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Weekly News from Around the World - 23-Mar-2018
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Особенности Highlights

Видео: Всероссийский День Баяна, Аккордеона и Гармоники 2018
Семья Аккордеона! 2018 Национальная музыкальная ассоциация аккордеонистов - США
Мастер-классы и 22-я Международная неделя аккордеона «Alcobaça 2018» - Португалия
Горка Хермоза , Варшава - Польша

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

New Site for Music by Arteson - Switzerland
Paier Valcic Quartet New ‘Cinema Scenes’ CD and Tour Dates - Austria
Video: “Last Tango by Zoe” - Greece

Будущие события

Trophee National de l’Accordeon, Paris – France
Renzo Ruggieri and Antonella Ruggiero Concert, Chioggia (VE) – Italy
Richard Galliano and Sylvain Luc Concert, Leeds - UK
Mario Tacca and Mary Mancini Evening - USA
WDR3 Radio Broadcast, Bonn – Germany
Naoko and Andreas Nebl Concert, Trossingen – Germany
Bob Goldberg Workshop @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA
Johnny Duncan Duo @ Alnwick Accordion & Fiddle Club, England – UK
International Accordion Festival, Thessaloniki – Greece
Ken and Mary ‘Turbo Accordions Express` Concert, Tennessee – USA
Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Class, Ourense City – Spain

Новые и обновленные сайты

Coupe Mondiale Site Updated Hotel Information & Schedule - Lithuania
2018 AAA Competition Rules Released on New Website - USA
Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ)

CD Отзывы

Book Review: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips - Germany

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Особенности Highlights

Видео: Всероссийский День Баяна, Аккордеона и Гармоники 2018

2018 All Russian Day PosterПо инициативе Фридриха Липса, заведующего кафедрой баяна и аккордеона в Российской Академии музыки им. Гнесиных в Москве, в 2010 году был открыт ежегодный Всероссийский день баяна, аккордеона и гармоники.

В 2018 году в концертном зале Российской Академии музыки им. Гнесиных состоялся концерт 17 марта.

Видео: Список программ на английском и русском языках: 2018AllRussian.pdf


Семья Аккордеона! 2018 Национальная музыкальная ассоциация аккордеонистов - США

NAA Header
Norman SeatonГэри Блэр писал:
«В этом году состав артистов на съезде NAA был главным событием! В реестре Hyatt в Ричардсоне, штат Техас, он снялся в Грейсоне Масефилде (Новая Зеландия), Гэри Блэре (Шотландия) и США, Кори Пезатуро, Гейбе Холле Родригес, Джейми Машлер, Дебра Петерс и множество других лучших аккордеонистов.

У нас были семинары, демонстрации, концерты и даже вечерняя вечеринка в пятницу вечером. Отличный выходные для участников, гостей и друзей, организованные для развлечения аккордеонистов ».

Выпускной пресс-релиз президента NAA Нормана Ситона (справа на фото): 2018 год знаменателен как год баннера для музыки и аккордеона.

Учитывая новейшие технологии в нашем мире цифрового аккордеона, НАА 2018 года систематически делилась на две основные учебные области (в цифровом и традиционном семинарах), где участники конгресса свободно посещали либо сессию, основанную на личных желаниях, темах презентации и / или опыт ведущего.

По дизайну две учебные площадки были совмещены. Дружественная атмосфера между тренингами повлияла на настроение всей конвенции. Мы теперь «члены семьи», связанные с нашим любимым музыкальным инструментом, также известным как «Аккордеон!».

Рядом с двумя основными учебными площадками была полу-частная зона, предназначенная для индивидуальных сеансов (цифровое и / или традиционное обучение). Координаторами этих областей были Ян Фрис и Шарон Ситон; причем оба координатора гарантируют, что участники этого соглашения часто используют эти площадки.

Официальные лица Национальной ассоциации аккордеонистов и члены Конгресса гордятся тем фактом, что участники 2018 года демонстрировали высокий уровень, поскольку мы продолжаем двигаться вперед.

Все члены Конвенции 2018 года заявили о своей заинтересованности в том, чтобы поддерживать деятельность на 2018 год. Ниже приводится описание некоторых членов Совета и / или Координаторов.
NAA Board Members and Coordinators


Мастер-классы и 22-я Международная неделя аккордеона «Alcobaça 2018» - Португалия

Masterclass cover22nd International Week of the Accordion22-я Международная неделя аккордеона проходит в Алкобасе, Португалия, с 2 по 10 июня 2018 года.

