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Weekly News from Around the World - 21-Jul-2017
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Tagesberichte 2017 China Shenzhen Bao'an Internationales Akkordeon Art Festival
2017 Coupe Mondiale Anmeldesschluss, 31. Juli 2017 - Italien
Termine von Friedrich Lips - Russland, China
Bryant Park Fünf-Stunden-Freitag Finale des Akkordeons um die Welt - USA
Ian Holmes (1935-2017), Schottland - UK

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Festival 2017 Hits Many High Notes – USA
Sharon Shannon Video on RTE News, Galway – Irish Republic
Video: BMFC Tango Quintet, Milonga del Angel by Astor Piazzolla - Switzerland
Video: Emmanuel Gasser Performing "Omaggio a Pietro" - USA
Video: Alexander Poeluev and the New-Centropezn Jazz Quintet - Russia
Video: Václav Trojan Fairy Tales, A Concerto for Accordion (excerpts)

Future events

Santa Maria Accordion Band from Malta visits Treviso - Italy
Cherish the Ladies Concert Tour Dates – USA, Ireland
‘Stage Accordeon’, Haute-Savoie - France
Dan Newton Concerts, Michigan, Minneapolis, California – USA
Martynas Concert, Alicante – Spain
Michael English DVD Recording, Killarney – Irish Republic
Marco Lo Russo Concerts, Latina – Italy
CT Tango Ensemble Concert, Cape Town – South Africa
Leonard Brown Concert, Scotland – UK
‘Accordeon Festival’, Florianopolis – Brazil

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Tagesberichte 2017 China Shenzhen Bao'an Internationales Akkordeon Art Festival

2017 Shenzhen header
Umfangreiche Internet-Tagesberichte mit Fotos und Videos von den Wettbewerben und Festivals ab 23. Juli auf: 2017 Shenzhen

Der 2017 Konzert- und Wettkampfplan ist im Internet unter: 2017ShenzhenSchedule
Download 80 Seiten Farbprogramm bei: 2017ShenzhenProgram

Es gibt auch großes Interesse an dem Guiness Weltrekordversuch für das größte Akkordeon Ensemble, am 24. Juli 2017. Frühere Aufzeichnungen v. 2014 mit 1361-Sets Shenzhen (Bild unten) und im Jahr 2016 mit 1.517 Akkordeonisten in Tacheng, China.
Guinness World Accordion Record


2017 Coupe Mondiale Anmeldesschluss, 31. Juli 2017 - Italien

Coupe Mondiale 2017 header
Coupe Mondiale posterRaymond BodellLehrer und potenzielle Teilnehmer werden darauf hingewiesen, dass die Anmeldungen zur Teilnahme am 70. Coupe Mondiale am 31. Juli 2017endet.

Ein interessanter CIA Coupe Mondiale und Internationale Kongress-Generalversammlung der Delegierten in Osimo/Italien ist mit 7 Kategorien internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerbe, bereit. Der erste Coupe Mondiale war im Jahr 1938.

Kategorien sind:
- Coupe Mondiale
- Masters Coupe Mondiale
- Junior Coupe Mondiale
- Virtuoso Entertainment
- Junior Virtuoso Entertainment
-. Intl Kammermusik - Klassik
-. Intl Kammermusik – Welt Music

CIA Präsident Raymond Bodell freut sich auf viele Konkurrenten, internationale Gäste aus allen Teilen der Welt, für die 70. Coupe Mondiale nach Osimo, Italien kommen, der vom 05 bis 10 September 2017 stattfindet.

Alle Akkordeonisten sind eingeladen, beim CIA „World Akkordeon-Orchester IX“ unter der Leitung von Joan Cochran Sommer teilzunehmen, sowie im "Teatro La Nuova Fenice" (Bild unten) hervorragende Konzerte zu genießen.

