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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Nov-2020
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Akkordeon Musik Preis (AMP) 2021, junio, Ettlingen - Alemania
Fallece Amleto Dallapé 1942-2020 - Italia
Vídeo: Grabación de Zoe Tiganouria "Lively Sky" - Grecia
Renzo Ruggieri en Nonsolomusica Radio en San Salvo - Italia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Recording by Sergey Osokin's Jazz Trio, Moscow - Russia
Passing of Leonard R. “Skeets” Langley, 17 November, Arizona - USA
Online Concerts: Music from Scotland
2021 Accordion Babes Calendar Available for Pre-Order Now
“The PoguestrA” Looking for Musicians to Play "The Pogues" Song
Premier Album Release by “Second Souffle” - Belgium
New CD Collection for Christmas – Germany
New Video by Alexander Poeluev - Russia
Tuvan Throat Singer Entertains at Brooklyn Accordion Club Online Meeting - USA
Mikhail Shostak Performs on Good Morning Show, Moscow - Russia
Need a Christmas Gift? Try Accordion Anthology Books – UK
Video: Oktay Taşdemir Performance - Turkey

Future events

Rejoice and Be Merry Concert, Christchurch – New Zealand

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Akkordeon Musik Preis (AMP) 2021, junio, Ettlingen - Alemania

Akkordeon Musik Preis (AMP)
DHV logoLa competencia juvenil Akkordeon Musik Preis (AMP) 2021 se llevará a cabo del 3 al 6 de junio de 2021 en Ettlingen, Alemania, organizada por Deutscher Harmonika Verband e.V. (DHV).

El concurso se celebra cada 3 años y está dirigido a acordeonistas de hasta 27 años que residan en Alemania. Las categorías están disponibles para acordeón, estiria, diatónica, armónica de mano y armónica para competidores solistas, dúos y conjuntos.

La primera fase de las competencias estatales en febrero y marzo se canceló debido a Covid. Sin preselección para las Finales, la responsabilidad de enviar a los participantes adecuados ahora recae en los profesores.

Descargue la información detallada de la categoría en: 2021AMP.pdf


Fallece Amleto Dallapé 1942-2020 - Italia

Amleto DallapéEl 17 de noviembre en Stradella, una pequeña ciudad lombarda a tiro de piedra de Milán, falleció uno de los nombres más conocidos en el mundo internacional del acordeón. Amleto Dallapé no pudo derrotar a la "bestia" invisible de este comienzo del siglo XXI, Covid.

Amleto, una persona cuya refinada cultura de la "belleza" y la alegría de vivir se transmitió con una sencillez desarmante a todos aquellos con los que entablaba una relación de trabajo o amistad.

Se graduó de la Universidad de Pavía con una tesis sobre las implicaciones económicas de la producción del acordeón, en 1969, y junto a los hermanos Mariano y Fabio, asumió la responsabilidad de dirigir una de las empresas más antiguas y prestigiosas del sector, Mariano Dallapé e hijos.

Los nuevos instrumentos "organtone" y "super Maestro" son bienvenidos desde el entorno más culto del sector, lo que sugiere una nueva posición en un segmento completamente diferente al puramente popular. La conquista de los mercados de los países de Europa del Este, especialmente los balcánicos, dio prestigio a la empresa de Stradella.

Las amistades que Amleto logró entablar en esos países llevaron a una apertura de la cultura del acordeón ruso en Italia. Yuri Kazakov, uno de los grandes bayanistas soviéticos, por invitación de Amleto con la colaboración del entonces alcalde de Castelfidardo Mario Orlandoni, inició una gira por Italia desde Stradella que nos hizo apreciar en nuestro entorno el alto nivel que floreció en la escuela Gnessin y otros Conservatorios rusos.

Otro mérito indiscutible de Amleto fue el de haber contribuido a romper el espíritu de rivalidad atávica entre las ciudades de Castelfidardo y Stradella sobre la autoría de la "invención" del instrumento. Fue uno de los primeros emprendedores en promover una colaboración seria entre las dos productoras / ciudades del sector.

Su amistad con Castelfidardo se fortaleció con ocasión de la inauguración del Museo Internacional de Castelfidardo. Los instrumentos eran de Dallapé, que yo mismo, Vincenzo Canali y Gervasio Marcosignori llevamos a Portobello, el famoso programa de TV Rai, donde Dallapé invitó a propietarios italianos de instrumentos antiguos a donar para la inauguración del Museo (además de una docena de instrumentos donados por Dallapé ).

