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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 21-Oct-2022
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第25届Akordeono 节日 Vilnius 2022 - 立陶宛
"Tango 5" 在博物馆室内音乐会上演出 - 奥地利
Pietro Roffi 将会与 Bohuslav Martinů 爱乐乐团--捷克共和国
北爱尔兰手风琴公开赛 - 北爱尔兰


Call for Applications for 2023 Federal Accordion Orchestra, Bundesakkordeonorchester (BuAkkO) of the DHV - Germany
1st International Composition Video Contest: Trophée Mondiale Gorka Hermosa
All-Russian Scientific and Practical Bayan & Accordion Conference - Russia
Vincent Lhermet - Accordion Professor at Paris Conservatoire - France
Online 2022 Accordion Competition: “Squeeze & Thanks” - USA
New Album “Ciel de Neige” by Jacques Pellarin - France


Marco Lo Russo Performs at Solidarity Evening - Italy
“Excelsus” Ensemble Presentation of New Album Concert – Latvia
Nürnberger Akkordeon Ensemble Perform with Stevenage Accordion Group - England
KonzertinaNetz are Guest Performers at “Konzertinafreund Schorsch” - Germany
2022 Midland Accordion Festival, England – UK
“Da Capo 81” 40th Anniversary Concert - Netherlands
“Akkora” Live Concert at Cineplex Pforzheim - Germany
Nuit de l’Accordeon - France

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links


第75届 Coupe Mondiale 在佐芬根 - 瑞士
CNIMA 2022 Adult Workshop – France

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第25届Akordeono 节日 Vilnius 2022 - 立陶宛

25th Akordeono Festivalis Vilnius 2022
Kimmo concert posterRaimondas Sviackevicius第25届Akordeono Festivalis Vilnius 2022(2022年维尔纽斯国际手风琴节25周年)将于2022年11月5日至25日在立陶宛的维尔纽斯举行。

音乐节将于11月5日晚7点以Raimondas Sviackevicius(图右)的音乐会开始,并于25日晚7点半在维尔纽斯的Vakaris娱乐厅以Kimmo Pohjonen(芬兰-图左)的音乐会结束。

该音乐节包括著名音乐家,包括 Massimiliano Pitocco, Mika Väyrynen, Fanny Vincens, Vincent Abbracciante, Ludovic Beier。音乐节节目详情见。2022Akordeono.pdf


"Tango 5" 在博物馆室内音乐会上演出 - 奥地利

Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
2022年11月3日晚7点30分,"Tango 5 "在奥地利维也纳艺术史博物馆的巴萨诺厅(上图)举行了一场名为 "节奏与动力 "的室内音乐会。

乐团将在博物馆参观者参加导览并观看彼得-保罗-鲁本斯的 "维纳斯节 "藏品时进行表演。

"Tango 5 "的成员(如下图)是。Miloš Todorovski (bandoneon), Sophie Heinrich (小提琴), Andrea Wild (电吉他), Maria Radutu (钢琴) and Ivaylo Iordanov (低音提琴).
Tango 5 Ensemble



acc week1
Motion Trio2022年的 "国际手风琴周 "将于2022年10月25日在意大利卡拉布里亚的卡坦扎罗举行。艺术节的艺术总监是Marco Gemelli。


Cesare Chiacchiaretta, Zan Trobas, Raimondas Sviackevicius和由手风琴家Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek和Marcin Galazayn组成的 "Motion Trio"(图左)。

打印音乐节节目单。2022 Catanzaro.pdf


Pietro Roffi 将会与 Bohuslav Martinů 爱乐乐团--捷克共和国

Pietro RoffiPietro Roffi(图左)将于2022年11月10日晚7点在捷克共和国兹林的兹林会议中心与博胡斯拉夫-马蒂努爱乐乐团(下图--由罗伯特-克鲁齐克指挥)共同演出。


Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra


北爱尔兰手风琴公开赛 - 北爱尔兰

Clyde Johnston北爱尔兰手风琴公开赛将于2023年2月18日在北爱尔兰安特里姆郡的希尔顿酒店Templepatrick举行,由克莱德-约翰斯顿(图片左)组织。






Call for Applications for 2023 Federal Accordion Orchestra, Bundesakkordeonorchester (BuAkkO) of the DHV - Germany

DHV logoSilke D’InkaApplications are now open for the 2023 Federal Accordion Orchestra Bundesakkordeonorchester (BuAkkO) of the DHV, for musicians who are either full-time associated with the accordion as music students, music teachers, soloists or conductors or who are sufficiently qualified as amateurs for participation in such an ensemble due to their ability to play at a professional level.