Этот ежегодный фестиваль включает в себя 23-й Национальный Трофей и 4-й Международный Конкурс аккордеонистов, организованный Ассоциацией Португалии ASACORD.

Этот масштабный фестиваль включает в себя как национальные, так и международные конкурсы, концерты, мастер-классы, семинары и конференции.

Скачать правила конкурса и форму на английском и португальском языках: 2018Alcobaca.pdf
Дата окончания приёма заявок: 18 мая 2018 г.

На фестивале также представлены «Мастер-классы аккордеона», направленные (в алфавитном порядке): Франк Ангелис, Александр Дмитриев, Анибаль Фрейр и Диана Фрейре, которые состоялись 7 и 8 июня в Театре де Алькобаса.

Информация о мастер-классе и заявка на английском и португальском языках: 2018MasterClassAlcobaca.pdf


Горка Хермоза , Варшава - Польша

Lukas Gogol and Gorka Hermosa
Испанский аккордеонист Горка Хермоса, в настоящее время путешествующий по Европе, рассказывает о своем визите на прошлой неделе в Польшу: «Подходил к концу мой визит в Польшу - победитель "Польши получил талант" на польском телевидении Лукас Гоголь премьера версии для аккордеона и духового оркестра «Экиа и Анантанго» с оркестром «Парафийи» Юзезе Ополе. Публика взорвалась на 10 минут непрерывных оваций.

Потрясающе! Я также сыграл с ним пьесу (рисунок выше), и я давал мастер-классы в Ополе и Ниссе (рисунок ниже), чтобы завершить визит в Польшу, в Консерватории Фредерика Шопена в Варшаве провел занятия и концерт. Фантастический опыт этого визита в Польшу.

Спасибо от всего сердца профессору Дариушу, Томашу, Оркиестре Парафию и Юзефе Ополе и Каунацки и семье Гоголя! »
Gorka Hermosa


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

New Site for Music by Arteson - Switzerland

Arteson logo
A newborn in the world of online editions! Arteson www.arteson.ch presents a large catalog of pedagogical works for accordion. Every piece is written in a pedagogical way and every work is classified by level of difficulty and instrument type (standard bass / free bass) to be found easily.

The site is in English, French and German languages and the music can be purchased easily from the online shop and you download your chosen music. Have a good visit on www.arteson.ch


Paier Valcic Quartet New ‘Cinema Scenes’ CD and Tour Dates - Austria

Paier Valcic Quartet
CD cover Paier Valcic QuartetThe Paier Valcic Quartet’s recently released CD ‘Cinema Scenes’, features music influenced by cinema movies. Most of the 12 pieces are composed by either Klaus Paier or Asja Valcic.

They cover everything from nostalgic yearning to triumphant joy, via shocked silience and angry rebellion, features in the four-part title track, which begins with an arrangement of Lennie Niehaus/Clint Eastwood’s ‘Doe Eyes’ from ‘The Bridges of Madison County’ and continues the melodramatic scenery using Paier’s own ideas.

The tracks are: Synchronization (Valcic), Safran (Paier), Rush (Valcic), Hesitation (Valcic), Griet´s Theme (Alexandre Desplat), Le Jardin (Paier), Doe Eyes (Lennie Niehaus/Clint Eastwood), Moving Pictures (Paier), Silence (Paier), Exciting (Paier), Inspired Tale (Paier), Ricochet (Valcic).

The Paier Valcic Quartet line up is Klaus Paier (accordion and bandoneon), Asja Valcic (cello), Stefan Gfrerrer (double bass), and Roman Werni (drums and percussion).

Tour dates:
March 23rd, 9pm – Treibhaus, Innsbruck
April 7th, 8pm – Kaminzimmer, Ranshofen SchloBtaverne
May 28th, 7.30pm – 01, Sendesaal, live broadcast on Radio Kulturhaus

Klaus Paier, Austrian accordionist and composer, studied accordion, jazz and composition at Klagenfurt conservatory. He became interested in other genres, from tango to jazz and world music, in order to fuse them into his own personal style. He works with various ensembles, including as a duo with the Croatian cellist Asja Valcic and as the Paier Valcic Quartet.

For further information email: klaus.paier@aon.net


Video: “Last Tango by Zoe” - Greece

Zoe TiganouriaVideo of Zoe Tiganouria performing her composition "Last Tango by Zoe" Published on Mar 17, 2018.

