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Weekly News from Around the World - 23-Apr-2010
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Événements Journée mondiale de l'accordéon, Siauliai - Lituanie
Journée mondiale de l'accordéon - Monde
3e Festival Strumenti et Musica, Spoleto - Italie
Nouveau CD de Dr. William Schimmel et le Projet Tango, New York - USA
Concours International d'Accordéon Kozani, Kozani - Grèce

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

‘Toralf Tollefsen: A 78s Compilation’ CDs, Manchester – UK
Examination Results for Accordion Students, Cassino - Italy
Rita Davidson, Elena and Grigory Fainshtein Perform - USA
David Vernon @Stockport AC, Cheshire – UK

Future events

Devotchka Concerts – USA
“CULTURE IN MOTION” / Stradella - Italy
Marco Lo Russo on TV and in Concert, Brescia - Italy‏
Guy Klucevsek Concert, New York – USA
Bayan Duo @ Mayfield Festival, East Sussex – UK
Lacides Romero Concert, Bogota - Colombia‏
Accordion Duo Workshop at RAM, London – UK
Dijk en Waard Accordion Orchestra Concert, Castelfidardo - Italy
Mazaika ‘65th Anniversary of World War II Victory’ Concert, London - UK

New and Updated Sites

Yehuda release one new work
Mario Tacca releases new musics
Franco Cambareri releases new music
Franck Angelis release new music
Reeds Titlbach of Czech Republic

CD Reviews

"R. Galliano plays BACH"

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Événements Journée mondiale de l'accordéon, Siauliai - Lituanie

Raimondas SviackeviciusLe 3 mai, il ya des activités de la Journée mondiale de l'accordéon (World Accordion Day) se déroule à Siauliai, en Lituanie. Il s'agit notamment de réunions, conférences, forum internet en direct, et un concert de gala, qui débutera à 18 heures à la salle de concert du Palais de la Culture, Bibliothèque de l'Université de Siauliai. Cette fonctionnalité d'au moins 15 jeunes accordéonistes professionnels, se produisant dans une variété de styles.

Environ 150 participants sont attendus à la conférence et forum en direct par Internet, qui comprend l'école d'accordéon avec Frédéric Deschamps avec des classes de maître en direct, des discussions, des débats sur les questions de l'accordéon pour la jeune génération, etc

Les événements à Siauliai sont organisées par Raimondas Sviackevicius et la Lituanie Accordéon Association.

Pour de plus amples informations email: jaunimas@laas.lt


Journée mondiale de l'accordéon - Monde

World Accordion Day logoWorld Accordion Day est proche maintenant et accordéonistes est rappelé d'inscrire leur activité de la Journée mondiale de l'accordéon (World Accordion Day) sur le site officiel. 6 mai était le jour de l'accordéon a été breveté en 1829 et nous invitons tous les accordéonistes à se joindre à cet hommage international en l'honneur de l'accordéon, et de participer à un événement, sur ou à proximité au 6 mai.

S'il vous plaît vous inscrire en ligne permettent également de vos médias locaux connaître votre événement et le monde Accordéon site de la Journée (World Accordion Day).


3e Festival Strumenti et Musica, Spoleto - Italie

3rd Strumenti & Musica Festival logo
Beltango, Mika Väyrynen, Mirco PatariniLe 3e Festival Strumenti et Musica (Strumenti & Musica) se tiendra à Spoleto, 15n au 23 mai, et représentera la ville ainsi que de donner tous les fans d'accordéon une excellente occasion d'entendre certains des meilleurs accordéonistes du monde.

L'orientation de la programmation est la compétition internationale, qui s'articule autour d'une série d'événements majeurs, y compris les performances au piano par le Maestro Nicola Piovani (Oscar pour la bande originale du film de Roberto Benigni "La vie est belle») qui va jouer avec l'accordéoniste Mirco Patarini, une série de ses plus grands succès.

D'autres invités de concert célèbre pour 2010 sera finlandais Mika Väyrynen, le groupe Beltango Quintet (Serbie), Danilo Di Paolonicola et sa bande ainsi que les gagnants des dernières compétitions internationales, Coupe Mondiale CIA gagnant Grayson Masefield (Nouvelle-Zélande) et l'AMC (CMA) Trophée Mondial gagnant Petar Maric (Serbie).

