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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Jun-2014
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Steve Albini spielt in Francis Ford Coppola Winery, Kalifornien - USA
Rekordbeteiligung beim 8. Akkordeon-Kunst-Festival, Teramo - Italien
Faithe Deffner - Nachruf von Helmi Harrington - USA
Stockport Akkordeon Band Fund Raising Konzert, Cheshire - UK

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Segment 1, Day of Bayan and Accordion, Kiev – Ukraine
1st International Accordion Competition of Sion - Switzerland
Video: Segment 2, Day of Bayan and Accordion, Kiev – Ukraine
Jérôme Richard Performing in Jiang Yin - China
Video: Xue Jiacheng at 2014 Golden Cup Invitational Concert, Shanghai - China
Video: Håvard Svendsrud & Veteranorkesteret performs "Fredag den 13de" - Norway
Franco Cambareri & Frosini Society, Astorpsvagen – Sweden
Video: Leo Florin Muravjov at the 39th International Acccordion Competition - Croatia
So You Have Low Back Pain ...... What Can You Do?
‘14 Years Ago’: Irish and French Music in Japan in June 2000

Future events

Romano Viazzani Diary Dates, London, Dorset - UK
NHAA June Meeting and Key Diary Dates, New Hampshire – USA
Piano Accordion Workshop Weekend, Somerset - UK
Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA
Ken and Mary @ Polka Festival, Ohio – USA
Beaches Accordion Festival, Newfoundland – Canada
CT Tango Ensemble ‘Tango Night’, Gauteng – South Africa
Bindslev Harmonikatræf/Accordion Festival, Bindslev - Denmark
Those Darn Accordions Mid-West Tour – USA
Djordje Gajic ‘Accordion Summer School’, Glasgow - UK

New and Updated Sites

Roman Jbanov Releases CD and eTracks Album - Russia
Zhang Guoping Releases eTracks Album - China

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Steve Albini spielt in Francis Ford Coppola Winery, Kalifornien - USA

Steve Albini performs at the Francis Ford Coppola Winery, CaliforniaDer Akkordeonist Steve Albini spielt sehr oft Dienstag Abend im Restaurant Francis Ford Coppola Winery, das dem berühmten Hollywood-Film Regisseur / Produzent in Geyserville, Kalifornien gehört.

Steve spielte dort in dieser Woche und kommentiert: "Ich spiele seit fast einem Jahr in dem Lokal von Coppola und auch für die privaten Veranstaltungen in seinem Haus. Ich spiele die ganze Nacht neapolitanische Klassiker mit Gesang. Das Essen ist fantastisch und das Weingut hat eine wunderbare Atmosphäre“

Zu den berühmtesten Filmen von Francis Ford Coppola gehören "Patton", "Der Pate" (1, 2, 3), "The Great Gatsby" Apocalypse Now "," The Cotton Club "und" Bram Stokers Dracula ", und viele mehr.

Steve Albini wird nächstes Monat während des AAA-Festival in New York und der ATG-Festival in San Francisco sowohl auftreten als auch halten.

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: steven.albini@gmail.com


Rekordbeteiligung beim 8. Akkordeon-Kunst-Festival, Teramo - Italien

8th Accordion Art Festival & Contests Winners logo
8th Accordion Art Festival PosterDas 8. Akkordeon Art Festival und Orpheus Awards fand in Roseto Degli Abruzzi, Teramo, Italien, vom14. und 15. Juni. 2014 statt

Zum applaudiertem Abendkonzert gehörte die Weltpremiere der Tango Show über das Leben von Rudolph Valentino "Valentino E Tango" mit dem Schauspieler Umberto Fabi und Akkordeonist Renzo Ruggieri.

Italien Award (Internationaler Wettbewerb) hatte einen Rekordbeitrag diesem Jahr mit über 60% Ausländer, aus Brasilien, Finnland, Litauen, Weißrussland, Polen. Die Ergebnisse sind:
Klassische Akkordeon - Andrzej Grzbowski (Polen)
Akkordeon-Virtuose - Bosica Lorenzo (Italien)
Diatonische Akkordeon - Roberto Abate (Italien)
Gruppen Klassische Musik - Trio MRD (Litauen)
Gruppen Jazz-Musik - Dainy Music School Ensemble (Litauen)
Weltmusik-Gruppen - Voglia d'Arte Duo

Orpheus-Preisträger 2014
Klassik: Uneinheitliche Duo, So Far, So Close, Anker Rekorde
Jazz: Daniele di Bonaventura, Nadir Tuk Musik
Welt: Donadelli Marini, Ballando Kramer, Taca Gruppe
Karriere: Bio Boccosi (Denkmal) & Berben Musikverlags

Die für die Trophée Mondial 2014 in Litauen gewählt sind: Daniele Carabetta, Gianluca Polini, Antonio Simeone, Giuseppe Gallone, Leonardo Ciraci, Emilio Rea, Andrea Di Giacomo, Simone Paolucci, Manuel Scarpetta.

