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Weekly News from Around the World - 21-Sep-2018
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Tagesberichte, 2018 Coupe Mondiale, Beginn ab: Dienstag, 25. September - Litauen
Tägliche Berichte des 43. PIF Internationale Akkordeonpreis 2018, Castelfidardo - Italien
2018 PIF Castelfidardo, World Music - Italien
Corrado Rojac spielt Treatise von Cornelius Cardew, Mailand - Italien
Festival Harmonike, November/Wien - Östgerreich

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: 2017 PIF Winner Artur Adrshin Performing at 2018 PIF - Italy
Roy Hendrie & Dave Morrice new CD ‘Coast to Coast’, Scotland – UK
Marco Lo Russo on RAI on 1st September - Italy
Seacroft 2018, Norfolk – UK
Video: PIF 3rd Place Augustinas Rakauskas / Lithuania - Italy
Petar Maric Guest in USA, RVN TV - USA
Brooklyn Accordion Club Concerts, New York – USA

Future events

SanfonArt at Akkordeon Festival Zug 2018 - Switzerland
Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Future Events - USA
Accordion Pops Orchestra Concert, Pennsylvania – USA
French Musette Dancing Week, Peniscola – Spain
Motion Trio Concert, Rybnik – Poland
Matthew MacLennan Trio @ Kelso Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Stanislav Angelov performs ‘The 4 Seasons’, Heidelberg - South Africa
Brooklyn Accordion Club Concerts, New York – USA
Accordion Show, Cremona – Italy
Bradford Accordion Band Concert, West Yorkshire – UK
Viktor Romanko Concert, Bad Honnef - Germany

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2018 Coupe Mondiale header

Daily Reports

Video Center

The results of the 2018 Coupe Mondiale in Kaunas, Lithuania are published Saturday 5 pm Italy time. The Weekly News is going live with these results at exactly the same time - 5 pm Italy time.

In the meantime, please view the 2018 Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports and videos of all the contestants. Enjoy the superb music by the exceptional young musicians competing in Kaunas, Lithuania.

Daily Reports since 25th September at: http://coupemondiale.org/2018/lt_rev_25.html
Video Homepage & Video Timetable at: 2018CM-Video


Tagesberichte, 2018 Coupe Mondiale, Beginn ab: Dienstag, 25. September - Litauen

2018 Coupe Mondiale Header

Daily Reports

Video Center

Poster Opening Concert 2018 Coupe MondialePoster Evening competition 2018 Coupe Mondiale.Der 71. Coupe Mondiale der Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes wird von der Litauischen Nationalen Akkordeonisten Union unter der Leitung von Präsident: Kazys Stonkus und Vizepräsident: Mindaugas Labanauskas veranstaltet.

Der Präsident der Konföderation, Mirco Patarini, "heißt die Teilnehmer, die Jury, die Delegierten und die Sponsoren herzlich in Kaunas zu einem aufregenden 71. Coupe Mondiale willkommen, der zum ersten Mal in Litauen stattfindet."

Video Homepage & Video Fahrplan bei: 2018CM-Video

Die Auslosung zur Spielreihenfolge findet am Dienstag statt, gefolgt vom Eröffnungskonzert mit den Wettbewerben von Mittwoch bis Samstag. Der Coupe Mondiale 2018 verspricht wunderbare Musik und höchstes Niveau der Wettbewerbe mit sieben internationalen Wettbewerbskategorien.

Downloaden Sie die Konzertplakate unter: 2018CM-Posters.pdf
Freier Eintritt zu allen Konzerten.

Für diejenigen, die nicht teilnehmen können, hat die Website Coupe Mondiale Tagesberichte mit Bildern, Informationen und Videos der Teilnehmer sowie alle Ergebnisse, sobald diese bekannt gegeben werden.

Jeden Abend gibt es ein Konzert oder einen Wettbewerb mit dem Preisträgerkonzert am Samstag mit den Auftritten aller Gewinner der Kategorie Coupe Mondiale.

Tagesberichte beginnen am Dienstag, den 25. September um: http://coupemondiale.org/2018/lt_rev_25.html
World Accordion Orchestra concert poster


Tägliche Berichte des 43. PIF Internationale Akkordeonpreis 2018, Castelfidardo - Italien

2018 PIF header
Der 43. Internationale PIF Akkordeon Preis für Akkordeon Solisten und Gruppen und Festival lieft vom 9. bis 16. September. Event Künstlerischer Leiter Renzo Ruggieri.

