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Weekly News from Around the World - 23-Jun-2017
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You May Qualify? Assistance for International Entries for Shenzhen - China
Interview “Connaître les gens” chez Baffetti Accordions, Castelfidardo - Italie
NOUVELLE "AWW App" pour Android des Accordions Weekly News in English
Festival de l'American Accordionists' Association (AAA), 12-16 Juillet, NJ - USA
Concours International “Bruno Serri” de Composition pour l'accordéon, Modène - Italie
‘Accordions Around the World’, Bryant Park, New York – USA
Grayson Masefield & l'orchestre de chambre de Lausanne - Suisse

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 2017, Ennis - Irlande
Michele Bianco Wins International "Val Tidone Prize" - Italy
Guardia Nueva Performances - Finland
Video: Prijatelji Ostanimo Prijatelji by Cody McSherry
Family Success With Accordion, Auckland - New Zealand
Video: Venglevski Duet Performed at Leavenworth - USA

Future events

Vlada Panovic Master Class, Topola – Serbia
Kennet Accordion Orchestra Concerts, Somerset – UK
Milonga @ Centro Cultural Academias Previale, Salto - Uruguay
Craven Accordion Orchestra Concert, North Yorkshire – UK
Angelique Neuville plays for dancing, Vanne – France
‘Tango & Co’ Concert, Nuremberg – Germany
Festa Vigezzina della Fisarmonica, Santa Maria Maggiore – Italy
Richard Galliano Jazz Concert, Rognes - France
Malachy Cairns @ Harlow Accordion Club, Essex - UK
Natalya Chesnova’s Russian Music Workshop, Bergamo - Italy

New and Updated Sites

Sortie: Nouveau livre de langue allemande de Friedrich Lips - Allemagne
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia
Updated site: Karthause-Schmülling - Germany
Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) - New Zealand

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You May Qualify? Assistance for International Entries for Shenzhen - China

Shenzhen header
Hotel ShenzhenInternational entries can qualify for assistance of:
- no entry fee,
- free food,
- free accommodation,
and the prizes are really good.

So urgently Email: Shenzhenaccordion@163.com to check if you qualify for this assistance.

Though the entry deadline is very close, email quickly and you will be helped to finalise your entry. Airfare prices are excellent so its a great opportunity to visit and compete in China with very good prizes.

Download the rules for the 2017 China Shenzhen International Accordion Competition at: 2017 Shenzhen


Interview “Connaître les gens” chez Baffetti Accordions, Castelfidardo - Italie

Know the People Baffetti Interview
Interview “Connaître les gens” avec :
Genuino Baffetti (à gauche)
Cinzia Baffetti (au centre)
Milena Baffetti (à droite)
de Baffetti Accordions

Producteur : Holda Paoletti-Kampl

"Connaitre les gens" derrière la fabrication des accordéons à Castelfidardo, de ceux qui ont rendu cette petite ville si célébre de par le monde à travers la qualité de leur production :
Interview at: 2017Baffetti
Genuino Baffetti, Cinzia Baffetti, Milena Baffettim.


NOUVELLE "AWW App" pour Android des Accordions Weekly News in English

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Nouvelle application Android pour Accordion Weekly News en anglais. Ceci est conçu pour les téléphones Android, télécharger gratuitement sur Google Play Store. Recherchez "AWW Accordions" pour trouver. Mettez-le sur votre téléphone maintenant.

Lien direct pour obtenir l'application English Weekly News:
Une application pour les utilisateurs d'iPhone à suivre bientôt.


Festival de l'American Accordionists' Association (AAA), 12-16 Juillet, NJ - USA

AAA NJ Poster
AAA logoLe concours-festival de l'American Accordionists' Association (AAA) se tiendra à Princeton, New Jersey, du 12 au 16 juillet au Westin Hotel, Princeton, New Jersey (NJ).

Visitez le site web de l'AAA website pour tous les détails: www.ameraccord.com

Le festival de l'AAA propose un panel attractif d'intervenants et d'artistes. Voir l'affiche ci-dessus.

After en club tous les soirs où vous êtes invités à apporter votre instrument et à faire partie du spectacle !

