 2nd, with concerts in Victoria, Calgary and Canmore, Alberta through to October 9th, 2022.

Sharon is known for her arrangements of traditional Irish tunes and Irish influenced compositions, as well as a variety of music genres such as hip hop, cajun, country, classical and rap.

See poster for details.


Intermediate Accordion Weekend - UK

Ians music weekend banner
Ian Lowthian will hold an Intermediate Accordion Weekend in Ettrickbridge in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders on October 8th and 9th, 2022.

The event will include “some not too tricky tunes that we will play at a leisurely pace. There may be some challenges to work on after the weekend.”

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Ferran Martínez Performs in Catalonia – Spain

Ferran poster
Ferran Martínez will perform a bayan concert in Berga, Catalonia, Spain on October 8th, 2022.

His program will include works by Piazzolla, Rossini, Vivaldi, Rodrigo, Strauss and Semionov.

For details email: ferranbayan@gmail.com


Super Orchestra Day in Surrey – England

accordionCobham HallSuper Orchestra Day is returning, after a long break due to Covid-19 and is one of the biggest annual accordion orchestra training days in the UK.

This year’s event will take place at the Cobham Village Hall (picture right) in Cobham, Surrey, England on October 9th, 2022 from 10.30am to 7pm.

Julie Luck, well-respected, teacher, and leader of the London Accordion Orchestra will oversee the day, with over 80 accordionists expected to attend.

The event gives accordionists the opportunity to join and meet other players and share in their love for the accordion and the music.

An evening concert will be held featuring the groups who have taken part and a mass Orchestra will perform pieces they have worked on during the day.

For the first time this year organisers will introduce a “mini orchestra” with a free day of ensemble playing for Under 16's in the rear hall. A range of instruments will be available for children to borrow for the day and encourage kids who have never played the accordion before to give it a try.

All players must register. For details email: mail@londonao.co.uk


Ville Hiltula Performs Piazzolla with Ensemble Kobe - Japan

Ville poster
Kobe hallVideo: Ville Hiltula & Friends performing Oblivion by Piazzolla.

Ville Hiltula (bandoneon) will perform a concert with the Ensemble Kobe (conducted by Zheng Yano) at Kobe Shimbun Matsukata Hall (picture left) in Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, on October 21st, 2022

Their program will feature Piazzolla’s Aconcagua Bandoneón Concerto and Four Seasons.

See poster for details.


David Vernon is Guest Performer at Stockport Accordion Club - England

David VernonDavid Vernon is the guest performer at the Stockport Accordion Club meeting held at the Woodley Methodist Church in Woodley, Stockport, England on November 16th, 2022 at 7.30pm.

“David Vernon is a highly regarded, versatile accordion entertainer, whose music goes beyond Scottish traditional tunes to the music of various parts of Europe and even further afield. He’s also likely to throw in some humour, amusing memory tricks, and maybe even a spot of bagpipes wizardry.”

“The Stockport Accordion Band will kick off what is sure to be an evening of top class accordionising”!

New members or visitors are always welcome. For details email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Anthony Schulz Performs in “Zulya and the Children of the Underground” - Australia

Zulya cast
Anthony SchulzAccordionist Anthony Schulz (picture left) will perform in a production of “Zulya and the Children of the Underground” at the Melbourne Recital Centre Primrose Potter Salon in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on November 12th, 2022 at 7pm.

Anthony Schulz, along with vocalist Zulya Kamolava, Lucas Michailidis (guitar), Andrew Tanner (double bass) and Phil Collings (drums), will present “the Australian premiere of Komostan, a project created in collaboration with Dutch producer MFO in 2015. Together with the inimitable Children of the Underground, Zulya will perform an acoustic adaptation of the original works.”

“The piece follows the legend of Tataeli, the daughter of Aelita, queen of Mars and the first Tatar space explorer Ilgizar Zinnatullin, taking listeners on an otherworldly journey through deep space. Its epic and modal elements produce an elegant and romantic stream of music, shifting pentatonic paradigms toward new horizons and creating an imaginary system of parallel worlds for listeners to become immersed in.”


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland News Link
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Information
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Dr William Schimmel 2022 Dr William Schimmel’s Accordion Seminars, July 29-31, NY  News Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article
2021 Coupe Mondiale 2021 Coupe Mondiale Report and Video of all contestants Report Link



2022 CIA Video Archive and Education 项目,佐芬根 - 瑞士

Scandalli sponsor Video Archive and Education Project
Coupe Mondiale logoScandalli手风琴厂是2022年视频档案和教育项目的赞助商, 2022 Coupe Mondiale, 10月4日至9日,瑞士。

视频档案教育项目 "是由国际手风琴联合会(CIA)在赞助商和全球手风琴协会的协助下于2010年发起的项目。

视频应在现场表演或现场比赛后约90分钟上线,观众可以免费下载Coupe Mondiale比赛的视频,播放大量不同类型和风格的音乐。

该项目包括所有Coupe Mondiale类别及其参赛者的视频,将保存在芬兰的CIA档案中,在未来几年内,这些视频将成为历史记录的财富,包括许多原创手风琴作品的首演和Coupe Mondiale上新出现的艺术家。

Scandalli sponsor Video Archive and Education Project


Updated Expanded Article, AAA Commissioned Concert Works - USA

AAA Header
Robert Young McMahanIt gives me great pleasure to announce that I have completed the expansion of yet another of my 22 original articles on the AAA commissioned concert works each of which appeared annually in the AAA Festival Journal between 1997 and 2019.

This article examines the Adagio and Rondo Concertante, for two accordions & orchestra, by Paul Pisk, and Sonatina, for solo accordion, by David Diamond. http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions8.php

As with my previous revisions, this one adds more historical and analytical information than was in the original article plus the new and much needed feature of musical examples. Regarding the latter, a new element in this latest revision is the presence of sound files to accompany the musical excerpts of the Pisk work, thus allowing the reader to hear the excerpts while viewing them in print. Regarding the Diamond Sonata, you may hear it beautifully performed by Beverly Roberts Curnow in its entirety via the link in the AAA website commissioned works home page (http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions.php)

As always, go to http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions2.php to view this and all the other articles of the series in both their original and newly revised versions.


New Website for Accordion Method Books by Ricardo Llanos - Spain

Accordion bookPun bookRicardo Llanos is the new distributor of his two accordion method books: “Acordeón Divertido” (for free bass button accordion - picture above left) and “Pun Txan Txan” (for standard or Stradella button accordion - picture above right).

Both methods are written in Spanish, English and Basque. They include a methodological guide for the teacher and, currently, most of the songs are step by step explained and performed by Ricardo on his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjFq8_3O55iUuvd0K-avAdQ

The books are available at: www.acordeondivertido.com


Wanted: Volunteers, 2022 Coupe Mondiale, Zofringen - Switzerland

2022 Coupe Mondiale posterVolunteers are being asked to help with the video filming of competitions and concerts at the 2022 Coupe Mondiale, Zofringen, 4-9 October 2022.

You are volunteering to help the CIA Video Archive and Education Project provide a free service of videos of all the 2022 Coupe Mondiale competitors and concerts to accordionists and teachers around the world.

The video filming is not complicated and training is supplied. Volunteers aged from 15 years to retired citizens are encouraged to volunteer and help.

Please email your contact details and days you can volunteer to: harleyjones.nz@yahoo.com Harley Jones, CIA Public Relations.


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