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Weekly News from Around the World - 23-Sep-2011
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36th Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival Daily Reports - Italy
Grand Opening of Accordion Performance Series, 64th Coupe Mondiale 2011 - China
2011 Trophée Mondial Free Download of Educational Video - France
Matthias Matzke Wins in Berlin to Represent Germany at the 5th V-Accordion Festival - Germany

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Guardia Nueva Performs on Finnish TV2 Eleven Times in September - Finland
Corrado Rojac Releases New CD Titled "Variazioni"- Italy
Maurice Jones and Lionel Reekie on NZ Television – New Zealand
Accordionists Remembered, Mid Cities Accordion Association - USA
Roland Benelux V-Accordion Contest 2011 - Netherlands

Future events

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention - USA
Yuri Medianik Very Interesting Upcoming Concert s - Russia
XVème Grand Prix International Accordeon 2012 Montrond les Bains - France
10 Performances to Commemorate 10th Anniversary - USA
Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival 2011 – UK

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36th Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival Daily Reports - Italy

36th Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival
The Daily Reports and Results start Tuesday 20th September at 2011 Concorso for the 36th Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival and Competitions. The daily timetable is online. See photos and information of well known accordion identities, performers and contestants at 2011 Concorso.


Grand Opening of Accordion Performance Series, 64th Coupe Mondiale 2011 - China

2011 Coupe Mondiale Concert posters
Prof Li Cong, Crystal WangThe 64th Coupe Mondiale will be held during Oct.1st – 6th in Shanghai. This is the first time that Coupe Mondiale has been hosted in China and in fact, its the first time in the whole Asia since the first Coupe Mondiale was held in France near a century ago.

The launching ceremony is one of the most important parts prior to the Coupe Mondiale. The Accordion Performance Series was successfully held in Minhan District. Dean of College of Music from Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) & President of Chinese Accordion Association (CAA) Li Cong (picture right), associate professor of SHNU & Vice President of Shanghai Accordion Association Crystal Wang (picture right), Head of Youth Center in Minhang Niu Jing and other leaders have attended and watched the performances.

This event was a joint participation by performers from the Children’s Palace of Huangpu, Pudong, Minhang and other districts of Shanghai and students from the College of Music SHNU as invited guests, providing a banquet of fine music for accordion fans to enjoy.

Starting the ceremony, the song full of passion called “Paso Doble” made the children win the audience’s high praise due to their great skills and touching performance. The classical and unforgettable melody, the confident style as well as the confident smiles left a deep impression with all those present. During the break, the two young comperes gave a vivid accordion lesson by introducing the history, development, features and performing skills of the accordion.

The atmosphere came to climax when the epilogue song “Everlasting Melody” was played. The audience swung with the melody, and the perfect interaction between the stage and the audience made the hall just like a dazzling accordion world.

After the launching ceremony, the Accordion Performance Series of the 64th Coupe Mondiale, Shangahi will be held in three landmarks in Shanghai during October 2nd and 3rd. The venues are Xujiahui Central Square, Changfeng Stage and Pudong Hourglass Square. At that time, more than 1,300 people of nearly 30 accordion teams from Beijing, Shanghai, Liaoning, Hubei and other regions of China will get together in Shanghai and compete!

September in Shanghai is the season of light breezes and the sweet fragrance of Osmanthus and this is the wonderful weather we hope for the whole of the 64th Coupe Mondiale 2011 competitions and the nine concerts of different styles being held during the event. Acrobat files of the concert posters are available for download: 2011Shanghai (2MB). Hi Resolution 2011ShanghaiHi (10MB).

The Coupe Mondiale competitions and festival will be fully reported with comprehensive Daily Reports on the Coupe Mondiale website beginning on the 1st October.

Tickets for the nine concerts will be available for international guests, at a special price of €30 at the Shanghai Normal University.
2011 Coupe Mondiale Concert posters


2011 Trophée Mondial Free Download of Educational Video - France

CMA 2011 banner
Frédéric DeschampsThe President of the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) Frédéric Deschamps (picture right) wishes to announce to accordion teachers and students around the world, the release of the 2011 Trophée Mondial Free Educational Video Downloads.

The performances of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners of each Trophée Mondial category will be online within 30 days after the event (October 20th 2011), for the educational benefit of accordion teachers and students.

The purpose is to enable accordion teachers and students to see the performances of the Trophée Mondial Laureates and assist the education of young accordionists around the world. Please look at the CMA website after the 20th October 2011.


Matthias Matzke Wins in Berlin to Represent Germany at the 5th V-Accordion Festival - Germany

Matthias MatzkeThe “Werkstatt der Kulturen“ in Berlin was the venue for this year’s German pre-selection for the 5th International Roland V-Accordionfestival. A full report of the event is at 2011RolandGermany.

The contest in Berlin, was organized in cooperation with Roland and the Akkordeonzentrum Brusch, before an enthusiastic audience. The event started with a welcome by Roland Germany product manager Claus Aktoprak and charming moderator Moira Serfling. Performers included Uwe Steger and the competition categories.