En plus d'excellents artistes et des ateliers il y aura de nombreuses opportunités de jouer en orchestre et en solo. L'hôtel est à quelques pas des boutiques et restaurants et proche des attractions touristiques.

Téléchargez inscription, affiches, artistes invités, animateurs des ateliers, horaires, règlement du concours et toute information à : 2017AAAinfo.pdf


Concours International “Bruno Serri” de Composition pour l'accordéon, Modène - Italie

International Competition “Bruno Serri” for Accordion Composition
Le deuxième concours international “Bruno Serri” d'accordéon et de Composition pour l'accordéon se tiendra à Serramazzoni, Modène, Italie, du 13 au 16 juillet.

Ce concours est organisé par Sabrina Gasparini en souvenir du célébre musicien et accordéoniste Bruno Serri. Le concours est soutenu par la Salotto Culturale Aggazzotti a.p.s en collaboration avec S.A.I University for Philosophy and Science of Music.

Le concours est ouvert aux compositeurs italiens comme étrangers de toute nationalité sans limite d'âge. Les compositeurs n'ont pas besoin de qualifications sur CV. Les candidats peuvent choisir entre les catégories suivantes :

1) Compositions en temps limité.
2) Compositions en ligne.
Tous les détails sur ces catégories sont disponibles.Il y aura des prix en cash pour le premier, le second et le troisième de chaque catégorie.

Après le 8 juillet seront annoncés les noms des 10 finalistes, qui devront être présents pour se produire à la Culture Della Sala, Via Roma 293, Serramazzoni, le 13 juillet.

Télécharger plus d' information à : 2017Serri.pdf


‘Accordions Around the World’, Bryant Park, New York – USA

‘Accordions Around the World’
Bryant Park‘Accordions Around the World’ (Accordéons autour du monde) est une série d'événements publics gratuits sur quatre semaines qui se tiendra dans le Bryant Park, Manhattan, New York, impliquant plus de 100 accordéonistes, joueurs de bandonéon, concertina, harmonium, et autres instruments à anches libres représentant différents genres musicaux.

Cela se passera du 28 juin au 21 juillet. Sont prévus des “pique-niques accordéon” chaque mercredi entre le 28 juin et le 19 juillet, de 18 à 20h00 , rassemblant 24 musiciens à chaque fois et la série culminera le vendredi 21 juillet de 17 à 22h00 avec un “Festival d'accordéon” organisé par l'accordéoniste new-yorkaise Rachelle Garniez, et présentant the Bil Afrah Project, Zlatni Balkan Zvuk, Osnelda (Brésil), Gregorio Uribe (Colombie), et bien d'autres.

Parmi les artistes des “pique-niques accordéon”, Lena et Charlie Giordano (de Bruce Springsteen fame), Rob Curto, Mario Tacca et Lila Downs, George Saenz, Smörgåsbandet (Norvège), Yuri Lemeshev, le bandonéon maestro Tito Castro, Gregory Grene (du groupe irlandais The Prodigals), et Will Holshouser.

Pour plus d'information email: james@greenhousepublicity.com


Grayson Masefield & l'orchestre de chambre de Lausanne - Suisse

Grayson Masefield
Grayson MasefieldLe 6 juin, Grayson Masefield a joué le deuxième concerto 'Viva Voce' du compositeur russe Efrem Podgaits en conlusion de son Master de soliste, un diplôme spécialisé qui est limité à huit solistes par an à la HEMU (Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne).

Le concert s'est tenu dans la salle de concert de Lausanne avec le réputé orchestre de chambre de Lausanne dirigé par Nicolas Chalvin.

Ce fut un concert diversifié proposant quatre concerti avec les trois autres solistes, c'est-à-dire flûte, contrebasse et hautbois.

Grayson Masefield fut récompensé de la note maximum pour son intreprétation du concerto et complétait ainsi de la meilleure manière son Master of Arts MA HES-SO en Musique.
Grayson Masefield


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 2017, Ennis - Irlande

2017 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann EnnisLe programme d'avancement de la Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann Ennis en Irlande a été publié.