Music Credits
Music composition, Accordion, Piano: Zoe Tiganouria
Vocalise: Eleni Voudouraki, mezzo-soprano of the Greek National Opera
Violins: Jason Ktenas
Orchestration, programing: Stelios Generalis


Будущие события

Trophee National de l’Accordeon, Paris – France

Poster 2018 Trophee National de l’Accordeon
The Trophee National de l’Accordeon competition on Saturday March 24th headlines a series of accordion events, titled ‘Semaine thematique autour de l’accordeon’, from March 21st to 24th at venues in Paris. Download poster above: 2018Paris.pdf

The events include:
March 21st – master class with Pascal Contet, Cinema Le Luxy, 77 avenue Georges Gosnat
March 22nd – master class with Vincent Carenzi, Auditorium Antonin Artaud
March 23rd, 12pm – Barocco Tango with Guillaume Hodeau (bandoneon) & David Louwerse (cello), Hotel de la ville (salle des fetes)
March 23rd, 7pm – ‘Vivaldi to Piazzolla’ concert with Vincent Carenzi (accordion) & Mario Forte (violin), Auditorium Antonin Artaud
March 24th, 9.30am – Trophee national de l’accordeon, organised by Frederic Deschamps at the Auditorium Antonin Artaud
March 24th, 2pm – master class with Frederic Deschamps, Auditorium Antonin Artaud
March 24th, 5.30pm – concert with accordion classes students, Auditorium Antonin Artaud


Renzo Ruggieri and Antonella Ruggiero Concert, Chioggia (VE) – Italy

Renzo RuggieriOn Saturday March 24th, 9.15pm to 11pm, jazz accordionist Renzo Ruggieri and vocalist Antonella Ruggiero perform together in concert at the Auditorium San Nicolò, Calle S. Nicolò, 30015 Chioggia (VE). Tickets cost 15 Euro, 13 Euro concessions.

The concert is sponsored by Ass. Lirico Musicale Clodiense and Veneto Jazz.

Renzo Ruggieri has performed in many countries to great acclaim, including Russia, USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, China, Brazil, Mexico, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Iceland, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Lithuania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Ukraine, and Belarus. He performs as a soloist and also with various ensembles and orchestras. He is a prolific composer and recording artist, and also the organizer of the Pineto Accordion Jazz Festival.


Richard Galliano and Sylvain Luc Concert, Leeds - UK

Richard GallianoOn Saturday March 24th, 7.45pm, accordionist Richard Galliano and guitarist Sylvain Luc perform music associated with Edith Piaf in concert at the Howard Assembly Room, 46 New Briggate, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 6NU.

On March 28th and 29th Galliano performs concerts as part of the trio Mare Nostrum, with trumpeter Paolo Fresu and pianist Jan Lundgren, in Heidleberg and Stuttgart.

French accordion and bandoneon virtuoso Richard Galliano performs internationally in many musical fields, from classical to jazz. He records for the prestigious classical music label ‘Deutsche Grammophon’, and has recorded more than 50 albums, many under his own name and some with many other artists.

Sylvain Luc is one of France’s leading jazz guitarists, and he has worked with Michel Legrand, Wynton Marsalis, Bireli Lagrene, Al Jarreau, and many more. He often works with Richard Galliano, and is the bassist with Galliano’s trio.

For further information email: solathierry@gmail.com


Mario Tacca and Mary Mancini Evening - USA

Mario Tacca and Mary ManciniCome and enjoy an intimate evening with Mary, Mario & friends performing at the Ossining Elks (118 Croton Ave., Ossining, NY 10562) this Saturday, March 24 at 7:30pm. Food and drinks will be available. For reservations, call (917) 488-7189.

Also, our Feast of St. Joseph performance at the Brownstone was cancelled yesterday due to snow. It has been rescheduled for next Tuesday, March 27. The Brownstone, 351 W Broadway, Paterson, NY 07522. For reservations, call (800) 831-9801.


WDR3 Radio Broadcast, Bonn – Germany

Maciej FrackiewiczOn Wednesday March 28th, 8pm, the German radio station WDR3 will broadcast a concert featuring a recording of the Prizewinners Concert II of the DMW accordion competition (from March 17th), with the newly crowned award winners and the Beethoven Orchestra under the direction of Rasmus Baumann.

The broadcast includes: WA Mozart – ‘Bassoon Concerto KV 191’ (soloist: Theo Plath), Sofia Gubaidulina – ‘Timber frame for bayan, percussion and string orchestra’ (soloist: Maciej Frackiewicz), and Johannes Brahms – ‘Violin Concerto in D major op. 77’ (soloist: Ioana Cristina Goicea).


