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Weekly News from Around the World - 21-Nov-2014
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Особенности Highlights

Джоан Кохран Соммерс (Joan Cochran Sommers) получила награду «Почетный член CIA» – Австрия
Видео: Мировой Аккордеонный Оркестр VIII, Зальцбург – Австрия
Скоро выходит документальный фильм Роберты Кэнтоу (Roberta Cantow) "A Word" – США
Видео: концерт «Я люблю тебя, жизнь» с участием Юрия Шишкина и Александра Поелуева, Ростов-на-Дону – Россия
Дон Липовац (Don Lipovac) включен в Зал Славы в рамках 51 Уикенда Польки ко Дню Благодарения, Огайо – США
Выпущена марка, посвященная аккордеонному фестивалю, Сальто – Уругвай

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Beltango Quintet Accompany Fabian and Michaela, Munich - Germany
Internet Spoof: Pope Francis Absolves Accordion Players! - Cyberspace
Videos: Coupe Mondiale Masters Category Winners - Austria
Milos Milivojevic Granted Permanent Residence in the UK
Video: Motion Trio Perform "The Heart" - Poland
Video: International Competition for Ensemble Music Winners - Austria
Video: Petar Maric’s Autumn Tour - USA, Canada, Portugal, and Norway
Video: Artem Nyzhnyk Performs La Nativité du Seigneur - Netherlands
‘14 Years Ago’: Caister Accordion Festival Success in November 2000

Будущие события

St Andrew’s Ball, Bangkok – Thailand
30th Nuit de Accordion, Andreze - France
Erika & Jean-Marie Bal Populaire, Rochefort – Belgium
Marco Lo Russo Concerts, Latina, Rome - Italy
NAO North Central Championships, West Yorkshire – UK
Annual Charity Concert, Macclesfield – UK
Edo and Dina Krilic Concert, Ancona - Italy
London Accordion Orchestra's Winter Concert, London – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

New eBook Released, Traditional Polish Carols Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA

CD Отзывы

Tango Dreams CD by Alexander Sevastian

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Особенности Highlights

Джоан Кохран Соммерс (Joan Cochran Sommers) получила награду «Почетный член CIA» – Австрия

Joan Cochran Sommers
Joan Sommers 1955 and in 2010Джоан Кохран Соммерс (США) была удостоена звания Почетный Член CIA (Международная Конфедерация Аккордеонистов) после единогласного голосования, которое состоялось на 132 Международной Генеральной Ассамблее Конгресса Делегатов CIA в рамках Кубка Мира 2014 в Зальцбурге.

Делегаты приветствовали Джоан Соммерс бурными овациями в благодарность за ее невероятно продолжительную и активную деятельность в области аккордеонного искусства.

На Ассамблее была представлена книга о Джоан Соммерс (подготовленная Элисон Уортингтон), освещающая ее жизнь от участницы конкурса в 1955 и 1956 годах (фото слева) до сегодняшнего дня. Она сама участвовала в конкурсе, готовила конкурсантов как педагог, была организатором Кубок Мира, делегатом CIA, вице-президентом Исполнительного Комитета, членом жюри Кубка мира, а совсем недавно создала Мировой Оркестр Аккордеонистов, который на Кубке мира 2014 выступил в восьмой раз. Джоан покинула пост вице-президента Исполнительного Комитета на Зальцбургском конгрессе после 60 лет своей деятельности в CIA.

Удостоверение Почетного Члена CIA было вручено Джоан Соммерс в субботу вечером на церемонии закрытии «Кубка Мира».

Джоан Соммерс сказала: «Я узнала, что делегаты проголосовали за это, и не смогла сдержать слез... Я могу сказать, что принимаю эту награду с истинным смирением, это большая честь. Я готова продолжать свое участие в аккордеонной жизни, невозможно расстаться с друзьями из мира аккордеона, они твои лучшие друзья. Я призываю всех молодых людей оставаться верными аккордеону, есть много способов оставаться в музыке, даже не будучи концертным исполнителем. Вы можете сделать множество вещей в музыке, и это станет любовью всей вашей жизни. Огромное спасибо».