Había una fecha fija para el encuentro de Amleto con el mundo musical. La feria internacional de Frankfurt - de 1972 a 2019 “no nos perdimos ni una”. Visitas previas a la feria a ciudades de arte alemanas, reuniones, teatros, conciertos, paseos por el Main, grandes encuentros de convivencia ... momentos inolvidables de verdadera y sincera amistad.

También era un admirador convencido de las Marcas. No recuerdo cuándo, pero no hubo un año en que Amleto y su espléndida familia no pasaran unos días en nuestra región donde pudieran apreciar nuestras bellezas artísticas y degustar nuestra cocina y luego dejar que todos lo supieran.

¡Te extrañaremos querido Amleto!

Gracias por la amistad que me habéis brindado a mí y a muchos otros.
Beniamino Bugiolacchi

Otros articulos:
Amleto Dallapé and Beniamino Bugiolacchi


Vídeo: Grabación de Zoe Tiganouria "Lively Sky" - Grecia

CD cover
Video 1:

Video 2:
Video 1. La cantante iraní Roozbeh Nematollahi con Zoe Tiganouria
Video 2. Actuación televisiva, versión original con Katie Garbi y Zoe Tiganouria

La canción de folk griego "hasapiko" de Zoe Tiganouria "Lively Sky" ("Zontanos Ouranos" en griego) ha tocado el alma de la famosa cantante iraní Roozbeh Nematollahi. La reconocida cantante eligió cantarla en griego y presentarla en su tierra natal (Irán ), ganando los corazones de los oyentes iraníes ¡Esto puede ser el precursor de una colaboración con muchas sorpresas futuras!

La noticia de esta canción ya se ha transmitido en los programas de entretenimiento del mundo del espectáculo de la televisión iraní. Zoe Tiganouria dice: “¡Una prueba más de que la música une a las personas y endulza nuestros corazones y momentos! Todos necesitamos esto durante estos días difíciles de encierros ".

La canción se lanzó originalmente en Grecia en 2016 con la voz de la amada Katie Garbi. Mi deseo para el mañana es un 'Cielo animado' para todos, libre de pandemias ... "


Renzo Ruggieri en Nonsolomusica Radio en San Salvo - Italia

Nonsolomusica header
On November 13th, Renzo Ruggieri was a guest on Nonsolomusica Radio in San Salvo, Italy and interviewed by singer-songwriter Lara Molino. Nonsolomusica Radio was born from an idea by Lara and is an online radio station for everyone.

Video above: Renzo Ruggieri interview in Italian language and performance
Renzo Ruggieri


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Recording by Sergey Osokin's Jazz Trio, Moscow - Russia

Sergey OsokinMoscow State University senior lecturer, Sergey Osokin has just released a recording of “Fou Rire” (Richard Galliano) with his trio. Trio members also include Aleksei zafikin (bass) and Piotr Ivshin (drums).


Passing of Leonard R. “Skeets” Langley, 17 November, Arizona - USA

Leonard AWW is sad to report the passing of Leonard R. “Skeets” Langley. His sister, Dee Langley, said, “My most adorable brother, "Skeets" Langley, passed away in his sleep at his home in Maricopa, Arizona on Tuesday, November 17th, 2020. "Skeets" was a world class musician and accordionist, 1963 Coupe Mondiale winner and he was also a world class brother. I'll miss him forever.

The family of "Skeets" Langley would love for anyone who knew him to be able to get together and remember his remarkable life. With COVID restrictions upon us, we have decided to postpone the celebration in Minneapolis until May 2021. When a date and place is set, you will be informed.

Excerpts from the biography by Mke Sanko: Skeets Langley was inducted into the 2012 Minnesota Music Hall of Fame. He was a virtuoso, side man on uncountable bands, leader, educator, recording artist, composer and musicians union member for more than 57 years.

Leonard R. (Skeets) Langley began accordion lessons at age 6 and continued his lessons for 14 years, the last few years of which were with teacher Larry Malmberg (MMHF Inductee 1997). As he grew up, he won many national championships on his way to participation in the Coupe Mondiale.

To qualify for the 1962 Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championship (held in Prague, Czechoslovakia) he first had to win his state then national competitions. Winning those, he then represented the USA and the AAA in the 1962 Coupe Mondiale. With about 25-30 contestants, Skeets came in a close second, losing by just 1/2 point, performing Schumann’s “Piano Concerto in A Minor". He received a Silver Medal and a cut glass trophy from the CIA organised Coupe Mondiale. He was only 20 years old at that time.

