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Weekly News from Around the World - 22-Apr-2011
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Scandalli y Paolo Soprani ya no estarán bajo el mismo techo, Castelfidardo - Italia
Evento especial - Celebración del 65º aniversario de Viatcheslav Semionov - Russia
Mika Väyrynen presenta master classes, y próximas grabaciones - España, Finlandia
El ‘World Accordion to Phil’ en el canal HD de la BBC TV el 6 de mayo! – Reino Unido
Abril musical en París para Pasco Italia y E. Soprani – Francia
Audiciones para la Licenciatura de Acordeón, Castelo Branco – Portugal

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

British College of Accordionists Examinations Held - Malta
‘Midnight Tango’ – UK Tour
Frank Marocco Honored, Hollywood – USA
Vincent Lhermet’s Contest Success‏, Amsterdam - Netherlands
Frederic Deshamps Seminars, Grayson Masefield Concert in Spokane - USA
‘14 Years Ago’ – The Accordion on Broadway - USA

Future events

Concert of the Film Music Ensemble- Castelfidardo/Italy
World Accordion Day ‘Accordion Awareness Program’ Concert, Pune – India
Dervish on Tour – UK, France, Ireland, USA
Mazaika Concert, London – UK
Tejano Conjunto Festival, Texas - USA
Vivant! and Don Lipovac in Concert, Missouri - USA
Bruno Maurice Master Class, Concerts and Hiking, Les Arcs - France‏

New and Updated Sites

Renzo Ruggieri releasing his first new music
Dražan Kosoric releasing his first 3 new music
Sebastiano Cali releasing 1 of his new music
Charnwood Publications releases 4 new pieces
Franco Cambareri releases 3 new compositions
Mario Tacca release 1 new piece
Updated CD's by Mika Väyrynen from the Finnish Accordeon Institute - Finland

CD Reviews

Accordeon Classique CD by Camille Privat

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Scandalli y Paolo Soprani ya no estarán bajo el mismo techo, Castelfidardo - Italia

Scandalli, Paolo Soprani, Pasco Italia logosLas dos famosas marcas Italianas Scandalli y Paolo Soprani han sido fabricadas y comercializadas por la misma compañía durante muchos años, al principio por Menghini srl y después por Suoni srl.

Fue una sorpresa, por lo tanto, ver que en la reciente Feria de la Música de Frankfurt, Scandalli presentó bajo su propio expositor y Paolo Soprani en la caseta de Pasco Italia.

Fausto Fabi, ocupado trabajando en las dos casetas, ha seguido trabajando para las dos compañías en la sección de ventas y marketing, y escribe:

“Este cambio es, de hecho, un cambio natural. Durante unos años antes y después de la fusión de Menghini y SEM en Suoni srl, pareció posible que una entidad pudiera producir el rango completo de acordeones, del diatónico al cromático, al de teclas, al electrónico y al bajo. Fue un sueño imposible. Hace unos años la marca SEM fue vendida y algunos de estos modelos fueron incorporados en las líneas de Scandalli y Paolo Soprani.

Incluso esta racionalización demostró ser difícil de manejar desde un punto de vista logístico y de marketing – especialmente considerando el éxito de los modelos Scandalli Conservatorio y de los diatónicos Paolo Soprani – dos productos que se encuentran en los extremos opuestos del espectro de acordeones.

Scandalli srl se ha creado para concentrarse en los mercados clásico y profesional únicamente. El émfasis estará en los productos de alta calidad y esto se pudo ver en el nuevo folleto que se presentó en el espectáculo. La marca permanecerá en las mismas instalaciones pero ha cambiado el nombre a Scandalli srl y el e-mail: info@scandalli.com. El resto de datos son los mismos.

Paolo Soprani se ha traspasado a Pasco Italia donde hay una gran determinación de revitalizar la marca fundadora de la indústria del acordeón italiana. De hecho, dentro de 2 años, Paolo Soprani celebrará su 150 aniversario así que habrá una gran actividad para preparar este momento histórico. Los modelos existentes se actualizarán y se introducirán nuevos modelos para reflejar juventud, diversión, y por encima de todo, la herencia del acordeón italiano.
Pasco Italia se ha trasladado ha unas nuevas instalaciones en Castelfidardo, en la Via Aldo Moro, con el nuevo e-mail: paolosoprani@pascoita.com “


Evento especial - Celebración del 65º aniversario de Viatcheslav Semionov - Russia

Viatcheslav Semionov 65th Birthday Concert Poster
Clicke para ver el evento especial – Celebración del 65º aniversario de Viatcheslav Semionov en Moscú - Rusia
Special Feature - Viatcheslav  Semionov 65th Birthday Celebration


Mika Väyrynen presenta master classes, y próximas grabaciones - España, Finlandia

Mika VäyrynenDespués de celebrar su reciente boda el 18 de marzo con Vilja Rydman, Mika Väyrynen ha vuelto a su ajetreado plan de conciertos.