Слушатели сердечно приветствовали слова Джоан бурными аплодисментами.
Joan Cochran Sommers presentation


Видео: Мировой Аккордеонный Оркестр VIII, Зальцбург – Австрия

Video 1: The Sound of Music conducted by Jacob Noordzij
Video 2: A Tribute to Bernstein conducted by Werner Weibert
Video 3: Let There Be Peace on Earth conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers
Видео 1: ‘The Sound of Music’ («Звуки музыки»), дирижер Якоб Ноордзич (Jacob Noordzij).
Видео 2: ‘A Tribute to Bernstein’(«Посвящение Бернстайну»), дирижер Вернер Вейберт (Werner Weibert).
Видео 3: ‘Let There Be Peace on Earth’ («Пусть будет Мир на Земле»), дирижер Джоан Кохран Соммерс (Joan Cochran Sommers).

Фотографии, видео и полный репортаж о VIII Мировом Оркестре Аккордеонистов можно найти в Интернете по адресу: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2014/at_report_wao.html

Фото ниже: Президент CIA Раймонд Бодель (Raimond Bodell) вручает памятные призы дирижерам Оркестра Якобу Ноордзичу, Джоан Кохран Соммерс и Вернеру Верберту.
World Accordion Orchestra VIII conductors presentation


Скоро выходит документальный фильм Роберты Кэнтоу (Roberta Cantow) "A Word" – США

The A Word: Accordions Live and Kickin logo
The A Word: Accordions Live and Kickin logoОчень скоро выходит трейлер нового документального фильма об аккордеоне "A Word: Accordions Live and Kickin".

По словам создателя фильма режиссера Роберты Кэнтоу это «фильм об оклеветанном музыкальном инструменте. Для одних это запретный инструмент. Другие знают, что в свое время случился взрыв интереса к нему во всех многочисленных гранях и аспектах. Пусть начнется история аккордеонной музыки!».


Видео: концерт «Я люблю тебя, жизнь» с участием Юрия Шишкина и Александра Поелуева, Ростов-на-Дону – Россия

Rostov concert poster

Видео концерта «Я люблю тебя, жизнь», который состоялся в воскресенье 16 ноября в Ростове-на-Дону с участием Юрия Шишкина, Александра Поелуева, лауреатов конкурса «Аккордеон плюс», фольклорного ансамбля «Донцы» и «Ани», а также выдающегося баритона из Москвы Василия Пьянова.

Все видео с концерта (14 видео) можно посмотреть по адресу: 2014Life


Дон Липовац (Don Lipovac) включен в Зал Славы в рамках 51 Уикенда Польки ко Дню Благодарения, Огайо – США

51st Thanksgiving Polka Weekend poster
Don LipovacС 27 по 29 ноября состоится «Уикенд Польки ко Дню Благодарения» ('Thanksgiving Polka Weekend’). Мероприятие будет включать в себя также шоу включения номинантов в Зал Славы и состоится в отеле Cleveland Downtown Marriot Hotel, Key Center, Кливленд, штат Огайо.
Популярный аккордеонист Дон Липовац (3 апреля 1935 – 26 апреля 2014) был посмертно введен ‘Зал Славы Полька’ (Polka Hall of Fame). Дон Липовац в 1958 году стал чемпионом Америки по аккордеону и стал руководителем самого известного полечного оркестра в регионе Канзас-Сити. Он написал и аранжировал более 500 песен и выучил два поколения исполнителей на аккордеоне и тамбурице. Художественный Совет Канзаса назвал Дона Липоваца «культурным сокровищем», и Липовац был внесен Зал Славы Польки за свои жизненные достижения в музыкальной области.

