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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 23-Jul-2021
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第74届 Coupe Mondiale 筹备工作顺利进行中,慕尼黑 - 德国
2021年 Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon – 加拿大
Renzo Ruggieri 的两首作品在国际线上手风琴节进行公开首演,卡拉布里亚 - 意大利
2021年第 40 届年度庆祝活动 - 密尔沃基爱尔兰音乐节 - 美国


对于视频比赛的警告 - 欧洲
Julia Gordon 苏格兰音乐编曲 - 苏格兰
视频:Ludovic Beier 午餐音乐会 - 法国
视频:Doris Day 演唱 "Sam, The Old Accordion Man" - 美国
Lloyd Whittaker,1932年 至 2021 年 - 新西兰
Matt Tolentino 的新作品 “Accordion Band”


Mirco Patarini (意大利) 在法鲁演出 - 葡萄牙
Duo Aves 的 “Endless Concert Weekend”音乐会表演 – 法国
Mr Accordion Man "Sold-Out" 音乐会,珀斯 - 澳大利亚
Christian Riganelli 与演奏萨克斯风的 Massimo Mazzoni 一起表演 - 意大利
Shane Brogan 在 Langtoun 夏季爵士音乐节上的表演 - 英国
民乐三重奏在历史博物馆音乐会上表演 - 立陶宛
2021年布雷泰勒音乐节 - 法国
坎特伯雷手风琴协会音乐会 - 新西兰
CNIMA“手风琴的秘密”研讨会 - 法国


视频:8 岁表演者 - 俄罗斯


图片报道: 5月1日 2021“上海之春”国际手风琴文化艺术节 - 中国
网站更新:Friedrich Lips 3 和 6 CD 特辑,Lips 全系列特辑 - 奥地利/俄罗斯
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News


CD评审:Friedrich Lips 的 CD "Double Mirror"

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第74届 Coupe Mondiale 筹备工作顺利进行中,慕尼黑 - 德国

2021 Coupe Mondiale header
2021 Coupe Mondiale poster慕尼黑正满怀期待着2021年的 Coupe Mondiale 大赛,这场最著名的国际手风琴比赛的筹备工作正在全面进行中。

报名截止日期为 2021 年 8 月 25 日,所有报名和旅行/酒店信息可在线查询:Coupe Mondiale 在线报名:2021CM-Rules 点击下载可打印的活动海报:2021CM-poster.pdf

第74届 Coupe Mondiale 将于 2021 年 10 月 13 日在“慕尼黑 Residenz”举办一场节日音乐会。 开幕式的一大音乐亮点是不同形式的琴乐(手风琴家族)表演以及来自不同风格和时代的音乐。

音乐会旨在展示琴乐系列乐器所能演奏的各种音乐。 表演者包括 Duo Flac, Duo Andreas 和 Naoko Nebl 和巴伐利亚青年手风琴管弦乐队。

The Opening Concert is part of the highlights of the 90th Anniversary of the Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV), with the 2021 Coupe Mondiale being hosted by the DHV, the German CIA member and also a founding member of the CIA.

Historic 'Residenz München Allerheiligen-Hofkirche' Opening Concert Location:

King Ludwig I had the 'Court Church of All Saints' built from 1826 to 1837 from designs by his court architect, Leo von Klenze. On a visit to Palermo in 1823 when he was still Crown Prince, the king had been so impressed by the Norman-Byzantine Palatine Chapel dating from the 12th century that he expressed the desire to have a similar church building in the Residenz.

While Klenze had to comply with Ludwig’s wishes, he interpreted the medieval models in the spirit of the Neoclassical style he preferred. After massive destruction in the Second World War, it was not until 2003 that the church was reopened to the public. The surviving parts of the original building were restored and missing sections carefully replaced.