Tägliche Berichte mit Bildern, Video und Wettbewerbsergebnisse sind online unter: 2018Concorso

Videos der Top-Virtuose Top-4-Placetgetter der Senior Virtuoso (beide Runden) und Video der Gewinner des PIF-Premio sind online. 2018Concorso


2018 PIF Castelfidardo, World Music - Italien

2018 PIF Header

Beim PIF Castelfidardo diatonischer Weltmusikwettbewerb traten 22 junge Spieler und 10 Erwachsene um den prestigeträchtigen 1., 2. und 3. Platz für sich zu entscheiden. Für alle Ergebnisse sehen Sie sich bitte unsere Ergebnisseite mit den vollständigen Noten einer internationalen Jury an.

Tägliche Berichte mit Bildern, Video und Wettbewerbsergebnisse sind online unter: 2018Concorso
PIF World Music constestants


Corrado Rojac spielt Treatise von Cornelius Cardew, Mailand - Italien

Poster: Corrado Rojac Performs Treatise by Cornelius Cardew
Corrado RojacAm 25. September um 17 Uhr - Museo del Novecento/Mailand. Der hoch angesehene Akkordeonist Corrado Rojac wird zusammen mit dem Pianisten Giuseppe Giuliano, dem Cellisten Rohan de Saram und anderen Musikern Treatise von Cornelius Cardew aufführen.

Ein sehr seltenes Konzert mit zeitgenössischer Musik an einem wichtigen kulturellen Veranstaltungsort.


Festival Harmonike, November/Wien - Östgerreich

Poster Festival Harmonike
Das Festival Harmonike findet am 24. November 2018 in Wien statt.

Alle Details über diesen Event sind am Plakat nachzulesen.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: 2017 PIF Winner Artur Adrshin Performing at 2018 PIF - Italy

2018 PIF Castelfidardo header
Artur AdrshinVideo: Artur Adrshin was the performer for the first Concerti Aperitivo sponsored by Pigini Accordions.

Video: Last piece of the concert and the encore. Artur is a student in his 4th year at St. Petersburg Conservatory, in the class of Honored Artist of Russia, Prof. Alexander Dmitriev.


Roy Hendrie & Dave Morrice new CD ‘Coast to Coast’, Scotland – UK

Roy Hendrie and Dave Morrice have just released a new CD, ‘Coast to Coast’, which features a wide range of music styles. Roy Hendrie and Dave Morrice have been playing together since 2012 and perform a mixed programme suitable for all music tastes. Dave is a multi-instrumentalist, playing fiddle and guitar on the recording. Roy plays accordion with midi, using electronic sounds and drum rhythms, and both musicians push out a big sound for a duo.

Tracks: Lonesome Eyes, 6/8 Pipe Marches, Sweet Georgia Brown, Besame Mucho, El Choclo, Hoe Down, Cotton Patch Rag, Ocean, Irish Medley, 2/4 Pipe Marches, Orange Blossom Special, Singalong, O Sole Mio, Back Up and Push.

Roy Hendrie, from Troon, is a former All Britain Accordion Champion, and has many recordings and BBC ‘Take the Floor’ radio broadcasts to his credit. Dave Morrice, from Aberdeen, plays several instruments, including the accordion, and has a wide experience of performing and recording.

Roy Hendrie and Dave Morrice are guests at the Midland Accordion Festival in Dudley, West Midlands, November 2nd to 5th.

For further information email: rh@royhendrie.co.uk


Marco Lo Russo on RAI on 1st September - Italy

Video: Ave Maria by Marco Lo Russo dedicated to Pope Francis as broadcast on RAI 1 To His Image September 1st, 2018 from the Garden of Ninfa, Italy.

Next concerts in Sardinia - Sardegna
Sep. 29 - 9.00 pm Teatro Mutua, Carloforte, Sardinia, Italy
Sept. 30 - 7.00 pm Museo Arborense, Oristano, Sardinia, Italy


Seacroft 2018, Norfolk – UK

David Lukins
Seacroft PosterHeather SmithThe Seacroft 2018 accordion festival, organised by Heather Smith (picture right), took place at Richardson’s Beach Resort, Hemsby, Norfolk, from September 13th to 17th. The music was great throughout, and also varied, with everything from opera to jazz, and much else in between.