Cet événement de promotion sera de promouvoir la région de Spolète, est le foyer de l'association italienne IAC Accordéon Culture, qui est le membre italien de la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).

Le Strumenti 3e et Musica (Strumenti & Musica) Festival comprendra aussi quelques villes voisines, qui ont accueilli avec enthousiasme cette initiative et sera l'hôte de concerts de gagnant Coupe Mondiale Grayson Masefield.

La décision d'inviter à Spoleto chaque année le vainqueur de la Coupe Mondiale CIA a déjà été testé avec succès dans les années précédentes, et cette année, cette artiste de Nouvelle-Zélande sera en spectacle au prestigieux Teatro Caio Spoleto Melissa (20 mai), également en Campello sul Clitunno (18 mai) et Castel Ritaldi (23 mai) dans ce qui sera la clôture officielle de cette troisième Strumenti important & Musica (Strumenti & Musica) Festival.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, consultez le site Strumenti & Music


Nouveau CD de Dr. William Schimmel et le Projet Tango, New York - USA

William SchimmelDr. William Schimmel et son groupe, le projet Tango se retrouvent sur le nouveau CD "Tango Variations», disponible dans tous les magasins Starbucks Coffee. La piste «Por Una Cazeza» est tirée de leur premier enregistrement Nonesuch, «Le projet Tango», qui a atteint n ° 1 sur le palmarès Billboard, a remporté le Stereo Review Album de l'année, a reçu de nombreuses nominations aux Grammy Awards et a été présenté dans le film «Parfum de femme» (avec la bande à l'écran), pour lequel Al Pacino a reçu un Oscar.

Leur enregistrement de "Por Una Cazeza» a été présenté dans "True Lies", "Sex and the City», «Tous les hommes Kings», «The Medium» (TV) et "Vous pensez que vous pouvez danser? (TV) . Le nouveau CD comprend également les sélections par Gideon Kremer, Astor Piazzolla, Gotan Project, et plus encore.

Pour de plus amples informations email: billschimmel@billschimmel.com


Concours International d'Accordéon Kozani, Kozani - Grèce

Competition Jury
Vladimir Balyk and Natasa BalykAlexander TchuevLa première Kozani Accordéon International de la concurrence a eu lieu le 16 17 et 18 avril, dans la ville de Kozani, nord de la Grèce, avec un grand succès. Le concours était organisé par Kozani Conservatoire Municipal de Kozani et la Corporation municipale de la Culture et des Sports.

Il y avait environ 70 solistes et 11 ensembles et orchestres de 11 pays prenant part à la compétition.

Le jury du concours inclus Vladimir Balyk (Croatie), Eugenia Tcherkazova (Ukraine), Grazina LUKOŠIENĖ (Lituanie), Miljan Bjeletic (Serbie), Konstantinos Raptis (Grèce), et Alexander Tchuev (Grèce) - Le secrétaire du jury.

Il ya eu 2 concerts, impliquant Duo Balyk - Croatie (Vladimir Balyk - accordéon, Natasa Balyk - domra, mandolino), et Eugenia Tcherkazova - Ukraine (accordéon).

Plus de 2.500 personnes ont visité les auditions et les concerts de deux salles de concert, aussi environ 2.000 personnes ont vu la concurrence sur internet à la diffusion en direct.

La prochaine Kozani Accordéon International de la concurrence se tiendra en avril 2012

Pour de plus amples informations email: alexandertchuev@yahoo.gr


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

‘Toralf Tollefsen: A 78s Compilation’ CDs, Manchester – UK

Toralf Tollefsen‘Toralf Tollefsen: A 78s Compilation’ is the title of two modestly priced new CDs presenting recordings made in the 1930s to 50s by the popular Norwegian accordionist Toralf Tollefsen. Enthusiast Tommy Scruton has digitally re-mastered a selection of old 78rpm records, restoring them to their original sound quality. A third CD will soon be available.

Toralf Tollefsen (1914-94) was one of the most revered accordionists of his era, especially in the UK, where he lived for many years. Tollefsen performed in British variety theatres and on BBC radio in the 1930s, and in the late 1940s also performed as a classical soloist. He was a prolific recording artiste, and his records and arrangements were regarded as the benchmark of progress for a generation of aspiring accordionists

In the 1950s Tollefsen pioneered the use of the free bass accordion, and with Swedish accordionist Nils Nielsen, ran ‘Accordion Central’, an accordion retail and repairs business in London. In 1961 Tollefsen returned to Norway, scaled down his concert appearances, and concentrated on teaching, arranging and composing. He returned to England in 1986 as a guest artiste at the first Caister Autumn Accordion Festival, organised by Malcolm Gee. His final UK appearance was in 1988, headlining a concert in Huddersfield.