The interior was then refurbished in a simple modern style and has become a magnificent venue for important concerts and other events. Interior picture below.
AHK Munich


2021年 Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon – 加拿大

2021 Carrefour2021 Carrefour2021年第32届 Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon 比赛将于 2021 年 9 月 3 日至 5 日在加拿大魁北克省的蒙马尼举行。

由于新冠疫情相关防范条例的限制阻止了大量海外旅行,2021 年的活动将全部由加拿大手风琴家参加,他们将在室内和室外舞台上进行表演。音乐风格包括爵士、传统和古典。


Organising team are: Kathéry Couillard (Administrative Director), Raynald Ouellet (Artistic Director), Raphaël Plante-Hétu (Project Manager), Lyne Joncas (Administrative and Accounting Technician), Julie Rousseau (Secretary-treasurer).
Administrators: Sarah Bernier, Rémi Biron, Johanne Cyr, Patrick Morency, Isabelle Rancourt, Yann Texier, Yves Gendreau (Councelor, Montmagny City).


Renzo Ruggieri 的两首作品在国际线上手风琴节进行公开首演,卡拉布里亚 - 意大利

Renzo RuggieriFest header2021年8月5日至7日在意大利卡拉布里亚的圣文琴索·拉科斯塔举行的第17届圣文琴索·拉科斯塔国际手风琴节(FISV)上,Renzo Ruggieri 为古典手风琴和弦乐创作的两部作品将进行首次表演 (见上图)。

这两部作品将于8月5日进行公开演出。第一首作品名为“Memento”(记忆碎片),将由 FISV 音乐总监 Pietro Pardino 演奏。

第二首作品"Farewell Song"(告别歌)将由 Giuseppe Scigliano 演奏。

该活动还包括一项线上手风琴比赛,国际评委团成员包括 Renzo Ruggieri


2021年第 40 届年度庆祝活动 - 密尔沃基爱尔兰音乐节 - 美国

Irishfest poster
pic2021年是密尔沃基爱尔兰音乐节的第40周年,该音乐节将于 8 月 20 日至 22 日在美国威斯康星州密尔沃基的亨利迈尔节日公园举办。今年的主题是“庆祝爱尔兰美国精神”。


The event will also feature an online Irish themed program which will include musical performances and cultural talks recorded straight from Ireland.

Those who worked on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic will be honored at a special ceremony during the Irish Fest. They will receive free admission on August 21st, from 2pm to 3.30pm.

The Frontline Workers Recognition Ceremony will begin at 3.45pm at the Miller Lite Stage. Special commemorative coins will be given out at the gate ticket windows, while supplies last. Organisers are extremely thankful for our frontline workers and their service!

For details email: info@irishfest.com



对于视频比赛的警告 - 欧洲

The Strad音乐杂志 The Strad 发布了一篇名为:比赛参赛者称线上比赛评委团“仅观看了我的比赛视频22秒” 的文章。

慕尼黑正在审理一项关于视频音乐比赛(不仅包括手风琴)的法庭案件,其中参赛者需要缴纳报名费(室内音乐 140 欧元至 独奏组 110 欧元),并且通过 Google Analytics, 参赛者能够知道他们的报名作品被评审的时长。

其中一个二重奏组(手风琴和小提琴)的两个参赛视频只被各打开过一次,评审时间分别为 22 和 23 秒,仅为音乐总时长的百分之二!!这意味着两个个人视频中的一个根本没有被听过。随后,主办方便公布了进入第二轮比赛的参赛者名单。






Julia Gordon 苏格兰音乐编曲 - 苏格兰

Julia Gordon accordion sheet music
Julia GordonJulia Gordon 是一位艺术家、教师和编曲家,她著有一本辅导教材和大量的苏格兰曲编曲本,并获得过非常高的评价。其编曲音乐为pdf格式,可以通过电子邮件发送给您。

Another 20 more titles, many of them famous Scottish traditional works arranged by Julia Gordon are now online. Click the link below, to view a sample of each piece, grade and other information.