Le Fleadh Cheoil est un concours et festival géant de musique irlandaise, chant et danse, avec environ 10 000 concurrents et artistes dans des sections comprenant un grand nombre de joueurs d'accordéons, mélodéons, concertinas et harmonicas, ainsi que des ceili bands, orchestres d'accordéons et groupes de parades.

Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann comporte trois parties bien connues : les concours, les concerts et les sessions de rues.

Il s'agit d'un festival avec tant de groupes, jouant dans tant de lieux de la ville que les accordéonistes adorent assister et participer au festival.

Environ 400 000 visiteurs sont attendus dans la capitale du comté de Clare entre le 14 et 22 août pour ce qui est considéré comme le plus grand évènement au monde autour des arts traditionnels irlandais.

“Le choix d'Ennis pour accueillir cet événement prestigieux pour la seconde année constitue un large vote de confiance envers les capacités de la ville à accueillir de grands évènements” a déclaré le maire d'Ennis, Cllr. Pat Daly.

Téléchargez le programme Advance (8 Mo) à: 2017Fleadh.pdf


Michele Bianco Wins International "Val Tidone Prize" - Italy

Video above: Michele Bianco performing at the Italian Coupe Mondiale Qualifications on 6th May 2017. Full report at: 2017WAD-Italy.

Michele Bianco, under the guidance of his teacher Germano Scurti, recently won the international “Val Tidone” competition in Northern Italy.

Michele Bianco writes that "His first place in this international competition is the result of a lengthy commitment in the accordion class of Tito Schipa Conservatory in Lecce."

Video program:
Operator error caused the first seconds of the video to be deleted.
V. Vlassov "Suite I movimento";
Y. Ganzer "Silhouetten III movimento";
V. Semyonov "Capriccio n° 1";
G. Hermosa "Pater Noster";


Guardia Nueva Performances - Finland

Raimo VertainenMusical Director Raimo Vertainen (picture left) reports that Guardia Nueva had two recent major performances.

In May Guardia Nueva performed on the 'Viking Grace' ship on a cruise between Turku and Stockholm. On the 17th June, Guardia Nueva performed in Helsinki at the biggest amusement park (Linnanmäki).

Coming up on 8th July, Guardia Nueva will play in their hometown Kokkola in Chydenius Park. Soloists in these concerts are Jennie Von Storbacka and Teemu Roivainen among others.

CDs of the orchestra are available at: Guardia Nueva
Guardia Nueva


Video: Prijatelji Ostanimo Prijatelji by Cody McSherry

Cody won 1st place in the Diatonic Category of the 2017 Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration. Prijatelji Ostanimo Prijatelji was part of the program performed by Cody McSherry.

Cody McSherry competition successes that weekend included:
1st place in the Leavenworth Old Time Open Category
2nd in the Leavenworth Open Category
1st place in the Diatonic Category,

Thank you to Dan Grauman for the video.


Family Success With Accordion, Auckland - New Zealand

Chen Family
Picture above: Jessie, Robbie and Angela Chen with their teacher Campbell Bettridge.

"Chen Family Wins" was the heading of an article about the Chen family who took part in the recent South Pacific Accordion Championships and Festival. All three members won competitions with the eldest, Angela winning the South Pacific Accordion Championship solo, 15 years and under. Family Fun.

The Chen’s all learn from Campbell Bettridge at the Music Education Centre in Glenfield.

Campbell Bettridge is a past New Zealand Champion and 3rd place winner at the 2002 Coupe Mondiale Masters category. Campbell has also has over 1 million hits on youtube of his performance of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor BMV 565 Bach - view at: Campbell Bettridge


Video: Venglevski Duet Performed at Leavenworth - USA

Leavenworth International Accordion CelebrationVideo: Joan Grauman and Cody McSherry were performing at the 2017 Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration last weekend and one of their duet selections was "While I'm Away" composed by Stas Venglevski.

The music for "While I'm Away" is available online in the Ilusions Duet book, Catalog: vstasbook02
Other books of compositions by Stas are:
Catalog: vstasbook01 Romantic Solos
Catalog: vstasbook03 Seasoning Solos
Catalog: vstasbook04 Seasoning Duets

Stas Venglevski, talented performer, composer and conductor was also performing at Leavenworth.

Thank you to Dan Grauman for the video.