2017Delegate / Jury: Zur Erinnerung für die Teilnehmer und Juroren – bitte um vollständige Information beim registrieren, Unterkunft und Eintritt Details sind im Internet unter: Coupe Mondiale


Termine von Friedrich Lips - Russland, China

Friedrich LipsHymn to Aprhodite CDFriedrich Lips Productions hat das neue Album CD028 "Hymn to Aphrodite" eröffentlicht, welches die drei verschiedenen Kammer- und Symphonieorchesterstücke von Friedrich Lips präsentiert.

Der geschäftige Zeitplan von Friedrich Lips fährt fort mit:

5.-10.8.2017 Meisterklasse und Festival in Tianjin (China)

27.-29.10.2017 Meisterklasse in Magnitogorsk (Russland)

30.10.-5.11.2017 Coupe „Friedrich Lips“ in Tscheljabinsk (Russland)

13.-17.11.2017 Vorsitzender des Allrussischen Wettbewerbs in
Moskau (Russland)

20.-24.11.2017 Vorsitzender des Wettbewerbs in Belgorod (Russland)

13.-17.12. 2017 Festival „Bajan und Bajanisten“ in Moskau


Bryant Park Fünf-Stunden-Freitag Finale des Akkordeons um die Welt - USA

Bryant Park
Rachelle GarniezVielen Dank an Bryant Park für eine ausgezeichnete Akkordeon Promotion - ihre Pressemitteilung :

Das fünfstündige Finale Freitag (21. Juli) von Akkordeons Auf der ganzen Welt präsentierte eine Reihe von Bands, mit mindestens jeweils einem Akkordeonisten und Musik aus aller Welt:

17.00 - Bil Afrah Projekt
18.00 - The Sunnyside Social Club
19.00 - Akkordeon F. Hostins' Osnelda
20.00 Uhr - Peter Stans Balkan Zlatni Zvuk
21.00 - Gregorio Uribe (Bild unten) und besondere Gäste

Der Abend war geprägt von „zertifizierten Freigeistern“ (The New Yorker) Rachelle Garniez (Bild links), deren GeschichtsLieder als „romantisch , rhapsodischen und beiläufig urkomisch“ (The New York Times) benannt wurden.


Ian Holmes (1935-2017), Schottland - UK

Ian Holmes (1935-2017)
Ian Holmes (1935-2017)Ian Holmes, einer der bekanntesten und wichtigsten Tanzbandleader, Akkordeonisten und Komponisten von Schottland der frühen 60er Jahre bis hin vor kurzem verstarb diesen Monat in Folge seiner Diabetes-Krankheit. Nicht nur in seinem Land, war er auch und über Grenzen hinaus beliebt für seine schottische Tanzmusik und in der Akkordeon Szenen in der Schweiz und Skandinavien, wo er viele Male auftrat.

Ian Holmes, von Dumfries, begann im Alter von dreizehn Jahren das klassische Akkordeon mit Alex Carter zu studieren. Er traf den großen Will Starr, der vor Ort spielte und ihm wichtige Ratschläge gab. Im Jahr 1956 begann er mit der Bobby MacLeod Band als zweites Akkordeon zu spielen und im Jahr 1960 übernahm er eine ähnliche Rolle mit Andrew Rankine, bevor er im Jahr 1962 seine eigene Band bildete, mit der er zahlreiche Aufnahmen machte, im Radio und viele Male im TV erschien. Auch spielte er als Solist und im Jahr 1957 gewann die Scottish Profi-Meisterschaft in der All-Schottland Meisterschaft in Perth.

Ian spielte Tasten-Akkordeon, 5-reihiges chromatisches, britisches 3-reihiges chromatisches, diatonisches Akkordeon und verschiedene andere Systeme. Er komponierte Musik auch im skandinavischen und schweizer Stil und nahm zwei Alben Eigen-Kompositionen auf. Insgesamt schrieb er 450 Stücke, von schottischer Musik bis hin zu Skandinavischer Musik, schweizer Walzer und Polkas.

Im Jahr 1973 eröffnete Ian mit seiner Frau Margaret ein eigenes Geschäft, Ian Holmes Musik in Dumfries, welches f. Musiker ein beliebter und gern besuchter Platz. Im Jahr 2000 ging das Paar in Ruhestand.