Catalog No. - Name of Music
jgordon102 - The Boatman, The (Fear a' Bhàta)
jgordon107 - South Uist Whaling Song
jgordon108 - Cailin Mo Ruin-Sa
jgordon111 - Griogal Cridhe
jgordon115 - Kirkconnel Lea
jgordon117 - Sound The Pibroch
jgordon124 - The Loch Tay Boat Song
jgordon131 - My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose
jgordon132 - Wild Mountain Thyme
jgordon133 - The Rowan Tree
jgordon139 - Tha Mo Ghaol Air Àird A’ Chuain (My Love Is On The High Seas)
jgordon142 - Sine Bhan
jgordon156 - Neil Gow's Lament For His Second Wife
jgordon160 - The Iona Boat Song, The (Caol Muile)
jgordon175 - Westering Home
jgordon177 - Dark Lochnagar
jgordon180 - Morag of Dunvegan
jgordon182 - The Skye Boat Song
jgordon194 - Dream Angus
jgordon197 - Row Me Home To Islay
jgordon209 - Haste Ye Back
jgordon211 - The Mist-Covered Mountains Of Home (Chì Mi Na Mòrbheanna)
jgordon213 - Mingulay Boat Song
jgordon217 - The Massacre Of Gencoe
jgordon224 - Bonnie Galloway
jgordon230 - Mo Ghile Mear
jgordon239 - Loch Lomond
jgordon244 - Hector The Hero
jgordon325 - Mairi's Wedding
jgordon327 - Scotland The Brave


视频:Ludovic Beier 午餐音乐会 - 法国

LB视频:Ludovic Beier 上个月在法国 Cergy-Pontoise 音乐、舞蹈和戏剧学院举行了一场午餐时间独奏音乐会。

The concert was part of the programming of the cultural season of the Conservatory of Cergy-Pontoise.

His program:
El Cartel
Bebe No Rancho Fundo
Barocco W
Tsigane Fantasy (Fantasy Gypsy)


视频:Doris Day 演唱 "Sam, The Old Accordion Man" - 美国

视频:这段视频中 Doris Day 演唱了电影 “Love Me Or Leave Me” (1955) 中的 "Sam, The Old Accordion Man"。 有谁知道这个视频中的手风琴家是谁吗? 这部电影讲述了虚构的爵士歌手 Ruth Etting 的职业生涯以及她与帮助了她成为明星的黑帮分子 Marty Snyder 的动荡婚姻。

Accordionist was Dominic Frontier.
The original recording by Ruth Etting had a slower tempo compared with Doris Day’s snappier rendition in which she portrays Ruth Etting.

I also saw Myron Floren’s YouTube recording. He played it several years later: one performance was with a soloist and the other performance was with a quartet.


Lloyd Whittaker,1932年 至 2021 年 - 新西兰

Lloyd Whittaker
logo据新西兰奥克兰怀希克岛海湾新闻报报道,音乐守护人、博物馆创始人 Lloyd Whittaker 于上个月逝世,享年88岁,人们向他致以深切的哀悼。

Lloyd and his wife Joan shared their world-class collection of working instruments with the public after establishing Whittakers Musical Museum in Oneroa, Waiheke Island, 25 years ago.

Visitors to Whittakers Musical Museum could tickle the ivories of a Bechstein concert piano grand once owned by Ignacy Paderewski (the Lloyd-Weber of the 19th century) or play New Zealand’s oldest Steinway. Some of the instruments in the collection were brought to the country on sailing ships, then transported up-country on bullock carts. Others were collected from second-hand shops, antique dealers and various old sheds located around the country.

Whittaker 是一位手风琴家,他的博物馆也展出了他收藏的手风琴、班德琴和六角手风琴。

在2020年的女王生日授勋仪式上,Lloyd 和 Joan 实至名归地被授予新西兰勋章,以表彰他们对遗产保护和音乐教育的贡献。

Lloyd “loved sharing music and giving enjoyment… It was total dedication”.

Lloyd is survived by his wife, Joan, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Lloyd 的生平庆祝会在惠特克音乐博物馆 (Whittaker's Musical Museum, Artworks Complex, Oneroa) 举行。
Lloyd Whittaker


Matt Tolentino 的新作品 “Accordion Band”

Matt CD
Matt Tolentino 上个月发布了以 Vitak-Elsnic 公司在1935 ~ 1960年发行的手风琴乐队排行榜作品为主要内容的最新专辑 “Accordion Band”(手风琴乐队) 。

The CD, which "brings this decades-old music back to life seemed tailor-made for this multi-instrumentalist and accordionist extraordinaire."