Mika presentó una serie de master classes en el norte de España. El 9 de abril realizó una master class en el Conservatorio de Santander y el 10 de abril en el Conservatorio Superior de Oviedo.

Esta semana Mika Väyrynen hará una serie de grabaciones con YLE (Compañía Nacional de Grabaciones Finlandesa) con el cellista Jan-Erik Gustafsson dónde grabarán piezas de Scriabin, Melartin, Sibelius, Tschaikovsky y Piazzolla. Continuará grabando para YLE en mayo, en este caso un programa de Bach y música barroca francesa.

Para más información, visiten la página web de Mika Väyrynen.

CD's by Mika  Väyrynen del Instituto Finlandés de Acordeón


El ‘World Accordion to Phil’ en el canal HD de la BBC TV el 6 de mayo! – Reino Unido

‘The World Accordion to Phil’ on the BBC TV Channel
World Accordion Day logoDurante el día mundial del acordeón (World Accordion Day), el 6 de mayo, la BBC emitirá el reciente documental de televisión de 4 partes ‘The World Accordion to Phil’, presentado por el acordeonista Phil Cunningham.

Este documental emitido recientemente en la BBC 2 Escocia en marzo, se mostrará ahora todo seguido en el canal HD de la BBC, desde las 11.05 del 6 de mayo – el día mundial del acordeón! El canal HD de la BBC es un canal digital, que se emite ne todo el Reino Unido y el norte de Irlanda.

El programa es una mirada hacia el acordeón y sus orígenes en un contexto internacional, visitando la China, Austria, Italia, España, Irlanda, Francia, Rumanía, Rusia, la República Checa, Los Estados Unidos, Brasil y Argentina – explorando las tradiciones locales del acordeón. Durante su viaje, Phil Cunningham conoce a Robert Rolston, Count Robert Deiro, Marcel Azzola, Viatcheslav Semionov, Sharon Shannon, Joe Burke, Flaco Jimenez, Marc Savoy, y muchos otros. Además suele tocar con algunos de los acordeonistas que encuentra, presentando en el espectáculo una gran variedad de estilos de acordeón de todo el mundo.

Gracias a la BBC por su apoyo al día mundial del acordeón y por crear este excelente documental televisivo de 4 partes sobre el acordeón.

For further information email: helen.straine@bbc.co.uk
‘The World Accordion to Phil’ on the BBC TV HD Channel


Abril musical en París para Pasco Italia y E. Soprani – Francia

French model Ines de la Fressange and E. Soprani accordion
Pasco Italia y E. Soprani en particular está recibiendo una gran publicidad este mes en París, Francia. Las galerías Lafayette, las más grnades de la capital, han elegido un acordeón E.Soprani para aparecer de forma destacada con la famosa modelo francesa Ines de la Fressange en el poster de la campaña de abril, que será visto por millones de personas de la capital francesa y sus alrededores.

La comunidad del acordeón da las gracias a La Fayette, a Thierry Paillet (el distribuidor francés de Pasco Italia) y a Denis Salmon, propietario de la tienda que prestó el instrumento.


Audiciones para la Licenciatura de Acordeón, Castelo Branco – Portugal

Arts Superior Music School in Castelo Branco, Portugal
Paulo Jorge FerreiraEl proceso de selección para las admisiones a la Licenciatura de Acordeón en la Escuela Superior de Artes Musicales en Castelo Branco, Portugal, tendrán lugar el próximo mes. El tutor será Paulo Jorge Ferreira (imagen izquierda).

Las audiciones serán el 21 de mayo. Todo el programa debe ser original para acordeón. El programa incluye:
-1 pieza cíclica
-1 pieza virtuosa
-1 pieza lírica
-1 lectura “a vista”

Para más información escriban a: pjorgef@hotmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

British College of Accordionists Examinations Held - Malta

BCA Malta
BCA logoThe British College of Accordionists (1936-2011), which this year is celebrating its 75th anniversary of holding accordion Grade and Diploma examinations – is currently holding its Spring Examination Tour on the Mediterranean island of Malta. This is being undertaken by BCA Principal and CIA President Raymond Bodell.