Мероприятие представляет собой три танцевальных дня с участием лучших групп и исполнителей Кливлендской и Словенской польки.


Выпущена марка, посвященная аккордеонному фестивалю, Сальто – Уругвай

Accordion Festival Stamp UruguaySilvio PrevialeНа этой неделе Почта Уругвая выпустила специальную марку, посвященную Пятой Международной Встрече Аккордеонного Фестиваля в Сальто этим летом.

Марка выпущена от имени аккордеонного сообщества и фестиваля в знак признательности за многолетнюю работу организаторам Сильвио Превиале старшему и младшему.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Beltango Quintet Accompany Fabian and Michaela, Munich - Germany

Published on Nov 5, 2014. An improvisation by dancers Fabian and Michaela with the Beltango Quintet, "Milonga Del 900" at the 2014 Einstein Kultur, München, Germany.

Triple CD Pack available online at: Beltango


Internet Spoof: Pope Francis Absolves Accordion Players! - Cyberspace

Pope Francis
There is a story currently circulating on Facebook and Twitter, almost certainly a spoof, concerning the Pope.

It reads: In breaking news, Pope Francis absolves all accordion players. In a statement to the press, Pope Francis said, "It's time to forgive them for all the past suffering they have inflicted - as long as they play something cool, like Zydeco or Tex-Mex." An official ceremony will be held at "Our Lady of Spain Catholic Church".


Videos: Coupe Mondiale Masters Category Winners - Austria

Coupe Mondiale Video Archive and Education Project
Coupe Mondiale Masters Category 1st Place: Wu, Wenyi (China), Program:
J.-P. Rameau La Villageoise
J.-P. Rameau Le Rappel Des Oiseaux
K. Aho Black Birds Movs. 1, 3
S. Voitenko Revelation
M. Moszkowski Tarantella

Coupe Mondiale Masters Category 2nd Place: Knezevic, Aleksandar (Serbia), Program:
J.P. Rameau l'Egyptienne
J. Ganzer Passacaglia
A. Kusyakov Partita
C. Bom Perpetuo Mobile

Coupe Mondiale Masters Category 3rd = Place: Bendas, Vasil (Ukraine), Program:
J.P. Rameau Le rappel des oiseaux
S. Rachmaninoff Barcarolle Op.10 No. 3
G. Hermosa Fragilissimo
V. Semyonov Caprice No. 1
Coupe Mondiale Masters Category 3rd = Place: Lazic, Nikolas (Austria), Program:
J.S. Bach French Suite No. 1 Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gigue D Minor BWV 812
S. Haapamäki Power
F. Angelis Intérieur
Coupe Mondiale Video Archive and Education Project is sponsored by Pigini srl, with the assistance of Accordions Worldwide and the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).


Milos Milivojevic Granted Permanent Residence in the UK

Milos Milivojevic
Milos Milivojevic, from Serbia, has been granted permanent right to residence in the UK. A graduate of the Royal Academy of Music in London, Milos Milivojevic has been a first prizewinner at international competitions in Germany, France, Italy and Denmark. In July 2007 he became the first accordionist ever to win the RAM Club Prize at the Royal Academy of Music.

After completing his studies in Kragujevac Music School in Serbia with Vojin Vasovic, in 2002 he moved to London to study at the RAM with Owen Murray where he obtained the Postgraduate Diploma in July 2009 and was awarded with Dip RAM. Since graduation Milos has performed with distinction in many parts of the UK, and is well-known as a first rate ambassador for the accordion.

Miloš has performed in venues such as the Wigmore Hall, St Martin in the Fields, National Portrait Gallery, Colston Hall Bristol, Keble College Oxford, and has performed at the Foundation Day awards ceremony in front of HRH The Princess Royal. Appearances at festivals include Cheltenham International Festival of Music, Aldeburgh Festival, Oxford Chamber Music Festival, Berio Festival, Norfolk & Norwich Festival, Chichester, Swaledale, Hexham, and Grad Teatar Festival.