Die Veranstaltung wurde von der Associazione Promozione Arte in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Pineto, Teramo, Italien, den Verein Voglia D'Arte und anderen gefördert.

Unten: Poster mit Gastkünstler Lorenzo Bosica, AkordioM Trio von Bojan Volchevski, Zorica Karakutovska und Philip Stamevski (Mazedonien) und Ereignis Künstlerischer Leiter Renzo Ruggieri künstlerisch dargestellt! Nizza Kunstwerk.

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: info@accordionartfestival.com
Lower poster


Faithe Deffner - Nachruf von Helmi Harrington - USA

Faithe DeffnerFaithe Deffner, eine dynamische und legendäre Persönlichkeit in der Akkordeonwelt, starb Anfang dieses Monats.

Dieser offizielle Faithe Deffner Nachruf wurde von Helmi Harrington, der Direktor des World of Accordions Museum, Wisconsin, USA, auf Antrag der Faithe Deffner geschrieben.

Faithe Deffner Obituary


Stockport Akkordeon Band Fund Raising Konzert, Cheshire - UK

Stockport Accordion Band
Die Akkordeonisten aus der Stockport Gegend haben eine stolze Geschichte an Fundraising-Konzerten, die im Laufe der Jahre eine große Summe an Geld für wohltätige Zwecke gesammelt haben. John Jones wurde im Januar 2012 mit dem MBE Honours List für seine Dienstleistungen zur Nächstenliebe ausgezeichnet, nachdem er für verschiedene Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen mit seinem Akkordeonspiel über £ 200.000 zusammengesammelt hat.

Beachten Sie bitte auf dem Bild, dass unsere Nachrichtenredakteur und Autor Rob Howard als erstes Akkordeon abgebildet ist. Auch Rob hat für zahlreiche Fundraising-Konzerte über die Jahre hindurch gespielt. Diese Tradition setzte sich auch am Freitag, 6. Juni fort, als die Stockport Akkordeon Club Band (MD Derek Stubbs) ein Konzert in der United Reform Church in Macclesfield gab, um eine Spendenaktion für Reparaturen Kirchengebäude zu unterstützen.

Es gab auch einige exzellente Solos vom Bandmitglied Helen Reiche und Club-Vizepräsident Walter Perrie, plus einige improvisierte Duette.

Mike Davies und Wally McKenzie (Cousin vom Stockport AC Spätvizepräsidenten John Nixon), zwei langjährige Stockport AC Anhänger konnten dem Konzert aus einem guten Grund leider nicht beiwohnen, da beide D-Day-Veteranen sind und in der Normandie für die offiziellen Gedenkveranstaltungen abberufen wurden.

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Segment 1, Day of Bayan and Accordion, Kiev – Ukraine

Segment 1 Video
The event took place in Kiev, Ukraine, on March 29th and 30th. There were 18 mini-concerts for these two days, performed by at least 40 accordionists/bayanists from 5 countries.

We have 4 parts of this event on video, 2 parts this week.
Video Segment 1 is:

01:15 Ivan Sumaruk (bayan) - Lviv, Ukraine
Y. Oleksiv - "Musical Illustrations to the poem of O. Oles "Night on the Mountains"

11:20 Ivan Sumaruk (accordion) - Lviv, Ukraine
V. Radu - "Sping Hora"

14:15 Pavlo Gilchenko (bayan) - Lviv, Ukraine (2000 date of birth)
V. Kovtun - "Devoted to L. M."

17:13 Artem Gordubiy (bayan) - Odessa, Ukraine (2001 date of birth)
K. Myaskov - Children suite "Forest morning" (Dawn, Nestling Dance, Hen and Cock, Animals march)

22:56 Roman Puneiko (bayan) - Lviv, Ukraine (2000 date of birth)
Y. Oleksiv "Let's run in jazz"

24:53 Bogdan Kozhushko (bayan) - Lviv, Ukraine
B. Pretch "Preambula and Toccata"

30:00 Sava Vujacic (bayan) - Montenegro
A. Kusyakov - suite in 6 parts "Winter picutres"


1st International Accordion Competition of Sion - Switzerland

Video: Winning performance, Junior Ensemble under 10 years category by Jonas Vozbutas and Austeja Nociute (Lithuania). Video by Philippe Borecek

The 1st Iinternational Accordion Competition of Sion was held last weekend with over 30 competitors from Switzerland, France and Lithuania.