Naoko and Andreas Nebl Concert, Trossingen – Germany

Naoko and Andreas NeblOn Wednesday March 28th, 8pm, Naoko and Andreas Nebl perform a concert of classical chamber music on harmonica and accordion in the new concert hall of the Bundesakademie Trossingen with works by Handel, Telemann, Grieg, Scarlatti, Nevanlinna, Albinoni, and Piazzolla.

Naoko Nebl (chromatic harmonica) won first prize at the World Harmonica Festival in 1997, Andreas Nebl (accordion) was awarded first prize at the 2001 International Chamber Music Competition "Val Tidone" in Italy. Both are lecturers at the Hohner Conservatory in Trossingen, and Andreas Nebl is also a lecturer for classical accordion at the Musikhochschule Osnabrück.

For further information email: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


Bob Goldberg Workshop @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA

Bob GoldbergOn Sunday April 8th, 2-3.50pm, Brooklyn Accordion Club presents an afternoon workshop with Bob Goldberg. Admission is $5.

The workshop looks at the different uses of drones, and ways of playing them. This is a participatory workshop, so please bring your accordions.

Bob Goldberg, from Brooklyn, is a composer, mulita-instrumentalist and teacher. He studied the piano and electronic music, and took up the accordion. He currently leads the Famous Accordion Orchestra.

Brooklyn Accordion Club now meets at the Great Room at the LuEsther T. Mertz South Oxford Space/A.R.T., 138 South Oxford Street (between Atlantic Avenue and Fulton Street), Brooklyn, NY 11 217.

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Johnny Duncan Duo @ Alnwick Accordion & Fiddle Club, England – UK

Johnny DuncanOn Wednesday April 11th, 7.30pm-10.30pm, the versatile Johnny Duncan Duo performs as guests at the Alnwick Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is The Northumberland Hall, Alnwick, Northumberland NE66 1TN, north-east England. Admission is £7, Musicians £3 - (Members free); admission includes Buffet Supper each month.

Johnny Duncan, from Dundee, the 1973 All Scotland Champion, is a very versatile accordionist who uses a midi expander to facilitate his wide repertoire. His duo partner is usually the drummer Malcolm Ross.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


International Accordion Festival, Thessaloniki – Greece

logo International Accordion Festival, Thessaloniki
The first International Accordion Festival takes place from Friday April 13th to Sunday April 15th in Thessaloniki, northern Greece.

The organisers - Panagiotis Andreoglou, Stamatis Pasopoulos and Konstantinos Raptis, from Reedblocks - have invited musicians from different musical environments to present some of the facets of the instrument: the accordion in today’s avant-garde music, the accordion in rebetiko through the music of Armonika, a lost instrument, and two accordions in realizing imaginative transcriptions of orchestral works of the classical repertoire.

Matti Pulkki, Iraklis Vavatsikas, Ander Tellería and Mateja Zenzerovic will be presented in three concerts, accompanied by four different workshops/seminars:
- for adults who play the accordion and want to be introduced to the Music of Armonika in Rebetiko (Iraklis Vavatsikas)
- for children who want to know about the accordion (Vasiliki Psyrra)
- for composers (Matti Pulkki)
- for those who wish to see the accordion from the inside (Panagiotis Zafeiriou)

The festival thanks the generous support from Pigini srl, Italy.

For further information email: reedblocks.festival@gmail.com


Ken and Mary ‘Turbo Accordions Express` Concert, Tennessee – USA

Ken and Mary ‘Turbo Accordions Express`The accordion duo Ken and Mary ‘Turbo Accordions Express` perform at the `Windows on the World` Symposium `WOW`, Tennessee Technological University, 1 William L. Jones Dr, Cookeville, TN, on Saturday April 14th, at 12noon.

For further information email: kenandmarymusik@yahoo.com


Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Class, Ourense City – Spain

Victor Prieto
Victor Prieto’s International Jazz Accordion and Modern Harmony Master Class takes place in Ourense City, Spain, July 14th and 15th. Places are limited to 8 for each master class, so early applications are advised. The master classes are in Spanish and English. There will be a rhythm section (bass and drums) for both days. The course fee is 210 Euro.

The master classes cover the following subjects:
Improvisation: in different styles and understanding scales. (Pop, rock, bolero) - not only in jazz.
-Comping: how to form chords, close position, open position, upper structures.
-Poly-Chords: technique "Chord Approach on both hands."
-Styles; how to phrase and comp: Jazz, blues, Brazilian, traditional tango, new Tango, and other styles of modern harmony.
-How to work and what to do in a recording studio when you get only chord changes.
- watch videos and analyse them. How the accordion interacts with other instruments depending on the instrumentation of the groups. (Duo, Trio, Solo, singer, piano)
- A book with material will be given to each student for further studies and review (to take home with you).
- Practice and perform with a rhythm section (bass and drums).
-How to use the registers and voices of the accordion to orchestrate and have a bigger variety of colours and sounds.