The local teacher in Attard, Marthese Busuttil Cassar LBCA. has now been conducting her accordion ensemble for more than 25 years and is pictured here with some of her successful examination candidates for 2011 - Cleve Zammit, Simone Scicluna, and Joseph Grima, together with local BCA Representative, Mrs Rita Psaila.

For further information email: bcaexams@btinternet.com


‘Midnight Tango’ – UK Tour

Midnight Tango, Vincent Simone and Flavia Cacace
Midnight Tango, Vincent Simone and Flavia Cacace‘Midnight Tango’, starring dancers Vincent Simone and Flavia Cacace of BBC TV's ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ fame, recently began a UK tour. I was fortunate to see a performance at The Lowry Theatre in Salford, Lancashire, on April 18th.

The company of ten dancers and the on stage quartet ‘Tango Siempre’, featuring bandoneonist Julian Rowlands, put on a show of dazzling virtuosity. The set is a café in Buenos Aires, and the dancers performed a beautifully choreographed and athletic series of tangos, accompanied by music that was a balanced mix of classic tangos such as ‘La Cumparsita, ‘El Choclo’, ‘A Media Luz’, and ‘Jealousy’, alongside tango nuevo compositions, including Piazzolla’s ‘Oblivion’ and ‘Libertango’, and similar contemporary pieces.

The show tells a story, with action rather than dialogue, the atmosphere created is convincing, and the music and dancing are electrifying, passionate and beguiling throughout.

The tour dates (some theatres include matinees) are:

April 26th to 30th, 7.30pm - Alhambra Theatre, Bradford, West Yorkshire
May 3rd to 7th – Lyceum, Sheffield
May 10th to 14th, 8pm - New Victoria, Woking, Surrey
May 17th to 21st, 7.30pm - Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham
May 23rd to 28th, 7.30pm – Birmingham Hippodrome
May 31st to June 4th, 7.30pm - Plymouth Pavilions
June 7th to 11th, 7.30pm - Sunderland Empire
June 14th to 18th - Milton Keynes Theatre
June 20th and 21st, 7.30pm – Brighton Centre
June 23rd to 25th, 7.30pm - Millennium Centre, Cardiff, Wales
June 28th to July 2nd, 7.30pm - Playhouse Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland
July 5th to 9th – Norwich Theatre Royal
July 12th to 16th, 7.30pm – Bristol Hippodrome
July 19th to 23rd – Cliffs Pavilion, Southend
July 26th to 30th, 7.30pm King’s Theatre, Glasgow, Scotland


Frank Marocco Honored, Hollywood – USA

American Society of Music Arrangers and Composers logo
Frank MaroccoThe American Society of Music Arrangers and Composers presented a Luncheon with Special Guest Frank Marocco on April 20th at Catalinas in Hollywood. Frank Marocco spoke about his career, answering many questions.

Frank Marocco is one of the most recorded accordionists in America (and, possibly, the world), having played on a vast number of movie soundtracks, television scores, commercial jingles and record albums, in the studios of Hollywood and beyond. He has recorded for and/or worked with artists ranging from Brian Wilson, Pink Floyd and Madonna to Luciano Pavarotti, conductor Maxim Shostakovich and composer John Williams.

He was nominated eight years in a row for the Most Valuable Player Award by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (N.A.R.A.S) and received that award twice. Frank is also a consummate jazz artist and a gifted composer with several of his own albums to his credit. He has played his music for audiences all over the world.


Vincent Lhermet’s Contest Success‏, Amsterdam - Netherlands

Vincent LhermetOn Sunday April 17th, French accordionist Vincent Lhermet won 4th prize at the Gaudeamus International Competition of Amsterdam, one of the most prestigious international contests for contemporary music, open to all instruments. He was the youngest performer and the only accordionist among the five finalists at the Muziekgebouw, Amsterdam.
The 38th edition of the International Gaudeamus Interpreters Competition took place in Amsterdam from April 10th to 17th and was organized by Music Center the Netherlands. There were 83 participants from thirty-one countries in the first round, of which 15 successfully reached the second round.
Vincent Lhermet is currently finishing his Master studies at the Sibelius Academy of Helsinki, Finland, in the class of Professor Matti Rantanen. He is laureate 1st prize of Arrasate-Hiria International Competition (2006) and performs regularly as a soloist and chamber musician in many festivals throughout the world.
For further information email: lhermet.vincent@gmail.com


Frederic Deshamps Seminars, Grayson Masefield Concert in Spokane - USA

Grayson MasefieldA review of the recent concert by Grayson Masefield in Spokane has been written by Pamela Beckstrom plus a review of the master classes by Robynne Snow.