The following year (1963) at age 21, he was encouraged to go through the process again, first winning state then national competitions, and once again onto the Coupe Mondiale World Competition, that year held in Germany. In 1963, he won the Coupe Mondiale with his performance of Rachmaninoff’s “Piano Concerto #2 in D Minor”, 2nd movement. He received a Gold Medal, trophy and proudly brought the 1963 Coupe Mondiale world title home to the USA.

Skeets graduated from Golden Valley High School in 1960, received his Bachelor of Music in 1965 from Augsburg College, and Masters Degree from MacPhail School of Music in 1966. He worked as an instrumental music teacher from 1966-1999. He spent his entire career with beginning 5th and 6th grade students, serving in 5 or 6 different buildings every week. This resulted in an immense number of beginning students over his 33 plus years, estimated at well over 20,000 students!

Skeets has led many musical groups and was involved in the recording industry. Skandisk, Inc. began their association with Skeets in the early 80’s when Michael and Else Sevig contacted him for his contribution to their first album. “Juleglade” their Christmas album sold thousands of records. The Sevigs subsequently went on to record 7 more albums, all featuring Skeets on the accordion. These recordings, now in CD format, are still a big seller with Skandisk, Inc.

Two interesting side stories about Skeets: As an accordion player at age 12, Skeets father was employed as a meat cutter and had some connections with the Christmann Sausage Company who had a number of retail cutlets. His father was approached by them hoping that they could hire his son to go around to their various retail outlets and entertain the customers during the Holiday Season (for a small stipend) It did not take long for the Musicians Union to find out about this and put a stop to it. He was taking work away from the other union musicians and he would have to join the union if he wanted to continue to play jobs. The administrative personnel at the union office were surprised when this preteen walked in the office announcing he was there to take the test for membership. Skeets was granted membership without any difficulty. As a result, he was an active union musician for over 57 years and a past Director of their board!

Another story was, that Skeets was the lone accordionist accompanying Luciano Pavarotti during his mid 80’s and early 90’s concert tour in Minneapolis. On one occasion, during rehearsals, when Pavarotti’s touring orchestra director attempted to “direct: Skeets in his interpretation of the “Italian Street Song”, Luciano Pavarotti said to his conductor, “Leo, just let the man play.” Obviously, Luciano approved of Skeets ability and presentation of the piece. After the actual St. Paul Civic Center performance, Pavarotti made direct eye contact with Skeets, smiled and said, “Bravo. Bravo!”

From wearing a tuxedo and playing with Cliff Bunzeil and the Golden strings, to Lederhosen on Leon Bonrud’s Bavarian, to being featured accordionist at the Black Forest Inn, to playing every kind of Oktoberfest, to playing “Pepe Band” style for the Minnesota Vikings games, to playing the opening of Meredith Wilson’s Music Man Square” Museum, to being on the road of the “Mary Lu De Met, Richard Ericsson Foundation” an entity that grants scholarships to aspiring musicians. and to playing the famous Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California, Skeets has done it all.

Rosemarie, his wife, shares, “First of all, any celebration of life gathering we will have for Skeets will be held in Minneapolis.  Many of you have been wanting details.  Before I explain further, I will put forth one word, which says it all:  COVID. Those of you now reading this who live in Minnesota are fully aware that Gov. Tim Walz has now put further restrictions on the number of people allowed at a "funeral."  I understand also, that right now, weather is a drawback.  Plus, I want everyone who wants to attend Skeets' event to be able to comfortably do so, and that might not be possible for them while COVID is still infecting people. So, after talking with our son David, we feel that this get together would best be arranged after the virus has been controlled (when vaccine is available and most have had access to it). I will keep our Caringbridge avenue of communication open until this last detail is decided so that all of you will know when our get together occurs. Interment of Skeets' cremains will be at noon next Tuesday at our church's Memorial Garden.”

For further information: Dee Langley: squeezermn@yahoo.com


Online Concerts: Music from Scotland

Ewan GallowayDavid VernonMusic from Scotland are currently presenting live one hour concerts online on a daily basis. A number of accordionists are taking part in this event and past concerts are still available to view.

Performers during the last week are:

November 10th: Ewan Galloway (picture above left)
November 11th: David Vernon (picture above right)
November 15th: Lomond Ceilidh Band (picture below)
November 16th: Matthew Maclennan
November 17th: Ewan Galloway
Lomond Ceilidh Band


2021 Accordion Babes Calendar Available for Pre-Order Now

2021 Accordion babesVideo: Information on the 2021 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar

The 2021 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar (with CD) is available for pre-order now. The calendar editor is accordionist Renee de la Prade. Renee is asking for advance orders as they need about 200 more orders to cover all the print costs.