Im Januar 2014 machten Ian Holmes und seine Scottish Dance Band, was man als offiziell eine endgültige Abschiedstour bezeichnet könnte und dies vor einer großen Schar von Fans und Kollegen-Musikern. Im Rückblick, er sagte: „Ich habe ein wunderbares Leben gehabt, denn durch meine Musik, besuchte ich viele Orte in Schottland und im Ausland und haben so viele interessante und freundliche Menschen kennengelernt. Seit Jahren war ich bei meiner Arbeit glücklich und diese Arbeit war auch mein Hobby. Wie viele Leute können das sagen?


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Festival 2017 Hits Many High Notes – USA

AAA Festival 2017 header
Video 1:

Video 2:
Picture 1 above: (l to r), Cody McSherry (winner of the Junior Division of the Carmen Carrozza Memorial Competition), Emmanuel Gasser (winner of the Open Division of the Carmen Carrozza Memorial Competiton), and Nathan Chapeton (US representative to the Coupe Mondiale) having fun while jamming.
Picture 2 above: AAA Youth Jazz Ensemble conducted by Mitch Guido.
Picture 3 above: AAA Youth Orchestra conducted by Mary Tokarski.

Video 1: AAA Festival Orchestra conducted by Dr. William Morse performs Ritual Fire Dance by Manuel de Falla
Video 2: AAA Festival Orchestra performs Suite No. 3 in DM by J. S. Bach

Situated just outside of Princeton, New Jersey’s historic area, the Westin Forrestal Village came alive last week with the sound of accordion music. New instruments were tried, new friendships were made, new techniques were learned, old memories were shared, and old friends had the opportunity to create more great memories together. The emphasis was on the youth, and the young musicians did not disappoint – quite the contrary.

Along with our annual Youth Orchestra and Youth Jazz Ensemble, our young accordionists were the entertainers for our annual Luncheon Concert. These kids delighted the attendees with solos, duos and trios. The concert’s emcee was one of our very promising young accordionists, Rachel Quirbach.

Wonderful, informative, well-attended workshops were given by our guest artists and by some of our regular contributors. The Friday Gala Concert was an exciting mix of rock, folk, ethnic, jazz and classical music featuring Will Holshouser, Dallas Vietty, Jamie Maschler, Dr. Robert Young McMahan, Bruce Gassman and Eddie Monteiro – a terrific mix! This year’s festival orchestra conductor was the totally delightful Dr. William Morse, Principal Conductor of the Jefferson Symphony Orchestra in Denver, Colorado. His beautiful arrangements and infectious warmth brought out the best in all of the participants (look for my article on Dr. Morse in the August issue of Accordion USA).

The new nightly After Hours Club was a wonderful highlight with many of the attendees signing up each evening to play – sometimes with the whole room singing along. Many thanks to our AAA Board members plus our stellar performers and workshop leaders who worked tirelessly to make this year’s festival a huge success!

Please join us in Alexandria, Virginia, July 11-15, 2018 when the AAA celebrates its 80th anniversary!

Picture below: (l to r) Eddie Monteiro, Joe Natoli, Dr. William Morse (AAA Festival Orchestra conductor), Joan Grauman (AAA Historian), Guy Klucevsek, Will Holshouser, Dallas Vietty, Jamie Machler, Evan McPherson, and Mary Tokarski (AAA President); Seated in front, Linda Soley Reed (AAA 2nd Vice President).

Photos by Lou Coppola


Sharon Shannon Video on RTE News, Galway – Irish Republic

The popular diatonic accordionist Sharon Shannon lives in a rural setting in County Galway, and loves the countryside, animals and wildlife, evidenced by this video in which her playing gets a warm response from some cows in a field. The video has been shown on the RTE news on the Irish TV channel and several newspapers mentioned it, and very quickly, there was over 500,000 views.