Future events

Vlada Panovic Master Class, Topola – Serbia

Vlada PanovicVlada Panovic holds a master class on Saturday June 24th, 12 midday until 4 pm, at the Conference Hall of the Hotel Oplenac, Topola, Serbia.

The content includes:
- an introduction to the history of accordions and folk music in Serbia and the Balkans;
- the way of performing original songs and from Central, South, Western Serbia as well as Bosnia and Macedonia;
- characteristics of the styles of these areas;
- detailed explanations of articulation, thrillers, finger, phrasing, harmony depending on the area; world music on accordion - France, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, film music, etc;
- various rhythms and styles - waltz, Tango, New Musette, Tango Nuevo, samba, rhumba, chorinho, etc.

For further information email: ivorskekapi@gmail.com


Kennet Accordion Orchestra Concerts, Somerset – UK

Kennet Accordion Orchestra
Kennet Accordion OrchestraThe Kennet Accordion Orchestra (MD Nigel Pasby) performs in concert on Saturday June 24th, 1 pm, at Dunster Castle, Somerset.

The following day, June 25th, 12 midday, the Kennet Accordion Orchestra performs at the Minehead Bandstand in Minehead, Somerset.

Formed in 1984, the Kennet Accordion Orchestra’s members come from Marlborough, Hungerford, Newbury and Swindon.

The KAO’s repertoire includes a wide variety of music that includes arrangements of popular music, film themes, and classical pieces.
Kennet Accordion Orchestra


Milonga @ Centro Cultural Academias Previale, Salto - Uruguay

PosterOn Saturday June 24th, 8.30pm, there will be a Milonga at the Centro Cultural Academias Previale, Lavalleja 48, Salto, Uruguay.

The evening of dancing is organised by and featuring popular Uruguayan accordionist Silvio Previale.


Craven Accordion Orchestra Concert, North Yorkshire – UK

Craven Accordion Orchestra PosterThe Craven Accordion Orchestra (MD Harry Hinchcliffe) performs in concert on Saturday June 24th, 7.30pm until 9.30pm, at Saint James’ Church, Church Avenue, Clapham, North Yorkshire LA2 8DU. Admission is £5, which includes refreshments; accompanied under 14s admitted free.

The Craven Accordion Orchestra was founded in 1995. It started out as a social gathering of twelve accordionists and two keyboard players, and eventually developed into an orchestra. Since then the CAO has participated in and organized many local NAO festivals and taken part in the NAO UK championships, organized accordion events, and performed in many concerts.


Angelique Neuville plays for dancing, Vanne – France

Angelique Neuville PosterAccordionist Angelique Neuville plays for dancing on Sunday June 25th, 2pm until 7pm, at St Benoist, Vanne, in eastern France. Entrance is 10 Euro.

Angelique Neuville, aged 17, from Lons-le Saunier, is one of France’s best up and coming musette accordionists, and regularly performs at festivals and for dancing. Bartòk, Grieg, Saint-Saëns, Galliano, Piazzolla, Azzola Bartòk, Grieg, Saint-Saëns, Galliano, Piazzolla, Azzola, Magnac-Laval (87).

For further information email: saintbenoistanimation@gmx.fr


‘Tango & Co’ Concert, Nuremberg – Germany

‘Tango & Co’ Poster‘Tango & Co’ is the title of a concert by the Nuremberg Accordion Ensemble on Sunday June 25th, 7pm, at the Kirche St Jobst, Nuremberg, Germany. Free entry – donations welcome.

The members of the Nuremberg Accordion Ensemble are Marco Röttig, Bernd Kastl, Eva Pauler-Muller, Horst Muller, Kerstin Neefischer, and Martina Janschak.

They will present works by the Tango Nuevo founder Astor Piazzolla as well as ‘classics’ like the famous ‘Tango’ by Isaac Albéniz.

Barbara Schofer comperes the program with interesting stories about the composers and their works, as well as poems on ‘Tango’.