The 17 songs on the release range from classical to traditional folk tunes, which are performed by Tolentino playing all 5 accordion parts using a selection of instruments from his personal collection.

Matt Tolentino is a musician and bandleader specializing in the live performance and preservation of “old-time” music.

For details email: matt@matttolentino.com



Mirco Patarini (意大利) 在法鲁演出 - 葡萄牙

Mirco Concert
Teatro das Figuras in Faro意大利艺术家 Mirco Patarini ,也是国际手风琴协会 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 的主席,将于 2021 年 7 月 24 日晚上 7 点在葡萄牙法鲁的无花果剧院举行音乐会。

其他表演者包括 João Frade、Nelson Conceição、Inês Vaz、Duo Ritmo Fole 和 Emanuel Marçal。

该音乐会是由法鲁的 Município de Castro Marim 组织的文化网络节目“Bezaranha”的一部分,该节目“为肯定 Algarve 在国际手风琴舞台上的地位做出了重要贡献,将世界上最优秀的手风琴演奏家带到这里,并展示葡萄牙的优秀之处”。


Duo Aves 的 “Endless Concert Weekend”音乐会表演 – 法国

Duo poster由 Elena Soussi (钢琴) 和 Ambre Vuillermoz (手风琴) 组成的 Duo Aves 将于 2021 年 7 月 23 日至 26 日举办“Endless Concert Weekend (无尽的音乐会周末)”,届时将举办 4 场音乐会。

Firstly the duo will perform at the Banon High Church in Banon on July 23rd at 8pm, organised by Banon Culture.

On July 24th, they will perform in Manosque at 4pm, followed by Ville de Manosque, Saint Lazare on the 25th at 4pm.

Finally on July 26th the duo will give a teaching concert around the imaginary in music, in partnership with La Capsule-MJC Manosque and the Association Jeux d'Anches. This event is free for children.

The duo explores the existing repertoire for piano and accordion, including tango and contemporary music as well as performing new pieces from young contemporary composers.

For details email: duoaves@gmail.com


Mr Accordion Man "Sold-Out" 音乐会,珀斯 - 澳大利亚

concert poster
Mr Accordion Man (Frank Miranda) 将于 7 月 24 日在西澳大利亚珀斯 Dianella 的 Laguna Veneto Bocce 俱乐部的 Laguna Family BBQ and Dance 中举办的一场“售罄”的活动中进行表演。


He plays a variety of Italian favourites, Irish sing along, French classics, Latin American, German polkas, Austrian waltzes English & Aussie singalongs.


Christian Riganelli 与演奏萨克斯风的 Massimo Mazzoni 一起表演 - 意大利

Duo Riganelli MazzoniNew Klezmer tales CD cover视频:2021 年 7 月 11 日在意大利马尔凯地区费尔莫的 Sant ' Elpidio a Mare 音乐会的片段。

手风琴家 Christian Riganelli 将在意大利与 Massimo Mazzoni (萨克斯管) 合作进行如下演出:

July 29th: 9.30pm - Lilies Area, Fermo, Marche Region
August 7th: 9.30pm - Montegranaro Fermo, Marche Region - Friends of Music
August 21st: 9.30pm - Montefalcone Apennino, Fermo, Marche Region

The duo released their album “New Klezmer Tales” in 2017, which tells the story of their first encounter with Klezmer music.

This project gave birth to seven original compositions with Klezmer inspiration for saxophone and accordion.

For details email: info@christianriganelli.com


Shane Brogan 在 Langtoun 夏季爵士音乐节上的表演 - 英国

Shane poster
手风琴家 Shane Brogan 将于2021 年7 月31 日星期六中午至下午2点代表 Langtoun 夏季爵士音乐节在 Kirkcaldy 的 Artisan Markets 演出。

His program will evoke the mood and atmosphere of bustling Parisian cafés, from the streets of Montmartre to the romance of Paris and Rome at night.

This concert is free of charge thanks to funding from the Fife Council Local Community Planning Fund.