Sharon Shannon plays the 2-row button accordion, melodeon, fiddle, and tin whistle. Originally a competitive show jumper, she switched to playing music professionally in the mid-1980s, and has since enjoyed a very successful international career. She plays mainly as a soloist with her own backing musicians, and is especially popular with younger audiences, usually playing to sell-out venues in Ireland and around the world.


Video: BMFC Tango Quintet, Milonga del Angel by Astor Piazzolla - Switzerland

An excerpt from BMFC Tango Quintet's Piazzolla program in an open air concert in Cully at the Lauvaux Classique Festival June 30 2017 in Switzerland.

Performers (left to right) are: Marie Heck (violin), Adrien Praz (piano), Grayson Masefield (accordion), Bastien Monnet (double bass) and Laurent Cherruault (guitar).

The BMFC Tango Quintet is a group created in 2013 at the University of Music in Lausanne where they all the members studied. Another video by BMFC was published in last weeks news.


Video: Emmanuel Gasser Performing "Omaggio a Pietro" - USA

2017 AAA Festival
Recorded at the AAA Festival last week, was winner of the Open Division of the Carmen Carrozza Memorial Competition, Emmanuel Gasser of Canada performing "Omaggio a Pietro" by Frosini. Thank you to Dan Grauman for the video.


Video: Alexander Poeluev and the New-Centropezn Jazz Quintet - Russia

Alexander Poeluev will be a featured soloist at the Shenzhen International Accordion Festival in China next week.

This is a video, published 2nd July 2017, of Alexander Poeluev and the New-Centropezn jazz quintet in performance at the festival "Accordion Plus" in the big hall of the Rostov State Musical Theater, Rostov-on-Don. They perform the popular Basso Osinato by Viktor Vlasov.

Performers: Alexander Poeluev (accordion), Aram Rustamiants (piano), Andrey Machnev (saxophone), Vladislav Okunev (guitar), Vitaly Perov (bass), Gregory Deratsuev (drums).


Video: Václav Trojan Fairy Tales, A Concerto for Accordion (excerpts)

Martynas Levickis accordion soloist, Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra, recorded Vilnius 14 October 2016, published 4th April 2017.


Future events

Santa Maria Accordion Band from Malta visits Treviso - Italy

Treviso Concert posterOn Friday July 21st, 8.45pm, the Santa Maria Accordion Band (MD Marthese Bussutil Cassar L.B.C.A), from Malta, performs in concert at the Teatro Communale, Treviso, Italy. Sharing the concert are the Fisorchestra Armonio di Treviso, who invited the Maltese band to visit them.

The Santa Maria Accordion Band was founded in 1992, is the only one of its kind in Malta. This year the band held the first Accordion Festival in Malta, which was a great success, and there will be another festival next year.

For further information email: mtbusuttil@yahoo.com


Cherish the Ladies Concert Tour Dates – USA, Ireland

Cherish the Ladies
Cherish the Ladies posterThe all-female band Cherish the Ladies, who specialize in Irish traditional music, are currently on tour with dates in New York, Connecticut, North Carolina, Ohio, Maine and Massachusetts. In August the band has a series of dates in the Irish Republic. Details are on the poster.

"It is simply impossible to imagine an audience that wouldn't enjoy what they do", says the Boston Globe speaking of Cherish the Ladies, the long-running, Grammy-nominated, Irish-American super group that formed in New York City in 1985 to celebrate the rise of extraordinary women in what had been a male-dominated Irish music scene and has since toured the world, played the White House and the Olympics, recorded 16 outstanding albums including ‘“An Irish Homecoming’, a live recording of their Emmy winning TV special that aired across America and Ireland.

For further information email: contact@cherishtheladies.com


‘Stage Accordeon’, Haute-Savoie - France

poster‘Stage Accordeon’ is a week-long accordion event, July 18th to 25th, at the Hotel Les Sapins, Manigod, Haute-Savoie, Haute-Savoie, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of south-eastern France.

Appearing are the accordionists Marcel Azzola, Jean-Louis Noton Julie Blocher, Annie Lacour, and Michel Madeira.