Grayson and his teacher Frederic Deschamps at the invitation of Spokane accordion teacher Patricia Bartell and assisted by Hohner, were in Spokane conducting master classes for the week.

This is the second time in two years that they have been invited to make masterclasses in Spokane and a concert by Grayson Masefield.
2011 Spokane Concert Review


‘14 Years Ago’ – The Accordion on Broadway - USA

Guy KluscevsekThe stage musical ‘Victor Victoria’, based on the 1982 movie, both starring Julie Andrews, has a score for accordion, written by Henry Mancini.

The news for the week ending April 25th 1997 reminds us of this fact, also mentioning that the American accordionist Guy Kluscevsek has played in the orchestra pit for this show. Guy Kluscevsek is still very much active in the accordion world, and often sends us news.

Contributed by Faithe Deffner, President of the American Accordionists' Association

The hit Broadway musical ‘Victor Victoria’, starring the fabulous Julie Andrews, is quite accordion friendly. Composer-accordionist Guy Kluscevsek, who sometimes fills in as a pit musician at this show, relates that the "Henry Mancini score as arranged by Billy Byers, has a chair for synth/accordion/bass accordion".

Guy says "Byers was a genius at filing away arcana like bass accordions for use in special situations." Hence, he often uses it in ‘Victor Victoria’ to beef up the bowed double bass, creating the illusion of a whole bass section while using only two players.

Kluscevsek's newest solo album is a CD scheduled for release on Evva later this year.


Future events

Concert of the Film Music Ensemble- Castelfidardo/Italy


World Accordion Day ‘Accordion Awareness Program’ Concert, Pune – India

Accordionist Amit Vaidya performs in concert at Sudarshan Kala Manch, Pune, India, on May 7th, 7pm.

This World Accordion Day event is aimed to spread awareness about the accordion in this part of the world. In India the accordion was introduced through films by the noted film maker Raj Kapoor. There were number of accordionists active from 1950 - 1970 in India as the film industry was booming and there was a great demand.

Indian films have songs at their heart and a lot of these songs had accordion played in the back ground. However since the advent of synthesizer this art has dwindled in India

There is a tradition of playing the songs from these old movies on this instrument. Amit Vaidya will be reviving this tradition also by giving the history of the accordion through a presentation.

The topics include:

- accordion history, how the name was coined and the birth
- story of Paolo Soprani
- accordion factories
- types of accordions
- accordion mechanism (how it works!)
- journey of this instrument in India

For further information email: amit_vaidya_1@yahoo.com


Dervish on Tour – UK, France, Ireland, USA

Dervish, popular Irish group
The popular Irish traditional band Dervish, from Sligo, Republic of Ireland, have embarked on an international tour, with dates as follows:

Based in Sligo, Dervish feature Shane Mitchell on accordion. Fronted as ever by vocalist Cathy Jordan, Dervish’s line up also includes bouzouki, mandola, flute, bodhran and fiddle.

April 24th - Gosport & Fareham Easter Festival, Hampshire, England
April 27th – Abergavenny, Wales
April 28th - Galeri Caernarfon, Caernarfon
April 29th – Guildhall, Lichfield, England
April 30th - Bristol Folk Festival
May 1st - The Stables, Wavendon, Milton Keynes
May 4th - Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham
May 5th - Maidment Theatre, Shrewsbury
May 6th, 7.45pm - Waterside Arts Centre, Sale, near Manchester
May 7th - Gulbenkian Theatre, Canterbury
May 26th - Festival Violon et Chant du Monde, Calais, France
May 28th - Festival de Perouges
June 17th – Monroes, Galway, Rebublic of Ireland
June 30th - Tall Ships Festival, Waterford
July 9th – Ely Festival, Cambridge, England
July 29th to 31st - Lowell Folk Festival, Massachusetts, USA


Mazaika Concert, London – UK

MazaikaThe duo Mazaika, Igor Outkine (vocals, accordion) and Sarah Harrison (violin, vocals) perform in concert at Green Note, 106 Parkway, London, on Friday May 6th, 9pm - 11pm.

Mazaika’s repertoire includes Russian Gypsy songs, Balkan music, Tango, Hotclub Jazz, and original works.

For further information email: igor.outkine@ntlworld.com


Tejano Conjunto Festival, Texas - USA

Tejano Conjunto Festival 2011 posterThe 30th annual Tejano Conjunto Festival will be held from May 10th to 15th at the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center and Rosedale Park, San Antonio, Texas.

The guest artistes include Mingo Saldivar, Eva Ybarra, Oscar Hernandez, Los Dos Gilbertos, Joel Guzmán, Los Monarcas de Pete, Mario Díaz, Gilberto Pérez, and many more. The festival includes concerts, dancing and jam sessions.