He has premiered works by Anthony Gilbert, Howard Skempton, Elena Firsova, Stephane Altier, Patrick Nunn, Ben Foskett, Tom Lane, Elena Vorotko, Carlos Duque, Mark Bowden, Emily Hall, Chris Mayo, Anna Meredith, Philip Venables, and Robert Percy and has given the UK premiere of ‘Sequenza No.13’ by Luciano Berio. In master classes he has received guidance from many distinguished musicians, including Nicholas Cleobury, John Williams, Steven Isserlis and Gorgy Kurtag.

Miloš is also a keen chamber musician. He is a member of the London Tango quintet, Kosmos Ensemble and AccordDuo. Internationally, he has performed in Russia, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Iceland, Serbia and Montenegro, Spain and the Canary Islands, Malta, Australia and New Zealand. He also performed live broadcasts on BBC Radio 3, Classic FM, ABC and the Serbian National Radio and TV network.


Video: Motion Trio Perform "The Heart" - Poland

Motion Trio perform "The Heart". Published on Oct 8, 2014.

Formed in 1996, the highly successful Motion Trio are Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek, and Marcin Galazyn. They continually explore the new possibilities of the accordion in their performances and recordings, changing the way that it is perceived. Their concerts are musical performances that contain action and drama.

The group has worked with such artists as Bobby McFerrin and Michal Urbaniak, and won such prizes as the grand prix 4th Edition of the Krzysztof Penderecki International Contemporary Chamber Music Competition. Its members consist of accordionists Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek, and Marcin Galazyn.


Video: International Competition for Ensemble Music Winners - Austria

1st International Competition for Ensemble Music, Siberian Bayan Duet (Russia), Bitiutskikh, Andrei (Accordion), Sirotkin, Aleksandr (Accordion)
G.F. Händel Concerto grosso B Minor Mov. 2 Allegro
A. Marcello Oboe Concerto D Minor Mov. 2
A. Beloshitsky Spanish Tryptich
B. Precz Toccata

2nd International Competition for Ensemble Music, Duo Jedynecki-Mikolajczyk (Poland), Jedynecki, Iwo (Accordion)Mikolajczyk, Karolina (Violin)
B. Kaszuba Humoresque for violin and accordion
G. Finzi Impression Tango
Y. Takahashi Le double de Paganini
R. Shedrin Imitating Albeniz

3rd International Competition for Ensemble Music, Fantazy (Russian Federation), Mikhalev, Pavel (Accordion) Zhebrovskaia, Antonina (Domra)
A. Tsigankov Padespania
B. May Green Hornet
M. Fuchsmann Last Farewell
S. Dzen China Fantasy
Coupe Mondiale Video Archive and Education Project is sponsored by Pigini srl, with the assistance of Accordions Worldwide and the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).


Video: Petar Maric’s Autumn Tour - USA, Canada, Portugal, and Norway

Petar MaricVideo: Petar Maric, performing at the 2nd Festival Acordeão in Tomar, Portugal. Published on Oct 8, 2014.

Petar Maric, from Belgrade, Serbia, has recently finished his autumn tour of the USA, Canada, Portugal, and Norway. For a month and a half in the USA and Canada from the middle of August until the end of September Petar played a total of 35 concerts all over the East Coast region. He had a unique opportunity to present a solo accordion recital at the Kennedy Opera House in Washington DC.

Early in October he went to Portugal for full week of a master class and several concerts. His Fall Tour finished in Norway at a popular accordion festival that has been organized for the last 40 years.

Petar Maric – a competition winner at the Coupe Mondiale, Trophee Mondiale, Klingenthal and Castelfidardo - is currently preparing for a two months long Hawaiian and American tour starting early in December.