The tracks on the two CDs are:

Volume One: ‘Concert Waltz’, ‘Dizzy Accordion’, ‘Elvira’, ‘The Moose March’, ‘Hot Fingers’, ‘Playful Polka’, ‘Cuckoo Waltz’, ‘Black Mask Waltz’, ‘El Relicario’, ‘Invitation to the Waltz’, and ‘Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2’

Volume Two: ‘Jealousy’, ‘Accordion Impromptu’, ‘Fiddle Faddle’, ‘Shooting Star’, ‘Dance of the Comedians’, ‘Dance of the Hours’, ‘Hejra Kati’, ‘Promenade Rhythm’, ‘Carnival of Venice’, ‘Poet & Peasant Overture’, ‘Pizzicato Waltz’, and ‘Tommerhugger Dance’

For further information email: tom_scruton@yahoo.co.uk


Examination Results for Accordion Students, Cassino - Italy

Renzo RuggieriOn March 26th 2010 the examinations for the next level were held at the 'ACADEMY of MUSIC ‘ART MUSIC’ of Cassino, conducted by M ° Danilo Di Mambro, a member of ‘Club Voglia d'Arte’. The committee was composed of the director and well-known jazz musician Renzo Ruggieri and Angelo Cardinale (several times winner of the CMA Trofeo Mondiale).

The following students have passed the accordion category: Antonio Azzoli, Emilio Rea, Mario Pelagalli, Francesco Caporusso, Fabio Marano, Matteo Candelaresi,
Gianmarco Lisozzi, Andrea Lisozzi, Marco Merucci, Giovanni Tedeschi, Federico Tuosto, Donato Tuosto, Marco Bucci, Bruno Stabile, Giuseppe Pacitti, Riccardo Palumbo, Antonio Simeone, and Silvio Di Sandro.

On keyboard: Veronica Tedeschi, Alessia Papa, Valentina Gallaccio, Cristina D'Agostino, Gianluca Polini, Lorenzo Capaldi e Daniele Miele.


Rita Davidson, Elena and Grigory Fainshtein Perform - USA

Grigory Fainshtein, Rita Davidson and Elena
Elena, Rita Davidson, Mike Borelli and John MartinOn Sunday, April 18, Rita Davidson, Elena and Grigory Fainshtein performed for the Mid- Cities Accordion Association in Dallas/ Fort Worth, Texas

President John Martin introduced the program which began with some members demonstrating Israeli dancing with accordion music played by John Martin and Mike Borelli.

Rita Davidson, Editor of USA News, performed a varied program of light classics, novelties, and compositions by Eugene Ettore. Rita has given several concerts recently including the FMAE in January in Arizona and the March National Accordion Association (NAA) Festival in Dallas.

Rita is on the Governing Board of the AAA and has served as a judge at many accordion competitions in the USA. She is a music teacher in the West Orange, New Jersey school system where she is known for utilizing the accordion in her music lessons.

Rita is currently working on a project to promote the music of her accordion teacher, composer Eugene Ettore, which includes a future CD of his virtuoso compositions as well as various concert appearances to increase awareness of his works. His music will soon be available online.

Elena and Grigory Fainshtein played several duets and delighted the audience with their virtuosity and enthusiasm. Originally from Russia, Elena and Grigory earned their Masters Degree in Accordion Performance from the Byelorussian Music Academy in Minsk.

They have been living in Dallas, Texas for the past seven years and Elena teaches both piano and accordion in Dallas. Grigory works in the computer field. The audience enthusiastically gave them a standing ovation.

Rita, Elena, and Grigory then surprised the audience by playing “Czardas” and “Hava Nagila” together as a trio.

After a short break, Rita shared her ideas on entertaining at children’s birthday parties with the focus on the accordion. Rita has had many years of experience in the birthday party business in which she utilizes her accordion. She presented a demonstration of a kid’s party with one of the members serving as the birthday boy! It was in audience participation style with everyone dancing, playing instruments, marching around, and just having a great time.