Victor Prieto is based in New York, where he performs regularly and also leads master classes. He previously studied classical accordion at the Conservatory in Ourense.

For further information email: info@victorprieto.net


Новые и обновленные сайты

Coupe Mondiale Site Updated Hotel Information & Schedule - Lithuania

CIA header
Kazys Stonkus & Mindaugas Labanauskas2018 Coupe Mondiale PosterThe 71st Coupe Mondiale is being held in Kaunas Lithuania, 24 to 30 September.

The updated Coupe Mondiale site is online now with hotel information (very reasonable prices) and travel information.

Host is the Lithuanian National Accordionist's Union led by President Kazys Stonkus & Vice-President Mindaugas Labanauskas.

The rules for all the Coupe Mondiale competition categories are online and the closing date for entries is 31 July 2018. The online entry application software will be made live in June.

The updated 2018 schedule now includes on Sunday 30 September, the World Accordion Orchestra X concert. Full details for participation in the World Accordion Orchestra X will be online soon.

Picture below is World Accordion Orchestra IX conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers.

Full information at: Coupe Mondiale

You will find a complete record of the 2017 Coupe Mondiale at: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2017/it_rev_04.html
with all competitors videos at: 2017CM-Video
World Accordion Orchestra IX conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers.


2018 AAA Competition Rules Released on New Website - USA

AAA site header
2018 AAA 80th Festival posterThe American Accordionists' Association (AAA) has released the rules for their 2018 AAA Competitions being held during the 2018 AAA Festival, 11-15 July, Alexandria, Virginia (near Washington, DC).

There are categories for all ages and types of music for solo, duet, ensembles and bands with the entry closing date being 1st June 2018.

Full information is on the newly completed AAA website which features the latest coding standards and responsive designs suitable for all sizes of mobile phones, tablets through to wide screen monitors.

The festival flyer, festival registration, competition rules, entry forms can be downloaded at: AAAFestival

The outstanding lineup of guest artists is featured on the flyer (picture right) for what will be a great 80th Anniversary AAA Festival this July in Washington. Please make reservations promptly as hotel rooms are going quickly.

It's also a great opportunity to combine your love of accordion with a visit to Washington, DC and also enjoy the many sightseeing opportunities.
Washington collage


Updated Site: Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ)

Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) logoThe Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand (AEBNZ) has updated its website with the 2018 examination dates and 2018 entry fees and entry forms.


CD Отзывы

Book Review: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips - Germany

Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for AccordionCurrently, music schools and conservatories do not teach how to structure, design or implement arrangements of original compositions for other instruments. Friedrich Lips, bayan-accordion virtuoso and professor at the prominent Gnesin Russian Academy of Music in Moscow, fills that gap with what could be used as course material with his book The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion. First published in Russian and then German, it is now available in an updated and expanded form in English.

Although the book was written primarily with classical music in mind, the findings, declarations and descriptions are made by the author in generally understandable and simple words. Therefore, they apply or can be transferred to all areas of music, including virtuoso light music, folk music, traditional music, etc.

Similarly, while explanations focus on the concert bayan-accordion with converter bass, they are equally applicable to related instruments such as the Bandoneon, Concertina, Diatonic Accordion, Melodeon Player, etc.

This is an essential book for composers, professional players, musicologists and active amateurs who want to understand and create arrangements of music as well as interpret and perform them. They will find a discussion of the basic principles of creating arrangements.

These are followed by countless tips and numerous examples in musical notations for using the characteristics of the selected instrument to the best advantage. Descriptions include the accordion’s tonal range, use of registers to provide natural dynamics, bellows techniques explained in detail to enhance certain passages, types of articulation to be considered and methods of artistic presentation.

One chapter is devoted to arranging organ music, which is written on three staffs (two for the keyboards and one for the foot pedal), where there are certain analogies between organ and accordion tone generation. Another chapter concentrates on arranging piano and cembalo music and explains how to overcome the differences between the percussive and bellows instruments.

Extensive and detailed registers with names, terms, literature and titles of music examples included in the text provide the reader with significant source material.

The excellent content of the book corresponds to the outward appearance of the book: typographically lavish with finest Italian paper, thread-stitching, laminated softcover with double flap and exclusive design – worthwhile, treasured.

232 pages · 150 sheet music samples · Format: 17 x 24 cm · ISBN 978-3-925572-17-3

Purchase at Catalog No: kslips03 The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion


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