Video: Artem Nyzhnyk Performs La Nativité du Seigneur - Netherlands

Published 6 November 2014. Artem Nyzhnyk performs La Nativité du Seigneur (The Birth of the Saviour) by O. Messiaen at Musica Sacra Maastricht Art Festival, the Netherlands on 21 September 2014.

Artem Nyzhnyk, is a performer, teacher and composer from Ukraine. He has been a Laureate of international competitions in various countries. Since 2006, he has been the leading teacher at Donetsk State Music Academy.


‘14 Years Ago’: Caister Accordion Festival Success in November 2000

Mister JimmyAndrew LukinsThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending November 17th 2000 included a report by Mike O’Regan about that year’s Caister Autumn Accordion Festival, and praising its success. Founded by the late Malcolm Gee (1940-97) in 1986, Caister proved to be a popular and prestigious annual event. Many well-known international accordionists appeared at Caister, which eventually moved location several times until it finished up at nearby Mundesley, where the final festival was held last month. We may never see its like again in this part of the UK.

Something for Everyone at Caister Accordion Festival – England
Contributed by Mike O'Regan

From November 10th to 13th the Haven Holiday Camp in Caister-on-Sea, Norfolk, England, became the focus of accordionists and accordion fans from the UK and abroad. The Caister Accordion Festival is fast becoming a major world event, and this year certainly added to its fame.

The weekend was a mixture of contrasts. At one time the stage was occupied by Serge Duchesne (Canada), playing the latest in technology, an electronic, radio-controlled accordion, while later a band solely consisting of “vintage” accordions performed. There were numerous concerts by international competition winner Frédéric Langlais and Italian Vincenzo Abbracciante and later the same stage was used by amateur players, some of whom were playing for the first time in public!

The “age” contrast came from 5 year old Andrew Lukins, playing with his mother and father (both professional accordionists). Andrew’s grandfather was a very well-known broadcasting accordionist in the 40’s and 50’s. At the other end of the time scale was “Mister Jimmy”, at the age of 88 and still a performing professional.

On Saturday morning an attempt was made to break the Guinness Book of Records figure for accordionists playing simultaneously. A group of 201 played a short medley of Scottish Airs.

The weekend had something for everyone, with workshops, impromptu bands and orchestras and even meals were eaten to the accompaniment of Harry Hussey. Guest of honor was Giancarlo Borsini, head of the Italian firm that bears his name.


Будущие события

St Andrew’s Ball, Bangkok – Thailand

Graham GeddesGraham Geddes BandVideo: Graham Geddes and Dave Morrice (violin) filmed for a Limex video demonstration. Published 2013.

Accordionist Graham Geddes and his Scottish Dance Band have travelled to Thailand to play for the annual St Andrew’s Ball on Saturday November 22nd, 6.30pm until 2.30am, at the Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok.

Graham and the band, from Aberdeen, will spend a week in Thailand, combining work with a holiday. This will be their 19th year in Bangkok for this dance.


30th Nuit de Accordion, Andreze - France

30th Nuit de Accordion posterAccordionist Jerome Richard and his orchestra perform at the 30th Nuit de Accordion on Saturday November 22nd, 7pm, at the Salle Omnisports, Andreze-Jub-Jallais FC, Andreze.

Andrezé is a commune in the Maine-et-Loire department in western France. Also performing are accordionists Mickaël Vigneau and Fred Langlais. Admission is 25 € (including Apéritif, Assiette Anglaise, Pâtisserie, Café).

This event has featured some of France’s leading accordionists, such as André Verchuren, Louis Corchia, Bruno Lorenzoni, Angelique, Sylvie Pulles, Emilio Corfa, etc. This year the organizers have entrusted the coordination of this event to Richard Jerome.


Erika & Jean-Marie Bal Populaire, Rochefort – Belgium

On Saturday November 22nd, 2pm, Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie play for dancing (un bal populaire) at the Salle le Velodrome, Rochefort, Belgium.