The chief guest was David Lukins (picture above), whose classic jazz and swing arrangements were thrilling and hugely engaging. Jovan Rnjak’s performances of accordion classics and popular songs were very entertaining. Denise Leigh & Stefan Andrusyschyn put on their unique show, with solo baroque classical pieces performed very impressively by Stefan followed by Denise’s soaring soprano voice on operatic numbers with accordion accompaniment that were greatly appreciated.

Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton’s sophisticated duet arrangements were classy, and in contrast the spirited English folk dance music of Amaryllis (Tracey Middleton & David Garwood) was played with lift and neat finger work. Dawn Loombe and Bert Santilly contributed their solo and duet spots, each exhibiting a high standard of technique in their varied programmes.

A notable feature of this festival was the humour from all of the artists, enhancing each and every performance.

The workshops were ably led by Heather Smith (Vintage), Jovan Rnjak (Buskers), Bert Santiily (Jazz), Scottish (Amaryllis), and Dawn Loombe (Mixed Ability), each displaying their short programmes to good effect in a concert on the Sunday afternoon.

The festival included Caroline Hunt’s fascinating antique accordion exhibition, which included a range of accordions dating back to the 1830s plus memorabilia from times past.

The trade show included the Harry Kipling’s accordions Robaccord Publications, and Pat & Gordon’s Musical Miscellany.

This festival was the final one organised by Heather Smith.


Video: PIF 3rd Place Augustinas Rakauskas / Lithuania - Italy

2018 PIF Castelfidardo header
Video: PIF 3rd Placegetter Augustinas Rakauskas performing his 2nd round of the PIF Premio competition.


Petar Maric Guest in USA, RVN TV - USA

Video: Petar Maric as guest on RVN TV Off The Mat program. Peter Maric plays at 23:12


Brooklyn Accordion Club Concerts, New York – USA

Brooklyn Accordion Club concerts between September and December are listed below.

Sunday September 30th, 2-4pm - Beginners' Workshop with Robert Duncan (open mic with Jeanne Velonis, Liam Melton and more)
Sunday October 21st, 2-4pm - Patty Furlong "Traditional Irish Music on Button Accordion"
Sunday November 4th - "Accordion Day Festival" Field trip to ACME Accordion Club in Westmont New Jersey 
Sunday December 2nd, 2-4pm - Annual Holiday/End of the Year Squeeze-Off! featuring Dr. Denise Koncelik, curated by Blythe Bonnaffons

All the meetings take place (except the field trip on November 4th) in the Great Room at South Oxford Space at 138 South Oxford Street in Brooklyn. Each meeting starts with a casual open mic. Everyone including beginners is welcome to perform a piece or two. Please RSVP your spots. 

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Future events

SanfonArt at Akkordeon Festival Zug 2018 - Switzerland

SanfonArt sent us this news item about the Akkordeon Festival Zug 2018 being held 19 - 23 September. Sanfon Art is performing on the 23rd September. List of performers and times below.

19 September, 20 Uhr, Theater im Burgbachkeller Zug, Duo Flückiger - Räss

20 September, 20 Uhr, Theater Casino Zug, Renato Borghetti Quartett
20 September, 21 Uhr, JAZ (Jugendanimation Zug), Stubekonzert mit Heligonka

21 September, 19 Uhr, Seebühne Fränggi Gehrig Trio
21 September, 20 Uhr, Konzertsaal / industrie45 Kellerkommando - Widerstand zwecklos
21 September, 20.30 Uhr, Seebühne, Baba Roga Band

22 September, 19 Uhr, Seebühne, Remo Gwerder Fredy Reichmuth Philipp Mettler Schöff Röösli
22 September, 20.30 Uhr, Seebühne, Quartett Claudia Muff
22 September, 21.30 Uhr, Galvanik, Šuma Covjek

23 September, 13 Uhr, Seebühne, SanfonArt
23 September,14.30 Uhr, Seebühne, CIGAR–Quartett.ch
23 September,16 Uhr, Seebühne, Artra Trio
23 September, 20 Uhr, Chollerhalle Zug, Julian von Flüe & Band


Mary Mancini & Mario Tacca Future Events - USA

Mario Tacca and Mary ManciniWe are certainly glad for the break from the heat that we are experiencing here in NY! But that doesn't mean we won't keep things hot on the stage! Our evening at the Bean Runner on August 31 was an exciting musical evening, with so many of you in attendance! Thank you for sharing that special evening!