Two candidates in the junior category 11-year old Tobias Schlagbauer from Altdorf and 17-year old Carina Hörl from Maisach were each awarded a first prize V-Accordion. Five candidates had been selected for the German pre-selection and after an exciting competiton Matthias Matzke was the winner.

Full report is at 2011RolandGermany.
Rome Roland banner


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Guardia Nueva Performs on Finnish TV2 Eleven Times in September - Finland

Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra
Raimo VertainenPopular Finnish entertainment and tango-orchestra Guardia Nueva has performed on one of the main TV-channels for Finland eleven times this month.

The performances include one documentary about the orchestra preparing for its anniversary concert and also records two concerts at the Kokkola Ice Hall. It's very rare that accordion appears so broadly on TV and is excellent promotion for the accordion which is a featured instrument.

The leader of the orchestra is Raimo Vertainen, well known Finland accordionist and entertainer.

For further information email: raimo.vertainen@pp.inet.fi


Corrado Rojac Releases New CD Titled "Variazioni"- Italy

Limen Music & Arts has released a new CD by Corrado Rojac titled "Variazioni". Corrado was the first Italian earning an accordion Diploma at a State Conservatorio, and he is now the tutor at the Tartini Conservatorio in Trieste and making concerts regularly.

The CD opens with some of Johann Sebastian Bach’s (1685-1750) Partitas on “O Gott du frommer Gott”, originally written for the organ, and ends with a fundamental piece of the German accordion repertoire, Hans Brehme‘s Paganiniana, touching leading authors, like: Ettore Pozzoli, Anatoli Kusjakov and Gianluca Verlingieri.

For further information email: press@limenmusic.com


Maurice Jones and Lionel Reekie on NZ Television – New Zealand

Lionel Reekie and Maurice JonesThe Rugby World Cup is currently being hosted in New Zealand and on Sunday 18th September, the French team were playing Canada in Napier. The final score was 46-19 to France. As part of the world cup celebrations, Napier City were made the host city in NZ for the French team.

Well known accordionists Maurice Jones and Lionel Reekie were called in to entertain and Lionel Reekie was featured on TV1 News to about 1.5 million New Zealanders. International TV also filmed them both.

Maurice and Lionel had a really busy two days of private functions including a Mayoral Reception, Shed 2 waterfront cafe and a performance at the famous Mission Vineyard concert venue. This is the second major TV promotion of accordion in Napier City in relation to the Rugby World Cup promotions.


Accordionists Remembered, Mid Cities Accordion Association - USA

Wally Boyer, Marynell Phillips, and Joe Kozel.
The Mid-Cities Accordion Association writes: In recent months the local accordion community has lost three wonderful accordionists: Wally Boyer, Marynell Phillips, and Joe Kozel. They each had their own styles and loved different kinds of music. At the September 25th meeting of the Mid-Cities Accordion Association we will remember these individuals by playing some of the music that they loved.

Jim Bezdek will play some great Czech music, remembering the music that was such a big part of Joe Kozel's life.

Jim Olander will play some Christian music, reminding us of Marynell's love for the music of her church.
John Martin will play a few of Wally Boyer's favorite standards, remembering his love of music from the 40's and 50's. Mike Borelli will help us remember some of his favorites from the 70's and 80's.

Everyone is invited to play a song to add to our musical tribute to these three individuals. You are also encouraged to play one of your own favorites.

For further information email John Martin: accordionclub@charter.net


Roland Benelux V-Accordion Contest 2011 - Netherlands

Roland Benelux competition
Picture above left to right: Yolanda Lelyveld, Victor Goossens, Ronald van Keulen, Eric Visser, Ben Luijcx, Isabelle Welie, Frans Leeuwangh, Guido Linders, Renee Verleg, Chris Besselsen, Rens van Renssen, Anita Schielen, Kyle Schielen and Hans van Schuppen.

The Roland Benelux V-Accordion competition was run to select contestants for the 5th International Roland V-Accordion Festival in Rome. The event was organized by the Muziekhuis Gert Nijkamp.

Juniors: 1st Isabelle Welie 2nd Guido Linders 3rd Kyle
Seniors: 1st Ronald van Keulen 2nd Renee Verleg 3rd Koen Walraevens


Future events

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention - USA

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention poster
Paul Pasquali, Las Vegas International Accordion Convention organiser invites everyone to join the fun, October 31 thru November 3 in Las Vegas! There is a great lineup of performances and fun times planned.

The special $34 a night room rate stops on September 30, so if you want to join the fun, then make your reservations quickly. Visit the website for all the details.

Also, if you know a youth who is deserving of a Scholarship, there are still some scholarships available.

The convention features guest artists from around the world, with useful workshops for accordionists of all levels, and several entertaining concerts. Don't forget the Grand Finale with Joan Sommers leading the Las Vegas International Accordion Orchestra.