The 2023 Bundesakkordeonorchester (BuAkkO) will be conducted by Silke D’Inka (picture right) and players must be aged 27 and over.

The 2023 program includes (subject to change):

• Fritz Dobler: Waltz Dreams III UA
• Stefan Hippe: [New work] WP
• Alla Pavlova: Elegy (for Ukraine)
• Slavko Šuklar: Colors
• John Adams: Short ride in a fast machine
• In addition, award-winning pieces (premiere) of the Jacobi Composition Prize 2022.

Registrations close on October 28th, 2022. Further information and online registrations at: https://buakko.de/bewerbung/


1st International Composition Video Contest: Trophée Mondiale Gorka Hermosa

Gorka HermosaThe 1st International Composition Video Contest: Trophée Mondiale Gorka Hermosa will be held this year organised by the Confédération Mondiale de L`accordion.

Each candidate must play a work by composer Gorka Hermosa for solo, any chamber music group, ensemble or accordion and orchestra.

Video’s must be submitted by November 15th, 2022 and must be recorded in one continuous video.

The jury will be composed of President of the Jury, Gorka Hermosa and members chosen by the composer himself.

Gorka Hermosa will compose a piece dedicated to the winner of the competition.


All-Russian Scientific and Practical Bayan & Accordion Conference - Russia

Conference poster
The All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Prospects for the Development of Pedagogy and Performance on Bayan & Accordion" will be held in Moscow on November 1st, 2022.

The conference is held with the aim of organizing an open professional platform for discussing current problems and directions in the development of the system of children's art schools and children's music schools in the implementation of additional pre-professional and general development programs.

Within the framework of the Conference, teachers will be able to demonstrate practical achievements in the field of pedagogy and performance on the bayan and accordion, as well as modern forms and methods of organizing the educational process.


Vincent Lhermet - Accordion Professor at Paris Conservatoire - France

Vincent Lhermet
Vincent Lhermet is the 2022 Accordion Professor at the Paris Conservatoire – CNSMDP (Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris) in France.

Vincent said he was honoured to continue Professor Max Bonnay’s work as accordion professor at the Paris Conservatoire.

Entrance examinations will take place in February 2023 in Paris as follows:
• Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees: registrations are open until November 15th, 2022

Artist diploma and PhD programs: applications in Spring 2023 and auditions in September 2023.

The academy is keen to welcome and exchange students and professors through the Erasmus+ program.

For further details email: v.lhermet@cnsmdp.fr


Online 2022 Accordion Competition: “Squeeze & Thanks” - USA

competition banner
Entries are now open for a new Online 2022 Accordion Competition entitled “Squeeze & Thanks”, organised by accordionist Denny Kremblas (USA).

The competition includes categories for:
Best accordion music video
Best accordion performance

Entries will be accepted online until November 30th, 2022.

For further details email: squeezeandthanks@gmail.com


New Album “Ciel de Neige” by Jacques Pellarin - France

Ciel de Neige album coverJacques Pellarin has just released his new album “Ciel de Neige” which is dedicated to his compositions for piano (leader melodic) and accordion (orchestration).

Picture left: Album Cover

The album features many music styles like Romantic classic crossover Jazz ballads, Vintage Parisian waltz, Jazz Tangos, Latin atmospheres, Japanese memories, French cinematic etc.

For details email: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr



Marco Lo Russo Performs at Solidarity Evening - Italy

Lo Russo poster
Marco Lo RussoVideo: Marco Lo Russo aka Rouge Italian accordionist, composer and producer, talking about his music.

Marco Lo Russo (picture left) will perform solo at the 9th edition of the Solidarity Evening "L'emozione di Mai" at the Artemisio Theater in Velletri, Rome, Italy on October 22nd, 2022 at 8.30pm.