Marco Lo Russo Concerts, Latina, Rome - Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist and composer Marco Lo Russo performs twice in the next week.

On Sunday November 23rd, 4pm, during the celebrations of the feast of St. Cecilia, he will perform a short concert at the Loggia dei Mercanti in the centre of the medieval village of Sermoneta, Latina.

Marco Lo Russo participates in an event to mark the 30th anniversary of the death of the writer and artist Giuseppe Fava, who was murdered by the Cosa Nostra. There will be readings by Ida di Benedetto, Ninni Bruschetta, Marta Bifano, Fabrizio Monaldi and Lorenza Sorino, accompanied by the improvisation of Marco Lo Russo, presenting the ideas of Giuseppe Fava. This takes place on Thursday November 27th, 8pm, at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (Experimental Centre of Cinematography) in Rome. Admission is free.

For further information email: dina@marcolorusso.com


NAO North Central Championships, West Yorkshire – UK

The NAO North Central Championships and Yorkshire Music Festival, a joint event, take place on Saturday November 29th at Beckfoot School in Bingley, West Yorkshire. The day includes a wide range of contest sections for accordion, plus competition classes for piano and guitar.

Festival organiser Harry Hinchcliffe said: “The festival is in its 19th consecutive year and has grown over the years, providing a platform for musicians to experience the heart of playing live music at their respective level. Everyone is welcome to go along to listen to the soloists, groups and orchestras. Admission is free. Call 07749 76827 or 07749 76827 or visit cravenaccordionorchestra.co.uk for more details”.


Annual Charity Concert, Macclesfield – UK

Since 1999 Stockport Accordion Club has performed a fund raising concert in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice at the Broken Cross Club, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 8TU. The organizer is SAC member John Jones MBE.

This year’s concert takes place on Friday December 5th, 7.45pm. The Stockport AC Band (MD Derek Stubbs) will perform, and there will be solo spots by soloists Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Walter Perrie, and Helen Rich.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Edo and Dina Krilic Concert, Ancona - Italy

Edo and Dina Krilic Concert
Video: Edo and Dina (violin) Krilic perform Tico Tico. Published 2013.

Edo and Dina Krilic – an accordion/violin duo from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina - perform in concert on Monday December 8th, 9pm, at the Church of St Andrea, Castelferretti, Ancona, Italy.

Edo Krilic, is a Bosnian musician, accordionist, composer and educator. A versatile musician equally skilled in Eastern and Western musical traditions, he retains his love for the folk music of his people, often appears with many traditional music stars, and actively helps young, talented musicians seeking to take their places in the music world.


London Accordion Orchestra's Winter Concert, London – UK

London Accordion Orchestra's Winter Concert
The London Accordion Orchestra's Winter Concert takes place on Saturday December 13th, 5pm until 7pm, at St. Gabriel’s Church, Warwick Square, London SW1V 2AD. The LAO’s conductor is Ian Watson.

The music will include everything from classical to jazz, with guest soloist Michael Atkinson, cellist with the BBC Symphony Orchestra.

For further information email: mail@londonao.co.uk


Новые и обновленные сайты

New eBook Released, Traditional Polish Carols Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA

Traditional Polish Carols eBook coverGary Dahl has released a new eBook titled Traditional Polish Carols which he has arranged in collaboration with Fr. Boleslaw Zadora, advisor. The book contains 28 Polish titles and you can see samples of many pieces at Catalog: DH07-eB

eBook means that the book is emailed to you. Purchase online for only USD$16.50 or Euro equivalent at: DH07-eB

This eBook Traditional Polish Carols is Collection #7 in a series of eBooks by Gary Dahl that have proved to be very popular. There is a special for clients wanting to purchase all 7 eBooks at: DH01-07eB


CD Отзывы

Tango Dreams CD by Alexander Sevastian

Tango Dreams CD cover by Alexander SevastianCD Reviews Index for the Review of Tango Dreams CD by Alexander Sevastian, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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