Below is a list of performances through to the end of the year.

Mario- Saturday Sept 22- Magnanini Winery - 1-5
Mario & Mary Sunday Sept 23 - outdoor Italian celebration - Holy Innocents Church, Pleasantville NY 1-3
Mario- Sunday October 7- Magnanini Winery 1-5
Mario & Mary- Monday October 8 - Italian Heritage Concert - Central Connecticut State University- Torp Theatre- 6:30-8:30
Mario: Sunday October 14-Magnanini Winery 1-5
Mary & Mario- Saturday October 20- concert - 7:00 pm -Lake of the Woods Church- Locust Grove VA
Mary, Mario & Friends- Friday October 26 - 7-11- "An Evening in Rome" at Assumption Church (Father Wilson Hall/ First St Peekskill, NY
Mario- Sunday Nov. 4 - 1-5 Casa Milanese , Highland NY
Mario & Mary: Tuesday November 6 - "From Italy With Love" Brownstone- Patterson NJ- 12-4:00 pm- Reserve with Ace in the Hole Production.
Mario- Saturday November 17/ 7-11 pm - Magnanini
Mario- Thanksgiving Day- Magnanini Winery -1-5 pm
Mario- Sat. November 25- Magnanini Winery 7-11 pm
Mario, Mary & Friends - BeanRunner Cafe- Peekskill NY - Friday November 30 - 8-10 pm -
Mario - Saturday December 1 - Magnanini Winery- 7-11 pm
Mary, Mario& Friends, Victor Lionti String Quartet, Assumption Youth Spirit Singers- Annual Christmas Concert- 7:00 pm - Assumption Church- Peekskill NY


Accordion Pops Orchestra Concert, Pennsylvania – USA

Accordion Pops OrchestraThe Accordion Pops Orchestra (MD Al Terzo) performs in concert on Sunday afternoon September 23rd, 3pm, at Shannondell at Valley Forge, 10000 Shannondell Way, Audubon, Pennsylvania.

The largest professional accordion orchestra of its kind on the US East Coast, the group consists entirely of accordions plus percussion instruments.  In addition, the orchestra often accompanies guest soloists including pianists and vocal artists. The orchestra performs a repertoire of light classical, Broadway, big band and popular music.  The Accordion Pops Orchestra’s origins go back to 1970, and its conductors have included Dr. Jacob Neupauer, Eugene Ettore, Daniel Desiderio, and Al Terzo.

For further information email: info@shannondell.com


French Musette Dancing Week, Peniscola – Spain

Poster French Musette Dancing WeekFrom September 24th to 30th, at the Peniscola Plaza hotel, Spain, there will be a week of dancing to the musette music of the Abel Lorenzoni Orchestra and the leading French accordionist Zinzin. The overall cost for the week is 780 Euro.

Zinzin (Bruno Desmet) studied the accordion with a branch of the Maurice Larcange music school, and became a professional player, and one his biggest breaks was obtaining a residency in a cabaret show in Paris.

Peníscola is a popular tourist destination and a municipality in the Province of Castellón, Valencian Community, Spain. The town is located on the Costa del Azahar, north of the Serra d'Irta along the Mediterranean coast.


Motion Trio Concert, Rybnik – Poland

Motion Trio
The Motion Trio performs in concert on Tuesday September 25th, 7pm, at the Teatr Ziemi Rybnickiej, Ul. Plac Teatralny 1, 44-200 Rybnik, Poland.

The Motion Trio is an internationally renowned Polish accordion trio. Formed in 1996, the Motion Trio are Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek, and Marcin Galazyn. Using all the advantages of the accordion in their creations, the Motion Trio continually explore the new possibilities of this instrument, changing the way that it is perceived. Their concerts are musical performances that contain action and drama.