Dan Newton Concerts, Michigan, Minneapolis, California – USA

Dan NewtonAccordionist Dan Newton, known to many as “Daddy Squeeze", plays in a variety of ethnic styles and fronts the Cafe Accordion Orchestra. The CAO members are Dan Newton, accordion and vocals, Eric Mohring – mandolin, violin and vocals, Robert Bell – guitar and vocals, and Joe Steiger – percussion.

Gig list for late July:
July 21st and 22nd - Cafe Accordion Orchestra, Hiawatha Music Festival, Marquette, Michigan
July 25th, 6pm-9pm - Cafe Accordion Orchestra, Loring Pasta Bar, Minneapolis
July 28th to 31st – solo, Lark in the Morning Music Gathering, Mendocino, California

For further information email: Daddysqueeze@daddysqueeze.com


Martynas Concert, Alicante – Spain

Martynas Concert posterLithuanian accordionist Martynas Levickis performs in concert on Saturday July 22nd, 8pm, at the Teatro del Mediterraneo, Alicante, Spain.

Martynas graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London, played at the Royal Albert Hall, Auditorio Nacional in Mexico, Debussy's residence in Paris, the Berlin Waldbühne, etc. In his home country he won ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’ on national TV.


Michael English DVD Recording, Killarney – Irish Republic

Michael English, Brendan Shine posterIrish singer and musician Michael English and his band perform in concert on Saturday July 22nd, 8pm, in a show that will be recorded for a DVD. The venue is INEC, Killarney, County Kerry.

Michael English, from County Kildare, born in 1979, is an Irish country singer who also plays the accordion and piano. He studied at the Royal Irish Academy of Music, and has since pursued a highly successful career as an entertainer, with several albums and hit singles to his name.

The singer/accordionist Brendan Shine will make a special guest appearance in this show. Born in 1947, Brendan Shine began his career in music as an accordionist with the Kieran Kelly Ceili Band, then took up singing and becoming a popular professional vocalist, fronting his own band.


Marco Lo Russo Concerts, Latina – Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist and composer Marco Lo Russo performs next week, as follows:

Saturday July 22nd, 9pm until 11pm – special guest with the Banda dell’Arma dei Carabinieri, Sabaudia, Latina
Thursday July 27th, 9pm – ‘Made in Italy’ by Marco Lo Russo featuring Maria Francesca Bartolomucci - vocals and Giulio Vinci - piano, Consorzio di Bonifica dell'Agro Pontino, Latina

For further information email: newsletter@marcolorusso.com


CT Tango Ensemble Concert, Cape Town – South Africa

CT Tango EnsembleOn Sunday July 23rd, 7pm until 10pm, the CT Tango Ensemble performs in concert and for dancing at Alliance Française, 155 Loop St, Cape Town.

The CT Tango Ensemble line up is Stanislav Angelov – accordion, bandoneon, arranger, composer & manager; Albert Combrink - piano,arranger & composer; Petrus de Beer - violin Charles Lazar - double bass & composer

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Leonard Brown Concert, Scotland – UK

Accordionist Leonard Brown performs in concert on Tuesday July 25th, 7.30pm until 10pm, at MacKay’s Hotel, Wick, Scotland. The admission price of £10 includes a copy of the recently released double DVD ‘A Toast to Scotland’.

Leonard Brown, from Newcastle, became only the second Englishman to become All Scotland Accordion Champion in 2012 (Robert Whitehead was the first in 1978). He has emerged as one the best young accordionists and pianists on the Accordion & Fiddle Club scene.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


‘Accordeon Festival’, Florianopolis – Brazil

A concert titled ‘Accordeon Festival’ takes place on Wednesday July 26th, 8.30pm, at the Teatro Adimir Rosa, Avenida Governador Irineu Bornhausen, 5600 Agronômica, Florianopolis, in southern Brazil. The accordionists performing include Edson Dutra, William Hengen, Daniel Hack, Samuca do Acordeon, Eddy Stafin, Diego Fagundes, Leandro Panneitz, and Flavinho Alves.


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