On May 12th, 6pm, the Conjunto Hall of Fame Dinner will take place in the Guadalupe Theater, San Antonio.

The festival’s special features include a free workshop on the Roland FR-18 Diatonic V-Accordion, which will cover the history of the genre and demonstrate the fusion of traditional Conjunto with modern technology.

There will also be an ‘Accordion Tuning, Maintenance & Repair Workshop’, led by Tim Schofield, Hohner Accordion Repair and Parts Supervisor, who will demonstrate how to tune the reeds of an accordion and maintain it in tip-top playing shape.

Accordion tuning kits will be available for purchase.


Vivant! and Don Lipovac in Concert, Missouri - USA

Don LipovacThe ensemble Vivant! will be appearing in concert with accordion entertainer Don Lipovac on Saturday May 14th, 7pm, at the Bragg Auditorium, All Souls Unitarian Church, 5401 Walnut St, Kansas City, Missouri. Doors open at 6.30pm. 

The concert is sponsored by the Fremar Foundation for Accordion Arts.  Vivant! will be performing a preview of their upcoming concert tour show and also premiering a new work, ‘Night at the Pla-Mor’, by Karen Fremar.

Vivant! (MD Karen Fremar) includes Dee Sligar (bass, keyboard), Gail Overly (accordion), Julie Silfverberg (accordion, keyboard), Karen Fremar (accordion, keyboard), Sarah Cantrell (percussion, mallets, keyboard) and Janne Silfverberg (trombone, percussion).

Don Lipovac, of Slovenian heritage, attended the Kansas City Conservatory of Music, and in 1958 won first place in the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) National Championship.

He has entertained with his orchestra for several decades, has appeared on the Lawrence Welk TV show, as a soloist with the Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra, and has been inducted into the Polka Hall of Fame, awarded at Ironworld, USA, in Chisholm, Minnesota.

For further information email: vivant@vivantsound.com


Bruno Maurice Master Class, Concerts and Hiking, Les Arcs - France‏

Bruno Maurice’s summer Master Class? takes place from August 19th to 24th at the Académie Internationale de Musique des Arcs, Les Arcs, near Bourg St Maurice 2-3 hours south of Geneva.

For further information email: brunomaurice@neuf.fr


New and Updated Sites

Renzo Ruggieri releasing his first new music

Renzo Ruggieri - accordionist, composer releasing his first new composition for accordion available for purchase online:

'Song For S.B', catalog:rrenzo501.

Sample of this music are available on the site.
The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer.
Purchase with credit card.


Dražan Kosoric releasing his first 3 new music

'Prelude And Basso Ostinato',  catalog:dkosoric101Dražan Kosoric - accordionist, composer, professor releasing his first 3 new compositions for accordion available for purchase online:

'Prelude And Basso Ostinato' catalog:dkosoric101
'Suite' catalog:dkosoric102
Toccata' catalog:dkosoric103.

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer.
Purchase with credit card.


Sebastiano Cali releasing 1 of his new music

Sebastiano Cali - accordionist, performer, maintenance, releasing 1 new music for accordion available for purchase online:

'Nocturne in Eb major - Op. 9 No. 2', catalog:scali050.

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer.
Purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications releases 4 new pieces

Charnwood Publications releases 4 new pieces by composer Parnell Frederick titled:

'Mazurka Capricco', catalog:M650
'Pony Trot', catalog:M651
'Ragamuffin', catalog:M652
'Rondo Alla Zingarese', catalog:M653.

Samples of the music are available online.
Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri releases 3 new compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 3 new compositions for accordion available for purchase online:

'Let's Jive', catalog:cfranco136
'Ojos De Agua', catalog:cfranco137
'Ombra Latina', catalog:cfranco138

Samples of this music are available on the site.
The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer.
Purchase with credit card.


Mario Tacca release 1 new piece

Mario Tacca release a new piece, 'Cirque du Monde', catalog:mtacca212. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Updated CD's by Mika Väyrynen from the Finnish Accordeon Institute - Finland

Mika Väyrynen CD covers
Updated site for CD's by Mika  Väyrynen from the Finnish Accordeon Institute in Finland advertising his three CD's from the Finnish Accordeon Institute. Catalog Numbers:
Face faicd13
Adventure faicd15
Misterium faicd23


CD Reviews

Accordeon Classique CD by Camille Privat

Camille Privat Accordeon Classique CD front coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Accordeon Classique" CD, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performer is Camille Privat.


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