There were categories in both classical and variety from under eight years to senior university level classes. The festival was hosted by Stéphane Chapuis, Christel Sautaux and Grayson Masefield.

This event is designed to be a great opportunity for young students of all levels to travel and to meet other accordionists to have fun and enjoyment with the accordion. It is planned to become an annual event and the dates for 2015 will be set soon.

For further information email: gmasefield@gmail.com


Video: Segment 2, Day of Bayan and Accordion, Kiev – Ukraine

Segment 2 Video
The event took place in Kiev, Ukraine, on March 29th and 30th. There were 18 mini-concerts for these two days, performed by at least 40 accordionists/bayanists from 5 countries.

We have 4 parts of this event on video, 2 parts this week.

Video: Segment 2:
00:00 Borys Talko (bayan) - Odessa, Ukraine, Natalya Chuprina (piano) - Odessa, Ukraine
V. Zolotariev - Concerto Symphony No. 1 for bayan and symphony orchestra

32:50 Georgy Koch (bayan) - Odessa, Ukraine, Natalya Chuprina (piano) - Odessa, Ukraine
V. Runchak "Vladislav Passion" (Symphony for Bayan and Orchestra)


Jérôme Richard Performing in Jiang Yin - China

Jérôme Richard
Jérôme Richard (France) performing last week in Jiang Yin. This concert was part of the 2014 “Golden Cup” 1st National Colleges And Universities Performing Competition Of Accordion, 6th to 8th June, Shanghai Normal University.

A group of performers traveled by bus 2 hours 30 minutes to the concert in the city of Jiang Yin, which is the home city of Goldencup Musical Instruments, the sponsor of this event.

Video 1: Jérôme Richard performing Libertango.
Video 2: Jérôme Richard performing Tico Tico


Video: Xue Jiacheng at 2014 Golden Cup Invitational Concert, Shanghai - China

Xue Jiacheng
Above are two videos by performer Xue Jiacheng at the 2014 2014 Golden Cup Invitational Concert. Xue Jiacheng recently won 2nd place in the Klingenthal International entertainment category.

He lives with his family in Australia for the last two years and regularly attends CNIMA J.Mornet seminars in France.


Video: Håvard Svendsrud & Veteranorkesteret performs "Fredag den 13de" - Norway

Håvard Svendsrud & Veteranorkesteret performs the well liked "Fredag den 13de" by Arnstein Johansen. This video is from the Accordion-parade in Akershus Festning - Norway. Arranger is Alf Blyverket.


Franco Cambareri & Frosini Society, Astorpsvagen – Sweden

Franco CambareriLars EkLars Ek announces on the Frosini Society’s website the addition of two new compositions by Australian accordionist Franco Cambareri to their music sheet archive:

1. In Loneliness
2. Marching Parade

Franco Cambareri also has 4 CD's and 186 compositions and arrrangements available at: Franco Cambareri


Video: Leo Florin Muravjov at the 39th International Acccordion Competition - Croatia

Published on May 15, 2014. Leo Florin Muravjov, performs "In the Gloom of Night" by Egil Hauge.

Leo Florin Muravjov, 10 years old, was the winner at the 39th International Acccordion Competition Croatia, Pula 23rd - 26th April 2014 in the cat. A1. He scored the most points among categories Baby, A, B and C and received a trophy from the city of Pula.


So You Have Low Back Pain ...... What Can You Do?

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' book coverThe latest chapter released of the book 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' by John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP) is on the topic "So You Have Low Back Pain ...... What Can You Do?"

Low Back Pain is a problem that over 80% of accordionists will experience in their lifetime.

This eBook is being published chapter by chapter, with about one chapter being released each month. There will be a minimum of 24 chapters, 12 chapters released so far. Special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase: John Bonica


‘14 Years Ago’: Irish and French Music in Japan in June 2000

Tetsuya KuwayamaThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending June 16th 2000 included two articles from Japan. The first was about Irish music and second about French music, demonstrating how national musical genres can travel to literally the other side of the world and be adopted elsewhere. The world is becoming a smaller place!

‘Viva-Accordion’ and ‘Chanson Evening’ – Japan
Contributed by Toru Katou

The annual ‘Viva-Accordion’ concert was held in Matsubara, Osaka Prefecture recently. Over 190 accordionists joined together to play Irish traditional dance tunes (danced by Jack and Rose in the movie ‘Titanic’) such as The Blarney Pilgrim, John Ryan's Polka, Kesh Jig and Drowsie Maggie. Guest performers were Tex-Mex band ‘Conjunt-J’, featuring diatonic accordionist Kenji Katsube. This event, organized by the All-Kansai Accordion Association (AAA) is one of the largest accordion events in Western Japan.