Due to Covid-19 leading to so many cancelled concerts, Renee has also started a free fortnightly live online event called "Accordion Fridays". The next one will be on November 20th. She is inviting loads of great artists to join in and as New Year's Day 2021 is going to fall on a Friday, she has already decided, it's going to be an “Accordion Friday”!

For details email: renee@squeezeboxgoddess.com


“The PoguestrA” Looking for Musicians to Play "The Pogues" Song

Poguestra logo
The PoguestrA is a flexible group of musicians from around the world who are also fans of The Pogues. It was established in May 2020 during the lockdown with musicians playing together remotely.

Original members of The Pogues (a celtic punk folk band) have joined the group for some of their songs including accordionist James Fearnley.

The PoguestrA are looking for musicians to help them record an epic version of the Pogues classic "Fairytale of New York" over the coming weeks!!

For details email: poguestra@gmail.com


Premier Album Release by “Second Souffle” - Belgium

CD cover
Video: Excerpts from the new album.

“Second Souffle” will release their premier album “Éclat d'Âmes” on December 1st, 2020. The duo includes accordionists Alain Van Muysewinkel and Beatrice Adam from Liège, Belgium.

For details phone: 0494/ 61 74 69


New CD Collection for Christmas – Germany

Viviane Chassot, Andreas Nebl
A new CD Collection entitled “Akkordeon pur – Musik satt" by lecturers from the Hohner Conservatory Trossingen GmbH will be available from December 1st, 2020, just in time for Christmas.

The CD includes

Viviane Chassot (picture above left): Mozart Piano Concertos
Alexander Maurer: String Jump - a New Affair
Andreas Nebl (picture above right): Domentico Scarlatti 20 Sonata
Hans-Günther Kölz: Songbook, live with accordion limitless in duo with Matthias Anton

For details email: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


New Video by Alexander Poeluev - Russia

PoeluevVideo: New from Alexander Poeluev, Rio Rita - music from the 30s to 40s.


Tuvan Throat Singer Entertains at Brooklyn Accordion Club Online Meeting - USA

BAC logoBadyAccordionist and Tuvan throat singer Bady-Dorzhu Ondar (picture right centre from Tuva, Russia) entertained at the Brooklyn Accordion Club online meeting on November 14th, 2020.

The audience considered it a treat to hear Bady (from the Alash Ensemble) throat singing accompanied by accordion and igil, a 2 stringed Tuvan musical instrument played with a bow. Tuvan throat singing is a technique for singing multiple pitches at the same time.


Mikhail Shostak Performs on Good Morning Show, Moscow - Russia

Mikhail ShostakMikhail Shostak (picture left) performed an outdoor concert at the State Kremlin Palace on the Moscow Channel 1 Good Morning Show this week, despite the cold weather. The video shows his group playing a medley of popular songs.


Need a Christmas Gift? Try Accordion Anthology Books – UK

Accordion Anthology
Rob HowardAA2Rob Howard has written two popular books:
Accordion Anthology Catalogue: robaccord07
Accordion Anthology 2 Catalogue: robaccord08

The first book was published in 2016 and is aimed at accordion enthusiasts, including those who are new to the instrument. It contains a variety of articles, photos and biographies such as Getting to Know the Accordion; Accordion Tips and Hints; Be a Better Player; Use of the Couplers; Playing For Others; Manfrini Accordions; Evolution of the Accordion and Accordion Concerto to name a few.

Accordion Anthology 2 presents a variety of accordion related articles and biographies, with autobiographical contributions. An ideal present for any accordion enthusiast! The book is a near A4 sized high quality hardback, and contains well over 300 colour photographs.

What great gift ideas for Christmas.

Both books are available online at: robaccord08 and robaccord07


Video: Oktay Taşdemir Performance - Turkey

Video: Accordionist Oktay Tasdemir from Kars, Turkey performing and singing Terekeme ay Baba in Turkish language.


Future events

Rejoice and Be Merry Concert, Christchurch – New Zealand

Christchurch poster
Heather GladstoneAccordionists Heather Gladstone and Sue Allan will take part in the “Rejoice and Be Merry” concert to be held at St Paul’s Parish Church in Christchurch, New Zealand on November 29th at 5pm.

Heather directs and plays with the St Alban’s Community Choir. The New Brighton Silver Band will also entertain with a variety of Christmas carols from around the world.

Entrance is by donation. See poster for details.


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