For further information: Ritabelll@aol.com


David Vernon @Stockport AC, Cheshire – UK

David VernonDavid Vernon, from Edinburgh, made his debut at Stockport Accordion Club on April 21st, turning in a most impressive performance of international music. His pieces were interspersed with funny stories and jokes, and David’s humour was also cleverly interwoven into his music, resulting in a most entertaining evening.

David’s programme included ‘Romagna Bella’, ‘Scottish/Irish Jigs/Reels’, Firefly Waltz’, ‘El Capitain’, ‘Roulette Wheel’, ‘The Godfather Selection’, ‘Terminal 3’, ‘Jacqueline Waltz’, ‘Cuckoo Waltz’, ‘Jewish Set’, ‘Excelsior’, The Dark Island’, ‘Americana’, ‘The Flying Scotsman’, and as an encore, ‘The Mason’s Apron, Boys of Bluehill, Harvest Home’. His encore set was especially remarkable for the way in which he frequently switched the melody from treble to bass sides, back and forth, and with bewildering speed.

Also contributing to the concert were the Stockport AC Band (MD Derek Stubbs), Betty Molloy/Chris Green, John Higham, Rob Howard, Ray Peacock, and Brennan Wilson.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Future events

Devotchka Concerts – USA

DevotchkaDevotchka is a Denver-based quartet with a sound that incorporates everything from rock to gypsy, folk, and mariachi. Their line-up is Nick Urata - vocals/guitar, Tom Hagerman - accordion/violin, Jeanie Schroder - bass/tuba, and Shawn King on drums/trumpet.

NPR calls them "the greatest live band in New York," the New Yorker calls them a cross between "a Gypsy wedding band, the Sex Pistols, King Tubby, and Kraftwerk," and the Alternative Press says they're like "the United Nations assembled in a mosh pit."

Gogol Bordello’s forthcoming concerts include:

April 24th, 5pm - Congress Theater, 2135 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, Illinois
25th, 6pm - Congress Theater, Ill
28th, 8pm - House of Blues, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston, MA
29th, 8pm - Ram's Head Live, 20 Market Place, Baltimore, MD
30th, 8pm - Ram's Head Live, MD
May 1st, 8.30pm - Electric Factory, 421 N 7th St, Philadelphia, PA


“CULTURE IN MOTION” / Stradella - Italy

The Department for Culture, Identity and Autonomy of Lombardy invites for the opening of
the sixth edition of "CULTURES IN MOTION" Discovering the intangible heritage in Lombardy. A traveling exhibition by the Archives of Ethnography and Social History (AESS) - Lombardy Region www.aess.regione.lombardia.it

Friday, April 30, 2010 17:00 in Stradella (PV) http://www.accordions.com/museumstradella/events.htm
TESS - Teatro Sociale Stradella
The inauguration will follow a performance of young accordion students of the Accordion Secondary School of I gr. "A. Depretis "Stradella and the Accademia Musicale" Città di Stradella "
The exhibition will be open from April 30 to June 6, 2010

Opening Hours:
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday by appointment: 9-12.30
Saturday: 10-12
Sunday: 10-12 and 16-18
info and reservations call 0385 48870 0385 48870 or e-mail robertino.quadrelli@comune.stradella.pv.it


Marco Lo Russo on TV and in Concert, Brescia - Italy‏

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist Marco Lo Russo appears on the Italian TV programme ‘Dizionario dei Sentimenti’, presented by Franco Simone, April 23rd to 28th. The shows are as follows:
SKY 856
April 24th, 8pm
April 23rd, 8pm
April 25th, 3.30pm
April 28th, 10.30pm

On April 30th, 9pm, Marco performs in concert at the Chiostro di Santa Giulia, Brescia

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Guy Klucevsek Concert, New York – USA

Guy KlucevsekAccordionist and composer Guy Klucevsek performs a solo gig at The Stone, Avenue C/2nd Street, New York City, on Tuesday April 27th, 8pm.

For further information email: gklucevsek@si.rr.com


Bayan Duo @ Mayfield Festival, East Sussex – UK

Kostyantyn Zhukov and Shevket ArifovThe Bayan Duo, from the Ukraine, are accordionists Kostyantyn Zhukov and Shevket Arifov. On Thursday April 28th, 7.30 pm, they perform at the Mayfield Convent Chapel, East Sussex TN20 6PH, in a concert that is part of the prestigious annual Mayfield Festival.