On June 7th French accordionist Patrick Nugier and Tetsuya Kuwayama (Japan) performed at a ‘Chanson Evening’ at Astel Plaza, Hiroshima, organized by the Japan-France Association. Patrick played and sang (both in French and Japanese) a variety of pieces including Sous Le Ciel de Paris, My Way, Love is Blue, Vie Violence, and Tango Pour Claude (instrumental). Patrick has been living in Japan for over ten years and plays the accordion on commercial television broadcasts.


Future events

Romano Viazzani Diary Dates, London, Dorset - UK

Romano Viazzani with Bethany JamesonAccordionist Romano Viazzani performs as follows:

Friday June 20th, 8.30pm - performing with Bethany Jameson and the rest of Cabaret Veritè at The Pheasantry, Kings Road, London; there is a special offer to tempt one away from the World Cup soccer coverage – 2 for the price of 1 - phone 08456 027 017 to redeem and the code word is “accordion”. Doors open at 7pm and show is at 8.30.

Monday July 7th - those lucky enough to have press passes at the Hampton Court Flower Show will witness Paolo Arrigo’s accordion garden, where he has used old accordions beyond repair as planters for his accordion garden. Romano and Claudio Allodi will be there playing on the press day only but you can visit the Seeds of Italy stand for the duration of the flower show.

Saturday 19th July - with Bethany Jameson and Cabaret Veritè at the Lyric Theatre in Bridport, Dorset

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


NHAA June Meeting and Key Diary Dates, New Hampshire – USA

‘ACCORDIONS NOW!’ logoThe New Hampshire Accordion Association monthly meeting takes place on Saturday June 21st, 12.30pm until 4pm.

The NHAA has several future dates to note:
August 8th to 10th – ‘ACCORDIONS NOW!’ festival at the Courtyard Nashua hotel, 2200 Southwood Drive, Nashua, NH 03063
July 11th – the signup deadline for ‘ACCORDIONS NOW!’ festival orchestra participation (music is sent upon completed registration)
August 9th - mandatory ANFO rehearsal, concert
Extra ANFO Rehearsals:
June 21st - Accordion Connection, Gilmanton
June 28th - Courtyard Marriott, Nashua
July 19th - Courtyard Marriott, Nashua
July 26th - Accordion Connection, Gilmanton

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Piano Accordion Workshop Weekend, Somerset - UK

Piano Accordion Workshop at Halsway Manor
A Piano Accordion Workshop Weekend takes place at Halsway Manor, Halsway Lane, near Crowcombe, Somerset TA44BD, from Friday June 27th to June Sunday 29th. The teachers are Paul Hutchinson, Jane Ward and Murray Grainger.

There will be work on technique, repertoire and interpretation of folk tunes in small groups, with time for individual tuition, plus informal evening sessions and a Saturday night concert. The weekend includes special workshops for beginners led by Jane Ward.

Halsway Manor is a folk arts centre that provides courses, events and activities for everyone interested in traditional folk music, dance and song, storytelling, folklore and arts and crafts. Located in the Quantock Hills - an area of outstanding natural beauty - in West Somerset, Halsway Manor has a fascinating history that goes back over 600 years.

The Manor has a warm friendly atmosphere, tranquil woods and gardens, great food, a bar, a range of overnight accommodation and camping in the grounds. The Kennedy Grant Library contains thousands of books and recordings of folklore, customs, traditional folk music, dance and song - an excellent resource for research and study.

For further information email: office@halswaymanor.org.uk


Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA

Victor Prieto Trio
Jazz accordionist is Victor Prieto is involved with the ‘Auction Project’, July 1st to 5th, with Arturo O’Farrill and David Bixler, at Muncie Indiana, Birdland, New York.

The Victor Prieto Trio with vocalist Liliana Araujo perform together on Friday July 11th, 10.30pm, at Terraza 7 Live Music, 40-19 Gleane Street, Elmhurst, New York.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Ken and Mary @ Polka Festival, Ohio – USA

Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions Express
The `Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions Express` band perform on July 3rd, 6pm, at this year’s polka festival at `Germania’ (German Village), 543 South Front Street, Columbus, Ohio.