For further details email: accordion2u@outlook.com


民乐三重奏在历史博物馆音乐会上表演 - 立陶宛

Etno poster
Folk Trio民乐三重奏组(The Folk Trio)将于 2021 年 7 月 30 日晚上 8 点在克莱佩达立陶宛小型历史博物馆的庭院举行一场音乐会。

This concert, entitled “Legends about Us”, is part of the Etno folk music event held from 26th to 30th July in Klaipeda, Lithuania, organised by the Klaipeda Ethnocultural Center.

The trio includes Nerijus Bakula, an accordionist who has a strong and deep feeling of Lithuanian folk. His arrangements helps to “express the meanings of folk and reach the hearts of their listeners.”

For details email: ethnoprojects@gmail.com


2021年布雷泰勒音乐节 - 法国

Bretelles poster
2021年布雷泰勒 (Bretelles)音乐节将于 8 月 3 日至 8 日在法国 Bertholène 的 Château de Bertholène 举行。

该活动将包括 20 位艺术家、5 个舞台、晚间音乐会、大师班和访谈。

Artistic Director, Lionel Suarez will run a masterclass from August 3rd to 6th, which is aimed at accordionists who already have an artistic practice and who wish to deepen their knowledge.

“It is based on a specific improvement method: several modules offer practical tools; the art of accompaniment, the science of rhythm, orchestral thinking, improvisation, sound, phrasing, this appointment will leave nothing to chance as long as the groove is there!”

Children will also be given the opportunity to attend rehearsals, meet the artists, play solo, in duo and in a jam session, as well as taking part in a repair and tuning workshop by Philippe Tchumak (inventor of the Melowtone) who will also give a course in organology.

For details email: bretellesfestival@gmail.com


坎特伯雷手风琴协会音乐会 - 新西兰

Canterbury Accordion Assoc Variety Concert视频:基督城手风琴管弦乐队将于 2021 年 6 月 20 日在新西兰基督城举行的花园城市管弦乐队音乐会上演出。

The Canterbury Accordion Association will hold their annual Variety Concert at St Stephen's Church in Christchurch on August 8th, 2021.

The concert will include a performance by the Christchurch Accordion Orchestra (picture left) conducted by David Thorne as well as local guest entertainers.

For details email: jkperry@xtra.co.nz


CNIMA“手风琴的秘密”研讨会 - 法国

视频:CNIMA(国家和国际音乐和手风琴中心)的全日制学生 Marion Clot 解释了 Jacques Mornet 方法:把风箱当作风扇

Nathalie Boucheix 领导的 CNIMA 将于 2021 年 8 月 9 日至 14 日和 16 日至 21 日举办他们的第二次手风琴的秘密专题研讨会。

If you are a professional musician and you want to improve your accordion technique or develop your repertoire, then this course is for you. Free your playing with “Accordion Secrets!”

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr



视频:8 岁表演者 - 俄罗斯

视频:一个 8 岁的小女孩十分享受地弹唱“Icy ceiling, squeaking door”。



图片报道: 5月1日 2021“上海之春”国际手风琴文化艺术节 - 中国

Shanghai Spring Festival poster
Shanghai Spring Festival logo


网站更新:Friedrich Lips 3 和 6 CD 特辑,Lips 全系列特辑 - 奥地利/俄罗斯

Double Mirror CD by Friedrich Lips网站更新:Friedrich Lips 发布了一张名为 Double Mirror 目录 CD030 的新CD。 几十年来,Friedrich Lips 总共发行了 30 张高品质 CD。

该 Double Mirror CD 已添加到:
任意 3 张 CD 特辑页面:CD3Packs
任意 6 张 CD 特辑页面:CD6Packs
完整全部专辑 特辑页面:CDPack
Friedrich Lips Whole Collection CDs


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

Russia banner
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with information on upcoming events.



CD评审:Friedrich Lips 的 CD "Double Mirror"

CD Reviews IndexFriedrich Lips 的 CD “Double Mirror”进行了评审。 Joan Cochran Sommers 对 CD 的英文及德语评审。


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