Festa Vigezzina della Fisarmonica, Santa Maria Maggiore – Italy

Festa Vigezzina PosterThe 1st ‘Festa Vigezzina della Fisarmonica’ takes place on Sunday June 25th, 8pm, at the La Jazza Hotel in Santa Maria Maggiore, Piemonte, northern Italy – close to Switzerland. The evening features many local accordionists, a meal, and an accordion exhibition will be organized by G.Verde di Leinì


Richard Galliano Jazz Concert, Rognes - France

Richard GallianoRichard Galliano – accordion, Paolo Fresu – trumpet, and Jan Lundgren – piano perform a jazz concert together on Monday June 26th, 9.30pm, at Carrières de Rgnesognes, 13840 Rognes (9 km from La Roque D ' Anthéron), a commune in the Bouches-du-Rhône department in southern France. Admission 37€, concessions 30€.

Internationally acclaimed accordion and bandoneon virtuoso, composer Richard Galliano performs in many musical fields, from classical to jazz. He records for the prestigious classical music label ‘Deutsche Grammophon’, and has recorded more than 50 albums, many under his own name and some with many other artists.

This concert is an event in the 37th International Piano Festival of La Roque D ' Anthéron.


Malachy Cairns @ Harlow Accordion Club, Essex - UK

Irish accordionist and singer Malachy Cairns is the guest at Harlow Accordion Club on Thursday June 29th, 7.45pm. Admission is £7 in advance, £7.50p at the door. The club organiser is Jean Hanger. In support will be a spot from the Harlow Accordion Band (MD Jean Hanger).

Harlow Accordion Club meets at the Links Social Club, Parsloe Rd, Harlow, Essex CM19 4RT.

For further information email: jeanhanger@icloud.com


Natalya Chesnova’s Russian Music Workshop, Bergamo - Italy

Natalya Chesnova’s Workshop PosterAccordionist Natalya Chesnova leads a ‘Russian Music Workshop’ next weekend, on June 30th and July 1st at Daminelli Strumenti Musicalli, via Ghislandi 55, Bergamo, and on Sunday July 2nd at the Museo del Falegname, via Papa Giovanni XX111 59, Almenno San Bartolomeo (BG).

Natalya Chesnova, based in Milan, Italy, graduated from the Minsk Conservatory, Belorus, in 2004. She then worked as an accordion teacher in Minsk and as an accompanist for choreographers and dance teachers. Natalya was a member of the ensemble ‘Novyi Gorod’, who in 2001 obtained 3rd place in the competition ‘Golden Accordion’ in New York, 1st place at the International Competition in Castelfidardo, and performed dozens of concerts in all the states of the former Soviet Union, South Korea, Poland, Germany and Italy, and played in many broadcasts on radio and TV in Belarus. On 2004 Natalya moved to Italy, where she married the singer Nicola Portonato, and is in demand for concerts, teaching, etc.

For further information email: nataliabajan@libero.it


New and Updated Sites

Sortie: Nouveau livre de langue allemande de Friedrich Lips - Allemagne

Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für AkkordeonFriedrich Lips
Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für Akkordeon (L'art de l'édition de la musique classique pour accordéon) Numéro de catalogue: kslips02

Disponible en allemand: Offre de souscription
Offre spéciale exclusive
Avantage de 25% sur les pré-commandes
Maintenant 29,50 euros au lieu de plus tard 39,50 euros
(Plus d'expédition et de manutention)

Achat au numéro de catalogue: kslips02


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Compositions Released - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:

cfranco226 - Guitar Romanca
Guitar Romantica is a Pleasant Sweet Samba.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

cfranco227 - For Little Chiara
For Little Chiara is a sweet melody written for my new grand daughter.
Sound sample .mp3 file and sheet music sample online.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


Updated site: Karthause-Schmülling - Germany

Karthause-Schmülling header
Updated site: Karthause-Schmülling site has been updated with new contact details and new publications.


Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) - New Zealand

NZAA header
The New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) has made substantial site updates.
- 2017 South Pacific Accordion Championship winners listed.
- Announcing the dates of the 2018 South Pacific Accordion Championships and Festival, Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd June 2018. The 2018 Prospectus with rules and entry information to be released 1st December 2017.
- Roll of Honour page listing Life Members and other honoured members.
- Information about NZAA Life Members Frank Vilich and Dorothy Taylor who recently passed away.
- Information about new Life Member Maurice Arnold Jones


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