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Weekly News from Around the World - 23-Nov-2012
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Особенности Highlights

XXVIII Международный аккордеонный фестиваль, Санкт-Петербург – Россия
1-й национальный конкурс аккордеонистов “National Trofeo” – Сантьяго, Чили
Идеи аккордеонных рождественских подарков на аккордеонную тематику для друзей и семьи
Концерт памяти выдающихся музыкантов, Посвящение Био Боккози (Bio Boccosi) – Италия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Part 1: Finnish Accordion Association 60th Anniversary Celebration - Finland
Part 2: Videos, Finnish 60th Anniversary Celebration - Finland
Part 3: Finland 60th Anniversary Videos - Finland
Gaynor Sutcliffe Wins British Country Music Association Award - UK
Paulus Schäfer Gipsy Band & Dominique Paats live - Netherlands
British College of Accordionists Announces Examination Dates for 2013 - UK
19th International Accordion Festival Hoogezand - Sappemeer - Netherlands
Hear Nick Ariondo On 'Life of Pi' Movie Soundtrack - USA
Ludovic Beier, France, Performing in San Francisco - USA
Lisa-Lee Leslie Appointed 'AccordionTeacher' at Taunton Music School - UK
Mazaika Arrange and Peform Meerkat Polka Band Advertisement - UK

Будущие события

Accordion Orchestra Akonima Plus "Pop and Rock Choir" - Germany
Muziekpublique Course for Balkan Music Orchestra by Hauzeur and Vougioukas - Belgium
Fundraising To Fight Genetic Diseases - Italy

Новые и обновленные сайты

Tian Jianan release new DVDs and CDs and eTracks
Gary Dahl updates music
Charnwood Publications Composer Sue Coppard Updated Site
Tom Collins Memorial Site Updated - USA
Karen Fremar New Music

CD Отзывы

More From Less CD by Stas Venglevski

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Особенности Highlights

XXVIII Международный аккордеонный фестиваль, Санкт-Петербург – Россия

XXVIII Международный аккордеонный фестиваль прошел в Санкт-Петербурге с 3 по 5 ноября. Художественный руководитель этого ежегодного мероприятия – Александр Дмитриев – каждый год выбирает для фестиваля специальную тему.

Отличительной особенностью фестиваля 2012 года стало участие большого количество молодых исполнителей, приглашенных гостей и заслуженных ветеранов.

Полный отчет об этом событии под названием «Три счастливых дня ...», написанный на русском и английском языках заслуженным учителем Санкт-Петербурга, преподавателем аккордеона Татьяной Рыжковой, а также несколько фотографий доступны на XXVIII Report.

Полный список всех участников, а также фотографии с мероприятия можно посмотреть на: XXVIII Report
Participants picture


1-й национальный конкурс аккордеонистов “National Trofeo” – Сантьяго, Чили

Chile Poster
Первый национальный баянно-аккордеонный конкурс “National Trofeo Competition” проходит в эти выходные (23-25 ноября) в Сантьяго, Чили. В конкурсе участвуют музыканты из разных регионов Чили, включая Патагонию.

Иностранные гостями конкурса стали Фредерик Дешамп (Frederic Deschamps) из Франции и победитель многих международных конкурсов Грейсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield) из Новой Зеландии.

Среди других гостей фестиваля Ignacio Hernandez (Чили), Victor Hugo Campusano (Чили), Aldo Taborda (Аргентина) и Felipe Granemann (Бразилия), Sergio Polansky (Чили), Lauro Valerio (Бразилия), Adelqui Bertotto (Аргентина) и Norberto Pinotti (Аргентина ), а также группа Эрнесто Кальдерона (Ernesto Calderon) Ensamble Transatlantico de Folk Chileno (фото внизу).

Мероприятие организовано Эрнесто Кальдероном (делегат от Чили на «Трофее мира» – фото слева) и Национальной Аккордеонной Консерваторией Чили Conservatorio Nacional de Acordeon.

На следующей неделе Фредерик Дешамп проведет семинары, а Грейсон Мейсфилд даст концерт с классической и эстрадной программой в Сантьяго и Вальпараисо.

MP3 треки классических и эстрадных пьес в исполнении Грейсона доступны на: Grayson Masefield


Идеи аккордеонных рождественских подарков на аккордеонную тематику для друзей и семьи

Christmas giftsРождественские Подарки для друзей и семьи на: 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Собирая эти идеи, мы надеялись, что свои средства, приготовленные для Рождественских подарков, вы потратите, приобретая записи и ноты исполнителей-акокордеонистов, а также композиторов, аранжировщиков и издателей.

Пожалуйста, поддержите аккордеонное искусство – выбирайте из более чем 2100 произведений, 270 CD / DVD дисков, 990 треков, 1000 печатных трудов и многочисленных книг. 2012 Xmas Gift Ideas


Концерт памяти выдающихся музыкантов, Посвящение Био Боккози (Bio Boccosi) – Италия

Concert Poster
Bio Bocossi24 ноября в театре Teatro Sperimentale “L. Arena” (по адресу: Анкона, via Redipuglia, 59) состоялся концерт, организованный новой итальянской ассоциацией CDMI (Centro Didattico Musicale Italiano). Концерт был посвящен столетию со дня рождения музыканта из Анконы Био Биоккози.