The programme includes:

‘Toccata and Fugue in D Minor’ - JS Bach
‘Winter’ from ‘The 4 Seasons’ - Vivaldi
‘Eine Kleine Nachtmusic’ - Mozart
‘Overture to The Marriage of Figaro’ - Mozart
‘Allegro con brio’ from ‘Symphony No 5’ - Beethoven
‘Prelude and Fugue in A Minor for Organ’ - JS Bach
‘Cavatina Figaro’ - Rossini
‘Oblivion’ - Piazzolla

For further information email: info@mayfieldfestival.co.uk


Lacides Romero Concert, Bogota - Colombia‏

Lacides RomeroAccordionist Lacides Romero is in concert at the Fundación Universitaria Ciencias de la Salud in Bogota on April 29th, 12pm. The program will include ‘Gavotte and Rondo’ - Lull, ‘Allemanda and Gig’ - Handel, ‘La Roxelane’ - Haydn, ‘Dance of the Swans’ - Tchaikowsky, ‘Slavonic Dance no 8’, ‘Madeja de Luna’ - Luis A. Calvo, ‘Contrasts’ - Astor Piazzolla, ‘Escorregando’ - Ernesto Nazaterh, and ‘Brejeiro’ - Ernesto Nazaterh. Entrance is free.

For further information email: lacidesromero@yahoo.com


Accordion Duo Workshop at RAM, London – UK

Kostyantyn Zhukov and Shevket Arifov
On Friday April 30th, 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm, in the Recital Room at the Royal Academy of Music, there will be informal workshops for Academy accordion students with the Bayan Duo, from the Ukraine, Kostyantyn Zhukov and Shevket Arifov. The subject will be accordion ensemble repertoire. All are welcome, and admission is free (no tickets required).


Dijk en Waard Accordion Orchestra Concert, Castelfidardo - Italy

Dijk en Waard
In honour of the 150th anniversary of the ‘Battle of Castelfidardo’, the Dutch accordion orchestra Dijk en Waard perform in the Piazza della Repubblica, Castelfidardo, during the evening of May 3rd.

Whilst in the Marche region of Italy, the Dijk en Waard orchestra also perform concerts in in Loreto, Montefano, and Gradara.


Mazaika ‘65th Anniversary of World War II Victory’ Concert, London - UK

Sarah Harrison and Igor Outkine
Mazaika perform a concert dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the end of World War II on Saturday May 15th, 8pm until 10.15pm. This takes place at Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regents Park Road, London NW1 7AY.

Mazaika are Igor Outkine - vocals, acoustic and midi accordions, and Sarah Harrison - violin, domra.

For further information email: info@mazaika-music.com


New and Updated Sites

Yehuda release one new work

Yehuda Oppenheimer release 1 arrangement for acccordion - 'Tumbalalaika, catalog:OY559'. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Mario Tacca releases new musics

Mario Tacca releases 6 new pieces, '81 Rue de Briey', catalog:mtacca201', 'Allegria, catalog:mtacca202', 'Angeli Giocando, catalog:mtacca203', 'Cancion Para Mis Amigos, catalog:mtacca204', 'Fiore D'Abruzzo, catalog:mtacca205' and 'Gentilezza, catalog:mtacca206'. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri releases new music

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 4 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Tears Of Flower, catalog: cfranco117', 'Au Revoir, catalog: cfranco118', 'A La Musette, catalog: cfranco119' and 'Dama Da Noite, catalog: cfranco120'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Franck Angelis release new music

Franck Angelis releases 1 new piece titled 'Impasse ', catalog:anglis556'. Impasse was the 2004 Coupe Mondiale test piece when the Coupe Mondiale was held in Pontarlier, France.

The work has remained popular with teachers and players since its first release. Now newly released, Franck Angelis is releasing this and several other new compositions over the coming weeks in eSheet format.

Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Reeds Titlbach of Czech Republic

Reeds TitlbachThe website of the reed-manufacturer Reeds Titlbach, based in Louny, Czech Republic, has been updated.


CD Reviews

"R. Galliano plays BACH"

Richard Galliano cdCD Reviews Index for the Review of "R. Galliano plays BACH" by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performer is Richard Galliano.


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