The event is curated by Mauro Ingafù.

See poster for details.


“Excelsus” Ensemble Presentation of New Album Concert – Latvia

Excelsus poster
The “Excelsus” Ensemble will present their new album "Tribute to Astor Piazzolla" with a concert at the Rezekne Art House in Rezekne, Latvia on October 25th, 2022 at 6pm, organised by Zanes Music School.

A second concert will be held on November 18th, 2022.

For details email: zanesskola@inbox.lv


Nürnberger Akkordeon Ensemble Perform with Stevenage Accordion Group - England

Lunch concert
The Nürnberger Akkordeon Ensemble will perform a lunchtime concert at the All Saints' Church Oxhey in Watford, England on November 2nd, 2022 at 12 noon.

The ensemble were invited to perform by the Stevenage Accordion Group led by Shona Holmes, who have a longtime friendship with the Nu¨rnberger Akkordeon-Ensemble.

Admission is free of charge, however donations are accepted in aid of the Ascend Charity.


KonzertinaNetz are Guest Performers at “Konzertinafreund Schorsch” - Germany

KonzertinaNetzKonzertinaNetz are the guest performers at the “Konzertinafreund Schorsch” festival at the Holzkirchen in HahnHof, Germany from November 4th to 6th, 2022.

The musical director of KonzertinaNetz is Jochen Riemer.

For details email: info@konzertinanetz.de


2022 Midland Accordion Festival, England – UK

Midland poster
The 2022 Midland Accordion Festival will be held at The Mercure Birmingham West Hotel in West Bromwich, England from November 11th to 13th, 2022.

Artists at this year's festival are Leonard Brown, Mario Conway, David Vernon, Jovan Rynjak, Helen Rich, Rosemary Wright, Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton, Stewart and Anne Towe, Harry Hussey and Sue Bennett.

Workshops will be run by Angie Lukins, Jean Hanger and Nigel Pasby.

For details email: accordions2010@hotmail.com


“Da Capo 81” 40th Anniversary Concert - Netherlands

Da Capo
The Da Capo 81 Accordion Association will celebrate its 40th anniversary with a concert at Dorpshuis Het wapen van Landsmeer in Landsmeer, Noord-Holland, Netherlands on November 12th, 2022 at 8pm.

The orchestra, conducted by Bep Hermarij, will perform a varied program of accordion melodies.


“Akkora” Live Concert at Cineplex Pforzheim - Germany

Akkora poster
Akkora - Akkordeonorchester Arnbach 1988 e.V. will perform a live concert at the Cineplex Pforzheim in Pforzheim, Germany on November 26th, 2022 at 8pm.

Their program will include “best film hits”.

For details email: karten@akkora.de


Nuit de l’Accordeon - France

Nuit accordion
The Nuit de l’Accordeon festival will be held in Cavan, Brittany, France from November 25th to 27th 2022.

The festival will include a variety of performances, conferences, masterclasses and an exhibition.

See poster for details.


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article



第75届 Coupe Mondiale 在佐芬根 - 瑞士

CIA executive team
Dragoslav Vasiljevic (Serbia), Grayson Masefield, Joan Sommers图片上方。2022年至2026年的中情局执行官,从左至右,未出席的李聪教授(中国) Kevin Friedrich (美国),Zorica Karakutovska(北马其顿), Jörgen Sundeqvist (瑞典), Mirco Patarini (意大利-主席), Kimmo Mattila (芬兰-秘书长), Alexander Selivanov (俄罗斯), Harley Jones (新西兰)。

左图:2022年Coupe Mondiale冠军Dragoslav Vasiljevic(塞尔维亚)。
Grayson MasefieldJoan Cochran Sommers 在评审。

Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes CIA)在瑞士佐芬根举行了第75届 Coupe Mondiale 世界手风琴锦标赛和第148届CIA国际代表大会。该活动由CIA成员 accordeon.ch 于2022年10月4日至9日主办。

国际手风琴协会(Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes,CIA)于1935年在法国巴黎成立,是国际音乐理事会的成员,是联合国教科文组织的非政府组织官方合作伙伴)。 美国手风琴家协会( AAA )和国际手风琴家和教师协会( ATG )早已分享了美国的CIA成员资格。