Организаторы концерта преследовали 2 цели – содействие талантливым музыкантам, особенно молодежи, и сохранение музыкальной исторической памяти. Био Биоккози является почетным гражданином нескольких городов (Анкона, Озимо, Кастельфидардо, С. Мария Нуова и Рекоаро Терме). Этих почестей Биоккози удостоился за свою многогранную деятельность как учителя, пианиста, дирижера, композитора, издателя, журналиста и музыкального оператора, внесшего значительный вклад в развитие музыкальной (в частности, аккордеонной) культуры на национальном и международном уровне.

В концерте приняли участие молодые музыканты – пианисты, баянисты, аккордеонисты и ансамбли, а также гости мероприятия Mariella Guazzaroni, Claudia Menghi и ансамбль Concertino “Burro e Salvia”.

Для получения дополнительной информации пишите Alessandro Mugnoz, (Президент ассоциации C.D.M.I.) на e-mail: info@nuovocdmi.it


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Part 1: Finnish Accordion Association 60th Anniversary Celebration - Finland

The Finnish Accordion Association (Suomen Harmonikkaliitto - SHL) celebrated its 60th Anniversary Concert on Saturday 17th November in the Tampere Hall. Full article in last weeks news.

Videos above:
1. Young Finnish Accordion Orchestra conducted by Janne Valkeajoki
2. Maria Kalaniemi & Timo Alakotila


Part 2: Videos, Finnish 60th Anniversary Celebration - Finland

Videos above:
3. Jonna Pirttijoki, accordion and vocals
4. Sami Hopponen, 1st Prize in the "Golden Accordion" 2007
5. Viivi Maria Saarenkylä, 1st Prize in the "Golden Accordion" 2010


Part 3: Finland 60th Anniversary Videos - Finland

Videos above are:
6. Julia Suihkola, 2nd Prize in the "Golden Accordion" 2012
7. Kalle Makkonen, 1st Prize in the children's "Silver Accordion" in 2012


Gaynor Sutcliffe Wins British Country Music Association Award - UK

Gaynor SutcliffeGaynor Sutcliffe (accordion, violin, vocals) of the very popular Swing Commanders group, won the Musician of the Year award at the British Country Music Association Awards ceremony, Concorde Club, Middlesex on October 23rd.

Last years winner, Simon Brady is also a member of the Swing Commanders group and he was nominated again this year. For two members of the same band to be nominated was unprecedented. The band were also nominated in the Entertainers section.


Paulus Schäfer Gipsy Band & Dominique Paats live - Netherlands

Paulus Schäfer Gipsy Band and Dominique Paats live in concert in Maastricht at the Hotel L'Empereur, 30th September.

Players are: Dominique Paats (accordion), Paulus Schäfer (lead guitar), Noah Schäfer (double bass), Sendelo Schäfer (rhythm guitar) and Watti Rosenberg (violin).


British College of Accordionists Announces Examination Dates for 2013 - UK

BCA header
The British College of Accordionists (BCA) founded in 1936, has offered examinations for accordionists at all levels at local centres throughout the United Kingdom now for 76 years.

The BCA Governing Council under its Chairman Colin Cook and College Principal Raymond Bodell holds regular meetings and the College’s Accordion Teachers Association(ATA) exists to advise and support the learning and developmental process.

The College website www.accordions.com/bca has recently been updated and now includes updated information for 2013 including examination dates, entry forms etc.

For further infomation Email: bcaexams@btinternet.com


19th International Accordion Festival Hoogezand - Sappemeer - Netherlands

Julie BlocherThe 19th International Accordion Festival Hoogezand - Sappemeer organized by Adri Kruijer took place on the 14th October 2012.

The main performers were: Julie Blocher (France), Dieter Holmersma, Gerrit Jansen and Accordéon Mélancolique.

Picture right and video above of Julie Blocher performing there.


Hear Nick Ariondo On 'Life of Pi' Movie Soundtrack - USA

Life of Pi posterAccordionist Nick Ariondo can be heard in the latest film released called 'Life of Pi' by the Academy Award winning director Ang Lee with music composed by Mychael Danna. Based upon the best-selling novel by Yann Martel, 'Life Of Pi' tells the story of a young man's incredible survival at sea against impossible odds.

The recording session took place at 20th Century Fox Studios, Century City, California and the movie releases on 23rd November 2012.

This is not the first film soundtrack by Nick Ariondo who was also featured in the blockbuster movie 'Bridesmaid' (on screen appearance), 'Five Year Engagement', 'Knight and Day', 'Happy Feet 2' and 'Ice Age 4'.


Ludovic Beier, France, Performing in San Francisco - USA

Ludovic Beier with his accordion and accordina
Popular French accordionist Ludovic Beier gave a terrific performance onstage at the Herbst Theatre on the 17th November when he performed with Dorado Schmitt & the Django All-Stars, a favorite of actor Leonardo DiCaprio and his father George DiCaprio, who was attending this concert.