For further information visit the Las Vegas International Accordion Convention website.


Yuri Medianik Very Interesting Upcoming Concert s - Russia

Yuri Medianik accordion
Yuri Medianik violinistExciting violinist and concert accordionist Yuri Medianik (bayan and bandoneon) has a number of interesting performances in the coming months at major hals and with other well known performers.

9 - Rakhmaninovsky Hall of Moscow Conservatory. Yuri Medianik & Emotion-orchesta with new programm «The Aroma of Tango»
10 — Smolensk. ???????. Recital (violin, bayan, bandoneon) with Glinka Chamber Quartet
11 — Moscow International Performing Arts Center. Chamber Hall. Yuri Medianik & Emotion-orchesta with new programm «The Aroma of Tango» Special guest — Irina Surina
13 — Estrada Theatre Concert with Irina Surina (country singer)
25 — Moscow International Performing Arts Center. Svetlanovsky Hall. Jubilee Ceremony of Sergaey Zhilin 45-th Birthday. Yu.Medianik is a spacial guest with Phonograoh Jazz Band
27 — Moscow International Performing Arts Center. "XXI Century Tenors Invite Friends" Series. Yu.Medianik (bandoneon & violin)
29 — Saratov Conservatory Concert Hall. Recital (violin, bayan, bandoneon) with Glinka Chamber Quartet
30 — Rakhmaninovsky Hall of Moscow Conservatory. Jubilee Concert of Artyom Dervoed (guitare). Yuri Medianik & Emotion-orchestra are the special guests.

26 — Maliy Hall of Moscow Conservatory. Sonatas for viola da gamba. With Boris Andrianov (cello), Yuri Medianik (bayan)

4 — Moscow International Performing Arts Center. Yuri Medianikl & Pluri_Art Orchestra with new programm:"J.S.Bach & Anna Magdalena Bach. Love History" With actress Inira Apeksimova. "
16 —Gnessin Academy Concert Hall. 'Bayan & Bayanists festival». Bach. 3 Sonatas for viola da gamba. With Boris Andrianov (cello), Yu.Medianik (bayan)
17 — Perm' Philharmonic Hall. Recital with Glinka Chamber Quartet
18 — Kirov Philharmonic Hall. Recital (violin, bayan, bandoneon) with Glinka Chamber Quartet

Two CD's are available on the Yuri Medianik website.
Yuri Medianik conducting


XVème Grand Prix International Accordeon 2012 Montrond les Bains - France

XVème Grand Prix International Accordeon 2012 Montrond les Bains
The XVème Grand Prix International Accordeon 2012 Montrond les Bains will take place on the 14th and 15th March 2012 at the Casino Montrond les Baines. Accordionists from all countries are invited and the entries close on the 14 January 2012. There are categories for classical and Variété music.

The regulations for the competitions are now released as an Acrobat download at: 2012Montrond

For further information read the regulations download 2012Montrond or email: jeunes-talents@montrond-les-bains.fr


10 Performances to Commemorate 10th Anniversary - USA

Rocco JerryAs part of Peace Week in Saratoga Springs, there will be a concert and meditation service on Sunday September 25, 2011 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of USA military involvement in Afghanistan. During this time, there will be 10 performances of “snow/wind/radios”.

This is a contemporary chamber music work was composed by Yuji Takahashi (Japan) for two accordions and voice, and is a musical setting of Diane di Prima’s three poems against the Afghan War.

Di Prima’s poems will be read prior to each of the three movements. Ten minutes of silence will follow each performance. Audience members may enter, meditate, and leave at any time during the performances. The concerts will be performed by accordionists Anthony Grieco and Rocco Jerry.

Sunday, September 25 from 12noon to 4pm at the Presbyterian-New England Congregational Church at 24 Circular Street. Admission Free.

For further information email: rajerry@juno.com


Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival 2011 – UK

left: Colin and the Crawfish Band &  right: Acadian Driftwood
Chris Hall’s Creole KingsThe 8th Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival takes place from October 14th to 16th at The Folk House, 40a Park Street, Bristol.

The festival brings the sounds of the Louisiana bayous to Bristol. There are visitors from France and Holland as well as top UK bands playing a mixture of traditional and modern cajun and zydeco:

Friday evening: Madame Beau So’ (France)
Saturday afternoon: Colin & The Crawfish (photo above left)
Saturday evening: Front Row Zydeco (Holland)
Sunday afternoon: Acadian Driftwood (photo above right)
Sunday evening: Chris Hall’s Creole Kings (picture left)

We also have the Whiskey River Boys at the bar on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, dance workshops by Kay Anderson (zydeco) and Carol Wilson (cajun), DJs and MCs Carole (Lil' Queenie) and Nigel (Flying Home) of Swamp Rock Club, London; jamming and a licensed bar and cafe – in short, a "A whole weekend of Louisiana-style music, dance, food, drink and meeting people!"

For further information email: bristol_cajun@yahoo.com


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