Ken has over 40 years of music experience, playing the diatonic button accordion and also the tenor banjo, guitar, mandolin, and mandola. He was even bestowed the title “Baron of the Banjo” by Frankie Yankovic. Ken had his own rag/jazz band for many years, playing in and around Ohio as well as performing in the German Pavillon at Disney’s Epcot Center and at the Altstadt Fest in Goslar/Harz, Germany. Mary’s music career has spanned over 30 years, playing both the organ and the piano accordion. She has performed at numerous festivals, banquets, and for parties.

For further information email: kenandmarymusik@yahoo.com


Beaches Accordion Festival, Newfoundland – Canada

Beaches Accordion Festival posterThe annual Beaches Accordion Festival takes place from July 12th until 20th at the Beaches Heritage Centre, Church St, Eastport, Newfoundland.

The daily itinery includes:
Saturday July 12th - Accordion Greats
Wednesday July 16th - Dine and Dance at the S.U.F.
Thursday July 17th - Future of the Accordion
Friday July 18th - Best of Bonavista Bay
Saturday July 19th, 2pm - Salvage Stages, Accordion players in different Fishing Stages; Best of Newfoundland (8 pm)
Sunday July 20th, 2pm - The Gospel Accordion Too
July 14th to July 16th - a series of workshops on step dancing, square dancing and accordion skills will be held over 3 days. More details will be available later.

For further information email: ephs@nf.aibn.com


CT Tango Ensemble ‘Tango Night’, Gauteng – South Africa

CT Tango EnsembleThe CT Tango Ensemble, featuring accordionist Stanislav Angelov, and with vocalist Juan Simon, perform music from their latest CD, ‘Tango Dreams’, on Saturday July 5th, 7pm, at Marks Park Sports Club, Judith Rd, Emmarantia, Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Bindslev Harmonikatræf/Accordion Festival, Bindslev - Denmark

Bindslev Harmonikatræf/Accordion FestivalThe Bindslev Harmonikatræf/Accordion Festival, which takes place at Spurvevej 9, 9881 Bindslev, from July 25th to 27th.

This event usually attracts some 800 accordion players from many different countries, and the festival is visited by about 14,000 people - musicians, folk dancers, locals and tourists.


Those Darn Accordions Mid-West Tour – USA

Those Darn Accordions
Those Darn Accordions have announced details of their August Mid-West Tour. The TDA website will have tour updates.

August 2nd - Winona, Minnesota
August 3rd, 4th - St Louis with The Compton Heights Concert Band, Missouri
August 5th - High Noon Saloon, Madison, Wisconsin
August 6th - OPEN!
August 7th - O'Marro's Public House, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
August 8th - Shank Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
August 9th - FitzGerald's, Berwyn, Illinois

San Francisco's accordion-fueled rock 'n' roll band, TDA, pumps out polkas, rock classics and catchy originals chronicling life in the weird lane. Fronted by singer-songwriter/accordionists Paul Rogers and Suzanne Garramone, TDA promises to forever rearrange your understanding of the accordion. TDA's extreme squeezeboxers mix solid keyboard chops with a groundbreaking use of guitar effects pedals and amps to produce a super-cool sound like nothing you've ever heard emanating from an accordion. Behind the amazing wall of wheeze, drummer Michael Messer and bass player Lewis Wallace anchor the band, providing a firm foundation upon which the manic TDA accordionists can layer huge slabs of sonic mayhem.

For further information email: tda@thosedarnaccordions.com


Djordje Gajic ‘Accordion Summer School’, Glasgow - UK

Djordje GajicAn Accordion Summer School takes place at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 100 Renfrew Street, Glasgow G2 3DB, August 4th to 8th. The course runs from Monday to Friday, 10am – 5pm, and the cost is £225. The course involves both individual and ensemble work. The teacher is Djordje Gajic. Full details of the course are now available on the RCS website.

Djordje Gajic, from Serbia, graduated from the Russian Academy of Music in 1993. He has won many international competitions, including the Grand Prix, France, in 1987, and the CMA Trophee Mondiale in 1988. He has made several TV and radio broadcasts, and has performed with the Russian State Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Yvgeny Svetlanov, and performed many solo recitals throughout Europe. Currently, Djordje is an accordion lecturer at the Royal Conservatoire and at St Mary’s Music School.

For further information email: shortcourses@rcs.ac.uk


New and Updated Sites

Roman Jbanov Releases CD and eTracks Album - Russia

Duo Paris Moscou CD coverRoman Jbanov has released this CD and eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Duo Paris Moscou', catalog: jroman104

with sound samples. Music performed by Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov


Zhang Guoping Releases eTracks Album - China

Zhang Guoping Accordion Solo CD coverZhang Guoping has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Accordion Solos', catalog: guoping01

with sound samples. Music performed by Zhang Guoping.


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