Performers: Dorado Schmitt (guitar, violin, vocals), Ludovic Beier (accordion, accordina), Pierre Blanchard (violin), Franco Mehrstein (guitar) and Xavier Nikq (bass). Picture above is Ludovic with his two instruments.

The 5 touring French musicians really 'delivered the goods' and pleased everyone with a wonderful concert and encore!

Above video is a 2008 interview with Ludovic Beier who was Jon Hammonds guest on the HammondCast KYOURADIO. The interview was recorded in New York City while Ludovic was in town to play the annual "Django Birdland Festival" produced by Pat Phillips.


Lisa-Lee Leslie Appointed 'AccordionTeacher' at Taunton Music School - UK

Taunton Music School
Lisa-Lee LeslieProfessional accordionist and teacher Lisa-Lee Leslie, has been appointed as "Accordion Teacher" at the prestigious "Taunton Music" School in Tauton, Somerset.

Taunton Music was established in 1983, founded by Sharon Roulston, and has around 350 pupils passing through its doors every week. The current team is comprised of 10 full time music tutors, each of whom has worked as full time professionals in the music business.

Lisa-Lee is a past UK Accordion Champion and is from a family of well known accordionists.

For further information email: Lisaleeleslie@googlemail.com


Mazaika Arrange and Peform Meerkat Polka Band Advertisement - UK

Igor Outkine of duo Mazaika wrote: "Check out this video, arranged and performed by duo Mazaika for the Meerkat Polka Band playing Corrie Theme Tune."

Mazaika consists of Igor Outkine (accordion, tenor) and Sarah Harrison (violin, domra).

Quite amazing is that since this video was put on online on the 18th November, some 2.5 million people have viewed it.


Будущие события

Accordion Orchestra Akonima Plus "Pop and Rock Choir" - Germany

Akkordeonorchester Akonima
The Accordion Orchestra Akonima and the Pop Rock Choir began the final phase of preparations for the concert on 15 December at 18 clock in the town hall Wehrer. In a brief visit in the rehearsal room of the Accordion Association in Bärenfelsweg the press was able to get an idea of ??what awaits visitors in the town hall.

With a pyro show to provide additional on stage excitement, "Let's rock" should be the motto of the appearance.
For further information email: info@akonima.de


Muziekpublique Course for Balkan Music Orchestra by Hauzeur and Vougioukas - Belgium

Muziekpublique of Brussels, is holding a course for Balkan Music Orchestra led by Nicolas Hauzeur (Violin and arrangement) and Dimos Vougioukas (accordion and composition).

The course is weekly to develop ensemble playing of music from around the Balkans. All instruments are welcome. Vougioukas Dimos is a young Greek accordionist and composer living in Brussels. He has a long career and played with many ensembles and soloists performing Greek, Romanian or Bulgarian music.

This course starts in January.

For further information Email: cours@muziekpublique.be


Fundraising To Fight Genetic Diseases - Italy

Friday December 7, 2012

Evening to raise money for Research Telethon against Genetic Diseases

The evening will be enlivened with Live Music, Dance & Karaoke with Maestro Franco Roscia and Bravissima Singer Elisa D'Arpino.

Info and Reservations: 0776/799926-3287123401


Новые и обновленные сайты

Tian Jianan release new DVDs and CDs and eTracks

'Free Bass Accordion Solo', catalog: tjianan02'Brahms's Smile, Tian Jianan Accordion Pop Instrumental', catalog: tjianan03Tian Jianan releasing her DVDs and CDs and eTracks titled

'Bach Two Part Inventions and Contest Repertoire, Klingenthal', catalog: tjianan01
'Free Bass Accordion Solo', catalog: tjianan02 and
'Brahms's Smile, Tian Jianan Accordion Pop Instrumental', catalog: tjianan03

with sound samples. Music performed by Tian Jianan. Purchase online.


Gary Dahl updates music

Gary Dahl music catalog DH0165 - Tico TicoGary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music title for purchase on-line.

'Tico Tico', catalog: DH0165,

Sample for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications Composer Sue Coppard Updated Site

Sue CoppardSue Coppard has updated her site with sound samples and some new music titles for each of her original compositions. Listen at: Sue Coppard

catalog M639 - The Swing of the Kilts,
catalog M683 - Lullaby for a Cool Babe in a Hammock,
catalog M631 - Cathy's Tune,
catalog M662 - Christmas Bells,
catalog M681 - If Only...,
catalog M665 - Sampling the Cider and
catalog M675 - Scots Porridge Oats

Sound Samples and PDF Music Samples of the music are available online. Purchase with credit card.


Tom Collins Memorial Site Updated - USA

Tom CollinsThe late Tom Collins Memorial site has been updated with a video.


Karen Fremar New Music

Karen FremarKaren Fremar - accordionist, composer, releases 4 new original compositions for accordion, available for purchase online.

'Lemony Yellow', catalog: kfremar-FB-801,
'Movin’ On', catalog: kfremar-FB-803,
'March', catalog: kfremar-A-103,
'Trail Ride', catalog: kfremar-A-113.

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

More From Less CD by Stas Venglevski

More From Less CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of More From Less CD by Stas Venglevski, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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