For further information email: annawojtarowicz@akordeonus.com


Matthew MacLennan Trio @ Kelso Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Matthew MacLennanThe Kelso Accordion & Fiddle Club presents the Matthew MacLennan Trio as their concert guests on Wednesday September 26th, 7.30 to 10.30pm. The club meets at Kelso Rugby Club, Poynder Place, Roxburghshire, Scotland TD5 7EH. The club secretary is Kevin Sterrick.

Matthew MacLennan has been playing Scottish music since he first started playing the accordion at the age of seven and has been playing for functions regularly since he was 15. He performs with his trio, different bands as well as his own band, and also as a soloist. In Scotland he has won several accordion competitions, most notably seven National Association of Accordion and Fiddle Clubs championship sections between 2005 and 2013, and the All Scotland Senior Traditional Scottish Accordion Champion title at Perth in 2017.

For further information email: kelsoaccordionclub@gmail.com


Stanislav Angelov performs ‘The 4 Seasons’, Heidelberg - South Africa

Poster: Stanislav Angelov performs ‘The 4 Seasons’, HeidelbergAccordionist Stanislav Angelov with Petrus de Beer on violin and Schalk Joubert on bass performs Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ on Thursday September 27th, 8pm, at the City Hall, Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa. The concert is part of a classical music festival.

Stanislav Angelov studied the accordion in his native Bulgaria, and received a degree in accordion in 1991, after which he taught at the ‘Constantine Preslavsky’ University, Shumen, Bulgaria. In 1992 he moved to Cape Town, South Africa, where he performs, records and teaches.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Brooklyn Accordion Club Concerts, New York – USA

Brooklyn Accordion Club concerts between September and December are listed below.

Sunday September 30th, 2-4pm - Beginners' Workshop with Robert Duncan (open mic with Jeanne Velonis, Liam Melton and more)
Sunday October 21st, 2-4pm - Patty Furlong "Traditional Irish Music on Button Accordion"
Sunday November 4th - "Accordion Day Festival" Field trip to ACME Accordion Club in Westmont New Jersey 
Sunday December 2nd, 2-4pm - Annual Holiday/End of the Year Squeeze-Off! featuring Dr. Denise Koncelik, curated by Blythe Bonnaffons

All the meetings take place (except the field trip on November 4th) in the Great Room at South Oxford Space at 138 South Oxford Street in Brooklyn. Each meeting starts with a casual open mic. Everyone including beginners is welcome to perform a piece or two. Please RSVP your spots. 

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Accordion Show, Cremona – Italy

Accordion Show, CremonaOn September 28th, 29th and 30th the village of Cremona, Lombardy, northern Italy, is the location for an international Accordion Show, featuring many showcase concerts, presentations, conferences and an instrument exhibition dedicated to the accordion. The venue is the Fierra Di Cremona Conference and Exhibition Centre, Piazza Ennio Zelioli Lanzini, 26100 Cremona (CR).

Accordionists performing showcase concerts include Luca Zanetti, Roberto Rossi, Gaetano Galbato, Duo Encuentro, Tiziano Chiapelli, Claudio Mattioli, Walter Losi, Riccardo Tesi, Mauro Manicardi, and Alessandro Fortarel.

For further information email: info@cremonamusica.com


Bradford Accordion Band Concert, West Yorkshire – UK

Bradford Accordion Band Concert,
The Bradford Accordion Band (MD Anita Bašic) performs in a charity variety concert, ‘Around the World in 80 Minutes’, on Saturday September 29th, 7.30pm at the Bingley Arts Centre, West Yorkshire. The concert also features the Ottley Ukulele Orchestra, Ken ‘Piper’ Pickles, Sisters of Serbia, and Bazzmatazz.

Formed in 1997, the Bradford Accordion Band has 23 accordionists plus drums and keyboard and performs a wide-ranging repertoire that includes classical, pop, folk, continental, and music from the shows.


Viktor Romanko Concert, Bad Honnef - Germany

Russian accordionist Viktor Romanko performs in concert on Friday October 5th, 4pm, at Parkresidenz Bad Honnef, Am Spitzenbach 2, 53604 Bad Honnef, near Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia. His programme includes music by JS Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, George Gershwin and Astor Piazzolla. The entrance is free.

Viktor Romanko’s competition successes included winning at the International Akkordeonettbewerb Klingenthal, and he is currently a professor at the Ural Conservatory in Yekaterinburg, Russia.


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