超过80名选手参加了六个类别的比赛,获奖者代表了不同的国家。 今年的Coupe Mondiale冠军是塞尔维亚手风琴家Dragoslav Vasiljevic。 在一场激动人心的比赛中,经过几天的三轮激烈角逐,他以23.49分的成绩险胜中国的丁杭,后者以23.41分仅落后几分。

今年的美国代表团包括代表AAA(和CIA大使)和ATG主席Mary Ann Covone的 Kevin FriedrichJoan Cochran Sommers (CIA荣誉会员,第75届世界锦标赛评审团主席)和代表ATG的Liz Finch。

佐芬根市长Christiane Guyer在开幕式音乐会上欢迎大家来到佐芬根,音乐会上有一系列独特的瑞士表演,包括Yodeling和Alp Horns,以及2021年在慕尼黑举行的Coupe Mondiale的冠军Olzhas Nurlanov。

活动中进行了三项特别的颁奖,包括为国际手风琴运动做出杰出贡献的CIA功绩奖,获奖者是 Vojin Vasovic 以及来自塞尔维亚的 立陶宛的Ricardas Sviackevicius教授。而手风琴荣誉朋友奖则颁发给了来自奥地利的Lois Breitfuss,以表彰其对手风琴运动的贡献。

继去年Mirco Patarini(意大利)再次当选为CIA主席后,本次大会包括所有其他职位的选举。 新当选的CIA执行委员会成员列在上面的照片下。选举产生了中国国际广播电台音乐委员会。成员名单和照片如下。

为了配合比赛,还举行了几场精彩的音乐会,包括马丁-帕尔梅里的壮观的Misa a Buenos Aires,由手风琴乐团Brittnau和Soland合唱团在Ruth Soland的指导下进行表演,独奏者为Susanne Wiesner(中音)和Julien Tudisco(班顿琴)。

由60人组成的蓝色计划乐团是专门为此次活动组建的团体,在Lionel Chapuis的指挥下演出。节目包括与 "蓝色 "有关的作品,包括像Blue Rondo a la Turk、乔治-格什温的《蓝色狂想曲》与钢琴独奏家Etienne Murith以及Jean Thielmanns和Worlgang Russ的Bluesette。

颁奖音乐会以著名作曲家卡莱维-阿霍(Kalevi Aho)的芬兰新作品的世界首演拉开帷幕,当时亚内-瓦尔克亚约基(Janne Valkeajoki)演奏了他新创作的第三号奏鸣曲。

经过五天繁忙的比赛和音乐会,Coupe Mondiale音乐节在本次活动的明星--年轻艺术家们自己的颁奖典礼和音乐会中落下帷幕,六类比赛的获奖者将在音乐会上亮相。

所有 Coupe Mondiale 手风琴比赛的结果都在网上公布: www.coupemondiale.org

CIA瑞士成员accordeon.ch组织者主席Yvonne Glur和CIA荣誉副主席Ruedi Marti因举办此次活动而获得了起立鼓掌。所有的活动,包括音乐会、比赛、赛事和最终结果,包括所有裁判员的评分,都可以在CIA Coupe Mondiale网站上的每日报告和视频中心看到.

2023年的 Coupe Mondiale 将于2023年9月5日至9日在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的比耶利纳举行。

下面的图片。CIA音乐委员会,2022年至2026年。 Jirí Lukeš (捷克), Ruedi Marty (瑞士), Grayson Masefield (新西兰), Alexander Selivanov (主席, 俄罗斯), Danijela Gazdic (波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳), Antonio Spaccarotella (意大利), 未出现在照片中 - Crystal Wang (CongYu Wang, 王丛玉,中国).
CIA Music committee


CNIMA 2022 Adult Workshop – France

The CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will hold their final workshop for adults this year from November 7th to 11th, 2022.

The course is specifically designed for adults with smaller classes adapted to the specific problems of adults in a friendly atmosphere by tutors Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix.

The workshop will cover instrumental work based on the Jacques Mornet method, approach of the accordion as a wind instrument, management of the air column and the bellows, search for a balance between body and instrument, work on touch and articulations and quest for musicality.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


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